How To Do Email Marketing Fulfillment As An Agency

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hey there thanks for stopping by in this video I'm going to be breaking down step by step how you can begin using email marketing for your business or your agency in 2023 it really is an untapped service that I think a lot of people ignore because they think email is outdated which simply just isn't the case I offer email marketing as a service for my agency to my Ecommerce clients and we've seen some pretty awesome results I'm confident you can see the same results in your business or your agency but if you do go on to enjoy the video I would really appreciate it subscribe and like try to provide as much free marketing content on here as possible so stick around for a big year in 2023 without further Ado let's get right into the presentation so this is the email marketing process presentation that I give to my clients pretty much what I'm just trying to break down the benefits of email marketing for their business and it's really broken down into three main flows the first being customer acquisition the second being return to cart and the third being new customer nurture I'm going to be breaking these down step by step but a basic understanding of each of these is one customer acquisition is pretty much exactly what you think it would be you're trying to acquire a new customer to sign up for your emails second is return to cart which is basically somebody comes to your website they put something in their cart they leave for whatever reason they get distracted you would blast them with an email saying hey you still have something in your cart and then the third is new customer nurture somebody actually you know converts they buy a product they're a part of your business now and you're really just wanting to nurture them to create a uh or purchase a new product down the road I mean you're sending them like a series of emails so the first one being customer acquisition there's really two ways you can do this there's entrance intent and exit intent basically this is for the website so entrance into it is pretty much you know whenever you go to a website you see like a pop-up or something that's like you know hey uh you get 15 off when you put in your email that is an entrance intent something that pops up like five to ten seconds uh you know into your like store Journey pretty much and that's what you see a lot of times and the exit intent is grabbing an email from like a return to cart or like a you know a checkout kind of thing so like an exit attempt is hey before you go put in your email we'll send you like a 10 50 um discount or we'll send you like a sticker package or like something that you know entices them to get them to sign up the whole point of email marketing is to get people to sign up so you've got to give them something in return and then this is customer acquisition through advertisements so like I just said incentives uh advertisement gives the viewers something they want something like a planner a strategy a template um you know and this is just an example of something that you know an agency would use so like I'm working on 75 hooks that you can can sign up for and this is really just something as simple as you know blasting them with a PDF that they can use for their their advertisements but they have to sign up for my newsletter uh first and I'm creating an advertisement or creative that I can send out to meta to Instagram Tick Tock whatever it may be and this is an example that I ran through uh the other day and then the process so the process of you know getting somebody to sign up from an advertisement is creating a landing page you get their sign up and then the email is attained so pretty much you know landing page just wants to capture everything that you're wanting them to get at that time so for example if I'm sending out those 75 hooks or maybe you know the the incentive is 15 off discount you're going to want to create a huge landing page that says get your 15 off when you sign up for our email newsletter and so the landing page really just has to capture what you're all about what you want the customer to know and then once they sign up you can get their first name their last name really the only things that are important in my opinion are the first name in the email you can also do this for SMS us marketing so like you know text messages you can get their phone number you can get their birthday so you can create like a birthday flow pretty much just sending them an email when it's their birthday ultimately that just strengthens the you know the customer loyalty to your brand and then the third step here is this the email is attained now that the email is attained they're a part of your newsletter you can then send them like customer testimonials new discounts new plans in the future the next flow here is return to cart so like I mentioned earlier this is just you know something where they're going to check out they get distracted and this is an example of an email from huckberry where you know they left the store they had you know a boxer briefs bundle in the checkout and they're sending them an email something that's really interesting and this is something that I've done my research on but according to research time for the top 500 companies that do email marketing over 29 of overall revenue is missed out if you don't Implement a return to card uh email flow and this is something you can present to your clients so like for example you know let's just round this up to 30 if somebody's making ten thousand dollars a month from their product from their Shopify store whatever it may be and they don't have a return to cart flow that's three thousand dollars that they're missing out on likely if they have a good return to cart system in place so that's something that you can leverage it's something that I've definitely talked about in my my presentation as well so use this same the same research the same stat because you know it's really shocking you know that extra three thousand dollars can be used for further marketing it can be used for you know covering somebody's rent a month you know something as simple as that so a pretty cool thing there and then the last thing here is new customer nurture so what the process of a new customer nurture looks like uh is pretty much a three to five email Series where and you can go more you can go five to ten um but really it's just spread out to where you don't want to blast them every single day or they're going to get annoyed with your product they're going to get annoyed with your business and it's just really not a good thing to to uh to annoy somebody that obviously you want to come back so day one is send an email post purchase something as simple as like a thank you email um like a welcome to the family and maybe a future discount or some sort of tangible item or action they could take advantage of so like for example you know uh if I'm running a uh you know a Marvel apparel store and and somebody signs up for uh the email or somebody purchases a t-shirt right I send them an email saying thanks so much for your purchase welcome to the family here's 15 off of your next like Marvel apparel um you know store discount whatever uh that's something that they automatically have an incentive to come back to you know they have that 15 off that they don't have it other you know marvel apparel stores you know it's not a big Market it's just an example but they have a reason to come back uh day five is continue to lead nurturing and I want to preface too that these days can be different so it doesn't have to be day five day ten it can be day 15 it can be day 30 really whatever um you're comfortable with in terms of spacing your emails out but continually nurturing this can be something like a testimonial um good deals coming in the future like if I'm you know let's continue with the Marvel apparel line let's say like hey uh it's winter right now I've got some you know we've got some pretty awesome some plans for the spring you know since you're a part of you know the the business family we'll send you an email where you can get Early Access something like that day 10 is sending the call to action for a second time purchase something along the lines of hey don't forget that this discount that I sent you on day one is going to expire soon so make sure to you know you know take advantage of it while you can and then include a deal for being your loyal customer remind them why it's good to to stay loyal to your brand so if you don't send them a discount on day one you can most definitely do so on day 10 in this case so really the new customer nurture is just that you're nurturing the new customer giving them incentives giving them a reason to come back why is it a good thing to be a part of your business and somebody that appreciates your product is going to appreciate being nurtured in the correct way like I said this all has to be taken with a grain of salt because there is such thing as a new customer nurture uh being done in a harmful way something like blasting them with an email every single day after they sign up is not a good email nurture process so it's really something uh simple that you can take advantage of today and this is something that I that I preach to my clients as well where if they're not implementing email marketing because they think it's outdated they need to start today whether you're a business or an agency if you're not running email marketing in your business or agency then you definitely need to start in 2023 if you want a video breaking down how you can do this on MailChimp specifically I'll put a video right here but if you want a step-by-step tutorial on other platforms I would be more than happy I have experience with clavio Constant Contact and some other smaller ones but thank you so much for sticking around if you did click the like And subscribe button I appreciate it I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Will Ross
Views: 16,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Email marketing, how to do email marketing, how to do email marketing step by step, how to do email marketing for clients, how to do email marketing with mailchimp, mail chimp landing page, email marketing for beginners, email marketing strategy for small business
Id: Qxse4f-_d9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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