How to do an EASY Juice Cleanse πŸ‰ Beginner Tips + 3 Simple & Healthy Juicing Recipes 🍍

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Aloha friends Christina here and I am so happy to share with you how to do an easy spring juicing cleanse with beginner tips plus three delicious recipes to get you started if you missed the announcement I just launched a new 5day spring cleanse on my fully raw recipe app with live Zoom calls tons of recipes and more the goal of this spring cleanse is to consume one fresh juice one smoothie and one salad every day for 5 days and I'll be hosting three live Zoom calls throughout this 5-day period to help guide you offer support and build community a new 5-day spring cleanse meal plan has just been added to my app for you there are 5 days worth of fresh juicing recipes smoothie recipes salad recipes and much more my app is available on iTunes and Google Play and there are are now over 500 raw vegan recipes on my app waiting for you to enjoy so you can have these recipes on your mobile devices with you at any time I've gone ahead and included the download links for my fully raw recipe app in the description below for you and when you download it all you have to do is click on meal plans and you will see our new spring cleanse at the top give it a tap and please join us so since we're doing a spring cleanse and this video was all about encouraging you to do a spring cleanse you have three options the first option is to join us on our spring cleanse Challenge on my fully raw recipe app and you can do one juice one smoothie one salad a day and join our live calls the second option for doing a spring juicing cleanse is you can simply do 1 32 oz juice every day for 5 days or as long as you want option number three is for those of you who are a bit more Advanced and who want to do a fullon juice cleanse for 5 days and that would look like you doing 3 to 4 32 o jars a day and just drinking juice I leave it up to you to choose which option feels the best to you and no matter what the goal is to drink one freshly pressed juice a day so whether you want to do this spring cleanse with us as a group or do it on your own can be as easy or as advanced as you wish it to be so in today's video I'm going to kickart this spring cleanse with three fun delicious and healthy juicing recipes you can enjoy and I'm going to be sharing with you essential key points for any successful juice cleanse key Point number one is you want to enjoy 32 oz of freshly pressed juice as a meal replacement typically breakfast and lunch are the easiest and best times a day to enjoy a juice meal like this or what I would call a juice Feast if you need more juicing recipes my fera recipe app has more than 100 more than 100 juicing recipes there for you to try so please go check them out key Point number two is to eliminate and replace I'm a firm believer that if you're going to start making big changes in your life and if you're going to start incorporating more healthy foods you also have to eliminate the foods that might be causing you problems making you sick or simply just unhealthy foods that don't make you feel your best so key Point number two is to eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet and I typically recommend eliminating meat Dairy processed sugars gluten and even oils and replace those with fresh fruits vegetables and also nuts and seeds key point number three get daily exercise or movement into your routine it makes such a big difference key Point number four is get more sleep go to bed early stop doing late night scrolling no more late night TV binging discipline yourself to get in bed earlier and get a good night's rest number five is to get in 20 minutes of sunshine a day spring is here and the sun is coming out more the weather is getting warmer for many of us so if you can take a 20 minute walk and just feel a little bit of sunshine on your skin it makes a world of difference and my last bonus key point is for those of you who are a bit more advanced and who want to do a fullon juice cleanse is for you to follow the 5day juicing cleanse road map that is on my app or that is on my website I have a complete program available for those of you who want to dive in and do this fully please take advantage of that resource and I've also linked it below for you so now that I've made it through my key points let's jump in to these three yummy juicing recipes if you're going to do a juicing cleanse or if you're interested in juicing at all you're going to need a juicer and the juicer that I love and recommend the one I have in my home the one I use everyday is the Nama juicer and today I'm going to be using the J2 juicer with the new accessories that are built for batch juicing so recently I've made a lot of videos on batch juicing and one of the reasons why I love my Nama J2 juicer is because it is made for batch juicing or it is made for bulk juicing the motor and the torque can handle juicing a lot at once it's fast and it's easy and this slow cold press juicer has a revolutionary technology that allows you to load in whole ingredients into the large Hopper at a time close the lid walk away and when you come back fresh juice is made for you it's what we call a handsfree technology that can make tons of juice in just minutes and since the goal is to drink 32 oz of juice every single day with a Nama juicer you can make all of your juice for your juice cleanse in just one batch that's right imagine juicing one evening or one morning and then having all of your juices prepared for you for the next 5 days that's what the Nama juicer can do for you what's even more exciting is that Nama just came out with a new line of accessories that make batch juicing even easier for you they have a new large Hopper a large pitcher with a strainer new glass bottles and even a new Citrus attachment that will make your juicing experience that much easier if you're looking to get a new juicer or if you're interested in