How to download and install Flutter in Android Studio on Windows 10 tutorial in 2024

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hi everyone in this video I'll be showing you how  to download flutter as well install Android studio   and run your first flutter application so I'll  be showing you how to download flutter as well   as how to download and install Android studio and  configure it with flutter so I'll be showing you   literally everything so let's get started so  first just go to your browser and type flutter   download so you'll be getting this link over  here install flutter documentation just click it   and in this you will be having option called  as install so you'll be having Windows Mac OS   Linux and Chrome OS so we are going to install  this one in Windows just click on Windows and in   the windows install you will be having all the  necessary things it will show your operating   system the disk space the tools everything  that is required over here first thing we   need to install git okay so you will be having  the first tools as git for Windows just click it   will take you to the git official website  and here you need to click on 64-bit git   for Windows setup so just click it  and download will be automatically   getting started which is about 50 mb in  size so just click it and click on open just click on yes and you'll be having the  git set up over here and just click on next   the location you can change it if you want next  again and I think yeah you can just play around   with it I think the default one is good just click  on next I think next for everything is fine yeah yeah so the installation will start and just uncheck it and just click on finish so  if I just go to search and type git you'll be   having the git Bash app over here and I think you  need to also add the git path in the environment   variables so just go and search environment you'll  be having this option called test edit the system   environment variables just click on Open click  on environment variables and in this you will be   having the system variables over here you will be  having this path just click it and click on edit   and here you can see right this particular path  gets automatically added I would also recommend   you to add another path which is C program files  git and Bin so for that you need to go to like   this PC C program files you'll be having  the git and go to bin copy this over here   so this is the path copy it and just click  on new and paste it and just click on OK   so basically you will need to have both these  paths okay this path was automatically added   and I just added this additional path so this  is fine now so just click on OK everywhere so   if you want to check whether we have successfully  installed git just go to command prompt and let me   just zoom in a bit yeah and I will type git hyphen  version so you'll be getting the Git Version which   means that you have successfully installed git  on your system so that's well and good so I'll   just come back yeah so the next thing that we need  to do is we need to just download the flutter SDK   okay so this will get downloaded in the form of a  zip file so here you can see right just click it   so here you can see it is about 819 MB in size  once the download is complete just go to your   downloads folder and here you will be having  this flutter Windows just right click it and   just click on extract all and I will just  first extract in my downloads folder itself   later then I will just copy it and paste it in  some other folder so just click on extract first   so once the extraction is complete you will be  having the flutter folder over here which will   be present inside downloads this flutter windows  and inside that we will be having the flutter   folder and these are some of the folders that are  present within that so after this just cut this   flutter folder or copy it I will go with cut just  cut it and you have to go to local disk C and what   they have mentioned in the official documentation  is that you have to create another folder known   as source and then paste inside it so I will do  the exact same thing I think you can even paste   directly but I'll go what has been said in the  official documentation so it's going to be SRC   and inside this just paste the extracted  flutter folder so just paste it   so this will be done fast and the next thing what  you need to do is you need to add the flutter path   in the environment variable so the path is going  to be I think it's flutter and Bin so let me just   scroll down yeah here you can see it full path  to flutter bin so I'm going to go to flutter and   inside that we will be having this bin folder just  click it and click over here so it's going to be   local disk C Source flutter and Bin let me just  now copy it and again the same procedure just go   to search and type environment you'll be having  the edit the system environment variables open it   click on environment variables go to path in  system variables click on edit click on new   paste it and just click on OK everywhere yeah  again we will go to command prompt and check   so this is my command prompt I will zoom in a  bit so this time we will be running the command   flutter doctor or we can just run flutter  at first but let me go with flutter doctor   so we will be getting welcome to flutter which  means that we have done all the necessary things   we have added the right path and we have  installed it so here you can see we have   got the flutter stable 3.3.10 and here you can  see Android tool chain developed for Android's   devices unable to locate Android SDK so we are  getting this particular error because we haven't   installed Android Studio so that is going to be  the next step so just go to the same website and   just scroll down so yeah the same thing flutter  doctor we have done this and next thing is going   to be android setup so install Android Studio  so you'll be having this download and install   Android Studio you can just click here it will  directly take you the official website where you   can download Android Studio so if you don't know  like how to find this simple just go to search and   type Android Studio you'll be getting the download  Android studio and tools click it and you'll be   getting the exact same thing over here as well  so let me just click on download Android Studio   so it will ask you like the terms and conditions  just click on agree and download so this will   also take some time it is about 900 MB in size so  once the download is complete just click on open so just click on yes and you'll be getting  the Android Studio setup just click on next   and yeah just check this as well Android  studio and Android virtual device this   is also really important so just check it and  click on next this is going to be the default   location I am fine with this and I will click  next Android Studio yeah and I'll click install   so it's going to be a pretty  much straightforward installation and click next now and just click on start Android  studio and click on finish so you will be getting   the import Android Studio settings just click  on do not import settings and click on OK   so it's Android Studio dolphin I think this is  currently the latest version and just click on   next okay don't send that's fine I will click  next type of setup you want for Android Studio   just click on standard and click next so  this is like the light and the dark mode I   will go with just the dark mode itself and I'll  click next so these are going to be some of the   components that are going to be installed  we have Android