How To Draw A Rose Step By Step #3

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all right hello everyone it's team rocket ross here with another rose drawing tutorial and as you guys see on screen guys this is how it's gonna end up looking like so if you guys want to learn how to draw it uh then let's get started i'm just gonna do an outline of it like a drawing of it you guys could do the coloring if you guys want to i'm not going to show that process but we're going to just basically do the outline all right guys so to get started we just need a paper and a pencil remember to do your lines live because we are going to be doing some erasing uh so try not to press too hard on your paper that way it's easier to erase later on so first of all guys we're going to start by doing this line right here going at that angle um this is basically going to be the middle of the row so just uh try to make it as big as you want so basically this line is gonna be the actual like size guys um of the inside uh so if you guys want to make it bigger then go ahead and make that line even bigger now that we have that we're going to curve this at the bottom right here and then one at the top right here and we're going to make this like two shape almost like a round two um or like a c shape i don't know how to explain it guys but just try to uh make it wide because if you guys make it really thin then it's not really gonna work out so uh you guys could do it the way i did it here where i use that middle line uh to basically like do the sides you know each side do it the same or you guys could do the shape and then add that middle line going down and if you guys haven't seen my other drawing tutorials guys make sure to go check it out i have two other rose drawings uh the first one has over 150 000 views um the second one has 15 000 views so if you guys don't like how this one looks uh make sure to go check out the other ones because i'm trying to do like different like looks to the roses uh that way you guys could maybe like get one that you guys might like more and the links will be in the description for those at the bottom all right guys so now we're gonna do another line going across the other way and we're gonna basically use that to uh do the whole drawing so these are gonna come really in handy um so let's use them so in the middle the fourth one uh which is gonna do that line going up and then a little bit higher than the middle uh we're gonna connect it over here like this and this is gonna be one of the petals that's like bad it's basically like right in the middle of the rose so it is going to be quite long and now around here just a small gap um we're just going to extend it and connect it to this over here there we go and now to connect it to the top over here um it's going to be quite thin so this one's not going to be that long so just curve it right here and then we're going to make kind of like a little not a rip up a little curve and then we're just going to do another one and connect it there we go guys so right now we're just going to do basic lines later on you guys could like do the lines a little bit better and add more details where um you could like cut some pieces out of the lines just to make it a little bit more realistic all right so now to do the next one the next one is going to come around there guys it's going to go around that high and i'm just showing you guys right there that it doesn't go higher than the if you guys do a straight line at the top it doesn't go higher than that and then we're just going to connect it to here so this line right here that we started is fairly straight and then at the top it basically curves [Music] and that's just gonna be another pedal right there yes yeah so that line is fairly straight guys so all right so now for the next one we're gonna start it right here we're basically gonna do this uh line right there almost at the tip of the c shape or the bulb shape i don't know what you guys want to call it and we're just going to go down a little bit don't make this too long [Music] and now at the top we're going to make this like kind of like another c shape pointing into the middle line and then we're going to do another one but this one goes into the first one that we did [Applause] now we're just gonna make another one that goes over and it goes to [Music] here so we can just connect it and i like to start on one side guys and then at the other side that way i know where it's supposed to end and then i could just meet them in the middle instead of starting one side and then continuing that line all the way to over there um i basically do the start and the end and then just meet up in the middle and it just helps me overall i recommend you guys do that when you guys draw it just makes everything line up a little bit better that way since you know where you're gonna start and where you're gonna end alright guys so now that we have that uh we're gonna do another one right here so from here to there and just curve this one a little bit so i'll make it straight line curve it a little bit because it is going around that uh middle shape that we did at the beginning and then this one is just going to connect to the bottom to the like actual shape of it so just trying to make the line smooth guys don't try to make it too stiff uh because if you guys make them too stiff then it's not gonna look right um so now to start this one at the top and connect it to the other one it starts around there and then it curves down um like this we're gonna do a little curve at the top and then just connect the rack here so now that we know what we're doing um you guys could