How to do a crazy quilt patch work square by ARNE & CARLOS #ARNEANDCARLOS #ARNECARLOS

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hi everybody and welcome back to our YouTube  channel. We are as always your hosts Arne and   Carlos and today we are gonna be doing a little  patchwork quilting instruction and we doing that   crazy quilt yes so we didn't real wind a little  bit order before we go forward we did a little   show-and-tell a while back where we showed  some of our quilts and some of the ideas that   we have and the response has been overwhelming  incredible and it looks like we're getting a lot   of new subscribers that come from the quilting  world yes so that was actually something that   we weren't quite expecting we didn't understand  at the time how big this all is but now that we   showed you a few of our quilts I think it's  about time that we also show you how we do   something so that you can get a little bit more  instruction inspiration inspiration well last   time it was all about inspiration this time we  will show you a little bit more how it works and I'm not sure if we do it by the book but we do  it it works yeah that's the thing that's the thing   we never actually learned quilting by the book  but we both know how to sell we've been sewing   for many years in fact we started our career as  fashion designers sewing sew sewing is something   we love we have always had all these fabrics  and we always collect fabrics and we always have   leftovers that we like using it's really hard to  throw away a nice fabrics yeah we keep it random   maybe we can use it one day yeah so maybe our way  of doing it is very unconventional and maybe not   by the book but or maybe it is gonna be this but  the end result is what comes yep so let's start   first we are working with squares because we don't  work on the whole piece we think it's easier to do   one square at a time and then we sew them together  like on the quilt we show the shell video it's all   made of squares so this is the one in white today  I think there will be a lot of pink or reddish   yeah pinkish and we're actually gonna be doing  we're actually gonna be doing one square for you   to see so one of these squares is what we're gonna  be doing we're gonna be doing it randomly with   things that we find here and it's gonna be very  exciting to see the end result I think our son I   think that most of these squares have been done  in a random way there's no no there's no rules   we just added like white yeah so the one we're  gonna be doing today is gonna be kinda saying   there's not gonna be any plan and hopefully it  will turn out just as nice as the it's not you   would see how we do it so first you start we start  with the twelve the common yeah the cotton fabric   yeah and we don't use any particular kind this  is a very cheap one that is mass-produced it's   100% cotton which is what we like but it's not  anything in particular it's it's quite okay we   can use like this is some like a kitchen thing I  don't know is it like a tablecloth or a curtain or   tablecloth this is not to be found in the founding  in drifts store and you know the embroidery part   is nice the hem is nice but then you can also  use the fabric in the middle and as a square   so it doesn't matter what you use as a square if  it's more or less the same thickness it's fine so   let me have the twelve yes so we do like for this  one we do like thirty and thirty centimeters the   measurement of the square is thirty centimeters  by thirty centimeters we're from Europe and we do   everything in metric in our country if you want to  know how much 30 centimeters is in inches you'll   have to find it on or do the size you like it  can be bigger and smaller and on this one is   there is coffee so it's nice to cover it up see  that's what happened in our studio there's like   coffee cup mugs everywhere so 30 I'm 30 the good  thing with these twelve is that you can just tear   it because it's a basket will you I think it's  called like just over and under yeah so it's easy   so we've got iron a little square 30 by 30 and  today we've got two stations usually we sit next   to each other but because of all the stuff on the  table there was no room for me there so I'll be   doing all the finishing of the fabrics and I when  it cube work yeah and when someone is concerned   it's always about the finishings that ironing  the steaming hmm and I found this piece of I   think it's wool or something and what you call the  silver is it what's that called in English lyrics   maybe it's for I think people use this for coats  or sooner oh no no it's for suiting and coats so   and since if we do like this crazy quilt and this  is a square I just cut it up like in the middle   just to make a different shape because we're  not doing the log style this is just freehand this is a nice piece so we can have two squares  with that fabric so you place the first piece   anywhere on the on the fabric can you're cutting  it asymmetrically on purpose yeah to be able to   get a nice balance of fabrics around it right  yeah and then when you add the next fabric just   normally like you might use a lot of pieces  so it's more interesting if it's not like a   triangle or a square you just cut it like in  different