How to Draw a Water Drop With Pencil

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here we won this is way and thanks for joining me here once again now for this exercise I'm going to be shading a water drop on surface and it's a really good exercise for me to show you how you can shave realistically so let's get started and I'll talk about the process along the way all right so let's draw this a little water drop on a surface so I'm just going to draw in the shape here see make sure I'm in frame it's kind of rough in this water droplet okay kind of like curling up a little bit now we don't need to you know go by this reference too much but we just need to know you know how the light works so even though the shape of this water droplet is a little bit different it's okay now for this I am just using a regular print paper just you know your regular paper white and then I'm using it be a graphite so it's kind of almost like you're a number-two pencil and the reason I'm using this lighter pencil is because for realism you kind of want to go a little bit lighter so you don't and really build up the surface and so you know that way you don't make you don't go too dark and kind of mess it up all right so this one I'm just going to sketch in the shape you got a little highlight there and I know it's a little bit different from from the reference but it's okay okay so we want to draw in this because you know this is where the reflection coming from so it's really important and then over here there's another reflection and right here there's another one I'm not sure if I want to do that one or not because there's a lot of stuff going on here all right so let's just I'm going to ignore some of the smaller details okay and then right here this is really important so I'm just going to this is where the shadow is right shadow comes in like this and then there's a little bit of reflection and Ernie here so let's get a shading on this so you can start seeing the result okay so right here it's going to be dark and as you can see for this kind of stuff see how light I'm going is just really light on the pencil I'm barely pushing into it so you kind of have to get used to you know doing these kind of little strokes like this it's basically like that of course now that nice dark right but I'm just kind of showing it to you so if you go light enough you know you just you can shade it really subtle and you will need a lot of hand control with this kind of stuff and I do talk about this things you can do you know to to get this kind of hand control and it does take time I mean it's not um it's not something you can just you know do right off the bat if you haven't enjoying a long time okay so so I'm slowly building it up and I'm also cross-hatching a little bit so I'm going in two different directions I'm trying to tilt my body or I can turn the paper but might be a little bit easier if I keep the paper stationary for the camera okay so right now I kind of got a little base later going on and I can go in for the shadow so the stroke now this is important and I'll keep showing you these little strokes I'm doing you see how I'm shading the shadow is really light and it's almost like a circular shape I'm actually doing this kind of Wiggly shape and that's how I'm shading it so it's kind of like and if you do enough of it it will you know even itself I'll you see how right now of course this one's a little bit messy but if you know if you do it a little bit more careful Lichter it does work and and again it's a slow process I mean it doesn't come out or quickly so you know don't don't get discouraged if you're if you keep doing this and nothing seems to be happening it actually is it's just it's just developing so slowly that you might not be able to see it that quickly okay so right here is dark that's important because this is the shadow right here and the reason why is light right here is because light is entering it is refracting through the air the water drop so it leaves a little kind of bright area right here because it's hitting it again the light is hitting that area again and that's kind of what gives the illusion of this why this thing looks like oh you know water want to drop on the surface so if I want to soften this edge up a little bit you see how I'm doing these Wiggly shapes that is real soft way now I can also smudge it but I might do that later on but let's just you know focus on this Castro because it is actually really good for you to be able to do okay so I'm going to correct the shape a little bit all right so let's get back to this main reflection area right here okay so actually let's make a little bit bigger looks a little odd right now curvature try to keep the curvature - all right so let's go a little bit darker now so I'm going to push down a little bit harder so this in this gradation is very important to for you know to make this look like a water drop so it gets darker up here and then lighter down here oh right and then here that's the surface so that the edge I mean now here's the tricky part in order to make this part of your white you know the surrounding actually needs to be a little bit darker right so I am going to switch to a 2h so this is so you have a B and then you have the HB and then you have the one H and this is a 2h so it's a lot harder okay so if you look at the line quality of this it's very hard and light and this kind of allows you to shade it you know so that it's not too dark it's easier to get really subtle light shading on it onto something so I'm just going to shade this as if I'm kind of darkening the whole surface right where the water is is resting on so as you can see how light it is even though I'm pushing into it paper a little bit it's still very light and that's kind of what I want because I don't want this to be too dark and if I want a darker I could always just go in with it would it be later but I'm just gonna so you know the movement of is basically you know like little cylinder shapes on shading and you can see how that slowly builds it up right not too quickly because you really need to hit you know all the surface the surface of the paper or the tooth so if you do a really harsh line it's you know you're still only covering the small area so that's why when you you know when you draw something and you want it to be hyper realistic it's not hard it's just it just takes time you know you can see how I've got to keep shading shading shading and then now you see how it's uh you know nicely filled in you see how long that took right it's just like I gotta keep doing it doing it switching back and forth you know get a little bit more cross hatching onto it okay so I can actually use this and go in here a little bit but there is another thing given any surface of a paper there's only so much grip to it and if you keep rubbing it with like a really hard pencil like a 2h you know you're going to lose that the surface right the texture you're actually going to rub it off and it's going to be super smooth