emulator I think that is   the most important thing out of all so this  is fine I will just click on next and this   is some of the license agreement that we need  to do so just click here and click on accept   after that you will click on this Intel Android  and as well click on accept and click on finish   so now it will take a long time to download  all the necessary components so just be patient   so once all the necessary components are  downloaded just click on finish and you'll be   getting this welcome to Android Studio over here  so let me just minimize all so we'll be getting   this welcome to Android Studio so first thing what  you need to do is you need to install the flutter   plugin so just go to plugins and you have to go  to Marketplace so nothing has been installed now   just go to Marketplace and you need to search for  flutter so you'll be getting this flutter and just   click on install so a third-party plugin yeah just  click on accept and just click on install as well so it's from so  just click on restart IDE so again it will open the welcome to Android  Studio dialog box and now you have to click on   more actions and here you will be having option  called as SDK manager just click it and in this   you need to go to SDK tools and you need to check  Android SDK command line tools just click it this   is important as well just scroll down you'll be  having all these Google things right I will go   with Google Webdriver Google USB driver Google  Play services and Google Play licensing Library   so these are some of the important things I think  it may be not used but it's better to install them   and just click on apply and just click on OK as  well so these necessary like packages or libraries   will be getting installed now just click on finish  and just click on apply and ok so again you will   be having the welcome to Android Studio but you  will be having this new flutter project option   now so just click it and you need to just select  flutter over here from the list of like languages   just click flutter and you need to select the  flutter SDK path so just click on browse so   this path is going to be the path that we actually  downloaded and extracted and pasted in local disk   C so just go to C and you need to go to source and  just click on flutter and okay so this is going   to be the flutter SDK path just click on next  and here you have to specify your project name   so I will go with first project so I think there  shouldn't be any space I guess yeah if I just now   click on finish yeah there can't be any space so I  will just put an underscore Maybe yeah this is now   fine and yeah I will go with application com dot  example you can just play around with that I will   just keep with the normal stuff and next I will  just click on finish so it will take some time to   create your first flutter project especially  you are like doing it for the first time   so this is what you get after creating your first  flutter project so here you can see main dot dart   so this is basically the flutter code I think  we'll be getting an increment counter app whenever   we press a button the count of that particular  like a value will be incremented on each press   so that app that's a default app actually so this  is some basic dart code dart is the language so   you can see that's why we name the file as main  dot dart over here so now we need to find a device   to run our flutter project okay so we can manually  connect our phone through a USB and run it but I   will show you a much better way by using a virtual  mobile device so for this you need to click on   this device manager icon over here just click it  and you will be having this virtual physical so   I will go with virtual I need to click on create  device over here so just click on create device   and you'll be having the virtual device  configuration so I will go with phone there   are many options there is Tablet TV as well I will  go with phone and I will just go with pixel 5 you   can also like play around with that there are  many categories over here these many available   so I will just go with pixel 5 for now and I  will just click on next and here you need to   select the Android version so here you can see  we're having Oreo pi and many other things so I   will just select S and you need to just click on  this download icon click it and need to agree to   this license accept and just click on next so it  will take some time to install so just be patient   so once it is installed just click on finish and  I will just select that particular image so it's   called as image and I will just click on next  and this is going to be the name you can just   give the custom name as well I will just give  it the default name itself and here also you   can search the orientation which its portrait  or landscape I will go with the default one   and I'll just click on finish so yeah so here  you can see I have now got a device added over   here so let me just now close it so now you  have to go to this particular drop down list   like to the left of main dot dart select it and  you need to click on refresh so just refresh a   couple of times so that like the pixel 5 that  is the particular virtual device that you have   installed now appears over here so here you can  see currently I am having that one open Android   emulator pixel 5 API 30 so this is a particular  device that I added now so just I will select that   we will be getting the phone over here so this  is basically the pixel 5 phone itself okay the   emulator basically like a real phone will  be emulated virtually in our Android Studio   itself so once you have got this phone open like  this you need to just hit on the play icon over   here or run Icon okay basically run Icon just  hit it and your application will now appear   on your virtual device so once it is done we are  like completed with our entire flutter setup and   the opening of this particular device basically  depends upon your processor and your RAM speed so after some time you will be getting your  first app build so this is the first app   okay this is like the demo page so it really  took a long time to load so since that is the   first time we are doing it so I think you can  see this is flutter demo page let me just now   like expand it so here you can see right this  is the default app that we will get every time   when we create a new flutter project so this is  that I told you right so if I just press this   button this counter will be automatically getting  incremented so just like yeah if I just click on   this button so here you can see right the count  is automatically getting incremented for each   click so if you get this without any error so  here you can see I'm not having any problems   over here so which means that flutter has been  successfully configured in your system as well   as in Android studio and you could do much  more flutter apps and projects so I hope you   would have found this video useful I've also done  many other tutorials in C C++ Java python node.js   react.js mongodb MySQL so do check other videos  of my channel subscribe me thanks for watching
Channel: United Top Tech
Views: 123,134
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Keywords: How to install flutter, Flutter in android studio, download and install flutter on windows 10, how to install flutter in android studio windows 10, Flutter, Flutter android studio tutorial, flutter tutorial for beginners, flutter install windows 10, Flutter 2023, Flutter 2024
Id: 9WT9s7jkGEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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