How to Download, Install and Configure WAMP Server on Windows 10 | Complete Setup | Virtual Host....

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hello friends my name is srinivas and welcome to my channel tech studio youtube this video is all about wm server installation on windows 10. most of the people know what is wm server w amp server w stands for windows a stands for apache m stands for mysql p stands for php okay wm server on windows 10 i'm going to install and i'm going to show you the complete setup this we will do in three steps first we will download the software and next we will install the software and finally we will set up the software we will do in the setup we will configure virtual host and php my admin as well as the localhost server i will show the entire things step by step guys there is a prerequisite software to be installed on your machine before installation okay firstly you need to install notepad plus plus or sublime text software whatever the text editor that you would like to by default it will be notepad okay notepad editor so you need to change that and lastly install google chrome or mozilla firefox or any web browser by default it will be internet explorer which i am not comfortable with that okay i'm most comfortable with the text editor notepad plus plus and most of the developers also use the same thing and the google chrome okay at the end of your installation it will pop up for the text editor whether it you would like to continue with the text notepad editor itself and the nextly it will ask for the internet explorer to be continued and i you can change there itself after installation if you would like to change that then it will be a tedious task for you okay you need to go in the command mode which is not that much comfortable so before installation itself please install notepad press plus and google chrome i will show you how at the end of the installation how to change that okay guys let's move on firstly we will download the software from the official wm server site i will show you how to do that okay let's get started open the google in the web browser and search with the keyword wm server for windows 10 okay the first the first site itself you can see which is the official site wm server la platin it will be in french language okay just click on that it will be directed to the wm server official website see this is the official website you can see okay scroll down downloads see you can see wm server for 64 bit and as well as further 32 bit which is the latest version 3.20 is the latest version here once you click on the download it will ask for all this email but these are all not required just click on that uh this one yeah just click on that it will directly download here you can see the red red ribbon something not found like just ignore it okay in the green below in the green you can see just click on that download latest version which is 3.2.0 64-bit version wm server okay just click on that your download will start shortly just wait few seconds okay now it started see it is some 444 mb okay it all depends upon your internet bandwidth connection guys okay just wait for the download that's it your file got downloaded successfully so you can see you are in the downloads folder okay we will move on to the second step that is installation before you start installation please make sure that you have successfully installed notepad plus plus and also google chrome okay i will show you how to change that at the end of the installation okay let's get started we'll start the installation you are in the downloads folder click on the wm wmserver.exe file right click and run as administrator your installation will start first set up the language it will be by default in english just click on ok accept the license agreement and click on the next this is wm server information just click on ok sorry click on next this is setup ok by default it will install in c drive if you want to change in d or e somewhere drives you can browse and you can change the path okay but here i am just making it as default only okay just click on the next button in the next step we need to select the components components in the sense php version maria db database version and mysql database version you have two options one is default installation and the custom installation by default it will be a custom installation so since you are selecting custom installation we need to select the php versions mario db and also mysql in the php you can select all the three versions it you can enable all the three but but when it comes to maria db you need to select only one version either the first one second one or the third one i'm going to select the latest one that is 10.5.4 when it comes to mysql database i am going to select the latest one mysql 8.1.21 since that is the uh it will be taking less space when it comes to mysql 8.0.21 it will take 1.06 gb of disk space if you select 5.7 it needs some it needs more than some 2 gb of disk space that's why i'm say i am going to select mysql 8.0.21 we have selected the three components php version mariadb database and also mysql database now i am going to click on the next now setup is ready to install all the components that you have selected see you can see the selected components wm manager apache 2.4.46 which is a default one which is the latest version and php 5.6 php 7.0 seven point one seven point two seven point three php seven point four point nine and maria db ten point five point four my sequel eight point zero point two point now just click on the install now it will start installing the wm server 3.2.3 now your installation got started it will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes see you can see the desktop icon it got created now this is very important guys in the prerequisites as