ways and then you place this one   somewhere over the first one like like that or it  could be this way it could be any way I think I   do it that way and let me see what happens and  then you sew this down and it can be like half   a centimeter it makes no difference actually can  be whatever you like so so half a centimeter in   yeah but there are no rules here that's the thing  about our principles we just do them randomly and   the way we feel fit when we start balancing the  fibers together so this is this fabric is quite   thick this is thinner but it's fine it's makes  no difference so you can just steam it down maybe   and I can look for something different to put on  so why aren't is looking for something I'm gonna   just steam this seam down so right now the seam is  closed we want to open it because we want to give   it a little bit of yeah whatever and be easier  to work with it's easier to work with you and   it get flattens it a little bit and because we are  working with this fabric here this kind of lyrics   and wool I'm not really sure what's gonna happen  if I put the iron directly on it so I'm just   gonna use a little kitchen towel on top I think I  have to add blue to this one so I'll just because   there's no wine and pearl starts popping all over  the place I add some let's do blue and think this   will be for a kid's bedroom this is silk I think  this has to be iron yeah but it's still yes I   know it's all gonna be done carefully to get that  seam down flat yes and then we can add that blue and I would put this pink lace on  top of the blue a piece of the lace and I put the right-side up because there's a back  and the front in this fabric because you don't   want to put the lace directly on the background  because that's normally not nice because you   probably use some leftover stuff mm-hmm so that's  when we put another fabric under so let me have it   yeah there we go it's nice and flat Stan yep you  put the lace over with the right side up which   would that very few days can be quite difficult  to figure out yep there you go then I've cut this   out so our knit if my memory serves me right and  I think it does that lace that you are cutting now   was from a dress that we made I think wedding  dress this is a memoir is a journalist friend   that got married and she wanted this baby doll  dress which was very short and with the lace   and very very 60s inspired dress and this was  about 12 years ago that she got married and it's   nice that you that we've been saving up all those  fabrics as well so yes so but if you look at this   now you have this angle so then I just put these  two layers like over there and then I will stop   the seam when I come to that corner and then I can  fold this end and I can stitch it down by hand on   that side so let me see so there's a great mixture  here of sewing machine and hand seen of course now   you have to like fine after think because it's  like if you if you do something with the fabric   like let me show you there's one there like this  fabric it can be hard to put this in the sewing   machine yeah so hope so yeah for this one we just  cut out two piece we use actually I think we don't   cut it because it's so nice yes we cut it we cut  out a piece and then a lot of these we Popoff but   then we keep them in this what you call this all  the little tubes that I you like yeah I do a lot   of cookie with vanilla fresh vanilla and Arne  gets the tubes and in Norway you get to an Eli   in tubes and I keep all the tubes because then I  can collect pearls and sequins in this it's very   practical sometimes they break and then you have  pearls all over but then you will then if you use   a fabric like this you rather take it take it  down just like this fold it and you stitch it   on the fabric by hand carefully stitch oh yeah  and then you can take away what you don't need   because you can use this another place or just  fold it over but for this one it's just to sew   it yeah and a lot of people I mean we were reading  comments on the video that we did the first one   where we showed our are a patchwork and a lot of  people were saying that they would never dare to   work with beautiful fabrics like these because  they're so delicate that would be terrified to   cut them and all we have to say about that is go  grab a pair of scissors and go cut the fabric I   mean it's not gonna be the end of the world  if it's cut wrong even though you're doing   a patchwork you can cut it a little bit more you  can you know do whatever you want but you have to   get away from that fear and just do these things  and if it's done with if I think is tube too nice   then you just keep it in your album or like in  this crap exactly there's no arraignment there's   no reason why you need to cut it but if you want  to cut it don't be afraid just do it that's the   only advice we can give you just do it so now  I sell I sold this one onto the fabric and now   then I just fold this in two to get the line  to cover up the angle like like on this side you see how much I can use yeah very  clever and if I don't can't if I can't   cover everything I put some embroidery  on top oh yeah or a ribbon when in doubt I should think I need to have some needles  there and you can actually cover up a lot   