How To Drive A MANUAL - (The Secret To Never Stalling)

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[Music] what's up everybody so today's video we are gonna go over how to drive a manual transmission vehicle commonly known as a stick shift car so why do you wanna learn how to drive a stick shift honestly they are a lot more fun this is my 2016 Nismo 370z as a sports car with a manual being that I can actually control the transmission it just makes it to where I can completely control all the aspects of the vehicle and as they fun to drive sports car it just opens up the experience of driving a sports car and modern automatics are actually faster and performance settings more efficient more practical for daily driving and a lot easier to find than stick shifts however a manual car is fun and it is an awesome skill to have and once you drive one it is really hard to go back so this video is for the complete novice you've never driven a stick shift car you might have never even sat in one for me riding dirt bikes my entire life the clutch and shifting stuff was pretty familiar when I was 16 picking out my first car I wanted a manual no matter what when my dad and I went to test-drive a scion tc first time ever driving a stick shift I drove it pretty well just because I had the dirt biking experience so if you've never had any type of experience like that hopefully you can meet it with a friend or someone with a manual car so they can help you learn how to drive one so yeah this video is for the novice we're going to start from the beginning and get you rolling so starting off with the basics of this car there are some things in here that the automatics do not have so you got to learn what this car has to offer so starting with the pedals you pedal on the far right is your gas pedal just like your normal car you operate that with your right foot be one right in the center that is your brake pedal just like a normal car and you'll be using both the brake and the gas with your right foot the new pedal is the one all the way on the left that is called your clutch pedal you basically use your left foot push it all the way down and then you release it so when you press the clutch pedal all the way down you're basically disconnecting the spinning of the engine from the rear wheels the car's not going to move when you let the clutch back out there now connect it again and the engine spinning will then spin your rear wheels so next up on the list is the actual gear shifter this is where they get those terms stick shift from it's kind of a stick and it is used to shift the vehicle now whatever car you're in there's probably going to be an indicator where the gears are you can see how first is always to the left and forward up and then straight back his second up a little bit to the right and forward his third all the way back is forth and then very important is your neutral neutrals when you can put this shifter left and right and if you actually look at it neutral is this line right here I mean you're first learning just really look at this H right here first a second little neutral third to fourth and most cars whenever you push it into the neutral position it always goes into the center left and right so now start the car most cars you have to push your clutch pedal all the way in press the start button car starts right up and what I like to do make sure you're in neutral again let off the clutch now we're just holding you brake is always going to be on and whenever I'm in a new manual car I really like to give it a little bit of gas in neutral - just rev the engine to see how much input I put on the gas pedal and what the actual engine response to that is they're just giving it so just give it a little bit of gas so I'm familiar with how it reacts so now before we actually drive the car we're gonna play with the gears a little bit we're gonna push the clutch all the way down grab the shifter put it into that first gear position pull it back into second up a little to the right forward in the third back to fourth now we'll just pop it back in neutral I can do that so go ahead let off the clutch so we now have a pretty good idea how we're gonna shift and what the clutch pedal feels like when you push it in when you actually push in the clutch if you slowly do it you can feel how in the center of it it gets really heavy almost like there's a bulge in it and then when you get all of it to the floor it's a little bit lighter as I slowly let it out it's kind of easy now it's pushing at my foot a little bit and then now it's easy again so that bulge you're feeling that's what we're gonna call the bite point that's actually when the clutch is engaging itself which means the engine of the transmission are actually starting to connect to each other so I'm gonna go ahead and push the clutch all the way down for my right foot on the brake take the emergency brake off put it over into first gear so now if I let off the clutch we're gonna start moving so I need to do something so we don't stall and so we don't do anything crazy so my foot off the brake now all I'm gonna do is slowly let my foot off the clutch very slowly and I'm watching the tachometer very carefully and right now it kind of started dipping down and you can see that the car was actually moving I haven't even touched the gas yet I am I flat ground definitely start this on flat ground so I'm gonna do that again and just give it a little bit