How To Drive a Trailer on the Outer Banks 4x4

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hello this is Edwards and Twitty and company and we're just here doing a short video about bringing a trailer to the 4 by 4 beaches we've been seeing a lot of them around the office sitting here for the week more people just asking about it because you might be thinking hey I got all my people in the car but how do we get our stuff here and sometimes ringing something like Yuma or just bringing a trailer you might have around the house would be a great idea and we want to show you how to do it if you decide to bring one okay so when you bring your trailer to the Outer Banks and this is this is my trailer for demonstration there's nothing on it obviously but it does weigh about 2,500 pounds so it's a heavier trailer than most anything you would probably be bringing here and wait this truck down a little bit I can feel it when I'm pulling it which is rare for this truck so first thing you want to do is make sure the air pressure is low and the truck as well as the trailer tires the trailer tires getting air down is the most overlooked thing we have happen these tires typically hold about 80 pounds I've got them around 15 right now 15 or 18 you just want them to to be how squished out like they are that's the most important thing because if you don't air down those trailer tires then it's just like pulling an anchor and the truck also I have the trucks tires at a lower pressure than I even normally run them with they're just below 15 pounds in the back and about 18 to 20 pounds in the front and for this truck that's a little lower than I normally run now I will say you definitely want to have the appropriate vehicle to pull the trailer with as well as the appropriate trailer you don't want a trailer that's going to be one to two inches off the ground which we don't normally see most trailers are fine but you you definitely want to look at how it's hooked up some people will bring a trailer or a vehicle and when they hook it up to the trailer the tongue of the trailer might be way down here you don't want that because it's going to be digging into the ground or they might have their hitch way up to high to where the back of the trailer is going to drag the ground so you want to bring an appropriate vehicle I would rather see people bring a full-size truck like you know an f-150 a Chevy Silverado expedition Tahoe vehicles like that but you can bring up a vehicle like an explorer but you don't want too much trailer for your vehicle but that's that's the same thing on the road as well as the beach you don't want to be pulling too much trailer from wherever you're coming from either so just that's that's my caution to you make sure you bring the appropriate vehicle to pull the appropriate trailer so the reason one of the reasons I wanted to do this video today is I don't know if you can tell from us going up and down but we're going about 8 miles an hour and I can't go very much faster because the beach is so rough today just got deep tracks just up and down so it's about as bad as it beaches you would have pulling a trailer and you know it's driving fine I am in 4-wheel Drive I don't think I would have to be right now in fact I'll take it out just for fun but yeah the trucks driving fine that I actually don't really feel the trailer much except when I'm hitting these bumps and everything's cruising along good and if you if you are bringing a trailer and you feel like it's really struggling or if you're driving a truck a full-size truck and you're getting some axle hop where the whole thing is shaking then definitely just stop and air the tires down more sometimes even two to three pounds five pounds going lower in the each tire will make a huge difference but other than that you shouldn't feel like you've got to drive real fast you ought to be able to just cruise along this trailer doesn't really track in line with my truck it's nice if the trailer tires following the same track this trailers a little wider so it eats away like any other day the trailer one fine like I said earlier this trailer Fivefinger Oh Oh I great
Channel: Twiddy & Company Vacation Rentals
Views: 27,317
Rating: 4.6444445 out of 5
Keywords: outerbanks, obx, Carova Beach (City/Town/Village), Corolla (City/Town/Village), Outer Banks (Island Group), 4x4, Off-road Vehicle (Automotive Class), towing
Id: 4wDeaTwDPqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 21 2014
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