of ugly things with embroidery you can get  away with it and anything where's my needles   now in your location s in this one yeah we had a  dress was we made a lace dress this is way back   in our career and we lend it out for an event  and unfortunately the person managed to spill   some sauce some brown sauce on the dress she  was very sorry about it but barn it was just   an opportunity to embroider something on top  of that stain so and it looked really and then   the end of the day it looked pretty nice when  you were done with it so no I should actually   change to blue but I'm not doing it I just used  the white thread I have to cover this one more   because I guess I will cover this up the later  anyway so I just give it a quick not just yet this one is Gus on the edge this would be very pink and very blue very nice honor thank you well actually I'm not  I don't know what I'm doing right now because   I don't know how it will look in the end yeah  but it's exactly the same one that did all of   these other very random very yeah you know  whatever happens happens Oh a little piece   maybe I can use it somewhere else and I  think that's the charm of these things   you know when you do them in a random  way you get them to be ready it's all   about you and you know the things you like  and the things that you've saved have been   fabrics that you bought because you really  liked so what do I put now next color this   one but this one need also something under  does it I don't like the cotton under or I   do maybe something wrong no this is for another  project sorry I need something more inspiration hmm this works definitely works all you can  are in this one and you know if you make one   you can do just like in certain colors or  you can do a mix of any color and any any   fabric and then it doesn't matter like what  color you put together because there's so   many colors anyway so it will work in the end  this is a nice ribbon this can go oh that's   very nice just to hide some something go yes  and remember we've got all these lovely little   things as well orna look at all this those  are very nice I think I put it just over like   over there let's see what happens so I think  we're probably probably making a new UFO yeah it's really great to get to show this these ideas  these techniques and inspire people I'm sure   everybody especially Sowers have a lot of dust  leftovers lying around that they love to use and   if not you can buy these small pieces of fabric  that you get in in the story the craft stores   a lot of a lot of designers or a lot of these  fabrics come in little bundles but I like the   idea of a leftover you know you had a few projects  maybe you made a blouse you made a dress a skirt   you've got all that leftover fabric that you want  to do something with because you don't want to   throw it away I think that's nicer then going out  and getting a settled chosen for you yeah and you   can go to like flea markets and you can find old  clothes yeah not too old because those you should   keep but like if they're like not so nice but the  fabric is good oh and you can use the fabric then   you can use everything you find in in flea markets  I mean thrift stores and have you that phone be   used yeah that's the wedding dress see look here  we've got all these little look at this one here   yeah but that's like more on the top I think I  think I saw one under under the blue maybe this   one yeah but under the blue here we've got a fun  one as well maybe not mom I just made are too much   and we've got this think I put this one that's a  nice that's a very nice one but for that one you   would really exactly you would need to have to use  the Rose yeah you need to use a main part and then   you can cut it so that you can reuse the other  parts later in another in another one that way you   keep the continuity from one patch to the other  by using kind of the similar the same fabrics   but with different cuts you see sometimes some  some fabrics are almost too nice to cut but well   let's do it we only live once yes and I mean it's  already looking kind of nice so I think that this   is a keeper I think we add some green it was like  blue and pink but now it's also a little piece of   green in there and you see Arnie's just cutting it  I mean no sphere no nothing just nothing go for it the scissor isn't that good but and  it doesn't have to be perfect because   it's going into the seams mm-hmm so if  someone think it's horrible that it's   not like perfect it's gonna disappear in  the same not a problem and then of course   you could always consider some raw edges that  can be really nice as well that's nice that's   a nice fabric with this sequence stuff very  nice that's nice so let's put it somewhere it's a nice has to be like more  hair I think so you can see it we   have to cover up some of this on  that side let's see what happens but that's kind of also like the fun with  doing things like this because you don't need   to have a plan and you don't have to you don't  have to be too organized oh that's the whole   point because that's like it's a symmetric  parlor what fun is to see how it comes out and voila that's like almost at the end o of the  fabric you can it's actually quite nice I think   we has to