How To Draw A Mother's Day Folding Surprise

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mother's day is coming up and so we thought it would be fun to draw a really cool folding surprise that you could use as a mother's day card yeah does that sound like fun yes you're excited yeah we hope you are too and we hope you're gonna follow along what do they need for this lesson a marker some paper and something to color with all right let's get started let's first start by folding our paper so that we can draw the folding surprise we're going to take the top edge and fold it down to the bottom edge so we're folding it in half so line up the edges and then i love starting by folding it right down the middle and then out to the corners yeah and i'll hold it and you can go right down the middle yep and then out to the edge good job now we're going to take this top flap and we're going to fold it back up to the top or the middle line it up and then right down the middle and out to the corners there you go good job now we're gonna flip it over and we're gonna do the same thing now this fold is actually just a guide fold so when we're all done with this one we're gonna unfold it yeah good job all the way to the corner then we're gonna unfold that flap like that yep and then you can straighten it out and then flip it over now we're gonna use construction paper underneath while we're drawing so that our marker doesn't bleed through and get onto the table you can use any scratch paper that you want we're just going to use red so it's easier to see the white paper now we're going to use our markers and we're first going to draw a heart right in the middle of our folding surprise so let's first start down here and we're going to draw two bumps on the top part of our folding surprise so i'm going to draw the top of the heart and we can draw it right in the middle it's like a curvy m yeah it is it does look like a curvy m there we go bump and then another one yeah good job you got a big heart that's awesome then we're going to draw the bottom of our heart so we're going to draw a v comes down and connects back up on the other side good job oh that is a cute looking heart next we're going to draw the letter m over here on the left side so we can actually start let's start over here and we're going to draw a line that comes up next to the heart see that we're going to start right here and we're going to curve up across the fold yes keep going then we're going to draw that v part in the m we're going to draw line that comes down and back up and then we're going to draw a curve coming back down looks like a curved m huh yeah okay now we're going to repeat that same step except on this side so we'll start here we're going to draw a curve that comes right next to the heart like that across the fold so if you want it might be a little easier to start at the top and and draw it down there you go keep going all right now let's draw the v for the top of the m and then we're going to draw the rest of the m coming down and i drew a curving also what does that look like it spells hadley mom yeah m o the heart is the o and then another m now we're ready to unfold our folding surprise and we're going to finish the inside it's going to look really cool it's going to look like a bunch of tulips inside of here so let's first start by drawing the top of the heart at the bottom so we're gonna connect the v with two bumps so we have the heart down here now we're gonna turn the top of the m's into a tulip so we're gonna start by drawing a u-shape that connects the left side over to the right and we'll do the same thing over here on this side i want a simple tulip yeah it looks really pretty okay now let's draw a couple more tulips we can even draw more hearts i'm going to draw a tulip right here so i'm first going to draw a u-shape and then we can make it look like this these other tulips by drawing a v at the top yeah now let's draw another tulip i'm going to draw one right here next to this this first one we drew and then we can draw the v to connect the top there's no mistakes the most important thing is to have fun yeah have fun and two practice practice all right now let's draw let's draw a heart over here i'm going to first draw one side like this looks like an upside down j yep and then we're going to draw the other side of our heart another upside down j okay let's draw another heart over here and if you want you could use overlapping i'm gonna see when we draw this heart we also want to make sure that we don't go below this bottom fold now i'm going to draw the other j upside down j i just noticed that you added a smiley face right there it's really cute and eyelashes i'm going add two more tulips i'm gonna do them right here so i'm gonna draw a big u shape and then that v and if we go too fast our friends can do what pause the video yeah if you need to you can always pause the video to take extra time all right we got one more v right there or one more tulip now let's connect the tulips to the stems so right here let's start over here i'm going to draw this line coming up and connecting to this tulip right there all the way up good and then we can connect this line over here to that tulip the stem and then we can also let's look at this one it's way up here i'm going to draw a line that comes down and connects down to this one so that's cool it can go behind the heart or it could go in front yeah there you go and then imagine it coming down and connecting that is a long stem okay and then we can draw let's draw a stem right here this one's going to come down and i'm going behind this tulip and then we can also draw a stem for the little one right here you can just connect it to the heart all right we got another tulip that's way up here and we've got a stem down here so let's draw another stem comes down and this one i'm gonna draw in front of the heart look at that so if you want you could go behind it or in front either way all right hadley let's draw the rest of this heart up here at the top so start down here i'm going to draw a line that comes down and then it's going to go behind this tulip so we're going to imagine it going behind coming out and then connecting to the top what are our tulips missing hardly leaves yeah let's draw a couple leaves i'm going to start right here and let's draw one on this bottom one and we want to make sure that it's above the fold so i'm just going to draw a curve that comes out and back in then we can draw let's draw a leaf over here and you guys at home could draw these leaves anywhere you want you could also even add more tulips or more hearts you could add more funny faces i'm gonna draw one over here also and maybe one right here and one on this one oh your leaves are looking really pretty heavily i'm gonna draw maybe another one right here and one last one right there haley you did a great job on your drawing except we still need to do one last thing what is it we always need a color it always looks better so much better colored in now this part we're gonna fast forward but at the end you guys can pause it if you want to match the same coloring you ready to fast forward yeah all right hallie we did it we finished coloring our mother's day fully in surprise turned out awesome except we need to show our art friends inside you ready one two three happy mother's day it turned out so cute now we found out that we needed to make sure that we left these top tulips white because when you fold it down here it needs to look like yeah the letter m but then when you open it up they look like flowers and you guys at home could color your flowers any color you want but we use pink and purple we will be a lot of fun drawing your folding surprise yeah we do we hope you had a lot of fun and remember to give this to your mom a mother's day i'm sure she would love it and we'll see you later our friends goodbye happy mother's day hello oh yeah it looks like lips lips wow
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 2,536,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art For Kids Hub, Art For Kids, How To Draw, Easy, Simple, Cartooning, 4 kids, folding surprise, mothers day, homemade card
Id: FUVAoJvln7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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