How to Draw in Perspective for Beginners

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hey everyone this is away and welcome back let me go over some basic key points and perspective because it's actually very important to be able to visualize the 3d space in whatever it is that you draw so let's get started and i'll talk about the process along the way all right let's go over some basic stuff for perspective and you know perspective can be a pretty complicated but for general drawing you know you really don't need that much knowledge on it so just let me show you the basic stuff that you know everyone should probably know a little bit on perspective so with perspective um you always start out with a horizon line okay so i'm just going to start this is what they call the horizon line and basically this is your kind your eye level like if you look really far away you know this is kind of what you see at your eye level it's kind of like looking now into the ocean right you see the horizon line so with this horizon line um this is i'm going to start out with a one point perspective so this is the the most simple uh simple perspective that you can get so it's just one point so basically one point means that you're going to have one point on the horizon line and then if you create these lines like this you know now you're getting perspective coming from this one point here so with these lines let's say you want to just draw like a box so with these perspective lines you can actually do let's just say something like this okay and these all these lines right here will be parallel to the horizon so there's only really um the all the perspective line is going in one direction okay so we can do so all these lines are parallel and this is kind of like perpendicular right so it's perpendicular to the horizon so this is what they call one point perspective and if you want to visualize this box you know let's say a little bit better uh very useful i'm going to draw the back of this so these lines will be connecting all the way all the way to that point so this would be the back of the box and why am i drawing this back of the box because it's uh you know in drawing in general it's always good to be able to visualize things behind so that's why um i'm just kind of drawing this just for the just for the heck of it okay so this would be a one point perspective so this is the most basic form and let's move on to two point perspective so let's see let's draw the horizon line again okay so with two points perspective that's what it is it's just two points so instead of one i'm gonna have two okay so let's just connect these lines a little bit just draw some guidelines you know okay i'm gonna do another one here and what this gives you it's you know cut it's kind of like a three-dimensional grid now right like instead of just parallel lines now we actually have um two perspective lines so let's say you want to do a box and i'm just gonna take one of these lines for example so let's draw let's draw like a smaller one since we're here so let's say this would be the let's say the top of the box was a little bit smaller now these lines are still vertical okay so these are still perpendicular to the horizon so i'm just gonna let's let's make this as the base of the box and then let's connect this okay so with two points perspective now what you're getting is some it's a little bit more realism there's a little bit of warping right because you know this is kind of a very wide angle because the uh the uh the vanishing points here are fairly close together so you're gonna get like a very wide angle so this this thing almost looks like it's being distorted okay so let's say we're gonna draw the back of this well actually the back is gonna be this is still vertical okay so this would be your two points perspective compared to this being the one point perspective so we see how simple this is compared to this right but this one feels a lot more you know just three-dimensional in general all right so let's add one more and this is what they call a three-point perspective and it's actually not that useful uh for general purpose drawing because it's a little bit too complicated so just let me go over real quick so here's two points right two vanishing points right here so we have these great lines let's just make a couple of lines where you can see and i'm just kind of going over this um just so i can show you so you have a little bit of knowledge on three point perspectives i i don't really use this as much at all um all right so with three point there's gotta be another point and i'm gonna put it right at the bottom here okay so i'm gonna make some lines here and this kind of stuff perspective would be good if you're doing like you know like a bird's eye view you know maybe it's standing on top of a building or something uh so let's just say i want to do a little box and this would be the base okay so let's just do this i'm just going to use this this is the going to be the bottom actually this could be the top right let's do the top then all right so with three point perspective you know here let's say this is a rooftop right so this is two points and then uh with three point we're going to add in this point here so now we got to follow these lines so instead of having a vertical you know whereas we have in the the two point perspective at one point everything was it was vertical this one's actually going to move down to the point here too so these are going to give you these lines right here okay and then let's just say the bottom is gonna be here so make a relatively flat uh cube okay so we connect that all right and then here for the back we can do so this would be like this this would be like this and then this point here here actually this is a little bit off sorry so actually would be here so if i have had a ruler i can probably you know when you it'll be more accurate but overall that's it's close enough so with three points perspective you know now you get this very you know dramatic perspective but in general we we don't use this a lot because with drawing it's just this is a little bit too complicated and seriously if you want to do something like this there are better ways to lay out this kind of perspective and that's and actually you know using 3d programs it's a lot easier so overall so this will be your one point perspective and this is very simple when you're drawing you probably want to make it a little bit more complicated at this and two-point perspective and this is you know probably the perspective that you want to use when you're drawing because there's a it's just a lot more dynamic you know when whenever um when there's kind of you know multiple angles going on and then three-point perspective yeah you know it's good to know but generally we really don't use this much at all all right so to practice this kind of um perspective obviously when we're drawing you know we generally don't put these perspective lines because it's just a little bit uh too much of a hassle right so let's say you want to draw a box freehand you know it's very good to practice this kind of stuff let's say i'm gonna i'm just gonna do a free hand i'm gonna do kind of like a little bit of a two-point perspective and i'll show you why you know you kind of have no you kind of want to do this kind of stuff freehand as opposed to working with vanishing points so it basically you know with the vanishing points you see with this box if i extend these you know these will pretty much go off the paper i mean there's no this you know the vanishing point is too far away right because the the perspective is not that steep so you kind of want to practice doing these kind of um boxes and just kind of trying to visualize that all these it's going to go into a you know that vanishing point and you want to be able to do that kind of you know semi-convincingly so that you know kind of like what i'm doing here is not super accurate but it's kind of good enough right you feel like it is a box i mean if you're doing like a like a box and you end up doing something like i don't know you know something like that you know then something is weird right it looks like it's warped so get into a habit of just kind of roughing in lines you can even just do like a simple just a little square on the floor right and just try to visualize these lines going back like this one's a little bit steeper and then this one so that's why when you're drawing you know you you generally don't want to draw a line and stop you know with linear lines just just kind of just go over it you know let it let it go past you you'll pass what you want to draw and that's really helpful in trying to visualize that way you can visualize the perspective right because once you extend the lines then you're going to be able to see oh you know that this is not correct right or the angle is wrong so like if i do something like this and now we know you know this this line doesn't make any sense right because this two is converging here and these two are going back more so it's just i mean there's really no way around it it's just trying to get yourself used to drawing boxes just you know very loose just try to just keep doing this kind of stuff so this is almost like a tic-tac-toe and then you know once you have that then if it looks correct and you can okay i'm gonna make it a little bit harder putting those harder lines so that's that's some ways of practicing you know trying to visualize all these lines going into a single point all right so that's your uh quick and quick and dirty and perspective and it's very simple you know just just kind of practice this kind of stuff and things will become natural and when you know later on when whatever you draw you know you're going to be able to visualize these kind of bounding boxes around objects and it will give your drawing a lot more you know realistic dimensionality to it so that you know it doesn't end up looking all warp so uh hope you guys enjoy this little quick lesson in perspective and if you do please do give me a thumbs up and i will see you next time
Channel: Art of Wei
Views: 1,906,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to draw perspective, how to draw a box, drawing in perspective for beginners, step by step perspective drawing, how to draw buildings, drawing landscapes, one point, two point, three point perspective, what is the horizon line, what is the vanishing point, lines to vanishing point, basic lessons for beginners, drawing tutorial, how to draw with pencil, graphite pencil lessons, pencil techniques, shading tutorial, steadtler pencils, guidelines for perspective
Id: Xn_0wEwZNEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2016
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