add a little bit more green to like  and then of course if you do if you do all your   squares with the same fabrics but in different  ways or you use and they use or you use many   of the same and then start introducing new ones  you get each square with a little variation and   then when you put them all together you have a  whole a whole you know a red thread that goes   through everything that is really kind of like  it looks like it was meant to be that way which   is really cool there's some of these fabrics  that are like diamonds like this one I think   I have to put this in the scrapbook because  it's too nice to cut with this one oh this   is looking gorgeous so let's see maybe this works  and we have like gold and gold and gold I think I   put that one over there let me see I had to cut  away this that's also nice because when you sew   like this you get these things that's popping  out and then you have like a new random square   or another piece to put on the next one and  that's nice because then you're like it gives   you more freedom in a way because you're not so  stuck with the shape that you're working with I think this works if you put it like there  this is a very nice fabric it's like folded   yeah there's two fabrics on actually it's one  folded on top of it's not very unlike what we're   doing now huh nice and if it's perfectly there  it pretty size-wise it's pretty it's perfect to   cover up a big chunk of that corner I think we  need or maybe it's better on this side I think   I put it on this side see no plan it's supposed  to be I need to have like a little piece that I   can fold in later because this piece will be  folded over so I start like on this side and   just go over so this is like this was the plan  was to do something like pink and blueish and now   suddenly we have green and though that was not  the plan but it's the plan now so if this ever   gets finished it will be like a multicolor pattern  thing so you fold this one in like that maybe you   need to iron knowledge iron that one in flat  and then I can what more can be put on that one add more color oh maybe no or maybe  yes green this is washable striped silk I think a piece of green will be good on that  and then when you when you finish your your   piece and if you have like some places that is  a little bit open or if you have to put the seam   somewhere that doesn't look nice you just put it  on embroidery or you put on ribbons or you can   cut lace also and place lace on top that's very  nice so you just got a few little a few spaces   to feel down or to do before the entire square is  full yeah I think I stitch this down yeah I would   do that and I used white I don't change anything  like no there's no point I mean it's a colorful   patchwork with a lot of different colors so one  jar or white meat or what sorry white thread is   good enough and it's really helpful to be to  people do this look it one can do like Karl's   now he's ironing and shaping and stuff that I can  think well it's the only ways to do this tutorial   really I mean you need a person that can do all  the finishing otherwise it's not gonna work out   so then we cut up this and have another piece  we can use some or another's and wear another   square and you know these small pieces you  can't throw them away because they're precious so I was thinking maybe this one because it  it balance like you have those greenish and   then you can put some green on top yeah I  totally agree so we put this on over like   let me just give it a quick you said this was  a machine washable silk I said but be careful   maybe I'm not gonna iron it directly but I'm just  gonna get it a little with them if it's machine   washable it can get wet I wouldn't do that with  regular silk this is actually very nice but this   needs something white or something under so I  can go for the kitchen fabric and that is the   tablecloth that was purchased in a thrift store  for a dollar so don't cry when I cut it because   it's kind of it's something nobody wants store  super cheese but the motive is very nice well   I'll leave that for a design or something this can  be used on something different and now it's been   repurposed and made into something that is gonna  be worth to definitely more than a dollar and this   is machine made so if you look in different  thrift stores you can probably find something   similar or exactly the same so ya rift stores is  a good tip if you want to get really cheap fabric   so just get old tablecloths or just look in your  own cupboard I mean a lot of people have all this   stuff that they inherit from you know they're our  ancestors and that they don't use and maybe they   don't even like them in the way they are and then  you can just give them new life by repurposing this is a very glamorous piece of fabric yes  shiny and golden cute you can take that down   wow this is I have to put some like a small  piece on top to cover up coffee stand the   coffee maybe well you can actually you can also  do that later when you sew it together you can   if you have I can show you later when Carlos is  finished because if you have an opening you can   you can fix it when you sew them together so  they can actually over overlap is that right   boys yeah oh I like cotton because