How to Draw a Gnome Easily - Step by Step in Procreate Tutorial - iPad Pro

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hi guys i'm chris welcome to this week's tutorial let's draw together in today's tutorial we'll be creating a cute girl gnome and procreate and we'll cover how to draw braids and find a quick easy way to make a pattern for your gnome's hat i've created a free color palette for you as always for this tutorial so you can just hit the link in the description below to download and install into procreate we'll be using all free brushes my favorite sketch model line and watercolor brushes and you can find the link for them in the description below as well i've created a new canvas using the spec scene here and we are all ready to go all right so first i'm going to go and grab my pll favorite sketch brush and i'm just going to start with my simple sketch i'm just going to use black to start with i'm going to keep this at about i don't know 30 percent 35 somewhere around there and with gnomes the typical gnome of course we think of maybe more of a triangular shape i'm just gonna bring that in here just sort of a rounded candy corn shape um and then i know i'm gonna have the little sort of the rest of her hat here it's gonna be a girl gnome today i've got some requests for girl gnomes they're part of my new pack as well um just a lot of the times you can find the boys so it's nice to see the girls too so we have lots of girl gnomes and if you haven't had a chance to check out my new christmas pack called gnome for the holidays here's a little peek at all the cute gnome illustrations that you can use to make all sorts of festive creations you can find it over at the shop at so we're going to be doing braids today as well which can be a little tricky so i'm just sort of deciding where i'm going to put that nose it's going to not quite be centered a little bit below center of this triangle here and um yeah so i'm just going to have the nose this is not going to have eyes they're going to be covered by the hat so then i'm going to have braids coming in around here and here on either side and then her little little hands are going to come here so she's going to be holding a little lantern so i'll just have these hands together like so and then we will have our little elbow my little hands come in here like that probably should have made this a little neater that's all right okay so then i'm just going to take my eraser and just erase along here because i'm going to put my um my braids down here i'm just going to have this center line here and i'm just going to use that as reference to remember where my lines go and i'm just going to cross over kind of swoop and down it's not going to be too pretty right away swooping down swooping down there might be some better strategies for this but this is how i kind of think about it so the next one is going to touch this line and you make the same shape leave it open here but then that'll tuck in there see and that's basically it and then you would finish up here there you go that sort of zigzaggy woven pattern i'm just going to draw a little bow and then the rest of the hair sort of there okay so let's do that again on the other side just have that and just do this little swoop swoop swoop swoop okay and then the other side i'm going to come around and just remember to leave that open if you try to tuck it in it's not going to make any sense yet but now you hit it you hit it on both sides you have those touching little swoops little swoops gonna come in there and do that bow here all right just gonna erase this little line here just clean this up a touch okay looks wonderful this might have gone out a little bit too far i actually do want to see her elbow there a little bit on the end i think it's coming in here probably gone a little bit wide on this part have her little elbow and this will get sort of a little pom-pom at the end all right oops i gotta finish this braid and um to solve the problem of not having a a beard for these girls i decided to make just a little scarf so i'm just going to bring that in there and it'll just sort of be a scarf because i like to have the mouths covered as well just kind of like to match the little man gnomes okay so let's just do a little lantern so just have a little handle and the top here like so and let's kind of make it i don't know like that i guess and let's put a little candle in it okay so that's basically the start a rough sketch of our gnome i think it looks fairly classic with the this basic outline here awesome okay so now we're gonna do is just hit that layer button go to the end and slide down that opacity way down so we will draw over top okay and oh i'm gonna add a new layer so we can go over top and do our line work and so i'm still going to remain with my favorite sketch brush and i'm going to come in and get some colors so i'm going to have the hat and the dress in red and the scarf in green so let's go grab this darkest red here and i'm just going to do my outlines and i'm going to stay i think i'm going to stay at about 30 percent and let's just get in here and do some nice nicer line work than i've got going on here so to create this little bend i'm just going to do a little squiggly line i'm going to play around with my pressure on this actually i'm going to make this a little bit narrower i really like this pen because of the pressure sensitivity of it so you can really make some nice irregular lines i like that kind of look as you know so i made it just especially for that so let's just continue on with the little arms here so just you know to make some interest give a little push with your pen from time to time kind of makes the lines a little bit more more fun more personality all right let's finish up this hat here okay so i think that's it for this color right now so i'm gonna go and grab this actually i'm gonna let's put her nose here and just grab that dark brown so i'm just gonna go over top of that line just a little bit all right great and actually while we're on this brown we might as well do this lantern here i'm gonna give the handles a little thickness and let's see little bar across the top i forgot do this part i'm going to just want to make sure that this line goes below the other line just so it's not completely lined up because that might look a little bit odd if they're completely flush those two lines okay you know what um yeah we can just do this candle too while we're here just make it look a little bit like there's some dripping will come in i think i'm gonna have to add a little yellow we can go grab another yellow here so i'm just gonna get you one let's see there we'll add that yellow great okay so let's get that green the darkest green put a little scarf here and just have it so it has a little bit of volume and it has some little folds in there let's make these green as well little bows like it looks like the fabric was folding there as well okay and her little mints too perfect okay and i think