How To Develop Mindset For Success | ALL IN Entrepreneurs Podcast | Episode 002

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[Music] hey guys welcome back by the way to the second episode of all in entrepreneurs got a lot of good feedback about the first episode right yeah fellow peers and other folks reaching out just letting us know that it was just it was a mind-blowing mind-blowing and it was a little longer than it should be like it was it was pretty long we're gonna try to keep them short and sweet moving forward right yeah and in this episode or this podcast we're gonna be talking about how you can develop the mindset for success and you know because it all starts with mindset right it always does and I know for me that that was the first thing that I that I needed to address and fix before even thinking about achieving anything I feel like that's the hardest thing so right and and you know we actually took not to go off the handle too much here but we're gonna try to be as fluid as possible and not try to like really stick to a specific right structure right like you said last time yeah and just to go back into what you just said I do feel like mindset is the most difficult thing if you look around you went to west new high school right once you high school how many graduates graduated with you a few hundred for sure I think it's like 800 800 ok yeah hon so out of those 800 aside from yourself if you think about if you really you know there's strength in numbers and numbers don't lie if you think about it you're one out of how many or how many can you count that have a similar mindset that you have can you count that with one hand out of that graduating class it's lesson lesson III can I know it's like three or four so if you do the math right no matter it's mathematician here but it's a fraction it is a very very small fraction and that is why I feel like that is the most difficult part to achieve is the mindset yeah you're going against all odds you have to recreate new beliefs that sometimes the people around you don't even believe themselves so it's like and not to get like in conspiracies but it's like the flat earth right like everybody think and whether it is or isn't to me it doesn't matter but the whole point of that like people those that do believe like in a flat earth like they're going against their contrarians right so they're going against you know the beliefs that the masses have and if you put that into weight we're speaking about mindset it comes down to you know going against what others believe in and sometimes developing that winning mindset developing the new beliefs for success is something that like sometimes family doesn't believe in or those around you or even your closest friends but they think it's to go ahead so it's by the way it's not hard to actually develop a new mindset even though if you had an old so we all have a certain mindset when we first started we were born and then we we get programmed a certain way from family from the from the the most immediate circle and everybody has a mindset but we're specifically talking about a mindset that leads to success and it is hard what Carlos is saying like it's it's hard because there is everybody that follows the masses and everybody is programmed in a certain way and we perform best at things that we do all the time so repetition repetition repetition but to develop something like this it's hard because it's something different so and if you think about if you do it it's actually very easy so it's hard to someone who doesn't practice it but it's very easy once you practice the right steps and in this podcast I'm really we're gonna cover most the most important steps into developing that new mindset yeah so let's talk about early in the journey right and then for I have some examples that out that I want to give and then some that you guys can also speak on so early in the journey you may neglect certain things that you are doing right and what I mean by that is you have to like for me was identifying like okay what am i doing that successful people aren't doing right like what am i what am i doing like first of all I wasn't putting value on my time I had very negative beliefs I was a victim and you played the part of a victim I played the part of a victim and you know I felt I felt like I wasn't good enough I felt like I didn't have enough time so like I think the first step for you know to change your mindset like to actually begin to restructure and reprogram your beliefs and your mindset is to identify like okay what am i doing and what am i doing wrong and though those were some of some of mine I played the part of a victim and I just didn't put a valley on time or anything and then I mean through reading books and just watching other highly successful successful people and start probably not another podcast and podcasts you start identifying like okay what are these guys doing that I'm not and how can i duplicate that in my own life right so early in the journey I think it's important like to really have that that talk with yourself and really just call your call yourself out on your [ __ ] quite frankly and so you can you can be aware of those because some people just put those on the back end and don't they don't fix that quick quick question for both of you by the way speaking of mindset I don't know you know I don't know if you could relate and I'm and I'm thinking that you can but most most entrepreneurs right most entrepreneurs I would say from a very early young age whether all bs aside right whether there's doubt you know there's there's doubt there's fear am i worthy enough can I really do this blah blah blah but let's admit it did you guys always have an internal flame or an internal feeling that something great like you were gonna you were gonna search for something great or or reach or try to build something great right I absolutely can relate sorry now let's and let's let's talk about that because I feel like there's a lot of folks out there who don't know how to identify with that feeling yeah okay so actually um I think I think whether I think all of us every single human being has that that anticipation of of seeking something greater right whether it's not always money it could be more time with your family or you know contributing to a cause I usually support or just you know playing playing a hobby that or doing a hobby that you really enjoy like just having enough like you anticipate what I'm trying say is that you anticipate wanting to do more of something right and that more or something can be in many different things and I think we all have that desire and I I think that I think that the the issue with people not pursuing that is those self-limiting beliefs right I think we all want something greater we all want more of something but I think we're just