How To Do Scrum Project Management in ASANA 🚀 (in 2022)

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hey there my name is marquis and today i'm going to be showing you how to use asana to build out your own scrum projects and i'm actually going to show you how to create your own template filled with automations to speed up your workflow and to get your projects and products delivered and shipped faster so within asana i'm going to show you how to start it that from scratch so in this case we're just going to open up a brand new project we're going to just create a blank project for this we're going to call it scrum demo just like so obviously we're going to create a board and there we go let's jump right in so asana does a great job of getting you you know a bit of the way there but we're just going to add a couple of sections just to make the the workflow make a bit more sense and to follow the scrum and agile methodology so obviously we're going to add our um our backlog where everything is going to kind of sit we'll bring that over there i'm gonna have our story section and we're gonna bring that over there we have to do in progress um let's add in a needs review so obviously what i love about this is you know as needed if it's easier to view it in list view you can do that there are all your sections get rid of that task there you can switch it over timeline view but in this case we have everything set up that we need to get going so what i'm going to do first is we're going to think of a scenario that really makes sense for this use case so in my world we do you know marketing we do automation we do all those kinds of things so let's just say we need to build a website so i'm going to create the first card i'm going to call this one um website what can we call this website wireframes and then the next one i'm going to call it forgetting all my examples right now but we can call this um i don't know website dev and then we can call this one copy just for time's sake we'll just keep things going and if i can actually learn how to type that would be great so we've got our three stories we've ever seen in our backlog of tasks so in that scrum planning session you would all come together and you would put together all the different things that you know you would need um to make sure that we're achieving all of these stories and getting them out within our agreed upon sprint duration so let's just call this what it is um let's call this web one because i'm forgetting everything as we speak that's okay web three and then we can call this dev1 dev2 dev three and then we have copy one copy two copy three there we go so we got some cards we got some stuff in our backlog there but obviously we're missing um a lot here right and so the purpose of this is to be able to move the stories um and the cards really quickly through the process making sure that we're staying on task and so the best way we can do that and to really stay organized is to use custom fields and tags so what i'm going to do first i'm going to open this up and we're going to add some custom fields here so we go into our customize section first thing i'm going to create here is what i'm going to call the scrum stage right so what are the different stages we have backlog and then we have the story and then to do in progress needs review and then last but not least we have complete there we go perfect so we have all that right there and then that's one of our custom fields that we're going to use today the second thing that i'm going to do is i'm actually going to number or list out the stories themselves so we can keep everything nice and organized so as you can see it's blank right now so i'm going to go back over to customize i'm going to add in another custom field and we're going to call this one story number right and this one's going to be called story one story two and then the last one will be story three there we go keep them simple drop downs there we go so now what we can do is we're gonna go in here and we're just going to name these off so this is story one and when you're putting together your projects you could have four or five stories it doesn't really matter but in this case i'm just using three stories just to keep it really really simple then what we'll do is make sure that all of these um the cards in the backlog or all these tasks in the backlog line up to one of these stories so instead of clicking into the task detail view i'm just going to go over to list really quickly and just do this and i'm going to update that to story one all the devs are going to be related to story two and then copy is going to be related to story three great so we switch back over to the board view so we can see it's all nice and it's color coordinated and it's it's making a bit more sense now we're also going to do one thing is we're going to sort by story number so that makes it that no matter where you move these tags they always line up and correspond otherwise you could have green that's down here on top of orange and then you can get mixed up if you can't see everything in one spot so let's put all of these back there we go there we go and there we go and it just kind of throws them back down there i'm going to add two other custom fields here um one i'm going to add is we may actually have it estimated hours there we go um and then the second one i'm gonna add is um the the team member as well so let's see what we have available for team nothing so i'm just gonna create a you know text block we're going to call it team there we go we can add that to the library there we go so now if we go into the task detail view we can see we got the scrum stage that it's at in this case we can start you know adding these these custom fields to the section that we're at there we go so at a glance you can see stories line up with story right it makes sense we have story one two three and we're gonna do the same for backlog so in this case i'm gonna just go over here again and we're gonna do this really quickly and then we're gonna add the scrum stage as back log great so we've we've got it it's looking okay we have everything lined up we just want to make sure that when we're sorting um like that that we save the layout as default so that what just happened doesn't and they don't get unorganized great so there we go we have all of our stages we have our story numbers now as we move through it's really easy and simple to see what's happening when if we go into it we can see what team is responsible for it so this is the marketing team how many hours is this web 2 um phase going to cost i don't know it's going to cost us 10 hours right and then we can see everything at a quick glance right so as we're really going through this obviously this can get you know um pretty convoluted as we're moving stuff from in progress and over and needs review and then