How To Download Netflix Movies On Laptop & PC - Full Guide

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in this video I show you how to download Netflix movies and shows on your PC or laptop if you find this guide useful then please consider subscribing and once you've done that please consider leaving a like and let's get right into this guide in order to download movies and shows from Netflix on your PC or laptop you actually need the Netflix app you can't do it within your browser on Netflix so firstly close off your browser just like so and so the next thing we need to do is go and download and install Netflix so to do that what you need to do is go and tap on search like so and then go and type in Microsoft Store like this this is where we can go and download the Netflix app from and the Microsoft store is going to be on pretty much all Windows computers or if not all of them so once the store loads you actually need to go and sign into your account you cannot download apps without signing into an account and all you need is some Microsoft account so you may already have one and if you don't you can easily go and create one so all you need to do is tap on your profile icon in the top right like here mine says RT because I'm already signed in because there's probably just going to be an icon click on it and then you can press sign in and on the sign in page you can sign in into account account or you can go and create one then once you've signed in all you need to do is go and search the store for Netflix just like so and wait for it to load and as you can see here Netflix is go and tap on it and then it's going to go and say download mine says open because I already have it but when mine says open you'll just say download and you just need to go and download it and it will install itself automatically it's super easy so I'm going to tap on open just like so and you should do the same once it's available and then what you need to do is go to the top right and go and tap sign in like so I'm going to enter email and password then once you've signed in just go and choose a profile as you usually would and here we are then once it loads we can now go and find the movie or show which you want to go and download so in this case I'm going to scroll down and I want to go and download suit so I'm going to go and tap on it like so then if I scroll down we can go and see all the different shows in this season we can go and change it if I'd like to the right of each episode you're going to see this download button and so go and tap on it and it's going to go and start circling and then to go and find your downloads for example if you're on a laptop and you don't have a connection all you need to do is go to the top right of Netflix it's having these three cars and then tap on my downloads and this is where your downloads are going to go and appear and you can go and watch them if you guys found this useful consider leaving a like peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 438,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to download netflix movies, how to download movies from netflix, how to download movies on netflix, how to download movies in netflix, how to download movies in netflix on laptop, how to download netflix shows, how to download netflix movies on pc
Id: s7scZbfGFNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 8sec (128 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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