How to do the Back deck Roll : kayak technique

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hello i'm michael air Amata in this video tutorial i would like to show you the back deck roll and how to learn it this is the back deck roll and you can see here is faster and it allowed you to turn the boat with the torso rotation but first of all why is important to learn the back deck roll the back deck roll is faster and allows you to don't sink too much in the water so the chance to eat the rock are actually less in this position you can protect yourself against rock using your arms in case you're stuck you can push yourself away from the rock and also it's possible to do this kind of roll when the water is really really shallow and also you can avoid the water to get into your nose but at what point of your learning process you should start to learn this kind of roll well the beginners have normally some problem to use the pedal in this way so it's my advice is to start learning this kind of roll when you can paddle in class 2 class 3 and you have a good confidence with your paddle like in many other movement of the kayak the torso is doing the 90 percent or almost hundred percent of the job in this case so in this case is very crucial to learn very well the torso movement because it's only that one that will roll you up let's see now how we need to move the body the starting position is under the tail so you are with your back under the tail of the boat let's try without the paddle so you can see better the movement of the body whatever you're flipping you need move in this position as a starting position of the movement you need to start to rotate your body as much as possible towards the air when we are at the maximum possible rotation now it's time to leave the shoulder in the same place and the body in the same place and turn the kayak only when the kayak is completely upright we can go try to put the body over the kayak and complete the roll the eyes always look down at the bottom of the river let's see now a very useful exercise to learn how to turn the kayak with your movement you can use a rock as a fixed point to leave your shoulder and your body in the same place and rotate your kayak only I always like to say that you need to save your kayak and then you can go over it a common mistake is to try to push on the fixed point and try to lift yourself instead of rotating the kayak basically it's very important to have the head really close to the water before start to rotate the kayak if you try to turn the kayak when you're when your shoulder are facing towards the bottom of the river there's no chance to rotate the kayak into a very bright position let's see now how we need to use the paddle without forgetting that the main key is always the body the paddle is just a little help if you use a right hand paddle in this way it works as a Neelix in this way the paddle will support you doing all the rotation around the kayak if you use a left hand side paddle you need to turn in the other way around you need to keep the paddle in front of your shoulder with the arm slightly bent we don't have to take the paddle as far as possible because in that way you will be not able to put any pressure on the blade if you need to keep the paddle a little bit more underwater it's very important to have your helper under the shaft only in that position we will be able to use the paddle in the proper way we can practice this movement doing rotation around the kayak whew and three times like this following the paddle with the body after we have moved the body into the maximal rotation and the paddle have followed this movement it's now time to turn the kayak and only at that point when the kayak is completely upright we can use the paddle to lift our self up I am really used to close myself into the forward position leaning forward with the body when I finish this movement but it's also possible to do like a stroke a little bit towards the back and lift the body towards the backward position as far as the Eskimo roll works well it's fine if you are struggling to close the roll you probably have forgot that the main concept is to use the body that's the main key so forget for a second the paddle put it back and try and practice again the rotation of the body I hope you will be able to make the back deck roll and I invite you to look other tutorial on my website to learn how to move the kayak and out-of-style the movement
Channel: Michele Ramazza
Views: 50,490
Rating: 4.9142299 out of 5
Keywords: kayak, back roll, roll
Id: oO8l54MpHn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2016
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