our own worst enemy so no we are I'm gonna put some things in perspective I love that by the way so if you think about it you know to a certain extent there's things that you do that no one does it better than you you do it best so if you scale back to because if you look at successful people and you watch their habits you know what they're doing but let's scale it down to what you do best right so if you're writing you're writing some notes on a piece of paper you have a certain way of holding the pen you have a certain way of positioning your your your notebook and your writing your your your notes right and that could happen in anything in life just the way you get off from bed no one does it better than you right so if you think always that I know how to do it best then it's you stopping yourself from limitation now you you attach the same ideas into something greater like having the mindset having a successful business in the future you picture yourself you envision yourself and how you get there right why because you do it this no one's gonna argue that with you if you're doing something if you're doing something and if you have a certain job that you do and whether you work for someone or you work for yourself or anything it could be even taking the trash out you have you have a certain way of taking the trash out and you do it in a very efficient way right so you should attach that same success that you do it into anything else that you do therefore you develop that habit of doing it's how it's how you do anything is how you do everything it's very simple it's as simple as that and it starts with the smallest things sorry so what comes out yeah with that said you know cuz none of us are perfect no cats cats out the bag we're not perfect no I heard this saying one of our one of our acquisition guys letting it's he says you know you said the cats out the bag the farts are out the blanket let's let all the farts out the best thing that was ready before it's crazy and he told that to a seller I think he didn't get the deal yeah you did this one yes so what okay if I don't track so this is so we're not perfect we're not perfect at all by any means and you know even though things don't never be perfect we're trying to achieve that elite level right I think all of us everyone even listening to his podcasts eventually wants to get to elite level but when we first started we had a lot of negative traits whether you want to admit it or not yeah what we're so like I start with you Carlos like what were some of like your you know your your negative traits that were limiting you from developing that that winners mindset so you know I think that programming right so programming in let's let's go even earlier than programming right what what programming as growing up growing up in the kind of environments that we grew up in you know growing up in poverty right your your program to literally not even go to college right your program most of the time you know where I come from you're not even program to finish high school right your program to as soon as you can work go find the job right and where you grew up I mean cats out of the bag where you grew up everybody else thing to do in the neighborhood is to do what well I mean you didn't do it I know that but what was everybody else in my neighborhood you were either working some low-paying job you know labor labor for sure rebreathers right or people were dealing drugs you know and that was a normal team yeah that was a normal it's kind of like way so which one is it for you either like I don't know I'm just gonna go work this hard job you know whatever yeah but um so you know programming has a lot a lot to do with it you know you know if you if you look at your dad right who are you looking who are you no first of all not that wasn't my case but a lot of folks out there yeah when you're coming up as a child and as a as a teenager and as a young adult you know who are your heroes who are you looking up to and what are they doing and what are they saying and quite frankly I mean you're here you do develop habits based on the people you look up to yeah so like you whether you want to admit it or not and I'm not just speaking on with you all of us develop good and bad habits from the people that we look up to you and sometimes a lot of is our parents and our and our closest family yeah like you know the reason I want to bring that out because there's probably someone out there that is dealing with currently right now like something negative that you were experiencing maybe you know maybe not not seeing or so um you know growing up with a single mom the one beautiful thing that I learned from her was work ethic right her work ethic was just insane like she definitely was my superhero a lot of the good ones that was like a good one and then the other beautiful part about her is she always made it happen you know how a lot of folks when you're poor what do you hear from them when you say hey can I have a new pair of shoes what what do they say what's the response that we don't have we don't have the money right hey can I have a hey mom can we get a new couch for the family no we can't afford it right so you hear that over and over the beautiful part about my programming even though my circumstances and my environment we're dictating one thing my mom didn't program those words into my brain she made she made it happen you want a mute you $120 pair of shoes I remember she gave me some Charles Barkley's yeah $120 pair of shoes she was getting like three or $400 a week you know I'm like that is a big chunk of that percentage but I'll tell you what what really that hurt us was you know I learned that you got paid based on your time now it's one thing right my mom had to John it's a big one yeah my mom had two jobs so I learned that the more you work the more money you make it wasn't about working efficiently it wasn't about working smart it was just about you know hey my mom worked at the airport I didn't know that yeah she worked up the airport at night and during an elementary school in the cafeteria during during the day she slept literally - the four hours so so you've seen that as a kid you believed that I started working make more you need a word I started working a lot when I met saw he knows how my old line of five I was working 60 70 hours for no reason so guys for someone else for someone else so guys if you listen to that and if you're somebody that because I'm with you I thought the same thing and if I need if I want to make more money I need to work more and that's not true no that's not true definitely not I mean there's a there's a big difference between working hard or working more and then working smart mm-hmm and yeah it's crazy and there's no other always just to set you up for something else right like if you're if you have