How to design and build an in home Hoist and Trolly system for the disabled

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okay I wanted to make a little bit a little video here we're fixing I started another project this originally is Mikayla's room or bedroom and we have my mother-in-law staying with us she's been with us for about six or seven years but about three years ago she fell and broke one of her hips and she come through that okay they were able to repair it but here recently about seven or eight weeks ago she fell again and broke her right there right no her left hip she broke her left hip and this time they had to do a hip replacement she's been we're having a really rough time but anyway where you see this opening in the wall this past year I've been remodeling the bathroom I had to actually it was a major renovation and it took me pretty much all year I had to move first of all that was on one bathroom in this house and it was like five foot wide and about eleven foot long very long and narrow and it's only bathroom in the house so what I ended up doing is I moved one wall about five foot into another room and I wanted to make enough room to be able to build two bathrooms and this right here is the doorway that was that's going into the bathroom that's in the back and I say my idea was gonna put a pocket door in here so to fold back in to that wall there and then this is the other end here where the study is and it would close there but we had kind of a change of plans first of all Mikayla had the idea right after her granny fell and broke her hip she had the idea to switch rooms with her granny so that her granny could have her own bathroom make it easier for her which I thought was a very sweet she's a very sweet girl anyway and very thoughtful person she loves our granny and that was her idea and so anyway if you were to go through this door right here and about nine foot past that you'd go directly into a shower stall and we've been having to put my physically put my mother-in-law in the shower stall sitting in a chair I would I'm every afternoon me and my wife and Mikayla all three of us we we do this and we had my mother always set her a chair and I have to physically pick her up while she's in the chair and put her lift her up and put her in the shower stall and it's very taxing I'm 62 years old and she's 82 years old it's it's pretty taxing for me to have to pick her up too and not only that it makes it almost impossible if I'm not here and my wife and Michaela has to get her in the shower or something it makes it almost impossible for them to do by themselves so anyway the change of plans and what I come up with is that I'm going to wind up opening this up a little bit wider this is going to be temporary but I'm gonna move this stud over and it's gonna only gonna have like six inches over here someone have like a 48 inch door and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open the door we're not even gonna put a door in here I'm gonna leave it open for her and it's gonna go all the way the openings gonna go all the way to the ceiling and there's a the biggest reason I'm doing that is because I'm designing a track system that will be it would be a track it's gonna be about 15 foot long and it's gonna be mounted to the ceiling and right over to the left here is where her beds going to be so we're gonna make this track we're gonna come out right beside her bed and then also it's gonna the track is gonna extend through the bathroom and go into the shower okay and what I'm doing is that we're going I've got a holy s--t system that where she will be able to get out of the bed sit in a chair right here and the electric hoist will pick her up about eight to nine inches off the ground and it'll be on a trolley system and then all you'll have to do is just push her through the bathroom opening there and right straight into the shower and once he gets in the shower we'll be able to just let her down and then my wife she can clean her clean her up and everything and then once he's done we'll lift it back up and roll her right back into her room and it make it a lot easier for me and not only that if I'm not here this will be a way that my wife and my daughter will be able to do it themselves all they would have to do is help her out of the bed and sit her in the chair push a button and then just lift her up a little bit and then they'll just roll her right into the shower and do the thing I think it was a good idea and I took my time and I gave this thing a lot of thought and I said you know what I can do this so I went shopping and I'm gonna show you some of the components that I've got this whole system is gonna cost probably around 300 to 350 dollars so anyway what I did is I got some box what they call box rail track I got to eight foot lengths and a total of 16 foot which is gonna be just about right and this box well box track one things I like about it it says it's made in the USA with tell it like that and let me see if I turned over when you read it yeah there you go right there made in the USA very good okay now this track it's gonna be hanging from the ceiling and the slotted part is gonna be hanging down okay and by doing that I've got a for the trolley system when to Tractor Supply and I priced these at Texas said it's got two rollers two of these like this and there's one right there on the chair and these actually these are steel and they've got steel ball bearings in them and all you need just work a little bit of all just a little bit of oil in each one of those and they'd be good to go and just these rollers fit directly in this track okay by the way this system actually there's the track and the rollers I think it's got like a 600-pound rating that I bought a hoist that's got a 440 pound rating on it which is plenty enough I got these brackets these L brackets these are 4 inches from 4 inches on each side and what I'm gonna do the ceiling joist for running crossways like this so got them every 2 2 foot apart and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take some of the sheetrock down and we're going to Center it up and these L brackets will go up into the ceiling and these will be mounted on the ceiling joist themselves with a 1/2 inch bolt going through the L bracket and the ceiling joist and then I got lock nuts that will lock them down that will never come off these L brackets are gonna be hanging about 1 inch below the ceiling and they're going to be in a straight line all the way to the bathroom once I get all these L brackets in placing them the track is going to be mounted to the underside of these L brackets every two feet apart these things will never come down if you don't want them to so it's gonna be I think it's gonna work out really really nice also here's the hoist I went to Harbor Freight and I found this hoist and when I saw this hoist I said you know what that's perfect and it's gonna work perfectly for one thing with the rollers this hoist is gonna ride along the track itself and when I saw these u brackets on top this is gonna be perfect I'm gonna have to cut the studs off with these rollers because I only want this hoist to ride below the track maybe about maybe two inches two and a half inches and that's it but I'm gonna drill 1/2 inch holes through the tops of these u brackets and this is going to be mounted right through it like that and down then I'll put lock nuts on the underside and we'll tighten them down and then they will be mounted like this and this will ride along the track with two rollers like that I think that's going to be a pretty good design and then the chair that I was talking about my mother-in-law is going to be sitting down on the chair this hoist will actually pick her in the chair up I got to build a sling for it and settle and balance it out to be able to pick her up I got install a receptacle just on the other side of this wall into the bathroom probably on the ceiling I'm all so as I plug it in there and this hoist has like ten foot a cord on it so it'll be how to be kind of in the center so it'll be able to travel from the bed to the shower with a ten foot cord being in the middle and I may put a little track along the top for the cord to ride on so it won't be dangling down and all that stuff too so anyway give me your thoughts and ideas if you have any and we're gonna implement this if you if you have someone in your family that is disabled bedridden or whatever this might be a good option to get them from one place to another in your home with a little bit of ease so press the like button and subscribe we're going to come up with some more videos I love doing all kind of projects currently I have going right now I'm converting my home to solar electric and I'm building a windmill to supplement we have battery backup power to last the last hurricane that we had we ran about fifteen hours in the house on 15 hours on solar batteries and it works well I'm also building a dock out on the creek getting ready for retirements what I'm trying to do so we like doing gardening but uh anyway if you have any ideas or questions or whatever post them on post them here on YouTube and just don't forget to press the like button thanks
Channel: Richard Wells
Views: 2,558
Rating: 4.04 out of 5
Id: lL4-eHzms1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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