just do it like any way you guys want for example i started that part first and then i went at the top um you guys could just make it like work with it you know kind of like um i don't know how to explain it guys use that as the reference to basically uh make those lines smooth so it matches up you know that way it doesn't look too stiff and stuff like that um just try to work with it guys and make it if you guys can make it better then go ahead that's what i'm trying to say [Music] all right so now around here guys in the middle where those two connect the middle line uh from the c shape we did at the bottom and we're gonna connect it up here so we could just do one side and then just connect it to the other right here there we go and then we could erase this line in the middle right there because we don't need it no more uh the same as this one over here on this side from the shape since we're not gonna do anything with those anymore we could erase them uh that way they're not confusing us as we go along and you guys see me here just going over the lines you know trying to make them a little bit more smooth um overall so now right here guys we're just going to connect it to the actual like bulb shape that we did at the beginning the c shape we're going to call it from now on um we're just going to connect that and now that we have that we could just erase this line right there that we used before and um we basically got that petal there so slowly guys is going to start adding the more we add the more petals uh the more it's going to start looking like the actual rose all right so now for this one over here guys we're going to kind of make this line right here this straight line a little bit right there um and it's going to we're all right so that's the middle we're basically gonna cut this part off so that make this line straight and then we're just gonna erase like whatever uh we ended up cutting and then it's just gonna go this way we're gonna follow the same shape of the seat and it's going to come out a little bit so this is going to be the bottom petal and then it's going to come out from here and then we're going to do like a little ripple whatever you guys want to call it go around here and now we're going to start on the other side like i said always start one side and then do the other side and then just connect it in the middle so from here to around here i got to say that far away um and then in the middle right here we're gonna do a little bit further away so this is gonna be the bigger gap as i'm pointing there uh the middle one is a little bit longer than the one on the left and now now that we know basically how big to make it we could just connect it and try to like curve the lines of that petal to that area where we marked out and once again once you do these lines guys try to make them good you know just because the market there doesn't mean that it's supposed to touch there uh you guys are just using as a reference to know how long to make it how big to make it so uh doesn't mean it has to stay like that all right so now that we have that guys around here uh we're gonna do one line that extends a little bit and then this one is actually gonna meet up a little bit higher but i guess i moved on to another area yeah to around here so then i noticed that this line actually connects to the c shape so we're gonna do that now and now we could erase part of the seal shape right there those reference lines that we use since we're not going to need them anymore so something i like to do as you guys notice here is move from one area to the next not just start one area and then get to the other um i like to move throughout the drawing and it just helps out overall because uh you get a new look once you go back to another area you're like kind of like a fresh new like looking at it you know so yeah so around here guys we're gonna extend this line right there and just curve it a little bit this is still the same uh pedal at the bottom and then right here we're gonna start the other pedal at the top so this one uh curves a little bit like that and then it's basically gonna meet up there and it's gonna go that that high away from it so once again i do like a reference line to see how long it's gonna be how high and then we're gonna connect it around here or that's how like close it gets to that part but i think it's gonna wrap over the whole like top of the bowl or the c shape yes it does so it's gonna meet up right here guys and i'm sorry if i'm kind of like not following the way dude it's just i'm doing a voiceover guys i actually did this a drawing last night and i'm going over it today so right there i'm just showing you guys to mark out basically how long it is so now back to this one we're gonna extend it and then we're gonna connect it to this line right here which we're gonna extend a little bit so follow the same line and right here is fairly straight and now we're just going to connect it so it kind of goes um almost like a straight line right here off that bottom one and then it kind of like makes like makes like almost a point in the middle and then it curves back up to meet the other one [Music] don't forget guys to leave a like on the video it really helps my channel out and it just lets me know that how many people actually like watch the video and got this far and like the video you know so let me know in the comment section how it's been so far how if it's been easy or if you're having trouble i'd be happy to help you guys out if you guys leave a comment all right so now for this other pedal guys this one's fairly small so we're going to connect around here and end it around