How to draw wolves! -basics- (me rambling)

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hi it's been a while but I've been asked multiple times how to draw Wolf's or drag dragons and the thing is it's kind of the same technique and it's it's based around how to how to sketch in general so today I'm going to focus more on Wolf's and I'm also going to draw while speaking so that will be exciting and very new for me so yeah I'll start right off and it's always good to observe first and try to replicate so if we look at reference we can then take that information and simplify it which is basically how you sketch so in its basics for basic forms you usually have and that's how I learned it so there are multiple ways to learn it but how I started off with drawing Wolf's it would be a circle forehead circle for ribcage and you can either do another third circle for the hips or just the box maybe because you see there is not really a really much roundness there but either way it will give you a help to find the right proportion proportions and relations to different body parts and you would connect them with the spine and I usually go from the top of the heads not the bottom of the heads and also top of the back and then here would be where the tail goes continues then for the limbs I would usually start the shoulders at the front of the rib cage and you can immediately to a more complex shape or start off with really a stick figure and it would be sort of lightening shape so shoulder upper arm and the other part of them and then the feet there are many different ways to simplify the forms so and the way you simplify it will also influence the style you will develop so it's important to experiments to find the styles or forms that you are most comfortable with so I'm saying so very often but the next part is the hind legs and you can see here at muscles they start right at the top already and the bones have this weird relation but I usually simplify it with the muscle part instead of this kind of we're in the middle nests of the hips and again with a sort of lightning shape and at the beginning you might find that it's difficult to find the right angles the right proportions the right sizes and the thing there is I learned it by repetition and trial and error that might take a while and there are some tricks you can learn for example that's the shoulder and the direction of the shoulder line and the underarm line if there's something often try to make them parallel to each other the same goes for the hind legs if there's something that looks wrong then try to make it make them parallel there are of course other ways the body can move but at the beginning you might have trouble to draw these poses [Music] so yet at some points you will find that you don't need to draw to draw every single shape in its total form for example you see me sketch more like squiggly lines and more organic shapes and for me that's easier to then find the right proportions and size of shapes of the different body parts plus that way I can it's easier to make the poses more dynamic if I put more squiggly lines in it so yeah it's helpful to look at reference for example if you don't really know how to draw the muscles you can look at a simple Anatomy picture I found it really quickly on Google Google Image Search can k9 muscles dog muscles and if you for example just draw over over it you can find you can try to finds the main lines in the muscles so there is diagonal lines all over the place though you don't have to look up reference all the time it's also helpful to learn to improvise your poses that's mostly the way I have learned it I would look sometimes at videos explaining or deconstructing shapes forms techniques and later on I would try to integrate it in my drawing process and if something didn't work I would repeat erase and repeat it until it's somehow looked right that way you will develop your instinct or your your gut feeling about where things are supposed to be placed and even with the weirdest unrealistic poses you will know roughly where things should be if it were possible for a dog to move that way and the thing about art style is also there are many different ways to draw or simplify certain details of all kinds of animals or humans and the way you can develop your own style is to well first prize out yourself but also you can look at other peoples art for reference the detail the most important detail there is that you shouldn't do it you shouldn't look at only one person's art so if you're going to look up how to draw paws for example don't just stay with one artists try to find as many arches that's their art style you like and try to mix it up in your own arch try to find out why they used the certain details or what details they didn't draw and try to experiment to see if you like to draw that way as well whatever yeah so these are roughly I think I didn't miss anything but this is roughly how or I started to learn the basic forms of dogs or wolves the thing is if you look at reference photo for wolves it's a bit difficult to really find out where things end and where things start since they're there pelt is very thick and very for example you wouldn't really know where to bones or where what's kind of neck is that how is the bones turning there and if you don't really know much about Anatomy that's maybe not a good place to start so you can look at other species for better reference for the muscles for example because I usually visualize muscles and bones when I'm sketching the fur is only a additional part that comes later like here and a bit here sometimes and I also don't always call the things I draw a wolf since I don't really use real list I don't always use realistic and out of me or attributes that wolves have so they're usually simply canines for example I used to draw my hind