How to Do Keyword Research For FREE: A Full Ubersuggest Tutorial!

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how can you make sure that the keywords you're focusing on are going to actually get you higher google rankings well you need to do a little bit of research up front if you want to get the benefits that SEO has to offer and there are a lot of tools out there they're gonna help you do it some free but limited some paid but those can be really expensive and unless you're an SEO expert it can be really intimidating to use some of those but I have today the ultimate tool for you when it comes to researching those keywords it's not only incredibly powerful and easy to use but it's actually free too and it is really easy but I'm gonna show you exactly what to do to find your most profitable keywords for your business so I did a video last year about my then favorite free keyword tool caught up is called kW finder but guess what it's not free anymore and I get comments about it all the time so but even then it did limit you to just a few searches per day so I wanted to do an update video and I found something that I liked just as much and it's a hundred percent free without limits and it's called ubersuggest and the reason it works so well is that it's designed to work through Google's suggest feature using the same algorithms that Google itself uses to suggest keywords so the weights design makes this really powerful tool incredibly easy for even the biggest SEO newbies to master in just minutes so let's head into the computer ok so here we are 'über suggest and you're just gonna go to neil patel dot-com slash eber suggest to get there and the first thing you're gonna do is you're just gonna type in the main keyword phrase that you think you want to be found for and also your your language and country I'm just gonna click on search to get us started and you'll notice the first thing that's asking you to do is to register for free and sign or sign in so it is absolutely free you don't have to put on any credit card information I highly recommend you do this because it's gonna give you way more suggestions and it's just you can just sign in with Google it doesn't take more than a second so I'm just gonna go ahead and sign in myself so now it's gonna ask you if you have a website you want to track I'm not gonna do that we're just doing keyword research so I'm just gonna click on the X up here and then go over to overview alright cool so I've typed in Dog Boarding NYC just to get us started right off the bat it tells us we have a search volume of around a thousand searches a month which is pretty good SEO difficulty of 28 it's still marked as easy so that's a good thing too and cost-per-click 560 that's not gonna be important if you're doing keyword research for organic listings but I always like to look at the cost per click because if it's too low that generally tells me that no one's really either looking for that phrase or there's no buyer intent behind that phrase keep in mind ever a cost-per-click is really high while that's not ideal on the surface of it it does tell you that it's high for a reason that it's actually generating income for the companies that pay for that placement so it's just a good thing to kind of have in the back of your mind so let's go on down here so here's where I really want you to pay attention to here we've got the keyword ideas so again what you input is just what you thought you wanted to be found for but they may come back with other ideas that are gonna be more beneficial for you so I'm just gonna click on View all keyword ideas so what we've got here we've got two panes right here on the left and the right so on the Left we have all the keyword ideas all the suggestions that are going to give us and on the right we have what Google is currently showing in these positions for dog boarding NYC so I notice if you were to let's just say dog born in Queens New York and let's click on the the arrow there it's going to redo these results in terms of what would show up for that query instead so but I'm gonna go back to dog boarding NYC I'm just gonna click that one okay so here are the the things I really want you to pay close attention to the search volume you know how many people every month are searching for that phrase in you know the United States and unfortunately one thing that's missing from this that I really would like to see is the ability to have it show you results from any given spot within the country like it'd be great if we could just see dog boarding results in the New York area right but that's not available to us here we've got to work with what we've got and this is a really robust free tool other than that so we've got search volume and I generally like to see something between 500 and 5,000 that's kind of the sweet spot but don't discount anything if it's Oh got over a hundred searches per month but once you start getting down into 20 you know these might not be super worth going after at that point cost per click we explain that that's how much the average cost is when it's a Google Ad again keeping in mind the higher it is that denotes the more buyer intent so if it's really super low like 1:13 it may not come with a lot of upside once you get it so and then paid difficulty that's how difficult it is for a paid ad we're not going to pay attention to that but SEO difficulty this is really important this is the number that tells us how difficult it's gonna be to compete for that phrase and these are all in the green which is good it's color coded so if it goes into orange or red that's when you know it's either medium difficulty or extreme difficulty so what we ideally want to do here is for every maybe you've got one set of keyword phrases for your website if you basically offer one overall service or product or maybe you offer several and you've got landing pages for each and you want each landing page to be able to rank for that service so in this case we're just going to go under the assumption that we've got a home page all we do is dog boarding that's all there is so we want to find one primary phrase which is what we're