there so we could just continue once again like i said it kind of like almost like meets up in a point in the middle of those two and then they're fairly like straight lines they're not perfectly straight but they're not rounded either so they're more straight than round is what i'm trying to say and that one's fairly small guys because all right so for this one over here we're gonna start around there and we're gonna go about that high or that far away from the actual rose and this one's actually connected to this one right here like off the body right here so it's gonna come out a little bit and then from there i gotta say maybe around there that's how far we're gonna do it too because we don't want to do this pedal too big uh because it's just gonna throw off the whole rose so we can just connect there and then connect it to this one right here so if you guys see the top of that roast or that pedal right there it's actually like straight it's almost like a square it kind of goes up and then just completely turns uh to the right right away so just don't do the one of the pedals too big guys because the whole point of doing the rows is we're trying to make a round and i know not all the roses are like perfectly round uh sometimes one petal is like kind of like lean more to one side or stuff like that uh because if you do google roses you will see that and not all the roses are um like together like this the way i'm doing it here uh because i'm actually getting this from an actual like rose a picture of an actual rose guys i mean it took me a while to actually find one that uh look good enough for like kind of perfect in my in my view you know where it's not too hard and at the same time it's not too like a spread you know and yeah guys so now that we have that we could erase those uh crosses going down the middle of the c shape we don't need those no more those were there just to help us start the actual roast because we're almost done we just need one more petal and we're basically done with the basic shape of the rose guys so right there i just added a little bit detail uh where i kind of like make a little dent in the petal um because in nature guys not everything's perfect you know so uh the roses as well they're not completely round like this the lines are not that um even like this um so yeah you guys are gonna do a little bit more dance if you guys uh want to add like a little bit more detail and make it a little bit more realistic all right so now to do the last petal guys and this one the rose didn't actually have it on the reference that i was looking at in the picture i'm actually wanted to add this petal right there uh just to even out the like uh the shape of the rose as you guys see me here doing like a circle so it kind of makes like almost this perfect circle so sorry so that's what my whole like plan was my goal was to make a rose where it was like almost even like perfectly even um because like i said not all roses that you guys are gonna find are even like this a lot of them are gonna be a little bit off uh a little bit more petals on one side so you're not really going to find a perfect rose guys unless you really look so right here i'm just doing this reference line um just to show you guys basically where the stem would be for the actual rose and where some of the actual um leaves are going to be or the little things that come out i'm not sure what they are uh the little like leaves that surround the bulb when it's barely like growing um they come around here so i'm not gonna add those you guys could add more details you guys could actually add the stem um and stuff like that but i'm not doing that guys right here i'm just showing you guys basically um how the reference or the picture that i was looking at looks uh so yeah because like the leafs of roses guys uh because there's so many types of roses actually owned two different books like a bunch of roses and there's so many like different types of roses you guys don't you guys couldn't even imagine but what i'm gonna do just like in my other uh rose drawings is i'm just gonna add some leaves so one of the ways that i like doing leaves is basically doing a straight line where i want them and once again i'm trying to like uh do these sleeves like kind of like sticking out where it evens out the drawing where it doesn't like kind of like um lean more to one side you know where it's just basically even i gotta say and it's not perfect but it's just easy on my eyes it's what i'm trying to say uh and then once i have these lines that i want you guys could add as many um leaves as you guys want you guys could just keep the rose like that um but i just do this like cone shape over them and i just base this off the middle line that i do and you guys can make um it'll be better if you guys make them different sizes uh that way uh it's a little bit more i don't know not that simple you know what i mean and then what i like to do is just do these little like like lines right here so i start on one side at the top and then i do one and then off that one i do another one and these are just curved lines and i try to do the same amount uh on either side of the leaf that way it matches up [Music] and then from the middle of the line right there we're just gonna do these lines sticking out of the actual leaf there we go guys and then once we have that we could erase the uh the line that we did before to of the cone shaped line that i told you whatever all right so now to start this one we're gonna do the same thing as well and right here i'm just showing you guys a different way that you guys could do it is instead of like rounding the