you can tear  it yeah I love the sound of that it's so good you know what we're doing this afternoon click on  the content you're doing this because this is so   much fun but in the afternoon I want to change  I want to sit there and do the sewing and I can   do the ironing you'll do the ironing although  I have to say I do like things like weaving in   threads and ironing so I guess I'm your perfect  assistant I like it it's very nice and it comes   by itself it's like so simple and then of course  if you're looking for a little of covering up a   little surface and that's where you could always  use a little bit more of that green in another   area yeah if you wanted to or you can keep it for  another yeah but you've got two little bits coming   out there you've got a little triangle as well  that one and we haven't been sewing for a long   long time so that's why we have these bad scissors  because we don't do that much sewing anymore   but now probably we will go back to sewing again  after this so but this is also no this is too much   it's never too much this is from a little piece  there in blue and white yeah that works Wow I mean   we're just that's awesome well that's nice well  but this edge is this edge is even my sir look   that's so nice let's put it like over there mm-hmm  that's perfect and this one the holes aren't so   big so you don't actually have to cover it up with  another fabric below I'm not sure because you see   this okay you're very picky with that I find it  really hard not to cover up I can just use a piece   of this and put it on there okay you're the boss  I'm just the assistant this is how we work iron   but is nice to keep that beautiful hem like this  you can actually go like that cover up but this I   think I will make this theme by hand yeah that is  definitely a hand so if I put that on or you could   do it in a way so that you just go over above the  the scalloped edge and then the scalloped edge   could just be this this is this should be like  over like that but yeah since this is a raw edge   I will yeah you so we make a seam straight and  you do it above the scalloped edge yeah yeah and   then the scalloped edge you can either stitch it  down or you can keep it just as it is loose well   I like to work with these kind of quilting because  you actually you spend some time thinking and you   shouldn't have too much plants you can actually  you can collect like fabric in a certain color   range or something but part of the fun is actually  to find places to put the different fabrics so I   think I do like you say I also take 1cm straight  and also part of the fun is just finding the   fabrics you know you're sitting on the table just  grab it all the fabric don't even think about what   you're gonna do with it put it on the table and  then let the fabrics start guiding you and you   can put use a lot of time in the flea markets and  then the drift stores and you can clean your attic   yeah and in the end of the day when you're calling  the quilt a crazy clue you might as well go crazy   I mean what's the point in being all too organized  and you know making a plan in advance just let it   go and just take whatever you find and use it in  a fun way I don't think you can do anything wrong   there's no wrong here it's like you decide so  let's go like around and attach to cotton and I   don't see any problem on the letting the scalloped  edge just stay loose like that well in my appeal   ike that yeah yeah it works this one was came  under loose so this one we have to do that when   you buy hands later it's baby you cut off what's  coming popping out where did that come from it's nice with the coffee so I'm very excited  to see how it looks on the other side so just a   few more to go before it's a cool yeah we need  something like on that corner and we have to   place something o in this corner you can give it  up I'll give it a little a little so what do we   do now right now I feel like we need to have a  new fabric for every every corner we put it on   we don't have to do it right did we use this  one I like that one I think that's a really   beautiful color and I like the pattern on that  lace and I had this sailor there's gold let me see very nice I love it so it's nice to see the  fabrics like this hmm and the fun thing is   that this is just the beginning then we  have to continue layering things on top   yeah I think we just put this over like  that a little bit more gold on that side this is also from a dress I think I don't  think we ever made that particular no just   maybe it's just a sample we got it's  a sample because we made a collection   of dresses once it was a very good  idea we thought and we did one and   then we stopped there will be a lot of  things to clean up later yeah but that's   later that's later so let me put this one  I think we should just cover up over there if you have like some old piece old fabric you  use you you have also like a lot of memories   you can put in your blanket that's also nice  in your patchwork so you can put things from   all clothes that has special memories use your  wedding dress maybe not maybe people don't used   to it oh I think they do I mean they could they  could if there's a lot of nice stuff you know   a lot of people make their