really going to put most of our effort behind and then you can have you know three to five secondary phrases to put in there as well to get some of the extra traffic so we've got to at a thousand volume per month and they're very similar we have dog boarding in NYC and dog boarding NYC but before we really choose to I should we should go through other things so we've got related words we've got questions so how you know that basically figures out what questions people are asking related to the topic prepositions meaning it's gonna add different words to it and then comparison type questions so things like prices like these are things or rates these are things that people are using to compare so and then let's so let's go back to the normal suggestions and let's just do it a little test here so I have NYC but what if we have what if we do Manhattan instead let's just see what that comes up with okay so that's quite a bit less and then let's just say New York City for instance we just want to make sure we're finding the right kind of keyword so again we've got about a thousand a month so and it's difficulty of 20 so let's go back to NYC we'll just kind of keep this in mind as we go back yeah so I'm thinking you know these being equal dog boarding NYC dog boarding in NYC and dog boarding in New York are all relatively similar so it's up to you you can choose dog boarding in New York or dog boarding in NYC but I'm going to go with dog boarding in NYC because we've got an equal search volume but the the SEO difficulty is a good eight points less for that so meaning more people are going for dog boarding NYC than that so I'm going to choose that one as my primary then I'll choose pet boarding in NYC best dog boarding in NYC and best dog boarding NYC as well as I'll choose this one too and I'll choose all of these and then what you can do is you can export it to a spreadsheet or you can just copy it to a clipboard so you have it for easy reference later but now let's do a different search let's try something new so I'm gonna type in tulsa wedding photographer and see what we got okay so the top one that comes up is the one we typed in with a search volume by the way you can reorder these if you want but it's already the top one so Tulsa wedding photographer comes in at number one with 260 a month which isn't bad you know with if you're a wedding photographer you probably don't have to do the same kind of volume that a dog boarding place does right so even if you've got one client every weekend you could certainly get that from 260 searches per month and the difficulty score isn't that bad either and I should mention two so these are all the the results to pop up so what you want to do is kind of check a few things out right so what this is telling us is the the number one two three spots are these are basically big websites with pretty high domain scores so this there's it's based on a lot of factors but it's basically showing that these are really strong websites obviously you've heard of well maybe you haven't if you're not I've done a lot of work with wedding related companies so I'm familiar with the knot and what why're lexo less so with expertise combat point being these are big websites that you might have a hard time beating but you certainly could with enough effort and then here we go we've got in the number four spot this just looks like someone local their local website so you can basically see how many estimated visits you can expect to get in any of these given positions and it shows you how many links they have to these pages with their domain score is and the social shares so sometimes it looks like this guy might be doing really well based on the number of links he's got as well as the number of social shares helps as well okay so I want to try something new here so I want it let's let's say that you are an accountant and you're you offer many different services and you can specify for many different industries but you want to prioritize which pages should you really make for different industries based on the search volume so let's just type in I'm gonna type in accounting services for and I'm gonna leave it blank and I'm gonna click on search okay so what we've got here is accounting services for small business with 1,300 searches so maybe it would make sense to make a page dedicated to that let's see we've got accounting services for restaurants 170 quite a few quite a bit drop-off from small business to restaurants but it still might be worth going after especially since it's got a really high cost per click right like a lot of people are paying big money to rank for that so that tells me there's probably some money in it on the other side and the this SEO difficulty is still in the green at 31 so it might be worth going after as well and then you've got accounting services for nonprofits which still has a pretty high cost per click not so much search volume but you know it might be doable as well so again you just want to grab the ones that look good to you so I'm gonna get small-business restaurants and nonprofits you're gonna export it to a spreadsheet or just copy it to your clipboard so once you have all those many keywords for your website what do you do with them well I've got a whole video showing you what you can focus on in just about five minutes a day to apply these keywords across your site in a way that's gonna get you the best results so click this video or right here and I'll see you there
Channel: Wes McDowell
Views: 20,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to do keyword research, how to do keyword research free, how to do keyword research with free tools, keyword research, how to research keywords, keyword research 2018, keyword research 2019, keyword research for seo, keyword research seo, keyword research tips, keyword research tool, keyword research tutorial, best free keyword research tool, google keyword research, seo keyword research, free keyword tool, google keyword planner, seo, ubersuggest, ubersuggest tutorial
Id: halo97DZenw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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