the last thing we need to outline is her hair and the little pom pom at the end here okay so i'm just gonna with the dark gray just bringing these lines again you can get to practice these braids it's just starting off really you can always come in and finish that line a few little hairs okay make sure we get all the way up these are tucked in there actually i'm not going to put that line there i think that better finish like that oops okay all right and then just going to do little little fluffs just to make that look kind of like a the end of the santa hat okay perfect so i can go up and turn off my line layer my sketch layer below and now we have a nice clean version to work with actually we can go in and just add a new layer here and delete that sketch layer all together we won't really need it again so i'm going to go and grab this lighter red color it's sort of a pinky red and i'm gonna grab this pl monoline so it's just a really nice fill pen it's pretty dense but it also has a little bit of a wobbly edge just to give it that sort of um not too perfect style that i like a little bit more of a handmade look and it also works really nicely just to fill in all this stuff i have it at about you know i can have it at about 100 right now for this and i'm just gonna go and quickly fill this all in everything that's red that will be filled in with this lighter red okay i'm also gonna have these all on separate layers so i'm gonna have the hat on a separate layer hit the plus sign to make the little dress on another layer just for painting later on it might make it easier for me okay and then i'm just gonna hit the plus sign i'm gonna go grab the green and do all this green work okay okay next i'm going to go grab this beige color and i'm just going to head to the plus sign and make a new layer and i'm just going to do this lamp here let's go ahead and just grab the white here and i'm going to do the candle and grab that yellow fill that in as well i'm just going to make this a little bit smaller maybe about down to 30 just to get in there and obviously that looks a little bit odd right so why don't we make the glass pane so i'm going to just go in the layer below hit the plus sign grab the white and this will look weird for a second and just go around where the window or the glass would be fill it in and then just go and knock down the opacity to 50 let's say and we can always just take the gray take our favorite sketch and just sort of do a few little tr lashes on it just to sort of maybe a little darker look like that perfect okay so let's go and do her hair i'm just going to actually turn off the background color so we can see otherwise it's going to be a little bit hard because we're going to use white um so i'm just going to add a new layer grab my white make sure i'm on my monoline and then we'll just fill in the braids oops i'm below i'd have to go a little bit smaller at the ends here okay and then lastly actually i'm going to go down to the bottom the very bottom here hit the plus sign and i'm just going to grab the skin color and fill this in perfect okay so we can turn this um actually now i'm going to leave this back on i'm going to go down to the white or back up to the white again and get that again and get my favorite sketch and just sort of go through and make all this little bit these bits happen so that doesn't look like a weird word shape really just blending it in okay yay let's go turn on that background color again and now she needs a little jazzing up so i'm just going to go back to my green layer grab that dark green make sure i'm on my favorite sketch and just start adding in a little bit of shading it's kind of like the nibbly look of the side of the pencil i think that looks good just a little on the bottom just gives it a little grit i guess wonderful all right and back to the red layer the dress layer get that dark red same thing just sort of where you think it's meant to go i'm going to do some shading as well with the um the watercolor brush too but i like to have various textures and i think this goes gives a nice one just a little shadow from that maybe whoops going outside the lions all right this gives her a little bit of something something okay actually maybe around her arms too okay next let's get this hair looking a little bit more like it makes some sense i'm gonna grab a new layer just in case i mess up and i can um delete it a little bit easier erase it still on my favorite sketch i'm just going to come in i notice obviously before too it oops only the darker darker gray um just miss this line here um what you want to do is get that light gray and just i'm going to bring my pen down a little bit to maybe about 20. and just where they meet you kind of that's where i'm going to sort of put in these little hair wispies and that's just a few just you don't have to do every single hair of course but and just have some of them coming along so lots near the center darker in the center where the lines join and then and then just lighter through the center and you can give a little shade if you want to the side of your pencil and again using that pressure with this pen that's so nice it feels satisfying so you can do this hair does take a little bit of time so we gotta kind of be patient and you can come in here with the darker too and just really kind of go over in some areas what we've done just to really get the depth there and i would keep that fairly sparse not too much so you can see how that kind of brings some depth all right so i'm going to carry on you can follow along with me so i'm going to carry on you can follow along with me so so so the other thing i would do is just always do a few really light wispies out actually maybe i'm gonna do this with the white just a few wispies on the outside that'll make it look a little bit more natural not that this is particularly natural picture you know what i mean it's good for when you're doing hair these little little bits i think that really makes a big difference okay so you can see the difference between the both of these sides so i'm going to do the exact same thing on the other side so so okay next i think we need some a little pattern on the top of our hat so i'm going to just go to the hat layer and i'm going to just hit the plus sign tap on it and tap on the clipping mask so that this will stay within her hat within the space so i'm just going to make it up um as i go and let's see i'm on my favorite sketch um just going to do some lines and a little decoration so i'm going to come back up to about 30 percent and just give a little line here and then maybe another one and look back and see if i've done that relatively straight that's good enough for today maybe i'll make a skinnier one i haven't really decided on exactly the pattern yet but i like hearts so let's do a heart and i'm gonna do upside down heart these are almost v's really so if you just think about that i make them a little rounded at the ends so i'm just gonna go along do a few of