certain circumstances you don't you I'm not it person I'm not against working work ethic is great work ethic is great but you gotta choose right exactly to set yourself up sometimes you may have so and I'm speaking I'm saying this out because I want you to feel bad if you're someone that has to put the extra hours right now for the greater purpose there's nothing wrong with that because I personally did that I every hour of the day that I was awake it was an hour of me trying to make money for sure that's personally for me and for that because I had a greater purpose I need to save money for something greater that I didn't know what I need to do but I knew there was something greater than hate to do with that you anticipated exactly how I envisioned it so so what a what kind of happens you do you feel like growing up or you know when you first started like we're holding you back um what I mean like if you've my name is Sal Shakir by the way we should introduce our cell phone first all right yeah it is her first time listening to this podcast my name is Alec signs 22 year old real estate entrepreneur out of Phoenix Arizona and Sasha cure Oh Sal Shakira I'm a Catholic from Iraq so I'm not very anomaly or a minority from from Iraq the crazed serial entrepreneur I mean from dirt poor to you know just living an abundant life being God right and as you guys can see you know this is pretty raw it's not scripted we're on here just trying to provide value we'll get better at like the organization part of podcasting but you know what our most important objective is to provide value not the whole scripts and who we are and you know it's to provide a value right yes no matter how order it is if you're enjoying this so you know thus far make sure you like and subscribe because you're assuming yeah sure more people need to hear this yeah we need people to share this I mean we started this we don't get paid to do this no we started this to give back to you know up-and-coming entrepreneurs to give back to the community right on a mindset in a mental state of mind and emotional you know just what however we could and and we don't get paid for this so please share it that is that is the biggest contribution that you can make to us right just you know share it with your friends right yeah people that are looking to to achieve success so yeah some of the bad habits or beliefs you felt so for me it's a bit different because I come from a different place so for me I can I can speak of those things but it's hard for me to relate to them to most people that live here that are born here but I can relate to a lot of people that have conflict so whether it is if it's poverty or if it's war or if it's just on the the uncomfort that comes with it right so as humans we we when we're under attack or we're in defense mode we perform everything and if your body becomes your defense mechanism everything your your brain thinks of worst-case scenarios right so for us when I was back home my dad my first entrepreneurial job I would say my dad used to work with the US Army so he used to maintain the generators inside melt the military bases and I remember my first job was to actually fill up the oil jugs because he he stood by the 20 to 20 gallon jugs they were heavy and used to cost him more money so now we have a lot of empty just because he used those so my dad got smarter he bought the 55 gallon jugs and start emptying those and take those into those 20 20 gallon so you and that's that's the good trick what taught me entrepreneurship so you learn no work at I was gonna say did you think thank God that you were blessed to have a dad that was kind of an entrepreneur and he led by example exactly yeah absolutely bless me work for it right then I I start running his office but I would say the bad traits comes because from that we were I would say I was spoiled but not spoiled growing up right because I lived in the capital but I mean we weren't the richest people might I used to work you know you know there make some money but you know what I wanted to get something you know as if if needed we would get it right but we weren't as spoiled or as the we weren't poor so we were right in the middle but for other for myself I always work for something and I think that my family embedded that at a young age as negative trace I would say growing up not so much growing up but I can relate where I first came in here yeah into the United States I felt like that's it we made it I think I mean I know you I know you very well yeah and I want to say this I think that one of yours would correct me if I'm wrong but it was a lot of it and because of the circumstances and situations from back home in Iraq a lot of real experience fear my motivation was fear that's the first thing I say when you're you're in defense here's a hell of a motors yeah yeah and it came from fear I'm not so I'm glad you you got that out of me but yes it is fear but I think the mistake I made is when we first came into United States I felt like that's it right like it's like you may not go and that's a you made it but let you know life is not like that there's more sight it's like a it's like a college student graduating getting their degree in feeling like oh I'm done you know there's so so much more work to do there was this wake up call like what that okay no this is this is bad and you know if you if you watch the previous episode you know why like we failed you know coming to United States and why but I think that's me sending the expectation with myself thinking that that's it it stops so if you're not growing you're dying simple it's simple and I that was my probably my flaw that I thought you know you reach a certain thing that's it it's done and you know a little bit wiser now I know that I need to grow every day every month so then we don't know we try not to stay complacent absolutely absolutely yeah for me was um I mean I was 18 when I first started and you know different circumstances obviously we all have different stories but you know the we all experience trauma right we all experience the lows and the bed of growing up you know and just your journey but for me it was like okay I'm 18 years old and I'm trying to do real estate and I just didn't believe in myself and the reason why is I mean the number one reason was I'm too young for this every real estate guy that I know is in there I don't know 50s 40s yeah and at 18 it's like okay someone gonna believe me that I can buy their house and you know fast forward they did and you know what I learned you know looking back like that was just a belief of self limiting belief that I was placing on myself what because they don't worry you you go move on to this much so what made you so even though you believed in it it was a moment of belief that you can't you can't do it because you're aging but