How to Do a Bomb-Proof Roll

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voters first off I'm going to start with my helmet you always want to make sure you have a good helmet on rocks heart right so you want to make sure your temples are covered the visors always nice helps keeps the Sun out of your eyes moving down you can tell that I've got a PFD a personal floatation device this is going to help float me if in case I swim out of my boat for some reason keeps me high on the surface makes me a lot safer so I get short faster today I am wearing a dry top water is getting a little chilly out so you want to make sure you have proper gear on for the weather conditions that's going to vary depending on seasons so I've got a dry top on I've got some splash pants here it's going to help keep me warm while I'm in the water teaching this role moving down this is my spray skirt this is going to go over the cockpit rim here of the boat it keeps the water out it so that way the boat doesn't fill up as we're going through the rapids or working or we're doing our rolls moving on down this is a whitewater style paddle it's about a 45 degree offset you just uh paddles are going to vary in size depending on the size of your boat and also the length or the height of the person using it next up very critical piece of safety gear it's called a throw road you can open these up every kayakers have one of these you open it up pull it out when you're scouting a rapid your buddies are running a rapid you always want to make sure you have your rope there so if something happens someone swims out of the fuzz you can throw them a rope get them Shore alright moving down this is my boat this is a creek boat made by liquid logical stopper whitewater boats are very different in their construction from recreational packs tougher set of plastic this has inner walls kind of gives it a skeleton and a backbone it's going to hold up a lot better to the forces that the water is going to put on it so it's not going to flex so much alright well I think it's time we hit one so I'm going to slide in the boat here get myself set and ready to slide in the pool I want to get in the boat drop down in my seat here I've got hip pads help and hold me in my knees are underneath these braces and I've got some foot braces down here that my feet are pressed against just the ball of my foot I don't want to be I don't want to be too loose in this and I don't want to you know be too tight you want to just kind of have a nice comfortable fit this little mess in here kind of bring up my back band put on a spray skirt a lot of people think these things hold you in the boat but they don't queue on out you'll get out the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go around here check all my my seals I've got grab Lee and a grab loop out this is how I get out of the boat if I got a swim so well slide on in what we're going to be learning today is called a c2c roll um few basic parts of it there's three steps actually first is our set up position power is parallel with the boat we tuck ourselves forward that way we're protected or helmet our lifejacket that's going to take any hits from any rocks that we might encounter while we're upside down in the river when everything calms down we're going to move from our set of positions that are step number two which is called our suite I'm going to split all this a little bit further and a bit more in detail here just a second but basically my right hand is going to sweep out from the boat till it makes a 90 degree with the boat from that point I'm going to come I'm going to contract my right side down towards the bottom of the pool here and I'm going to do a hip snap and bow in my right leg so look a little it's going to look a little bit like this as you can see the last thing that came out of the bottom of the water was my head keeping your head down is a whole secret to this thing all right cool all right so there's our brave volunteer Joey he's going to help us out today with this first thing that I like to always talk about when I'm talking about roles is the hip snap the hip snap is the key to all of this there's no magic thing you do with your paddle it's all right here all right so Joey what we're going to do I want you to take your hands put them on top of mine please now go ahead and I want you to put your right ear on top of your hands all right cool so from this point he needs to relax his left knee and he's going to let the boat roll over now what I want you to do I want you to drive up with your right knee as you drop your head further towards the bottom of the pool one two three go No you've got to drop your head towards the bottom of the pool all right one two three good nice all right set up oh so did you feel I had to release the pressure from your left knee and then drive up with your right uh-huh and as we saw when he put picked his head up and tried to push his body up nothing happened so you've got it this is one of these weird things you just kind of got to have faith in it you've really got to let your head drop down so it comes out of the water laughs all right let's do a couple more of those hips nares ready good you know now snap it up do this snap it up and really drive with that right knee okay no you're picking your head up so drive up with your right knee and drop your right ear there you go nice all right bring it back over let's do that again nice all right sit up cool hip snap mommy get Joey back paddle and we're going to work on the rest of this roll there you are sir all right first things first is our set up position so if like I showed you before we want to do is take our right hand we're going to move it across here or left thumb goes down by our hip this point you really want to wrap around the boat as much as you can all right kind of your wrist around the edge ideally when the boat settles out upside down we're going to be able to feel air on our knuckles okay so Joe I'm going to tip you over towards me I'm going to be holding you right here so that way your head doesn't go underwater and I just want you to stay in the set of position until I move you through the sweet part okay all right so I got Joey over here what we're going to do now is we're going to take a right hand move it out towards our forehead leaving our left thumb and contact with the bottom of the boat there we go just like this notice he's wrapped up around the boat right hand punched up really high nice stretch so Joey what I want you to do is you're going to contract your right side down towards the bottom of the pool a split second after you do that you're going to do that hip snap we've been working on ready one two three go you got a drop here you've got to contract your right side down all right ready one two three go not bad for your first truck all right Joe so we're really wrapped up around the book we're wound up like a big rubber band right here okay but I want you to do is I want you to take this part and I want you to bring your poor arm to move your cup like that make sense all right I'm going to bring you back over your heads not going underwater just yet all right sweep out just like that ready 1 2 3 go nice good job as you can see when Joey came up his right ear was on his right shoulder making it come out of the water last his left hand stay just about a center line so it was good to go nice hips neck let's do it again ready so out of position sweep out there are 1 2 3 go nicely done nicely nice nice alright so now we're going to have Joey go through the roll step by step show us the whole thing Joey are you ready let's go to set up all right whenever you're ready flip over to Joey's in his position he's moving to his suite all right there's our hips now notice his head is down so he's up whoo awesome well now we all know how to roll we're going to turn on the way the machine here jordana play around kind of this is why we learn to roll anyway so thanks for joining us check it out you you
Channel: 01Nianne
Views: 186,776
Rating: 4.6466069 out of 5
Keywords: My, Awesome, Kayaking, Video
Id: bRZxAfgbQAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2011
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