some of it's complete and stuff's happening and we're getting through our sprint we're feeling really really good but the whole goal of this is to be agile to be efficient right we don't want to be moving cards around so i'm going to show you how to add in automations by using the rules function i have another video on rules if you're not sure how to set those up that i can i can walk you through or i'll actually link to in the description so in customize we're going to go over here again and we're going to add in rules and so just right off the bat there are lots of custom stuff already done here for you just because i like it i like to just create the custom ones they are available to you but it's just easier for me just to come in here think through it look through it just to make sure that you know exactly what's going on so um let's just move these all back over here so we can do this the right way and i'll show you what i mean um there we go so what we're going to be doing is making it so that any time you move a card it updates the the tag the scrum stage in this case similarly if we are in the task detail view we want to be able to update any of these custom fields in the drop down and have it move to that section as well so i'm going to do a couple um to show you what i mean and then the last one i'll show you is the easiest one or if it's moved to complete you know we know in scrum that that means it's done it's really done and that we don't have to worry about it again so when we go back over to customize we're going to add those rules so the first one i'm going to make it so that anything that is moved to the to do column switches from the backlog scrum stage to to do obviously so the trigger is going to be task moved to certain section when it's moved to to do we are going to add the action to set the scrum stage so obviously we're going to move it from to do from backlog sorry to to do and there we go that rule is created so remember we added it for the moving of this the the card to the section now we need to do the opposite of that so we have to go back in add another rule create a custom rule and the trigger in this case is going to be scrum stage changed to to do and we're going to move task to a certain section and obviously we're going to do that to to do so now let's just test it out so i'm going to take something from the backlog i'm going to move it over there and asana will do its thing and it automatically updates great now we're going to go into the task detail view i'm going to switch this up going to make that to-do let's see if it works great it's running it's doing its thing great it's updated there so then you just want to go through and do that for all the different sections i'm not going to show you what that looks like right now but the last one i'll show you is what happens when it gets to complete um and actually there's one other one that i will put in here it's um when where is it there is an option right here and i can't see it this is why i just do this it's so much easier so um when a task is added to this project right what happens to it we want to move it to a certain section i like backlog okay so any new tasks that we add here no matter where they're at they're going to go to the backlog they'll be tagged accordingly and then that will just happen automatically for you so not to bore you with all the details i think we understand how rules go the only other one that i would do after updating all the the sections is to add it to complete right so some when we click on this what do we want to happen we want it to move to the completion stage and similarly when a card is moved over there we want it to automatically complete and then we're going to update the tag from to do to complete just like so so i've actually already done all of this since i'm going to kind of show you what that looks like and so at the end of it you get something like this all of the automations are already built in you can see all the rules that i have on the side here and then they're broken down by section as well if you take a look at that lightning bolt so the way that this works is everything just gets moved to the section i'm going to move this around you know pretty quickly and asana is just going to do its thing just get some stuff on here so we can have something to look at there's a lot moving on the screen right now probably the best part oh there we go i also added another feature that when we get to the in review stage that it automatically adds in this case would be the product owner or the project manager so they get assigned that thing to review and then i would just set the due date automatically as well to today and then that project owner can update the due date as they see fit and then last but not least once that person's reviewed it they move it over to done there we go and it's going to do its thing it's going to complete same with this when it's been reviewed we can click on it versus moving the card and then it goes over there so this is just one of the ways that um asana is you know or you can use the sun i should say to do scrum and do it properly and as you can see when we are sorting by that story number it keeps everything nice and organized on top of each other so that you don't get confused you can keep in line with your original stories and then when it's time to update you know the progress or do your your retro at the end of the sprint you can do that really quickly you know what happened you know what was blocked it's all here for everyone to see so uh if you liked this video um you got something from it then i would love for you to like share and subscribe because um one of the things that i love doing is teaching people how to use this tool and i was actually on a call with a with a client earlier today um former prospect obviously who saw a video and just thought wow we need to do more of this and so if there's something that you're not sure about you know in regards to asana you want to know how you can better use asana let me know i'd love to walk you through the different use cases for it as well so if you found this video helpful please like it subscribe to the channel if you already haven't and if you think that this would be helpful or beneficial to someone else in your organization friend colleague family member whatever it may be please share this video with them thanks for stopping by and we'll see you next time bye for now
Channel: Marquis Murray
Views: 37,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asana, automation, workflow automation, workflow management, work management, project management, agile, scrum, productivity, productivity hacks, trello, Teamwork,, Resource and planning, gantt chart, workload, timeline
Id: DBxhgeWZUh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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