what what made you overcome that belief and into jumping into it and let me throw a little nugget right well let me throw a little nugget out there you were young and you felt like you know you were fearful that people would just not believe that you were gonna buy their property yeah so you would say that you had a boss right yeah so for those huge nugget for if you're 18 19 I mean I've met 30 year-olds that look you know 16 and they're like I look too young but they're not young but anyways so what I used to do when when I went to cellar appointments was you know say hey mr. cellar I know you're probably looking at me like hey this guy's young he probably doesn't have enough money to buy my house but let me just say something I don't have the money to buy your house but my boss does yeah I'm here representing him and his company I've done this plenty of times and we are the best in the business like I would just like put her phone see you know I would just define real quick before before I losses so I think sometimes like the best thing you can do when you feel like an insecurity is to get it out there right like I'll give you an example our buddy jaylen white a lot of buddy jail and white entrepreneur real estate entrepreneur as well he looks like Justin Bieber he's also 22 and I remember going to cellar appointments with him and he would he would or whether it was a cellar appointment or he's like speaking on stage like the first thing the first line that he would say when speaking was hey guys I know you're probably wondering why this Justin Bieber looking kid is here talking to you but uh and like what that did to people was like debunk it you like you yeah he gets it out like because people are you know we live in a perception its world so people are gonna judge on how you look how you dress what you drive right so you know I would say I learned that from Jalen because he would he would just get like get the insecurities out there he would let the Farsi or the blanket but he will let the parts out of the blanket yeah don't let the fault the farts out of the blanket but there is a better way so so for Alex if you really think about it because he his own mind his own belief if he can't do it because his age he he kind of like overthrew that objection with his own other belief saying I'm gonna find a solution so being an entrepreneur is you're literally just find solutions for problems that's how you actually that's how pretty much it works because that's how you make one is yeah yeah you make money because you solve other people's problems yeah but now you have to fix your own problem of thinking that you're not old enough to do it so you have to come up with a with what is it having at a counter counter thought I think you have to you have to replace that insecurity with a positive thought right so a positive belief so like so you you would bring that up before that was even asked like when someone yeah someone see I call the sellers Celer appointment would see me like I mean I didn't have a beard back then still trying to grow it out as nicely cell but I would just go to the appointment they'll look at me like I mean the first appointments like I had like a pretty crappy Corrie hundred dollar car oh my goodness still had no tags and insurance so I was dumping more money this is not about the money yeah yeah so the first thing I would say I mean I would just get it out I would get it out and that would make the appointment look I mean go so much that makes you more credible because you're being honest now yeah you're being honest like you're slaying people like I'm not I'm not hiding anything I'm letting you know hey I don't have the money but my boss does well and I didn't have a boss so it was always me and I made it out to white lie yeah it's a white lie and you know you have to just have to do it sometimes you know so back to reprogramming right because a lot of folks we all agreed that that is that could be the hardest thing if you look at like anybody can anybody can build a business anybody can have work ethic right anybody anybody can show up to work every single day but having the right programming or reprogramming so before we go there let okay so reprogramming is it can be difficult it can be easy to some but what's gonna feel your passion to reprogram and adopt new beliefs and new habits is your why right mm-hmm so for me it was like just anticipating something good was gonna happen right and at times like you feel like quitting you feel like just giving up and you have to remember why you're doing it and I think honestly a lot of us like starting off I can some of you listening you don't really know why you want to be successful right like why you want to do you just want to be success you want to be successful because I don't know it looks cool but you really don't know you don't have that core that that that true motive to become successful yeah and for me when I started it was I mean it wasn't now I have billion-dollar goals right but at first it's like you know I I just want I don't want I want to be free don't want to work on my birthdays you know I don't want to work on holidays you want to own your time I want to own my time and that was my first motive like I just want to own my time I don't want to work for anybody I just want to be free yeah and sometimes like just people just will try to achieve success for really like the wrong oh don't even have the voices sorry you're up some people don't hear it they just think more is better and I mean there's nothing wrong with starting out like that but as soon as you recognize that you should have an ultimate why why are you really doing this because if you're gonna continue to do this and like and I've seen this by the way and you kind of can see it even in in celebrities and you see them like going into this anxiety or they go kind of away for a while because now they feel like there's no purpose all they're doing is just more and more and more so you don't want to be doing more and getting and then everything is coming toward you but like you it becomes tastless because it's not reaching something that you've you have it we're always reaching some like small goals obviously and it tastes good to count your wins right counting your words is a blessing because when you get let's say you you said you set a goal for yourself to buy a car and you get that celebrate that one and you you got it because you worked hard for it but obviously this is not an ultimate goal the why that Alex was speedy I think I think it's you have to find your deep your deep motive and that's gonna be different for everybody but what's your what's your motor let's make it now that's what I wanted us to talk about sorry to interrupt but I feel like you're why does change it does change it does and I always got goosebumps just it does