of gas to keep the RPM around 1000 which is the one on that technology might rpms are dropping just gonna keep those revs up a hair Hey look at that we're moving now we're moving in first gear so we're now around 2,000 rpm just cruising now to shift I'm gonna put my foot all the way on my clutch again pull it back in the second gear just like when we were starting I'm gonna give it just a little bit of gas just to keep the RPMs up so first gear clutch in second a little bit of gas let off that clutch pedal and now we are rolling in second gear now second gear if you're gonna parking lot which I recommend you be in a parking lot to start this you can kind of drive around 15 20 miles an hour and I get familiar with how it's gonna feel and then now as we go for another up shift we're going into the third so a little forward to the right of hair and then forward up into third clutch in up to the right forward little gas slowly left back flush and we're rolling in third so if you watch the gas pedal very carefully so my foot is now touching the gas pedal I'm not actually pushing I'm just touching it and then that's all the input we're giving it so you can barely see the gas pedal is only going down maybe a centimeter and yeah the RPMs are getting up to about 2,000 you want to keep it under the 2000 mark no need for anything more than that and then with a clutch pedal again it's already in it's just a very slow movement all the way out and what you can actually do as you're letting off the clutch pedal when it gets to the halfway mark and the RPMs are dipping you can hold it there for just a little bit as you give it a little bit more gas and then continue that super slow all the way out release so now we're gonna start again you brake is down clutch pedal is all the way down over to the left forward into first gear as soon as I let my foot off the brake slowly let off the clutch as soon as the RPMs start dipping just a little bit give it just a hint of gas if you do start this going downhill you don't even need to give it gas at all and in most cars like this sometimes you just don't even need gas at all so slowly letting off that clutch pedal the cars rolling keep the RPMs at about a thousand right we're going about five miles an hour clutch in second gear little gas slowly let off that clutch pedal clutch in to third gear same story all right so we are gonna get back on this straight go into fourth gear for the first time now so fourth gear of course you're gonna be going a little bit higher speed as you get onto a main road fourth gear so now we're gonna downshift we're gonna go now into third gear going down from a high to a low gear as I come up to a turn clutch in put in third give it a little bit more gas this time and let off the clutch pedal so back in the fourth year I'm at a thousand rpm if I go to third the rpms will naturally be higher because it's a lower gear so I want up and put it up to about 1500 rpm let my foot off the clutch and I kind of rep matched now what a rug matches you don't need to get too much into that right now this is just the basic video of how to drive one of these cars but just keep in mind whenever you're down shifting into a lower gear you want the RPM maybe 500 more than what it was just so it's not a jerky downshift so I'm going about 2,000 rpm in third gear so I'm gonna put that up to about 2500 rpm and go all the way down to second gear and just like that we've now downshift it a second all right so now we're gonna get on a little bit more of a road and actually get some speed going first gear giving it gas as a little effects watch [Music] [Music] now we're coming up to a turn I gonna be slowing down with a break put my foot in second gear give it a little gas letting off the clutch all right so the next step is now Hill starting starting on a hill is pretty sketchy the first time especially when you have a car behind you because as you would imagine if you let off the brake you roll backwards now that can be pretty scary if there's a car behind you of last thing you want to do is roll into another car that's just a horrible way to start the day so a hill starting is very important there are different ways you can do it some are more of a cheater way to do it but still effective and then we'll get to the actual age of us to do it so start on the hill we're gonna start with the easiest way to do it clutch in as always first gear we're gonna take the e brake hold the little button in that way doesn't lock so if you keep it held in and what you're gonna do take your foot off the brake you can feel the car settle on the e brake I let it off we roll back so keeping that up I'm gonna do the exact same thing that I've been doing a little bit of gas as I let off the clutch it's starting to pull so I'm gonna take the e brake off and we started no rolling back that was super easy to do so the next way to do it we're gonna kind of do it about the same way but we're gonna be using the foot brake so clutch in first gear I'm gonna keep my foot on the brake I'm gonna slowly let off the clutch just like normal and as soon as the RPMs drop we're gonna hold the clutch at that point to where the rpms are just kind of dropping but not going any lower and then we're gonna take our foot from the brake put it on the gas and continue that process so slowly letting off the clutch you can feel the engine bogging give it some gas and then continue that and I don't think we rolled