How to do WEB DATA SCRAPING on Power Automate Desktop - Tutorial

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everyone my name is marcel and this video will learn how to do web data scraping in power to my desktop so we will use this website to learn web data scraping and so this website has as books listed across different pages and so we'll develop automation on part by desktop that will extract the title and the price of fish book until the third page so to start let's open part my desktop so you have to create a new flow and now first our automation should open the browser on the web page for that let's search here for the action launch and we'll appear different actions for different browsers so in my case i will use the launch new microsoft touch that opens the microsoft edge browser so here launch mode let's select the launch new instance will open to open a new browser and now here on initial rl so let's copy here the url of the website it's and let's paste it here and now on windows state let's select here the option maximize it and let's click on save so now let's test if it's working well so let's close the browser and let's run our automation so as we can see our automation opens the browser so now we have to indicate to our automation to extract the title and the price of fishbook so let's clear here this text on actions and now let's click here on the web automation and now we can see here the option web data extraction that will show actions related to web.extraction so let's click here and here we can see the action extract data from web page so this action allows us to extract data basically from a web page so let's use this action so let's drag it to our automation and so now we have to bring our web browser in the window that we want to extract so in the webpage that we want to perform extraction to the foreground as it says here so let's bring foreground our webpage and appears now here a live web helper that basically is to indicate the data to extract here from the web page so first to extract the titles so let's over here the title of the first book and now let's do right click and we'll appear here some options so let's over the option extract element value and so we can see here some options and the one that we will choose its option title to extract the full title of this book so now that we indicated the first book the title of the first book we have to indicate a second title of another book to protomates desktop recognize a pattern and be able to extract the titles of all books so let's over the title of the second book let's do right click let's select here the option title and now as we can see part of my desktop is extracting the titles of all books so now that we got the titles let's indicate the price so let's over the price of the first book and let's do a right click let's over the option extract element value and now here at this time let's select the option text and now apartment desktop because already recognized the pattern it's able to extract the titles and the price of all books and now to extract title and price of books on another pages we have to find a helmet that we can set as a pager so if we go here we can see that we have the button next and if we click here we go always to the next page so let's open this button and let's do right click and we can see here the option set element as a pager so we reset this button as a pager part my desktop will click on this button when doesn't exist more books to extract on certain page so let's set this element as a pager and now let's click on finish so now that we indicate the data to extract from each book we have here some parameters to find so here we can find if you want just to extract data from the first page or all pages so in our case will be to extract until the third page so let's choose this option only the first and here we can now on this parameter select the max web page to process so let's type in here 3 and now start at the mode let's select the option excel spreadsheet and now let's click on save so now let's test if our automation is opening so the browser and extract the data of facebook until the third page and export the data to excel file so let's close the browser and let's run our automation so as you can see our automation is going to the next page so it's now on the third page and so that measure already executed so finishing its execution and now we can see here excel file and if you open we can see the title and the price of fishbook that was extracted until the third page so we can check so this title should be the title of the last book on the third page so let's check here so oops so we can see here the book the last book that has the same title as we can see here on the excel file on the last row so our automation is working well so i hope you like this video don't forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any more rpa related videos bye bye
Channel: Marcelo Cruz
Views: 23,918
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Keywords: rpa, robotic process automation, rpa automation, rpa tutorial, rpa demo, rpa training, rpa developer, power automate, power automate desktop, power automate desktop web automation, power automate desktop rpa, power automate desktop tutorial, power automate desktop tutorial for beginners, rpa tutorial for beginners, learn rpa, power automate tutorial, power automate how to
Id: L-tpN7z4tLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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