How To Do The Voice Of Morgan Freeman

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Hi, my name is Boet. And today I'm going to explain to you how I do the voice of Morgan Freeman. So the voice of Morgan Freeman consists of two parts. It's got a high pitched part and a low pitched part. for example, if he were to do the monologue of The Shawshank Redemption with only his high pitched voice, it would not make much of an impression. This is how it would sound. Rehabilitated. Well, now let me see. You see, I don't really have any idea what that means. It doesn't sound epic to me. It doesn't have that character that that, you know, that that je ne sais quoi that everyone loves about Morgan Freeman well that je ne sais quoi is actually the other end of his voice. It's the low end part. The high end part is probably very easy to emulate by lots of people because if you just train your voice just a little bit, it's easy to make it sound like this. Anyone can do that. Well, most people can do that. To mix that with the low end, you first of all, must have a low voice. If you don't have a low voice, there's a trick that is by approaching the microphone to an extent that the microphone picks up. Also the very weak low sounds, the very weak base sounds of your voice. And that's how you get this really low sound. If you want to do a really compelling impression of Morgan Freeman, however you shouldn't sound like you're glued to the microphone. You should be able to get that low-end sound by yourself And me, I'm six foot eight, so I'm really tall. I have long vocal cords also, and the resonance, the frequency of your voice is in the most part, you know, decided by the length of your vocal cords. The longer these vocal cords are, the lower the frequency is. I can show you now what? When I do the low end of the voice of Morgan Freeman in the microphone, but not crawling into it, it would sound like this rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You see, I don't really have any idea what that means. What I can do now is mix the two together. And then it would sound like this rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You see, I don't really have any idea what that means to me. It's just a made up word. Morgan Freeman. And one final tip when I do Morgan Freeman, I basically try to look exactly like he looks. I sort of mimic his his facial traits that what he does is he basically freezes the top end of his face and the lips are moving, but barely. And he's just glancing in that camera and his face doesn't move at all. So if I would do rehabilitated? Well, now let me see if I do a lot of voice, uhm... head nodding, then it's not going to be as compelling as when I just freeze exactly the way he does and look into the microphone like this with your eyes wide open, completely emotionless, and then slowly let that voice come down. And maybe I could crawl just a little bit into the microphone so as to sound more like Morgan Freeman. But what you see is I'm basically freezing my face. The only thing moving is my lips. There you have it. Morgan Freeman done by a Dutchman. What do you know? Thanks for watching. And if you want to see me, do another voice. For example, the epic British voice of Michael Caine, who uses a similar technique as Morgan Freeman, but in a totally different way. You'll have to, like, subscribe and ring the bell because Michael Caine is next on the list. Okay, goodbye.
Channel: Find Your Voice
Views: 5,624
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Keywords: voice acting, morgan freeman, morgan freeman impression, morgan freeman voice, morgan freeman voice over, voice actors, voice actor, the voice, impersonation, shawshank redemption, sound like morgan freeman, fake morgan freeman, imitation morgan freeman, pretending to be morgan freeman, morgan freeman parody, impression, voice over tips, voice coach, voice over training, change your voice, freeman, celebrity impressions, boet schouwink, how to voice act, morgan freeman god
Id: NrOHqWOe2tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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