lines as they go down uh kind of like end them at a point because some of the roses or maybe all of them um the leaves are actually like like like um the the side of them little edges are kind of like really pointy you know they're like kind of sharp the shape that is um like the way i'm doing it here so this is another way that you guys do it uh but i do it the other way the round shape because it's a little bit more pleasing um but if you guys want to make it a little bit more realistic then that's basically a way to do it uh you guys can look up different like like um ways to draw a leaf but these are the two ways that i like doing mine [Music] and then once again i just do these and i try to do these to match up with those lines on the edges uh the curves or for example on that one um but yeah so right there just showing you guys a way to do that one so i do erase it just because i do prefer the other one is visually a little bit more pleasing so i try to stick with that so once again just do the shape and then just basically start at the top in the middle do one and then from there on just uh kind of curve do these lines curved and just try to uh use that line that we did as a reference for the um outline of the leaf just to help us know where to add these so you guys see me here doing one and one side and then one and the other one and that just helps you do the same amount on either side and then from there we could just extend them down to the actual like middle and it basically lines up and it looks a little bit more real um a little bit more realistic guys because uh that's how it basically is [Applause] and once we have that we could just erase the the reference language that we did the outline of the leaf [Music] so right here you guys don't have to follow me you guys could do it any way you guys want you guys could add more leaves if you guys want so it all depends on your drawing uh because not everybody's gonna have the same drawing as me um you know it all depended on how close you follow the tutorial and the angle of the actual rose so it all depends on you guys where you guys want to add them it doesn't have to be the same as mine guys so now that we have the overall like outline of the rose guys you guys could either leave it like this um or you guys could just mess with the lights a little bit this is like the best time that uh we could work with the actual shape of the rose if there's like a pedal that you guys don't like maybe the shape of it you guys could work on it now that we have uh basically the whole um sketch i'ma call it a sketch uh the whole sketch of the actual rose done so just work a little bit with it guys um here you guys see me adding some of the details because like i said before um the real roses don't have like these straight lines like this um it's they're kind of like imperfect petals so you kind of have to like curve a little bit here and there on the actual petal just to make it look a little bit more realistic i do outline it right now in a little bit in pen i don't show that on camera but you guys are gonna see like how the changes that i made on it because like i said before i do work on the on the shape of the pedals a little bit uh just to make it a little bit more realistic so right there as well can i curve it there a little bit so if you guys want to follow the outline that i do right now i'll show you guys a little bit of picture of it uh you guys could wait till then or you guys could just work on it yourselves and go from here on you know make any small changes that you guys might want to make all right guys now to shade so i'm not really going to show you guys how to shade the rose but i'm basically going to show you uh where some of the shadows are just basically explain a little bit on how that works uh so right here this is like the underside of this petal the the first one that we did so this one's not gonna have any light so we are gonna shade that in and then for example this one as well uh because this the the one on top the pen on top actually goes over this one a little bit uh it overlaps it so we are gonna do like a little shadow of uh the the petal at the top right there and then this one as well right here because it's kind of like bending right there so it is gonna have a little bit of a shadow um and then actually added a line there that i forgot to add so we could just add it there and just basically do a little bit of shadow right there because it is like kind of bad so the inside is going to have a small shadow right there uh the same on this outside pedal right here um since it is all the way at the bottom um and that bigger pedal is overlapping and we are going to add a shadow under that the same thing around here coming out you know like towards more like towards the middle um it's gonna end up having a shadow this one as well like at the bottom since it's more in the inside we could just uh use our pencil and right here i'm just giving you guys an idea of where the shadows are i'm not actually gonna leave these like this and then for example in there it's gonna have a shadow because um the other petals are covering this so more towards the inside before like where it's opening up before the petals actually spread it's gonna have a shadow just because it's more together [Music] this one as well because towards the inside of that pedal where it curves and you guys could like follow the way i do it here you guys could do it like other way wherever you guys think a shadow is um i'm just basically showing you guys what how i feel or where i think they would be same thing on this since it's like coming out oh yeah and this one