How To Develop Your Confidence - Derren Brown

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tonight's applicant is Jason a 23-year-old computer technician originally from Wales but now living in East London I've been watching him covertly for the last few weeks and I've noticed he a shy and contained person and appears to be lacking in self-confidence he doesn't know it yet but I'm about to give Jason a series of extraordinary experiences that will change his entire outlook on life as usual we leave a few hints around that he's been chosen some years ago Jason had a dental procedure that's recently given him problems and this evening he's come to have it fixed this seemed like too good an opportunity to miss to Ambush Jason and begin his journey we knew where he was going and got there earlier to install hidden cameras throughout the dental surgery and Enlisted the help of the owner come through firstly he'll give Jason a Bonafide checkup then leave him alone in the dentist's chair and he said you haven't been to dentist for a long time good excellent okay I'm a bit concerned down here cuz it's quite sore the gum around here so what I'm going to do now we're going to take just a photograph of [Music] that so it's quite a bright flash this so if you want to just close your eyes for a second we'll just take a picture [Music] hi [Music] Jason hello are you volunteered to be on the show indeed we'd love to use you okay you know how it works uh yeah there are two cards one says trick one says treat okay if you pick the card that says treat it'll be something nice if you pick the one that says trick it won't be do you want to play yeah good need you to sign your contract that allows us to do anything we like with you thank you that's right we'll do the rest for you thank [Music] you chose one you want that one You Close Your Eyes for me I'm just going to show the camera no peeking you can open your eyes now we'll be in tou okay Jason let's just take this out for you great although he doesn't know yet what he chosen I wanted to get to know a little more about Jason so a week later I met up with him one morning for a coffee and a bun I'm not really you know too confident in myself a little bit you know lack of self-confidence I think whilst talking to Jason it transpired he'd also been single for over 5 years which hadn't helped his self-esteem I think I'm ready for a relationship I mean there's a lot I love to give from this person so my chat with Jason gave me the perfect idea a of how to begin his treat so a week later I instructed him to dress for an evening out and sent a car to pick him up and deliver him to me at a bar in central London you picked a treat okay all right so excitement's good you can relax on that and I would like this time that we're going to spend together to be extraordinary for you and I'd like you to find some changes at a personal level that are going to be hugely useful and beneficial for you okay we are going to begin with some speed dating oh no I will be watching and just getting a sense of how you are brilliant all right to help me understand how Jason views his self-image I need to see him interact with other people under pressure and speed dating is a perfect environment for this anyone who's been to one of these events will appreciate how excruciating The Experience can be as you're thrown into the deep end with a bunch of ravenous Singletons and have only 3 minutes to form a bond with a complete stranger or not welcome first when I ring my bell that's your cue gentlemen to stay where you are ladies take to your feet and move up one number you all happy Those About to date I salute you uh go and take your uh tables please this is a genuine speed dating event there are no actors the only difference being that all the people here have agreed to be filmed what you do that I'm an art student an art student yes yeah how about you I repair computers I'm one of those Tech guys they come to go what's wrong with my computer what fix my computer I'm like yeah yeah fine done it appears Jason has already convinced himself that girls won't be interested in him and this is projected through all his body language and conversation he makes little attempt to make eye contact or smile his arms are folded in a defensive Manner and conversation's end almost before they've begun you fin you get asking all the same questions and get the same answers it's a bit rep doesn't it [Applause] yeah and you get awward silences like this I hope you've enjoyed today uh what will happen is we'll send you an email in the next couple of days letting you know which numbers matched up and showing those details so again thank you very much that was daunting very scary felt very Under Pressure it was horrible almost Jason was very honest about his discomfort with with the speed dating but it appears he couldn't hide his awkwardness from the girls I found him um quite difficult to speak to I felt like I had to ask him questions he held back a lot I felt maybe it's his personality although tonight hasn't been a pleasant experience for Jason it's been invaluable in allowing me to see him it his most vulnerable I can now develop a program for him so that when he goes speed dating again we should see a massive Improvement in his confidence levels confidence is not something that you either have or haven't got all that separates the underconfidence from The Confident person is how he chooses to behave in new situations how was your experience of the speed dating um it's not the nicest experience to actually go through you're going to go speed dating again okay a little bit later today I was watching and listening to your conversations when you were speed dating before the recurring thing was you were a little shine and not as relaxed as the others which is understandable so it was sort of sprung on you of course close your eyes for me okay just get comfy in the chair we often decide that we're not capable not interesting enough and settle for blandness and routine we also think that being more confident would be about being someone we're not which does not have to be the case at all it's just about exercising our best aspects and learning new patterns of behavior which do Us justice I have in project that new self-image into the future and to see that future as something bright and colorful I have him look forward to taking advantage of New Opportunities so that he can build on this and secure it as a long-term change which is vital what pictures are you imagining to start off just myself a Million Miles Away Away in a mountain fantastic this is the only life we have and if we can engage with it charismatically we'll get the best out of it and put the best into it how'd you feel uh yeah R yeah what's it like I just feel refreshed different yeah a lot different how are you feeling about the second speed diing session Bring it on Bring It On excellent fantastic I think that Jason is now ready to put his newly acquired skills into practice so we've got him into a second speed dating event this is again a genuine event with a group of single women and men who are here looking for a possible relationship they know they're being filmed but have no idea we're specifically following Jason once again I'll be keeping out of sight and watching everything on monitors hi Sara or Sarah s Sara it was right first one I'm Jason nice to me so I prepared some questions in case I really wow you must be the only prepared one here question number one so what was the last uh fable fable yeah you seen it no cracking movie cracking movie so what do you do uh I do lots of things my friend owns a pun so down there so you you drink a lot no no no no I'm not Dr that's that's giv off the wrong impression there watching Jason the differences made to himself is immediately obvious his presenting himself more openly smiling more making eye contact taking on board the hints I've given him and filing away the areas of his old negative self and replacing them with a new self assured interested and interesting self and it seems the women is talking to us sensing that too why is my computer really slow at the moment I don't know it just goes he a p that face as well [Music] yeah oh no it's over already it's terrible I know Jason Will's actually one of my favorites he was really easy to talk to Jason seemed like the most down to earth and it wasn't what he said it was the way he said it that made him seem like quite an approachable nice kind of guy I think I put yes definitely talk to him again so they've all gone how was it fantastic it brilliant was it yeah no I really enjoyed it I really got into it and fantastic what can I say but you still feel you're you you I'm still I still feel that I'm I'm myself but you know a different kind of me sort of thing yeah the difference was astonishing I can see it's a huge Improvement already it's a huge difference which is fantastic thank you very much Dar oh no thank you as a result of Jason's more positive personality at the second speed dating event many more women placed him on their would like to meet again list and so only a few days later in a marked show of increased confidence Jason organized and met up with one of those women Alice for wal on Hamstead Heath how you doing good to see you this proactive approach is something you would never have considered doing before the whole experience of the speed dating thing was it was a bit nerve-wracking to begin with and now you know I met somebody who I liked and you know we're getting on well I me who knows what will happen Jason now believes he has completed his journey with me having taken away from the experience a newfound sense of self a greater level of confidence than he had previously and an ability to view his life in a more positive fashion 33 points is just glad it's a dead heat for first place after a long and bizarre Journey which for him has simply never happened Richard is about to receive his wakeup call all cameras are very hit
Channel: Derren Brown
Views: 639,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derren, brown, Derren, Brown, Derren Brown (TV Writer), Confidence (Quotation Subject), Reality Television (TV Genre)
Id: 2dJ3-N0HL4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2015
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