How To Draw An Owl Stack Folding Surprise (with Mrs. Hubs)

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hey mrs humps what are we gonna draw today the cutest owl stack ever ever yeah when it's folded up it's gonna be one hour but then when you unfold it they're gonna be little owls on top of each other we hope you're gonna follow along with us what do they need for this lesson a paper a marker yeah and something to color with yeah that works i got it you did kind of in a different order but that's okay you know what to do all right let's get started the first thing we're going to do is take the top edge of our paper and fold it down to the bottom edge when it's lined up i always like to fold it right down the middle and then out to the corners makes it a little easier then we're going to take the top flap and fold it back up to the top i think it's fun doing these folding surprises i love these i know you really like the last one we did now let's flip it over and we're going to do the same thing we're going to fold the top the bottom edge up to the top crease it down to the corners okay all right now we're going to take that last fold open it back up because that one's just going to be used as a guide a guideline so that we don't draw below it we're gonna flip over our paper there you go then we're gonna use a piece of scratch paper and put it underneath our drawing paper this is because we're using markers if you're not using markers you don't really need a scratch piece of paper sometimes the marker bleeds through the paper and gets onto the table all right let's start we're first going to draw half of our owl above the fold and the other half of the owl below the fold okay does that make sense yes okay we're going to draw the the beak first we're going to draw a little v in the middle of our paper but above the fold okay then we can connect the top then we're going to draw the eyes i'm going to draw a circle over here on the left side and also over here on the right side same size oh it's going to be cute now we're going to draw a smaller circle inside of that first one we drew this is for the highlight to make their owl eyes look shiny and we're going to color in the big circle but leave the little one white now we're going to draw the outside of the eye we're going to draw another circle i'm going to start on the inside of the first pupil draw a circle that comes out around and then back in this is gonna make our owl look cross-eyed and we're gonna repeat that same step over here but on the other side come out around and then back in yeah good job now let's draw our l head we're going to start here on the beak and we're going to draw a curve that comes under the eye i'm going to get really close to the fold we're going to come around to the other side like this oh this is a fun line to draw come back down get close to the fold down here and then connect up to the beak is that tricky i bet you can do it try it can i do that yeah you can you can do it here we go start there come down to the full then around over the top you're doing it i feel like we're going on a trip yeah road trip can we make it and you made it now we're going to draw the top of our owl's head with the little ears sticking out or the feathers we're going to draw a line that starts here comes down to a point above the beak and then comes out over to the other side okay yeah to a point and then back up you're doing a great job mrs huss we're going to connect that line down to the head and over here on this side too and we can color in these little shapes what's our owl missing a body yeah body let's draw a letter u i'm going to start under the eye come around and connect up to the other eye okay yeah good job now let's draw the feathers on his belly or her belly i'm gonna start here come down and then back up on the other side should we give them some feet draw two smaller u's down here at the bottom so cute and then right in the middle we can draw a little line for the toes all right let's give our owl a branch to sit on okay i'm going to draw a little curve coming out of its foot on the right side and then we'll draw another curve over here on the left side coming out now we can also draw little branches let's draw one line coming up and then we can come back down and let's make another branch sticking out towards the bottom so i'll draw a line coming down back up okay now let's draw the rest of the branch coming across over here and as i get to the other side to get a little thicker towards the end yeah oh that's a cute branch let's add leaves we're gonna draw a curve that comes out and make sure that you don't go above the fold over here okay so this is the top of the leaf and then we can draw the bottom of the leaf coming back in now let's draw a leaf on this branch and draw the top again and then another curve back under for the bottom of the leaf let's draw one more little branch draw a little twig sticking out and then we'll draw the top of the leaf and then the bottom of the leaf also good job thank you we did it oh i love it now that we can unfold our paper now the head is going to be up here at the top and the body's down here at the bottom so let's come down here and we're first gonna finish the owl down here at the bottom okay so let's draw another beak and these steps we're gonna go a little faster because we've already drawn these so we're just repeating the same steps we draw v and then connect the top this owl let's draw his eyes closed so i'm going to draw an upside down u for each eye someone's going to be cute too now we're going to draw that same crazy line when we went on a road trip okay okay all right we're going to start on the left side of the beak we'll come down and we can touch the body line right here and then we're going to curve back around for the top of the head do the same thing over here come down and touch and curve up and connect to the beak yes i love it that's a bigger hair we're going there wow you made it though now before we draw the top of the head let's draw two little feet for the owl that's going to be standing on top of this owl so two little u-shapes okay and then we can also draw that line in the middle for the toes okay now let's draw the ears i'm going to draw these ones kind of curve down since he's stepping on them and i'm going to draw another curve that comes over here and curves down also there you go and then another one you did it now let's connect those into the head and we can color those shapes in also all right let's draw one more owl right here we're going to draw the beak so we'll repeat the same steps i'm going to draw the v and then connect the top if we ever go too fast what can our friends do pause the video yeah you guys can pause the video if you need more time to finish a step then you can connect the top okay let's make this one winking i'm going to draw a sideways v for the left eye and then i'm going to draw a circle over here for the right eye we're going to repeat all those same steps that we did for these eyes up here so let's draw this smaller circle in side then we can color in the big circle but leave the little one white so then we're going to draw a bigger circle that starts here comes around and then connects back in now let's draw the head we'll start on the left side of the beak and we'll draw a big curve that comes around oh this one's going to be maybe a little chubbier now let's draw the little feet for the top owl we'll draw two u shapes oh these are bigger feet it's a teeny owl with big feet then we'll draw a line down the middle all owls are different then let's draw the top of the owl head i'm going to draw this curve right here kind of down and then this one will come up higher because he's winking oh yeah right there you go down to a point and then back over the other eye yeah then we can connect that line in to the head and color in those shapes now let's draw the body for our middle owl we're going to draw the line it comes down oh this is going to be a really tall out oh we should draw the wings coming out too oh i like that let's try a little curves coming down connecting then we can draw the belly so we'll draw another line that comes down and then back up i like this one let's draw the wings we could draw a line a diagonal line that comes out from the body on each side there you go and we can draw little u shapes for the feather so i'm going to draw a u shape that's connected a bunch of them connected until you get down to the body and we'll do that same step over here a bunch of u-shapes kind of looks like water yeah and then same thing on the other side then let's repeat that and draw another one inside of the wing let's draw more use connected to each other all right and then the last thing is to finish the body up here for the top owl so i'm going to start right where the marker yeah you can kind of see the marker above the fold there you go and then we can draw the belly two belly lines that come in oh it's like a little baby one on top oh yeah and we did it we finished drawing our owl stack but we still need to do one more thing what is it color yeah we need to color our drawings gonna look so much better all colored in this part we're gonna fast forward again but at the end you can pause the video to match the same color you ready to fast forward yes [Music] mrs house you did it you finished coloring your drawing it turned out perfect did you have fun i did all right let's show our friends the surprise ready three two one surprise i love it your owls are the cutest and they're my favorite especially this one that's getting squished getting real squishy we use markers to color our drawings but you can use whatever you want to color yours you can also pause the video right now to match the same coloring you could also use your own creativity to add more things in the folding surprise you just want to make sure that you draw them in between the top fold and the bottom fold so that when you fold it up it's hidden and then when you open it you can see the folding surprise we hope you had a lot of fun drawing your owl stacks with us yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun and we'll see you later our friends [Music]
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 559,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, owl, fall, cute, animal, folding surprise, autumn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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