wedding dresses  so they'll have leftover fabric come back so that you don't necessarily have to cut  up an old your old wedding dress but look   for the fabric cutouts that you kept we can steam  this down and then yeah I think there's like one   corner two corners left really I think it works  it works I just have to convince myself because   of course it works of course and the good thing  about doing it in these colors is that the viewers   can actually see what is going on as opposed to  the one that is white on white on white which   is a little bit more difficult to see I think I  use this simple cotton this is like a very easy   cotton fabric in one of the corners even if I  use that before and we cut away at we don't need so I think this can be nice in the corner use  this again that's fine it's a nice fabric yeah   it's nice looks Japanese it's not but it looks  like maybe the inspiration is design yeah but I   think like when you cover up a corner like this  you don't have to use the most decorated fabric   like with sequins and pearls and stuff because  you're also going to sew this together later so   you should try to keep the most decorated fabrics  more like image like embellished fabrics embellish because when you sew the pieces together  you don't want to have like a lot of pearls   and sequins going together on top of  each other because that is even more   difficult to to sew it together I think  I just do a pink in the last corner as   well yeah get it done with yeah it seems  like it's it's the thing to do I think let's cut it off yes this on the corner the other  corner if it covers up to the corner and it does   so if it's just about just about well this goes  in the seam allowance when you sew it together   so when you sew orna when you saw these squares  how much seam allowance do you do a centimeter   normalize normally we do like a something yeah  so centimeter 1/2 allowance will get away yeah   if you if it's a lot of thick fabric and you  have like half a centimeter is it can be too   hard yeah it can't be like it it stands up so  it get more bulky and also you need a little   bit more alone so you can open up those yeah you  need something yeah that's what I try to say yeah because it is too short standing like this and  you can't get it down and that's not well it   worked perfect so it's done so that's like  part 1 part 1 and part 2 you can put more   yeah I suppose part 2 or net is something  we can get back to yeah so that we say that   today's episode is about doing the altar so  these pieces how to so the original pieces   together to make begin your crazy quilt and  then because we want to show people how to do   that one over there we will be doing the second  part which is going to be adding the layers in   a new tutorial coming very soon because then we  can only can show you how to stitch down those   heavy fabrics if you have like these fabrics  with a lot of sequins and stuff yeah because   those you have to do and then you can add  little you know ribbons I think is soft and   then we can do the next the next one because I  think we need to do more no we have to do a new just put all the fabrics you used and you cut out  in a separate pile and then give me the washer at   the sewing machine and I'm gonna amuse everyone  next there you have it this will be a nice quilt   Indian yes a crazy quilt done by us and mainly by  you and visiting you and then we're gonna add the   little things on top in a new tutorial yeah so  it's been fun doing this I've actually enjoyed   being your assistant and I've enjoyed having to  stand up here for the whole time you did a good   job thank you I am very happy that I could assist  you and that is looking really really lovely so   do you have one more of those yes I've got another  yeah I have another one but now I have to re iron   it because it needs to look really good because no  I'm doing a model yeah so no no no I'm doing the   other one move over and let me sit down and all we  need to do before we start fighting on who gets to   sit on the chair is say to you guys that we really  appreciate you watching our YouTube channel if you   like what you see please give it a big thumbs  up and remember that we post new episodes every   Sunday so there's always something new for you to  learn from us and please if you're not subscribing   we would really appreciate a subscribe so  our there with that said move over because   I'm gonna be going onto the driver's side yard  ironing and thank you so much for watching and   see you again soon next time next next time okay  arnica let's find a nice fabric and here we go bye
Channel: ARNE & CARLOS
Views: 96,039
Rating: 4.9305716 out of 5
Keywords: arne y carlos, arne og carlos, arne und carlos, arne and carlos, ARNE & CARLOS, ARNE, CARLOS, knitting tutorials, how to, valdres, norway, How to do a crazy quilt patch work square by ARNE & CARLOS, quilting for beginners, quilting, how to quilt using a sewing machine, how to quilt for beginners, how to quilt, sewing, quilt, patchwork, how to quilt with a regular sewing machine, recycled crafts ideas, upcycling clothes, reuse old clothes, scrapbook quilt ideas
Id: FUdJaAZ0mdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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