legs because in a different way than realistic dog legs because I simply didn't know how to so I simply added human anatomy on dog legs and so human legs on dogs that was one way to for me to improvise my anatomy and you can do that as well if you want to simply you simply shouldn't then call them exactly the species they could have been or something like that and that kind of improvisation will also help with drawing non fictional characters or species so I will now also go a bit more in detail on the head since that's one of the main features many difficulties maybe the main spot for details and I usually always start even with the more rough shapes are used for sketching I always start with a circle it helps the symmetry if you draw them from the front with the cross in the middle and again with the spacing of things of the eyes the nose ears that can be something that you will get used to in the long run but I'll try to break down my kind of thinking so for canines the head is very boxy so even if I start with a circle I will end up using only angle angles and sponsors and edgy points maybe a little bit of round at the chin but that's about it and there was also a point where I used to draw or I still sometimes to do I draw the top of the heads completely flat and only adds like the eyebrow thingy to make it a little bit less flat since it can sometimes look nice if the eyebrow which is very discrete but that that's a detail you can change up as well you can change the angle make it more like like as now it comes up from plate-like face that goes that looks like it's very wide in its cheek fur or you can do it like I said all flat it's all it all will influence the way you [Music] the way the style will look at the end and for the eye I usually place it right beneath the eyebrow edge and the thing there is there is again many different styles like you can make cartoonish eyes to add expression or you can try to make it as realistic as possible I like to include the change of angle in the eyes so if you draw humans from the side you'll use near to the eyes like this so with canines it may be less extreme but the same principle applies as well so instead of drawing a flat eye shape like as if it's from front like if you see here I would draw them like this from the front but from the side I would try to include that sides view that side angle [Music] so yeah like I said proportions and distance ins distances between things you'll have to experiment with different versions and try to find what feels right for you I usually go for diamond shapes in the heads and cheek and things like that because those shapes will then help me to find the right placement for the ears so if I draw I'd like this with a flat top on the head it would be very clear for me that's the us go somewhere around here maybe a bit broader depends on the design of the character or the style I want to go for the specific picture and to find the eyes and the nose if it's flat a frontal view I wouldn't descend the snout outside of the circle of the head or at least not too much and the eyes would be well like I said the distances is something that must be felt out I still struggle sometimes to finds the right proportions and sometimes have to change around a lot of things before finding it and for a view from the top I instead of doing a circle I usually would do more a box like shape the ears would be only rectangle since they're like cutoff cones and from the top you would only see the tip of it of them or the base so again with the idea that the head is kind of plate that the snout is coming out from I would do the same with the top view that it's kind of the cheek fur makes the plate and this note goes out from it there and here you can also play with the narrowness or the width of the face so for example if you make it more point it would be more like a fox head instead of a wolf's head and little changes in proportions will make it look like different species so like I said I usually avoid calling my creatures wolf since I don't specifically reference that species all the time and another detail that I really like to feature in my drawings are the teeth so again reference is important to at least look at and try to memorize the general shapes you don't have to right off the bat know all the details or the names or every single placement but yeah so I would simplify it with front teeth being more like one line the cane the main canine teeth would be roughly in the middle of the front muzzle thing I don't know the technical terms but this part and then [Music] the the other teeth I really should should have looked up the technical terms but they're more triangular or like three three triangles in one row connected with it which with each other and again you can stylize them if you want to but before you stylize and change up the rules it's always good to be familiar with the realistic kinds before you start making up your own it will help you in the end and of course you can go the other way around that you start with stylizing your teeth or any detail and later on learn correct realistic ways I think most people go that way around instead of here immediately starting with realistic stuff and from the front yeah I try to exaggerate some things for example like I don't think the teeth are very curved but in realism but it makes for a more striking image so yeah exaggeration should be applied if you want to emphasize something you can also just exaggerate for the sake of stylization but it can be helpful to know what to make bigger or smaller to add to the picture so I would always draw the canines a little bit bigger than realistic like if you see here it's tiny in comparison if I were to draw them like this and you can draw the front teeth relatively flat if you yeah well I've also done separates sort of tutorial