change and sometimes you can you know you can only anticipate or see so far and at the time like you're just like when you're like at the bottom any when you're grateful for it like you're just like anyone you're grateful for so for me my first win that I wanted to achieve was just to own my time I don't want to work for anybody I want to be I don't want to go to work on my birthday I don't want to work on Christmas Eve I don't think anybody should work on Christmas Eve Christmas day I worked both days literally like it yeah that to me was like okay I just want to all my time and that's that's like my first way and then after that it became okay you know I want to be a successful businessman and you know I started real estate my first year close 12 deals for 120 K and I was enjoying myself but keyword I was enjoying myself I looked around all my friends are still working my family my parents are still working my siblings have no direction or you know no financial stability and I'm like okay I gotta make it about others and then I made it about others and business 5x because of that why and then after okay my family's taken care of my friends you know my important friends some work with me some are doing well you know everybody is elevating around me and then when you say that your family's doing good you look around even further you you you say it a lot you expand your circle and then it's like okay let's impact more let's you know let's let's do podcast like this let's do it let's throw events let's impact more and it just grows and grows and grows become so fulfilled that I start pouring out too many others but I think it wasn't like that I didn't have the this vision four years ago it was just I got it on my time and then it changed it changes so I want to do something pretty cool with you by the way right so you know how we're kind of answering our wise I feel like you and I know each other very well okay so why don't I go first for you go ahead I feel like your primary why in the beginning was for your family to be taken care of right boy was that correct I signed a percent right because that after we got here and you know and when when I met you I felt like that like that was it like you were just go go go go go because you wanted you know your mom your dad your brother to be to be fine to be good and I don't them but you to be absolutely was itwas let me ask you this I never asked it was a lot of that motive because how bad you guys felt when you came to the u.s. like you just never wanted to experience that again yes so it was a combination of two things it was a combination of how bad that we've got it or they got it living there and like coming here was like that the Haven safe haven and then knowing that all of it could go away because I mean failing financially you know running away for your life and then coming here now you want to think that you think that it is gonna be okay because you don't know you don't know that it's gonna be okay there's life struggles here what people struggle with you know people back home think money grows on trees in here and it's a fact so but hit us very hard and it took a very very heavy hit on my dad personally and then obviously Trent goes down to my mom itself and that that feeling was not good I didn't want them to like I like you suffered so much it's it's not good to suffer through that in a different way so that was what motivated me like I want to push more to do better for my family so let me let me say something on that for those listening you know let those moments where you feel low where you feel you know we all have moments that we never want to experience again right we just have we all have them for sure and can we change that we can't change that we can't change the past but we can do is we can use that to our advantage right we can use those moments of her of pain to our advantage to help you know push you towards a positive purpose you know eliminate that negative memory use that to feel you and then create something positive out of it and I think a lot of us need to start a lot of you guys listening and including myself you know when it comes to my past like when you start using those moments to help us propel us forward yeah definitely so now I guess what your why your initial why was your gonna have to try to take a guess of what my initial I was well it's tough you have a lot initial wise but I think you want it to be the first one and the family to leave a legacy and break that bad trait that was kind of a curse on your family and I think you achieved it but now you're taking a different route yeah I would agree I would agree I mean I don't know anybody in my family that probably you know I don't if they make any money at all you know like most of them are in Mexico the few of them that are here still so help I remember calling you know and like didn't at one point we set up a church on in a house right yeah so they still now it's like your legacy is actually being and you know I I feel like you see your Y changes right your Y changes so that you know I went from there you know I went from wanting to to leave a legacy wanting to be successful right it was just a dream of mine or you know it's always been a vision of mine to create that vision but then you know then it was growth right the nose growth it was we were growth means you know when you say growth growth in what aspects growth in every aspects business yeah business is the personal emotional spiritual right growth in every single aspect because you can never stop growing in so many different aspects of life right and I feel like you know growth has been a big big motivator and factor for for most of us for up for you know for me and selling yourself but then it's like now it's like my wife's turning into like my family you know like my family back now it's my family my two daughters you know and my significant other but when you when you when you started was it was it was like one yeah it just keeps changing like as you keep growing it just keeps changing your why just because no you don't you know something more that yeah think about this way right so a lot of folks I would say you know 9 out of 10 people out there you know they're they think of success when maybe one day when they take success what do they think of money money money I thought I was right success is money dude are you guys really like excited about when you make a whole lot of money these days no that ended a long time ago yeah because success is not it's it's it's just a byproduct of that but that's not well the money the money's a byproduct of the success it is but it's not the success itself but it's not no because I feel like if if you feel that money is is that equates to you being successful and not you know having healthy relationships right and not having gusta mucho ality