B2 Use of English - Ejercicio Práctico - Repaso de GRAMÁTICA y PHRASAL VERBS
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Channel: Inglés Para Perezosos
Views: 47,600
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Keywords: use of english b2 cambridge, gramatica b2 ingles, gramatica b2, como hacer use of english, use of english parte 4, use of english part 4, key word transformation explicacion en español, key word transformation fce, curso b2 ingles, ejercicios fce, como aprobar fce, tips b2 ingles, tips fce, fce cambridge, explicacion use of english, preparacion b2 ingles, trucos use of english, b2 first gramatica, phrasal verbs b2 cambridge, phrasal verbs mas usados en ingles, b2first
Id: h2ODqDAPvxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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