then and then at that point it gets a little bit harder to actually draw on the surface because it's you know the the to filter the paper is gone so it's not going to hold on to much of your you led you know your your your strokes on top because you it's like drawing on a very smooth surface okay so now I'm back to the B and here I'm hitting it harder because I know this is needs to be dark these very soft strokes and you can see how it's slowly building up right and that's the key slowly building up and the more careful you are the cleaner it is and you know the more hyper-realistic it will be if that is your goal you know I mean I'm not yeah I'm not too crazy about hyper realism but I'm just doing this just to show you how you can do it and you know simple exercise like this is actually so wise for a good demonstration okay all right so this is dark dark dark ghost keeps going up Stark is still dark now adventure I'm going to go a little bit darker and I'm going to part bring india.the to be but let's just push with this to be a little bit more before we hit it because I do want to kind of exaggerate the gradation on this and by exaggerating I'm just going to push the values a little bit more contrast on everything and then you're going to that way you can see it better yeah it's like sometime you just don't want to do exactly what you see in the reference might not be as interesting okay I wasn't looking that's why I hit that spot just let me dab it out whether you racer right now so I don't get too messy okay so it's coming along right let's see this poor boy needs to be darker let me soften this up I think I made this edge this edge a little bit too hard so I'm just going to soften soften it up around okay this top edge why not make it a little bit darker just to give it more contrast right there so that I can pop that white area out and so if I do the background darker it's going to pop that out okay so you can see it's getting there right let's continue on the shadow a little bit more let's pull it a little bit darker to the darker and make this the lighter this will appear and if I end up let's say it's a little bit too dark I want to line it up just get more these erasers and just kind of DAB it yeah you don't want to smear you you never want to smear with a with these kneaded eraser because you end up just making a mess smearing the lid everywhere so just kind of want to dab it like that okay so let's see it's coming along let's push it a little bit more before I bring into the to be pencil so again this is more the shading and I'm going to highlight this edge a little bit so it's really going to pop it out I don't want to heart I don't want to hard edge here too so I need to make a dark I'm going to shade it in and kind of you know spread it out evenly right because it's really not a hard edge it's the contrast between the two that gives it illusion that it that it is a hard edge okay so right here I mean actually I can feel it I don't know how much you can't see it you can feel it I can with the pencil this part right here is getting a little bit slippery you see that little blotch right there right that's a result of just it's just this area's I so shaded and I'm rubbing rubbing so much into it it's actually gone smooth so I gotta be yeah be a little bit careful with that okay so it's actually getting there see this port right here it's bugging me for whatever reason a little bit too hard I'm gonna soften it up smooth it out a little bit okay so let's get my to be and I'm going to push it a little bit more because this will give me a little bit harder edge I'm get darker push that in and this part right here paper is really getting slippery okay push this darker alright and now if I push the top a little bit darker to still make it a little bit more interesting a little bit more contrast hopefully it'll pop it out a little bit more okay so that kinda gives it a little bit more punch right a little bit more emphasis back to the B let's move some of these areas up okay so it's getting there I mean the more I look at it the more you know little things I can see and then it just kind of met a matter of time to get it more more accurate but at the same time not a smoothing out the paper too much we lose all the gripping in the part I can't draw anymore okay so let's see the top area here let's exaggerate that a little bit trying to really pop this edge out yeah it feels a lot better race you like by making this dark now we say the whole head just comes alive let's move it out okay so you see some areas are nicely smooth and it's starting to look more and more realistic and then we get now I'm seeing all these little areas but I'm just have to this that makes a little bit more realistic I see the pubie let's do the shadows a little bit higher a little bit deeper so at this point of the drawing you know I'm not as light out with the pencil because I really have to push it into the paper a little more since everything has you know it's a little bit tone value on everything so I could be a little bit you know a little bit looser I don't have to be so careful anymore see and once in a while I stop and kind of look at the camera image so that allows me to see the whole drawing smaller so I can see everything at clearer at once it's the whole process of zooming out so you can see the full picture and when you do that you can you're going to see like you know what areas this is wrong or a little bit too light or too dark and how it compares to everything else so same thing as you know when you squint your eyes and having a camera there actually helps to so you can see the image full image much smaller okay all right I think that's not bad I mean I could probably clean up things a little bit more but I think you got the idea I don't want to bore you too much by doing the same thing over and over again but you know sometimes drawing just like that you know there's a lot of perspiration right perspiration is that what you call it okay so this edge right here actually pretty light what if I can use this cutting it out a little bit with an electronic eraser that gives a little more bounce that was like okay so I I think you get the idea you know I might push this a little bit more but overall this is pretty much like 90% done I might touch it up off-camera a little bit just to show you a little bit cleaner result but you know just give it a shot and see how it goes and I will see you next time
Channel: Art of Wei
Views: 802,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to draw a water drop, how to draw water drops, how to draw a water drop with pencil, how to draw water drop step by step, how to draw and shade water drop, how to shade a water drop, how to draw with pencil, how to shade with pencil, water drop drawing tutorial, leanr how to draw with pencil, how to draw with graphite pencils, how to shade with graphite pencil
Id: xJ0wbV_knyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2016
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