i said internet explorer.exe will be used as browser by wm server do you want to choose another browser installed on your system yes i'm going to use google chrome as my default web browser by wm server click on yes okay go to this pc click on the c drive and you can see w amp no that one not program files google the third one double click click on the google chrome double click applications applications and you can see the chrome application okay just click on that okay open that's it now secondly it will ask for notepad.exe the notepad will be used as text editor by wm server do you want to choose another text editor installed on your system we we are going to click on yes i am going to change this uh notepad dot exe to notepad plus plus dot exe okay click on yes okay click on this pc come to the c drive to the program files notepad plus plus below yeah that one notepad press plus click on that you can see the notepad plus application just click on it that's it guys you have successfully changed the internet explorer to google chrome and notepad.exe to notepad plus plus for this reason i said at the starting of my video in the prerequisite to install notepad plus plus and also google chrome and also at the time of installation also i said to install these two applications in your local machine okay because again you need to change that will be a tedious task you need to edit the config file and there you need to change that dot exe to something like that okay i will show that also but this will be very simple guys okay but just in the clicking mode you can do this all these things okay for this reason i said to you now finally it is installing mysql and it will take some 30 seconds in 30 seconds your installation is about to complete yeah it installed all the wm service services also okay that's it and now you can click on the next this is the final setup information wm server 3.2.3 is over the latest which is the latest version okay just click on the next that's it completing the wm server 64 setup wizard okay 3.2.3 is the latest one just click on the finish that's it guys your installation is completed now we will move on to the final step that is configuration part okay so far we have successfully downloaded the wm server software okay and also we have successfully installed the software in our local machine without any errors now we will do setup setup in a sense we are going to configure the virtual local host and we are going to create one database in the php my admin and all these setups i will be showing one by one okay please watch carefully this is the very important guys i'm going to show each and every step right click on the wm server desktop icon run as administrator now it will start all the three services it should turn to green if all the three services opens then it turns to green that means your server is running your localhost server is running see you can see the green icon okay just now we are going to open the localhost just click on the green icon you can see yep for the first one localhost click on that localhost click on the localhost now localhost opens in the google chrome suppose at the time of installation if you have not changed the internet explorer to google chrome it will open in the internet explorer okay please notice now you can see below your projects okay see it is selling no projects yet to create a new one just create a directory in the ww dot folder in the wm server folder i will show you how to do that open my pc go to the c drive and you can see wamp 64. okay double click on that now you can see folders see here below www dot folder okay double click on that here some default files will be there default folders and files will be there now you need to create in this one one folder now i am creating one folder text studio y2 okay now go to the wm server page web browser just right click and reload see you can see the changes see text studio a2 in your projects okay we have successfully created the folder in the projects now these are your folders it is showing these are your folders in order to use them as an http link you must declare them as virtual host okay now i am going to show you how to declare that as virtual host click on the green icon below okay you can see here localhost click on the your virtual host you can see your virtual host localhost and virtual host management you need to click on the virtual host management now the virtual host management will open in the google chrome see this is the one localhost add vhost dot php see now you can see name of the virtual host without no space and no underscore should be given i am going to give as tech studio a2 in the name of the virtual host without no space and without no underscore and the below i need to give the upcomplete absolute path of the virtual host folder ok i'm going to give that first open my pc click on the c drive wm64 folder double click on that and you can see ww double click on that under text studio 82 folder double click and copy that folder that entire path that is the one this is the entire path my virtual host just paste it okay now below just ignore it and now just click on the start the creation of the virtual host now it will give a success message in the green the files have been modified virtual host text studio a2 was created okay message from the console to update dns everything you can see that all you need to do is restart the dns that that means you need to restart the all the services then only it will get effective okay click on the green icon and restart all the services now it started it is restarting all the services so you can see it should turn to green okay it turned to green just click on that and open the click on the local host we are verifying whether our virtual host has successfully linked or not okay yeah it opened localhost