about how I draw my teeth or snarling dogs in general I linked them in the description and you can check that out as well I might have gone through some details there that I didn't include here and the pause or another thing that might be a bit difficult and for the longest time I really didn't know what to do with them I would usually draw them something like this first and I guess you could think a bit like a hoof that's like you you know that horses technically technically walk on their toes so it's this kind of angle that's instead of the poor going immediately to the ground in an right angle it's a bit slanted and it kind of looks like man I don't know their pores aren't all flat like this when they walk that's basically all I'm saying and then for the toe parts I would simply draw them in front like from the side you would mostly see two of them I think and for me Franz you'd see four and then again I would do a kind of a dome shape triangular shape and then cuts and pieces of like so the thumb is yeah it doesn't really matter where you placed them I think no one will notice if it's too high or too low and on the backsides they don't have it though I think yeah yeah what else I simply continue drawing a bit with the muscles and such well yeah if I would do an even more simplified shape again from the beginning it would be circle circle circle or box top of the shoulders top of the legs shoulder blades arm piece another piece wrist flat of the hand maybe and toes then again shoulder arm or wrist thingy toes maybe a triangle shape here as well leg heel like this is I think it was man's said that the heel goes at the dog like this and toes triangular shape leg heel toes spine tail next fine piece ears mother so that's the stick figure of a wolf you could call it the skeleton of your drawing and how you add detail is all up to you and the style you want to go for an advice with fur for example would be don't draw zig zags that are the same shape all along I look up some reference and again it can be a bit difficult to stylize from real life directly so again it's not bad to look at other artists or as long as you look at multiple artists and don't just copy from one's a single one so well I simply put it in here so if you now look at three parts here you can see general shapes in the way the firm moves and you can use similar directional flows in your health as well like even in the rest of the body there are different parts that don't really belong to the muscles or the skeleton at all but simply are the wait for flows so if I were to draw a Mane or a pelt I would usually start with those simplified forms to know the main movements that the first should go in so I usually go for something like this and like this and if I were to add details and singular strong strands I usually go for smooth smooth neck bit and then for underneath and I would usually avoid making it all fur like all fluff and includes small bits of smoothness but of course that's a style choice you can add small strands of fur at every piece of the way but it's still in my opinion a more appealing look when the fur alternate needs and of course it also depends on how much patience you have and how much detail you you want to include in your artwork so even in the singular strands it can make more appealing look if you clump together certain fur parts and then draw a single stands like randomly yeah and then again you could add fur at any place you want extra fluff stuff so this was all mostly sketching and a little bit of detail oh yeah and for the pause this of course those details as well I completely forgot to add that and there again you can go in different levels of detail like some people includes the bony part of the toe as well like if you look at the reference it would be bone nail and something like this I drew on the picture but yeah so in my opinion it's good to draw not just muscles and not just for a bit also a bit of the bony parts since as you can see wolves aren't all fluff and dogs in general usually have alternating just like humans there are parts where you can see the outline of the bone more clearly and sports that are completely hidden between all the other stuff well in any case that initial sketching the skeleton structure now this structure you can apply this to any creature any animal any thing you want to draw so when you're asking about how to draw wolves and Dragons it's basically the same technique and of course with reference for dragons of course you can mix together and not me stop stuff like you could use for the winged porch simply the wings of birds or bats or you can invent your own like simply adding another arm and having hand a hand go like this from something like that I again used my own style of sketching but in the more controlled way would be circle chest circle head circle chest hips spine spine tail and then it depends if you want to have a winged dragon with only wings and hind legs or if you also want to have it be four legs here again I use same thing with the brow Ridge being just above the eye and you could just use similar details to the wolf or any kind of creature yeah if there's anything that I've missed or glanced over anything you want me to go more in detail about I like I said I'm not very used to drawing while talking and there is there might be something that I completely forgot to talk more about so yeah let me know if there's anything you want to hear more about yeah and thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Remarin
Views: 94,983
Rating: 4.9716725 out of 5
Keywords: how to, draw, drawing, sketching, how, to, wolves, wolf, canine, dog, english, breakdown, tutorial, sketch, digital, photoshop, basic, explanation, learn
Id: 3i9JLjuolOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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