peace of mind loved ones around you right I mean are you health right are you really successful I mean you're not and I feel like I feel like success is an equation of all those things combined so anyway you did guess my wife for sure I guess sir while you guess my wire that was pretty cool and I send my way but you know with that said you know guys you know and I'm talking to you guys audience you know you have to identify why you want to do it and don't get overwhelmed with you know don't get overwhelmed with the big picture you know start with that in comparison yeah don't go here oh my god don't yeah comparison comparison stuff yeah comparison is and we're all victims yeah yeah I call it comparison is the killer of joy yeah really think about it right so when saw and I started and you know we let's just say we flips three three properties that month right all but so-and-so flipped ten you see come on man like that is gonna kill the John me means are celebrating your like se like oh god Johnny when you when you feel when you trade the would emotion what would you call that emotion that's I would say it's a sense of harmony and vo you know they're like okay what it weights you when you're comparing when we see jealousy jealousy let's say jealousy so when you trade being you know grateful grateful gratitude Sela celebrating when you're yeah when you're celebrating your win and then you trade it for jealousy what does that do oh my god its first of all it disturbs your peace if it puts you put a blockage you a disturbs your peace and I feel like and now you go from being a mess manic force of positive things in the world you're actually just you know reflecting yeah you're you're blocking your blessings you're blocking so I mean guys don't don't compare you know identify your why and really think about it you know why do you why do I want to achieve success is it to own your time is it to become the first millionaire in your family is it to take care of your family I think I said that but is it you know just try to find that that why you know is it - I don't know play basketball more or so many start going anymore yeah so many people do have that's the best a beautiful part there is no right why there isn't everyone everybody has their own way yeah I I do think I want to add something to that and and everybody it becomes a victim of this you can play it as a victim or you can just you know just brush it off everybody wants to do something just like you know you're saying that you're an eighteen year old and trying to buy a house that's your own negative thoughts but what's more powerful than that is your circle can be even more negative right your own circle like what are your thinking what are you doing and and as soon as they see even as soon as you passed that a little bit when you're trying to break through they would try to break bring you down again to their you you used to do this before and they bring old stuff it or you're not change you say you're not the same person I know from before so now you're like battling guilt and like just question like am i changing as a person so and guys if you ever feel that way do not fall for it because you know what they don't know better they just say these things because that's the only defense well that's their own dust on it secure so normal yeah guys it's gonna come it's happened to all of us you want to get you know as you laughed at as you progress in your own journey in your own success journey you're gonna get pushed away from certain circles of friends you know your family is going to tell you certain things that you can't do this every like there's gonna be moments or a timeline you know a few months or weeks or days that you know you're gonna feel alone but just realize once you get that breakthrough you know you pick up the momentum and then this is what happens when when you break past like because my my family didn't believe they did it what before you move on to this what would you suggest if it's someone you respect that you don't want to just block them off and yeah someone's like your family you don't what would you suggest to do at that yeah guys I wanted this and you're sitting on this I want to say yeah I want to suggest like mom never talked to me in my life you know just oh I didn't say anything I'd literally stayed quiet obey mine just think it would take open mind I would identify would be conscious of what they're telling me but at the same time I just I believe like you have to believe more in yourself than anybody else because and then this is what happens when when you achieve when you do something that you set your mind to you and then everybody around you sees that you did it it you start getting a different kind of respect from those that doubted you oh for sure and what happens is now they they're ready for you they root for you and now they want a part of it absolutely because why you led by example you you you got past that breakthrough which they didn't believe they didn't believe in you but when you did it now you've with us because they don't believe in themselves you get yeah but when you see somebody when you okay and not in that bad way they don't believe because they're programmed that when you say somebody that you personally know did something and like damn like I know that person like my brother he's like bro is crazy how far you know I've seen you grow and what's crazier is like I grew up with you yeah when when you have that that person that you know personally that has achieved something like you know like you guys constantly good you guys feel the same play the same blood same blood and like now my brother's taken off with confidence because he sees effort yeah and that's why I think that's another reason why we're doing this podcast is to really show like we are normal we're nothing different we're nothing special if we if we just like we got yeah if we can do it so could anybody else anybody is we're we're practically the same color in the same cloth we don't we did not graduate did you know so I mean two people who study yet expands your brain but for us if you want to look at an example if you have a degree you already have a step-up you already have something over us yeah sometimes like you know you'll because I mean a constant story you hear like in entrepreneurs like broked a millionaire right and that's awesome but sometimes people that have like accomplishments or that grew up like middle class they feel like they they use they like get in their own way they use that against them like oh I know I was in broke so I'm not motivated enough to do what they did that's thank you but that's just a self-limiting belief like okay let's I think it's important to identify your surroundings like okay what do I have what don't I have I'm grateful for what I have let's build on that you