so you can see in the virtual host folder look techstudio82 just click on that see it successfully linked it okay you can see some test.php i just created one test.php file just for verification okay this is the way how to declare virtual host okay now let's create a database by using phpmyadmin webpage okay click on the green icon go to the top and the click on the phpmyadmin page just click on okay your webpage okay your phpmyadmin is opening this is the page now i am going to create a database in this by using this just give the username as root password so far i have not set it so just blank it let it be blank and you can see two database mysql and mariodb now i am going to click on the mysql i will select the mysql and click on login it successfully opened phpmyadmin this is the default schemas these are all the four databases these are all the default schemas and now i am going to create one new just click on the new this is the create database this is the create database now i am going to give as tech studio a2 create it okay we have successfully created the database now i am going to create a table in the tech studio 82 database okay name as tech82 for columns just click on go the first one let's give the user id it would be integer type username wirecare and password i need to define the length and value so it will be 100 and this one is also 100 and the last one status marker and make it as 20 okay just a sample table i am just creating okay just click on save now table is created see this is the one okay guys so you can see text studio 82 in that tech 82 is a table name okay close that so far we have seen how to declare a virtual host on how to create a database and also a table in the database by using phpmyadmin portal now we are going to test the database connection whether whether it will connect successfully or not by creating a small php file i am going to create a small php file for database connection okay open the notepad press plus application and create a new file first save the file as this pc and go to c drive wwm 64 and click on the ww folder any files you need to save in the tech studio 82 okay here i am going to save this as test.php okay just to save it that's as you can see since you are using notepad plus plus it will automatically detect the dot php extension and it will give in the php language now i am going to write a small php script okay dollar server name equals to within the columns local host first give the server name dollar server name equals to within double quotes localhost enter and now declare the username dollar username equals to within the double quotes give as root semicolon enter and now declare the password dollar password equals to double quote since i did not set any password so i'm just i'm giving blank okay semicolon enter dollar now declare database name dollar database underscore name [Music] or just give just db underscore name equals to within double quotes give us text studio 82 since that is the database that we have created earlier okay semicolon [Music] now just to give the comments as uh for commenting in php create connection enter now give us dollar connection co nn my sql equal to mysqli underscore connect now give the server name next comma username next dollar password comma dollar password and finally dollar db name comma dollar db name close the brackets again i'm going to give comments check connection okay i am giving everything else if simplifying if could not establish the connection then die i am giving a error message take studio 8 to connection failed and within the course my sequel like connect error okay it will show why it is not connected i am giving else statement echo x2j82 you are successfully you are connected successfully okay just to close the php file save and close the php file now we will execute that php file and we will test the connection whether it gets successful or not okay click on the green icon click on the localhost localhost will open in the web browser see that is a local host and come to the your virtual host and click on the tech studio 82 that folder okay click on that see you can see index of that is a okay and you can see test.php now just execute the test.php okay so you can see a message you can see a message text studio a2 you have connected successfully that's it guys we have tested the php file and the connection is also got successful so that means wm server is perfectly installed on your local host now you can execute php scripts and also you can start your web development that's it guys we have successfully downloaded installed the wm server in windows 10 operating system and also configured virtual host created databases and finally tested samples sample php script that is the connection script at every step we were successful without any errors each and every step please watch carefully and please install it please install your wm server in windows 10 hope you like my video thanks for watching if you like my video please subscribe to my channel and also don't forget to press bell icon for more updates don't forget to share my videos with your friends please give your valuable comments in the comment section part thanks for watching thank you guys you
Channel: TechStudio82
Views: 27,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WAMP Server Installation on Win 10 | Complete Setup | Download, Install and Configure WAMP Server, WAMP Server Installation, Configure WAMP Server, Create Virtual Host in WAMP Server, Create Database using myphpadmin, Download and Install WAMP Server, Install WAMP Server on WINDOWS 10, Install WAMP Server, WAMP SERVER, WAMP, WAMP Installation, download WAMP, Download WAMP Server, wamp server for windows
Id: Afi7vdPsK6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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