back at all that was very minimal if anything at all so now the third way to do it is the real way you're gonna end up doing it once you learn more how to drive one of these it's just a quicker motion of off the clutch onto the gas and off the brake so clutch in put it in first gear I'm gonna go ahead and let off the brake and quickly do that process of letting off the clutch and giving a gas now I roll back more that time than the other two but the cool thing about it is as much as it looks like I'm rolling back a lot most likely I only rolled back maybe six or seven inches felt like a foot or two but most cases as long as you do it in the same fairly quick motion you're not really gonna roll back and cause any damage now as we come to a stop light which we're about to do you don't want to just go ahead and put it in neutral and coast all the way down I'm in fourth gear I can keep it in gear for quite a while I'm slowing down I'm at 20 miles an hour right now I'll go ahead and put it into neutral at about 15 and roll up to the stop so you don't really need to you know Coast all the way from a high speed just because that does take the control out of the vehicle you can leave it and I'd say fourth gear until like 15 miles an hour once you're at 15 you can go ahead and pop it into neutral now just like normal giving us some more gas to get up to speed now one thing interesting with a manual car if you've noticed that at all you don't actually need to go in the consecutive gear you don't have to go from first to second third fourth fifth to six so sometimes I'm in fourth gear and I'm already up to 50 miles an hour that's the speed limit I can just go ahead and push the clutch in forward a little bit over and down into six and just let the clutch like normal can you do that though you need to do it a little bit slower just because you need the RPMs to fall a little bit lower for that really high gear so I think just to keep in mind whenever you're doing is shift up shifting and down shifting you always want the RPM to be around where it should be just because whatever whatever gear you're in is gonna be a different rpm so as I downshift again go into fifth gear just give it a little bit of gas and as I got off the clutch that's enough time for the engine to actually match the speed so now we'll take a look at that from both angles little gases that let off the clutch more gas input to get to speed [Music] now we'll go all the way around his 6th slowly doing it that time so the RPM can drop a little bit more so now one thing with a manual car it will not shift unless I do it so right now I'm going kind of slow in 6th gear actually as I go uphill I need more power so I need a downshift sludge in little gas down into fifth and now I need to get a little bit lower than that so flush in give it a little gas down into fourth and when you do that basically you're giving a little blip of gas just like that nothing crazy 500 rpm and then also once you do let off the clutch you want to do give us some gas as well [Music] so I think that about sums up how to drive a manual transmission car the overall thing about these cars they are so much fun there's a lot of driver engagement with it whenever you're in it it's not a boring experience I mean you can be in a fun to drive sports car but with an automatic you just takes out some of that fun factor that makes the car always fun all the time and with this car it's a really good performing vehicle has a lot of power handles really well on the track in the mountains and being that I can control the shifts I just get to control the car and that makes the car so much more worth driving and as you start driving you manual more and more you'll really learn how to do it better you'll figure out how to upshift quicker how to downshift smoother and it really all boils down to this similar principle of letting off that clutch very slowly so as long as you're really cautious with the this motion right here just getting that vibe of how to do that they'll do it very smoothly and like I said I should get more and more into how to drive this down shifting you look pretty easy right matching yourself will become second nature to you and the better you're getting with this car the more fun you're going to have in it quicker shifts and it would just be a super fun car to drive something that is not what you see every day so hope you guys enjoy the video hope you guys learn something new and now for those of you who have never driven one of these cars hopefully you've learned enough skills to where you can hop in a manual and have a little bit of fun so be sure to hit the thumbs up if you enjoyed the video smash that subscribe button down below so thanks for watching and we'll see you all next video [Music]
Channel: Bros FOURR Speed
Views: 2,745,160
Rating: 4.931499 out of 5
Keywords: how to drive manual, learn to drive manual, nismo 370z, learn to drive stick in the 370z, first time driving manual, streetspeed717 learn to drive manual, vehicle virgins learn to drive manual, how to hill start in a stick shift, how to rev match in a manual, how to drive a manual car, learning to drive a manual car, manual, stick shift, how to manaul, manual driving tutorial, stick shift tutorial, the secret to driving a manual, nismo 370z test drive, nissan 370z driving test
Id: yB0o4Cmf_u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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