How to do bleach bath method| water color black hair

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hey y'all i'm back and we getting right into the video i'm showing you the products we'll be using today to do a bleach bath i know a lot of y'all have been asking so i got you sis 40 to volume developer four scoops of bw2 bleaching powder for the developer you just want to eyeball it you want to have a good amount and you want to make sure there's more developer than there is bleach powder you want to have a really good amount you want kind of like a thick consistency but not really it needs to be kind of like watery so it's not thick like paste as if you were the bleach knot we're not trying to process it that fast so as you see here you see how much i'm doing it's a good amount and then i'm going to show you the consistency you should have it looking like [Music] [Music] so the consistency should be kind of like cornbread or cake mix when you bleach a notch your consistency should be like cake frosting so it doesn't seep through the lace but for bleach bash you wanted like a little more watery you want that developer to overpower the bleach um the developer is what really i mean both of them like together of course is what you know activates the bleach bag but the developer you want to have more than the bleach so that way it doesn't process too fast but it's still processing and then this is the amount of water and how i go about determining my amount of water is by the wig you want the whole wig to be able to be dipped into you know the whole the bath you don't want it to be too less of everything and then now you don't have enough so you got to kind of eyeball it to know like okay if you know you got a 30 inch wig you know you need to have a good amount of everything so that it is effective so you just go by like you know the density go by the length um and you know just make sure you have enough product so that you can proficiently do the whole bleach bath [Music] [Music] and you see how watery and you see like that color that is how you know you ready to go [Music] [Music] so so there isn't any math um to like my way of dipping it in the bath the only thing i do highly recommend is to have a brush or comb you want to comb and brush as you are dipping as we all know when you are coloring especially water coloring if you do not comb through or brush through the hair as you are dipping you will find that you miss spots so just comb spread the hair if you do have like a brush like this it does work really well and also you know you want to detangle as you're doing it too you want to make sure the color is thoroughly getting in there let me not say coloring but the product whatever you're doing even if it's watercolor bleach black whatever you want to make sure the product is thoroughly getting through every spot and then as you see the bleach bath is already working because if you can tell it's already turning like a chocolate brown but that's not the color i'm going for i need it to be lifted a little higher [Music] [Music] another tip cover the bleach bath it'll help trap the heat and the moisture in and help with processing and once you um you know let it sit i let mine sit for about an hour this is how it'll look um the sit in process depends on how high you want it lifted what is your overall end goal that you are going for you have to know that if you know you just want to brown then do maybe 15 20 minutes if you know that you have to color it it depends on if you're going to do like a burgundy or whatever the case you have to know coloring you have to know what your end goal is to know how long you need to let the wig sit in a bleach bath and now we're going to get into washing all of that out you want to make sure that you thoroughly wash the wig and cleanse it get all of that bleach out because you don't want it to still be processing you want to really take your time and wash it comb all of it out i'm going to use a clarifying shampoo which is by suave you can pick that up at any cvs walmart target suave is everywhere even it's even at the dollar store family dollar dollar tree you can get it everywhere and then i just picked up this new garnier hole blends repairing conditioner um it's called honey treasures and it repairs and mends dry and damaged hair y'all i love it i actually just literally use the whole bottle in one week so i'm gonna go get some more but yeah that's really all i'm just gonna show you guys washing it and then you guys will see the end product [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's it y'all i hope this video helped y'all with doing your bleach wrap they are super easy super fast to do do not take a lot of effort at all but the next video i'll show y'all water coloring and styling this wig thank you so much for watching like comment subscribe bye
Channel: Paradiseforevaco
Views: 159,322
Rating: 4.9043365 out of 5
Keywords: bleach bath, black to blonde, bleach a wig, How to bleach hair, Bleaching my hair, Hair color transformation, Wig transformation
Id: WAr5i4aClzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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