these maybe i'll do some little dots in between like that it's kind of fun you could copy and paste these by all means and change the transfer transformation of them and all that kind of stuff i'm going to do them by hand today but you are more than welcome to do that i'm going to do some cropping and pasting in a little bit or duplicating rather um just to speed up the process but this part will have it look pretty hand done because it is and yeah i think it'll be good but i'll show you how to copy and paste this so we don't have to draw all of these all the time forever and ever we might be here quite a while okay i like that and then i'm gonna do um some polka dots okay and maybe we'll just keep it like that today so what i'm going to do is just duplicate this layer by sliding it to the left hit duplicate so now there are two so then i'm just going to hit my arrow and cheat by moving it up so that makes it a little easier now i noticed that this is quite um maybe a little bit too much arch on there so i'm gonna hit the free form and just um just squish it down just a hair just so it's a little bit flatter not quite so arched just because the way i drew it and then i'm going to just duplicate that again bring it up duplicate it again you get the idea until we hit the top okay and at this point actually i'm gonna just turn it a little bit because it starts to bend there okay so now that i've done all of that i'm actually going to um go and merge all sorry merge all of these here except for the first one i'm going to just leave that so we have it i'm going to merge these all and now i'm going to go along and just because i'm right-handed do it this way um just erase up to this line here and i'm just trying to decide i think i'm going to leave it like that okay and now for the other side so this would tip over upside down although this is this will work either way either direction but as far as sort of the curvature of the lines let's do that so i'm going to go back to my layers and i'm actually going to duplicate that merged one again so i'm just going to say duplicate hit our arrow turn it around rotate it about 180 actually it's gonna be less than that because we're gonna i'm just trying to go with the angle of this and move it up to where it might match in there and then duplicate again and just maybe just slightly adjust that there okay so that works great obviously we're going to have to fix this so i'm going to merge those two together so again i have this i have my original just in case i screw up something so i'm going to turn this those two off and we have this one and i'm going to go and erase all of this so of course by all means you can draw it all by hand but this is just a quick way a little work around just to make your life a little bit easier a little bit quicker when you're doing this type of pattern okay so we can just turn those two back on and there we have it so quick and easy way to get all that patterning hope that was okay to follow along with all right so let's just go and do a little bit more detail work here i'm going to go to her skin layer this one and hit the plus sign clipping mask go down to the brown go to my watercolor let's just make some shadows here i'm just going to make this a little smaller maybe about a five percent so this part of her cheek is going to be a little bit in shadow and i'm just gonna sorry delete that there or erase that there um and then just under her nose maybe make this a little bit bigger this is a nice brush it has a nice edge to it okay and i think let's just try um hitting the n here and going to multiply see if that's a little nicer and i'm just going to knock back the opacity a little a little bit just sort of play around with it see where you're at okay and then i'm going to also give her a little bit of a pink cheek and i'm just going to use this um just that light red and just bring my opacity way down to about 15 and just give her a little little pink there maybe let's try 30. maybe a little bit of redness on her nose there just a little flush and while i'm here let's do the white grab that sketch and actually go back to the layers and just add a new layer and just give her a little highlight here just the side of my brush there and while i'm in the mood for highlights let's go to our little lantern here i'll hit the plus sign again and just make a few little highlights here and really this should probably have some have some green on it too so i'm just going to go to the layer below grab that brown let's just make a little bit of like a wood grain um brush size back down to about 10 and we're still on our favorite sketch i'm just going to put a few like lines to make it look a little bit like wood so okay just gives it a little bit of texture or something perfect okay now let's do some more shading and whatnot i'm going to go to her hair layer this one and just hit the plus sign tap it clipping mask go and grab that medium um lighter gray color grab our watercolor i'm going to still be on i guess around 10 see how that goes maybe a little bit more let's try 15. i'm just going to give it a little light dusting just to sort of give that some dimension there you can see that that looks better now i'm going to bring it back down to maybe about six five or six give some shading here because of course the hat is going to come over and maybe a little bit more on the hair just sort of again keeping that highlight in in the center so just on the edges you do this little shadow softens it up a bit okay and then to her hats at the so it hit the um this layer and i'm gonna go actually i'm gonna go above above all of our pattern and do another clipping mask get that dark red and we're still let's see let's go back up to about 12 somewhere around there just shade over so then that's getting that white too so that'll really make a difference maybe a little bit bigger to 20. just trying to be really light with this so just get in the creases you can see how that really makes a difference i just bumped it back up to 30 just to make it a little softer in here okay great it's good for the hat let's go to the dress there we go and that clipping mask maybe back down to about 20 20 or so a little bit more shading in here just giving it a little bit more texture and whatnot awesome okay well i think that's it for today so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did please hit that like button subscribe and don't forget to hit the bell icon so you can be notified of new tutorials just like this one in the future thank you so much for watching love you guys and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pretty Little Lines
Views: 2,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, gnome, girl gnome, how to draw, how to paint, how to draw gnome, how to draw gnome easy, step by step, tutorial, girl gnomes to make, christmas, cute, cute gnomes for christmas, cute gnomes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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