How To Develop Speed For Runs and Licks | Gospel Piano

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hello everybody Kenneth Hollins here with thank you so much for taking a few minutes and viewing this video now what I have for you today is something that a lot of musicians ask about and it is how do you develop licks and runs and how do you get to the place where you can play them fast and play them uh accurately or cleanly and so what I want to do today is show you really some of the keys to being able to play quickly to play Fast to play licks to play runs and it's not difficult but you do have to work on it okay so what I want to do right now is show you uh what I mean by licks and runs so what we're playing of course we want to be able to play chords and everything [Music] but in the midst of us playing chords we also want to do things like [Music] things like that even if we want to get more um churchy I call it churchy or have more of a High Praise type of sound with our chords foreign so the question is what do we do to help develop speed to develop our fingers and our hands so that we can play more things like that okay so what I'm going to do right now is give you some finger exercises that you can do that will help you to play runs and licks easier okay now I always recommend using a metronome or something that helps to keep a steady beat while you're doing this and that will greatly help you in developing your fingers okay one one exercise that's real simple is that you can start off with the first five notes of the c major scale which would be this [Music] now notice I'm not skipping any fingers okay thumb second finger third finger fourth finger fifth finger fourth finger third finger second finger back to the thumb or the first finger okay and then the same thing with the left hand we're going to start with a little finger which is number five five four three two one two [Music] three four five now I don't want to confuse anyone the numbers that I'm referring to right now are finger numbers of fingering numbers and uh when it comes to fingering numbers your thumbs are always number one and then you work your way out one two three four five with the right hand and then the left hand one two three four five now this particular exercise you're gonna start on the fifth finger with the left hand and the first finger which is the thumb with the right and it's very important that you don't skip any fingers this is how you really benefit from the exercise so it looks like this [Music] okay and you'll be doing this with a metronome or something keeping steady beat and so when we start off we're starting off like this [Music] okay digging in real nicely putting a little weight into those keys to really strengthen the hands and the fingers okay [Music] now one thing that we also can do is to play double time with one hand and keep it the same tempo or speed with the other hand and this is what I mean [Music] then we switch hands [Music] good okay so that's real simple that's something that we can do now another exercise is this right here [Music] and again it's very important that you don't switch the fingerings for your fingers okay thumb third finger second finger fourth finger third finger fifth finger fourth finger second finger thumb okay left hand little finger middle finger okay so it's very important that you don't switch the fingerings of your uh of the notes okay and then we put put both hands together [Music] all right and then we can do a little faster [Music] now a real good thing to do is to mix up both of those exercises together like this [Music] okay so that's something that that you can do that works real well and then also this is another great exercise that you can do this is called a Hannon exercise that's found in one of the hand in finger exercise books and this is one that I like to use a lot it's where you play the notes of the scale like this [Music] foreign [Music] okay so notice I'm just only playing the notes going up the major scale and I'm skipping every second note so we play the first note and then we skip the second note now the second note of the major scale would be D but we skip that and go to the next one but notice how our finger is going to the next finger after the after the little finger I go to the to the fourth finger here or the ring finger with the left hand and then with the right hand after the thumb I go to the second finger or the pointing finger okay and we don't skip anything we come back down [Music] okay and now again we're on the little finger thumb with the right hand and then we skip the second note going up again [Music] and then we can do the same thing descending okay which would be like this [Music] thank you okay now the challenge would be to do all of those exercises in all 12 Keys now when you do that you're really working your fingers out and it's really going to open you up to be able to play runs and licks so let me demonstrate what that would look like doing all of the exercises and doing them in every key okay here we go [Music] then we descend [Music] thank you now we're ready for the next key [Music] thank you [Music] and [Music] okay all right and then I could keep going I could keep going thank you [Music] because I could keep going through all the different keys but my point is you do that you work on those type of exercises with a metronome and it really trains your fingers to have in a sense to develop good muscle memory and good habits and so when you wanna foreign your fingers just kind of remember what's a good way to get there you know it's it's like you're training your fingers how to really get around and move around the keyboard and then it strengthens your fingers to where you can be clean and accurate and your timing is good with your licks and with your runs okay and so that's just one way to work on your fingering to work on licks to work to work on runs okay I hope you enjoyed that I have several more lessons available on my website you also can subscribe on my website to get free lessons sent to your email directly and then also if you enjoyed this lesson please take just one second and subscribe to the channel here on YouTube as well as give it a thumbs up and make a comment that really helps the channel so again I hope you enjoyed this lesson and always remember hmpi we're serving gospel music all over the world
Channel: HMPI
Views: 13,400
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Id: y-4QHY9X-Js
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Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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