right here at the top um this one we're just gonna add one right here and this one i just uh used a picture that i was looking at the photo um and this one actually has that shadow right there so i decided to add it [Music] so under this one i'm just gonna have a small shadow because of the other petal that's going over it and then this one at the bottom as well the bottom petals going overlapping is so it is going to have a shadow around there and a lot of people use their fingers um but you guys could also buy these um i think they're called stumps and you guys can find these in any store and they're really cheap guys you guys you guys can get these for like two bucks for like five or six of them different sizes and it's just a rolled up paper um with the point on it so you guys could just use these to like blend your your shading your lines of your pencil or whatever as you guys see me doing here um and then it just makes it like a little bit more smoother and a little bit more cleaner just because it's in some of those areas where it's really small you guys can't really use your fingers uh but if you guys don't have this then go ahead and do it yourselves another thing that you guys could do is basically kind of like get a a napkin and then just roll it up to a point like that and then just make the point a little bit like um hard like stiff you know so roll it up nice and good and then just make a point and then just use that it also works as well um yeah so right here i'm just extending the the shadows a little bit and then on some of the areas that the shadow is a little bit lighter i just basically extend um the shading that i did before up to there just so i can get a little bit lighter once i have that i use my eraser just to add the highlights because once you add all those shadows and um and all that then it's going to get a little bit like uh dark um so just use your eraser and add some of those highlights all right guys so this is the final outline um like i said before in a pen that i marked out and if you guys noticed the lines uh they're not as straight as they were before i kind of made this like a little dance in the pedals and this just makes it look a little bit more realistic so you guys can follow this one um to make your final outline of your rose or you guys could do it any way you guys want or you guys could just leave it the way that we did it before so it all depends how you guys want to do it and then i did end up coloring it guys but this is not like a tutorial coloring just because i'm not that good at coloring um but i uh right here i'm showing you guys two different versions of it it's the same rose but on one of them um i just left the outline that i showed you guys before that i did which was really thin and then i just color it using my copics um i use two reds i use the dark red for the shadows and then a regular red for the rest of the rose and then i just use like a pink for like the tips of the petals just to make it add a little bit more light um although i don't really like how it came out guys to be honest uh but it still looks okay you know still looks okay um but i think i could have done better yeah because i haven't been colored and probably i don't know guys it's been a while since i used my copics and i never been really good at coloring so yeah you guys could probably do a better job than i did but this is basically an example um yeah so on the one on the right side guys i just left it normal like that and i just added the colors and on the one on the left i added like a thicker outline so if you guys notice the one on the right kind of looks a little bit more not realistic guys but it looks a little bit more more sharp if uh if that's the word i'm not sure if i can explain it maybe you guys like see the difference and the one on the left has a thicker outline i actually used a sharpie for that just to make it a little bit thicker so you guys could see the difference between those and it depends what you guys want to do from now on uh you guys could add an outline like a thicker outline or you guys could just leave it the way um it was before and just do it then um and then for the leaves i used three different greens i used a dark green for the shadows um a regular uh green for the rest of the leaf and then like a really light green kind of like yellowish greenish uh for the highlight so that's how it turned out guys don't forget to leave a like let me know in the comment section how your drawing came out uh let me know if i was able to help and don't forget to check out like i said before my other two rose drawing tutorials i think the second one came out pretty good as well and on the first one i i go a little bit more into detail and the shading and all that and what to do uh and like i said before that's the most popular one so make sure to go check it out so yeah guys don't forget to leave a like and let me know in the comment section how yours turned down and if you did end up joining i would love to know how many people actually ended up joining and i guess i'll just catch you guys on the next one team rocket draws out
Channel: TeamRocketDraws
Views: 68,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to draw a rose, how to draw a rose step by step, how to draw roses, how to draw a flower, how to draw flowers step by step, how to draw a rose step by step #2, how to draw a rose easy, rose drawing tutorial, rose drawing, how to draw, roses, tutorial on a roses, how to color a roses, rose, red rose, how to draw a red rose
Id: kykkdv9wGug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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