How to download Georeferenced Google Satellite Imagery on QGIS

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hello you're welcome so in this video i'm going to be showing you how to download google satellite imagery on qgis so we are going to need two things basically an active data connection it means an active internet connection then uh this particular plugin here it's called timeplus now you might not see it on your plugin because most of the time it doesn't come with and you cannot download it on qgis so you have to install manually now now there is a link below this video where you can download this plugin so once you download it so you just navigate you click install from zip then you navigate to where the plugin is uh here it is here then you you you open so then after it comes and you install plug-in and you wait for it after installing installation once you are done with that so you will see this uh particular uh the plugin will appear here that is the type loss now so the first thing we do is so you click titles then under select map you click the drop down you you have a variety of so many uh data sets that you can download using this particular plugin but for this video we are going to be downloading google satellite imagery like the image from google satellite now you click then click the plus button here so it will automatically add it on the layer panel then you close now it's showing the image for the whole globe so you can easily navigate to whichever location you want to download for but for me i have my boundary like i want to download images for a particular boundary i'm working within that boundary so what i would do is just to go to uh i'm going to be importing the ship file of the boundary i already have it then i will navigate to where i i saved the um shapefile boundary then i'll add it look at it it has appeared on the layer panel now if you don't have if you don't have a shapefile for your boundary you can easily zoom in to whichever location you want but to save time already have the boundary instead of navigating manually so what i would do is i have imported the boundary here we just zoom to layer okay that's my layer there now let me change the color so that you'll be able to see it here you can change the color so since the boundary i'm using red for my boundary okay and let me increase the thickness all right that's my boundary so i'm going to be downloading imagery that covers this entire boundary now after we've imported the boundary the next thing is to do is you right click on your go satellite uh leave a layer here then you go to save as i mean export then from the drop down use big savers so now it's going to bring up this so first of all you have to uncheck this create variety because if you leave it like that it's going to download the images in in patches like entire but i want it as a single code so i'm going to uncheck it now uh we are done downloading imagery so we leave it at geotiff now here i'm going to navigate to where i want to save the image so here i'm uh let me call it what should i call it okay you can put and whichever name you want but i'm downloading for some part of color that's where i can use caliber all right now under the crest the coordinate reference system now is the default projection is the sido makato so i have to change it to wgs84 ustm32 depending on your location now here we have current layer extent we have calculate from there we have map canvas layer here if i if i ask you to download with mouse converter it's going to download everything on my screen you want to understand but here i have a boundary already i have a boundary layer where i want to download the image within the boundary so i'll click then select my boundary see the coordinate has changed now now under this resolution so it depends on the image you are downloading but for google imagery i can go with 0.5 for the both vertica and horizontal resolution so once we've done that i'll click ok and wait for it to download it's quite slow all right now we have a notification here so let's put that downloaded the imagery now if i go to my desktop and check where i saved it look at it here he's already here in t format now copy back to him now let's see if um you know one of the advantages of download this image is that you don't have to you reference again it's ready to reference so you can just import and do whatever you want to do with it now let me let me remove all this layer and import the layer that will just uh the image that we just downloaded okay remove layer now i'm having a black uh map covers here so go to layer add layer then add raster layer i will navigate to where i save that imagery i've added look at it here you see look at the coordinates here you see you can see that is the reference so you can take it to other software you want maybe you're working with arcgis or any other mapping software you see you don't have to start your referencing again unlike when you are trying to download the imagery from google edit itself you know you start adding placemat and copying coordinates so that you can use your reference but here is a ready to reference it's as simple as that see i think the image is quite a bit i mean the resolution is not that bad you can see some features that you want to work on so does that about this belief you can do i believe i've been able to show you in simple steps how to download google imagery from uh to download satellite imagery from google ads so to see i believe you understand thank you very much please don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel so that you'll be notified when our new videos are uploaded thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: Geomatics Hub
Views: 6,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ImkJcD8VV0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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