How To Dodge Every Skeleton Attack | Dark and Darker

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hey what's going on Gamers it's Ryan six days a week and if you've been playing Dark and darker for some time now then you've probably died every skeleton type at least once I know I have this guide is to show you how to reliably Dodge each skeleton type so you can always take on your PVP encounters with full health first we'll start with a basic footman and guardian as you've probably already intuitively picked up the back pedal strategy walk forward fade the attack and then step back to dodge and return attack after that just a tip here if you are in heavier armor you can actually turn 90 degrees in strafe in the backwards direction to move fast side strafe speed is equal to forward running speed in dark and darker so your movement is only really penalized when you hit the S key next we have the zoyhander skeleton this one is fairly simple but it does appear pretty threatening as it has long reaching cleaving attacks to reliably Dodge this one you can actually hug the skeleton Crouch and simply look up or down to avoid each swing just remember that if the zoy hunter skeleton is attacking from your left or counterclockwise it will quickly have a follow-up attack from the right up next the felling ax skeleton this skeleton will punish those who try to backstep so do your best to avoid that first to dodge the overhead attack you can strafe towards the skeleton to either side of its body do not try to run away this is a lunging attack I suggest making a habit to go to the left side since there's a second attack that is a clockwise swing and can also be dodged by stripping forward into the left so basically you can use the same movement to dodge both attacks now the skeleton Spearman this one is particularly tricky since you'll need to be able to read the attacks the overhead swing and the stab can be sidestepped easily to the right and sometimes to the left if you have high enough movement speed the clockwise swing however must be dodged to the left and actually a bit past the skeleton since the Arc of the Swing exceeds 180 degrees Honestly though if you do happen to be a melee class and stuck close with one of these skeletons it's probably better to just tank the clockwise swings and continue damaging down the skeleton jumping will help too as will make sure the swing hits your legs instead of your body your head finally the ranged skeletons if you're far from the skeleton Bowman you may simply just strafe in One Direction as you get closer you may need to crouch under the arrows a good timing tip is to watch the elbow of the hand drawing the bow string as soon as it stops moving Crouch for the occasional follow-up attack or attacks in the case of the nightmare version just be prepared to jump to the side these additional shots aim at the body instead of the head to try to duck them may result in more damage the crossbow skeleton is similar at a distance just continue to strafe if you find yourself close or in a narrow hallway where strafing isn't possible duck and throw your head back by looking at the ceiling the projectile moves a lot faster and is a little more difficult to Simply Crouch under so by looking up you can make sure the bolt hits your body or legs as your head will be behind the relation to the skeleton I hope this video was helpful and the same mechanics can actually be used for the more advanced variants of the skeletons too just know that the timings will be tighter so be sure to play in a server that gives you the best and lowest latency alright thanks as always for watching and please comment below if you have any questions on the techniques used in this video or improvements that you found oh and if you have a question that needs an immediate answer please feel free to ask me live as I'm probably playing right now all right I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ryan6DaysAWeek
Views: 117,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, ryan6, skeleton, guide, axeman, dodge, fightyer, pve, pvp, dad, early access
Id: jJEefJwBPZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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