don't have to wish to be broke or wish for struggle it's out you to like it yeah for something to light up and you know I mean come on now if we all chose we were probably chose not to be broke okay if you're if you didn't grow up with problems or you know financial don't let that circumstances dictate yeah yeah like be grateful for what you have and build on that you don't have to wish for struggle or wish to be blue to start doing something believe me no nobody that's going through struggle wishes for struggle so and then everybody has different struggles like even I was reading this book like okay somebody that grew up middle class their struggle might be that they never satisfied their parents and like for me I can't relate to that because I grew up different but I can see where that would hold somebody back matter perspective perspective yeah so and that's the thing like you don't compare yourself but just realize that we all have different struggles and don't try to wish to trade struggles with somebody else because you think that's gonna make you better it's not just you know realize where you are and build on that well let's talk about taking action which is something that a lot of folks you know fail to do right a lot of folks everybody talks about oh I want more you know I want to have my own business I want to leave my nine-to-five I want to have financial freedom but what are they doing about it I feel like take action has got diluted everybody keeps saying that I want each one of us to explain what that was taking action in our because we're we're racing against time right now yeah but that's because take action has got diluted so I want to go get more specific about taking action did you want to start this yeah I can start it so you know I think before you even get in the motion of taking action it really starts with your identity right and where you are you know what you have you know what your strengths are and then building on those strengths right so for me it was like my and I mean I've done this so many times like okay so it would always stop start what they thought right and the thought would be you know okay what do I envision my life in the next year to be you know what do I want to feel when we know what do I want to have you know how do I want to look you know different just like visual picture so there was always oh it would always start with the with the thought and one side solidified that that vision you know it then it would it would be why okay why do I want to do this you know and when you really solidify your why right mm-hmm we really solidify your why you know what happens emotions follow right absolutely emotions follow right and you know Joe Dispenza I love this line so thoughts are the language of the brain right can we control our thoughts absolutely yes right so we can chart thoughts and then emotions are the language of the body right in the bodies of subconscious mind so for me was always like oh just to explain the conscious mind is up here the subconscious mind is the body and Joe Dispenza explains that very well yeah and for me like now looking now like looking back I know how that structure went on but back then it was that okay let me think okay what how do I want you know what do i one of my life you know why do I want it and then you would feel those emotions when you're when your wife's strong enough you will feel those emotions you'll feel that gratefulness you'll feel that passion and then when that you get those two things to click then that's when you really start moving that's when he really started flowing and for me was just constant doing those things it was constant just okay think why emotion and then follow and it just became rep you know repetitive and you know the first thing like that I would advise somebody to do to start to because it you can eat you know we can say here you'll take action take action take action but I think the the more important question that we want to answer is why you should and your Y is gonna be come down to your thoughts and your why that is so powerful your vision and your wine because now you're driven by higher power yeah and and when you get those two things to click it's it's really powerful I've experienced it so many times in my life oh I think we we did recommend it last podcast but guys I highly advise you read secrets of a millionaire mind TR Becker that is a very good book if you're just starting off it's a really good book to really start to identify the bad habits that you have and then adopt new beliefs programming yeah new programming so yeah I wish that I read that book sooner read it like two and a half years ago I wish I read it fresh I 18 it would have saved me a lot of time absolutely so back to or sticking to taking action right a lot of folks have to ask himself you know what's holding me back why is it is it the fact that is it the lack of action what is holding me back and taking action just to give you a very small example I know you've taken a lot of action I want you to so I want people to relate to this so what was taking action for you because everybody can translate it to their own like Alex myself and you is gonna be completely different so my goal was to leave corporate America right so what was taking action to me was I would I took a I almost took what's good I almost demoted myself to be honest with you and also you know instead of working from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. I'm like you know what I'm gonna work from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and then I'm gonna work the rest of until like I feel like I just can't so I physically can we used to be like on the phone two or three in the morning you know that's I started taking massive massive action I became I became obsessed you know I became obsessed with with it's not so much leaving leaving leaving corporate America yeah but I just became obsessed with the process right I became obsessed with the process and like you said that is when your emotions and your thoughts just click and you it just takes over you completely you know you you haven't told you know you enter a new frequency frequency oh yeah so that's that's for a lot of folks out there who have are looking to leave that nine-to-five man work on small victories right we always talk about small victories when you're not you know when you're not working for someone else work on yourself you know work for yourself work for what you're trying to build whether that's reading a book going to a networking event you know doing something you know putting out signs handing out business cards or whatever but small steps and if you feel like so I want to reiterate this again so like if you feel like you want to take action but you just don't like what I was trying to say is you have to get your thoughts and