getting any of nama's new new juicing accessories you can use the code spring cleanse at checkout to get $55 off their Nama J2 juicer $80 off their new C2 juicer plus blender and 10% off all accessories the code is spring cleanse and I have linked that below for you in the description trust me when I say that n is the best you will not regret your investment in this slow cool press juicer it will be be a game changer in your kitchen I hope you love it please check out those links below the first juicing recipe I'm going to be sharing with you is a remineralizing and detoxifying green juice the second juicing recipe I'm going to be sharing with you is an energizing watermelon beet juice and the third juicing recipe I'm going to be sharing with you is an antioxidant Rich cabbage Apple lime juice let's get started for the remineralizing and detoxifying green juice recipe go ahead and add into your juicer approximately one peeled lime or lemon two small cucumbers one small to medium bulb of fennel yes fresh fennel fennel is such a Powerhouse root veggie that you can juice that adds a little extra sweetness to any green juice and we're going to add in a full head of celery you can always add as much celery as you want into any green juice if you'd like you can also add in extra kale spinach or other dark leafy greens of your choice and that's more of an advanced recipe once all of these ingredients have run through your juicer go ahead and strain it for extra smoothness and pour it into any glass jar of your choice how refreshing and mouthwatering does this green juice look now this juice does a body good next up we're going to be making a very sweet and energizing watermelon beet and lime juice when ready go ahead and add into your juicer a half to one peeled lime or lemon a/4 to half of one beet and one small watermelon peeled I don't know about you but I love fresh watermelon juice not only does it give me so much energy but it's also a great post-workout drink watermelon is one of the easiest things that you can juice and it taste so delicious there's nothing more hydrating or refreshing than drinking cold watermelon juice on a hot day I am a watermelon juice lover when ready go ahead and strain your watermelon juice if you want it to be extra smooth and then pour it into any glass jar of your choice voila this to me looks like self love in a jar cheers I'm simply amazed at how much watermelon I can fit into this large Hopper you can load in whole fruits and veggies into this Hopper at a time and it juices it within minute this large Hopper is an attachment that you can simply twist onto your base and it allows you to juice more in one go and lastly juicing recipe number three is one of my favorites purple cabbage apple and lime when ready go ahead and add in a half to one peeled LI or lemon into your juicer followed by approximately a half of a head of purple cabbage and four to six Fuji or honey crisp apples now I know what you might be thinking that juicing purple cabbage might not taste that good but trust me when I say that this recipe is completely surprising not only is the color absolutely gorgeous but this juice tastes so sweet not only is this juice antioxidant rich but it is good for your heart your blood circulation your digestive system and much more and to add on top of that it's an energizing juice that will keep keep you satisfied throughout the day when ready go ahead and pour this juice through your strainer if you want it to be extra smooth and then go ahead and pour it into any glass jar of your choice voila we have just made our last juice and this is one of my favorite colors how absolutely refreshing did these colorful juices look for reference this is a 32 oz jar and these new Nama jars are smaller so I would say if you're going to make a meal out of something and you're aiming for 32 oz use a 32 oz jar or for every two Nama jars consider that to be one meal replacement they also have a larger grab and go bottle that is perfect size to take with you anywhere anytime that is so good oh that is so good if these juices look good to you and if you're excited to give them a try please be sure to give this video a thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button because there is only more juiciness to come if you're interested in joining our 5-day spring cleanse please click on the links Below in the description and download my fully raw recipe app you'll see the cleanse featured in the meal plans section we start soon and I hope to see you there and this spring cleanse will be Evergreen on my app so whenever you want to do it it will be there for you if you're looking to get a new juicer or even new juicer accessories please check out the Nama J2 juicer or even the new C2 juicer plusus blender and you can use the code spring cleanse to get $55 off a J2 $80 off a C2 and 10% off all of their new accessories that link is in the description below for you enjoy the goal is to consume one fresh juice a day no matter what I hope this video inspires you to get juicing and to have juicing be a part of your daily routine thank you all so much for joining me in this video today I look forward to seeing you all on my next one sending you all my hugs and my love bye
Channel: FullyRawKristina
Views: 19,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, veganism, juicing, juicingrecipes, juicer, bestjuicer, kitchen, cooking, plantbased, healthy, vegans, vegancouple, fullyraw, fullyrawkristina, lifestyle, juicerecipe, weightloss, detox, cleaneating, eat, rawvegan, rawfood, rawdiet, vegetarian, transformation, whatiatetoday, kristinafullyraw, nama, namajuicer, juicerecipes, greenjuice, slowjuicer, coldpressed, juicecleanse, beginner, tips, wellness, gardening, organic, garden, vegetables, fruits, sustainable, prep, routine, workout, natural, energy, mealprep, fruit, mealplan, app, recipes
Id: In-N1kyQIqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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