your emotions to click because if you don't have those too you don't have if you don't have your vision and your emotions to push you to take action then you're not going to take action but once those two things click and thoughts can be through adopting new beliefs and then emotions is you know feeling like you know operating from love and gratitude and joy you know then when those two things click that's really gonna push you and and and help you you know take action because a lot of times we're just in a funk and we feel like we don't know what to do and that's like that's because our Y isn't strong enough yeah absolutely what's your opinion on taking action so by the way I love how you guys put it because it's it starts with a thought starts within yourself but I'm gonna say I don't want to repeat the same thing they said for me it's different to try to apply it to what I was doing and and I'm gonna look back to it so for me I think it was last year when we were talking about this we're having a conversation and it came to my like it just hit me I'm like what did what was I thinking like now I know all this about my business and which is I'm talking about the car business I lost all this money doing it but now with this information I have like going to the next business venture I wouldn't do it like I wouldn't do it this way or we didn't lose as much you want to make them famous a missing again but back in back in the day it's not like an idea came to my head saying whoa what's what am I gonna do next this is not working this is not working like it wasn't trying to do something else or thinking like what the heck am i doing which probably I should have or I should I don't know the right answer but I'm gonna say I should have keep doing what I was doing which is it put me in this position because everything is is today as a result of the past and and and thinking that way I'm like what the heck was I doing was I doing wrong although I was doing everything wrong and not one day not even one minute that it came to my mind to say I better stop it was just like let's keep doing it until it works it was it what maybe my stubbornness maybe my ignorance but that was a that was a blessing in disguise for me so a lot of people would actually over think in over thing you know what if what if what if what if whereas you were failing forward i was failing forward without me knowing it even though you got cuts and bruises and concussions like you just you just keep smashed your head exactly and just I mean we can agree or disagree was it a smart decision or a dumb decision but I can say this for me I said I'm saying where from where I'm sitting it feels great that I did that I'm glad that I did that and not a negative thought that came within to stop me from doing that so by the way speaking of taking action for those folks out there who you know have tuned in to the podcast we are having all in freedom June 7 June 8th all and freedom is pretty much what we've all our journey how it all began right all in freedom is literally achieving financial freedom through real estate that's we all had we all went through similar events four years ago and that's how it all started that's what catapult us into you know what what what it is now or by the way if they use a promo code called podcast you do get a pretty heavy discount for all in freedom June 7th June to infinity Arizona and I want to add to this pun we skipped one step of the mindset and we're running against time but guys networking for I think we all can agree that networking yes changed the trajectory of our business our self-development yeah if you you know at freedom you know it is a real state event you know we're gonna be going over a whole selling and how we got into the business and how you can also recreate your own you know success with real estate but one of the things that I love about these events is the network and I'm glad that you brought that up because you know I it's your one relationship away from changing your whole life you're one really oh you're one presentation away from changing oh you how many business partners became business partners at events like this or one or you're one moment away you're one moment away there one moment away or one technique away or one any like once something you just need that one thing that's gonna change your life and I know four years ago I went to a real estate event just like this and it changed my life it helped me adopt a new mindset and then the beautiful thing is like what at this event everybody's there for one reason and that's they want to grow they want to grow right they want something more for themselves so it's like imagine like you might be dealing at back home even with your family your friends like a bunch of negativity but here you have two days where it's nothing but positivity and like-minded people you won't find anything else like it now so if you want to better your life if you want to take that extra step you know don't don't make the same mistake I did I miss my first opportunity to go to an event because I didn't have the money but yeah I had you know 10 15 pairs of Jordans I had an Xbox that's right I make that sacrifice so don't make that mistake and you know try to try to go to the event and if what's the coupon code podcast podcast so go to all in freedom calm and enter the code podcasts and receive a discount and we'll see you June 7th and 8th and Phoenix it's gonna be an amazing vac yeah I think this was amazing yeah I think that about the time yeah it feels good to be on time so um well that's episode 2 yeah so guys um you know we we do this for free we're taking our you know time out of our businesses and days to deliver Valley to you guys so I hope you guys can see and appreciate that all we ask is you know like this video subscribe share and make sure we didn't get a lot of comments well we got a lot of good comments but make sure you comment on what topics you want us to discuss because right now we're just we're we're just whatever too early what early in the game yeah whatever we feel we speak about we hope that this podcast was valuable but at the same time please comment and let us know what you want us to talk about because and by the way we're gonna be having special guest speakers on the podcast and you know I would like to recommend ya record yeah let us know who you wanna stay low yeah let us know we can find out anybody's number so that's alright good alright guys see you next week
Views: 3,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all in entreprenurs, all in nation, sal shakir, Carlos Reyes, Alex Saenz, all in freedom, all in momentu, goldlevelmedia, podcast, real estate, entrepreneurs, success, motivation
Id: yy1X66nmNuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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