Garage Hoist on a Movable Track

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so today in the garage we're gonna see about making use of this storage space that I have up above my office the trick is right now anything I get up here I have to carry up on the ladder so we're gonna find a much easier way to move that stuff so you can see I have a decent amount of headspace not quite enough room to stand up all the way but plenty of room for if I've got a track coming along here that's connected to the ceiling joists and the ceiling joists are on every six feet they're started not joist there are roof trusses if I can connect into the roof trusses there's one about here one just right about at just past the edge of this floor and then if I connect to the next one out there so if I make my track a little more than twelve feet long I should be able to connect it to all three of those I can lag bolt it in with multiple lag bolts and I'm good for you know easily for conservatively a couple hundred pounds in theory I could do a lot more than that but you know I'm gonna try to be somewhat safe of this [Music] okay so I've got all the pieces cut out for my track so what I'm doing and normally you would do this with a big piece of Eyebeam I'm using stuff I have laying around I don't plan on doing anything really heavy so this should be more than enough I'm thinking 400 pounds max but the winch eye or the hoist I bought maxes out of 400 pounds anyway so that's the heaviest second lift but what I've got I've got some plywood and I wanted to make this about 14 feet long so I've got an 8 foot or two 8 foot sections into 6-foot sections and these are going to get sandwiched together to make a the spine of the of the track and then I have two pieces of angle that are gonna go down here and I'm gonna do I'm gonna drill holes through that and through bolt all the way through that so that it should be nice and rigid the angle iron will be most of the support the center beam gives a little extra rigidity and makes it easier to mount well I thought the camera was running through all that but evidently not not sure what I caught but basically to recap in case I didn't get it on video I slathered a whole bunch of glue basically I finished off this bottle poured it out spread it with a bondo spreader made a bit of a mess but I don't mind that because I'd rather have a mess than to have a weak part used every clamp I've got to clamp it together and now it's hot so I'm gonna take a break and I need to go to the hardware store anyway and get a couple more things get the bolts so I'm gonna put this together with and we'll see if but if I feel like getting back to it today or not if I'm just going to sit in the air-conditioned house okay so that's basically what's gonna look like I'm gonna bolt these on I'm gonna drill holes all the way through and bolt them on and that should keep it nice and straight and rigid makes it easy to hang and should be plenty strong for what I'm doing I want everything along the bottom to be flush so the whole beam is nice and straight before I bolt it together it is hot today now I'm sure you guys in New Mexico and Arizona are thinking it doesn't get hot in New England which by your standards it doesn't but we're not used to it and it gets humid and I'm a wuss all minute [Laughter] so I realized after I started this that these are actually knocked nuts which is great for this other than I didn't necessarily need my lock nuts because I bought lock washers so I spent too much money which is just another example of why you really need to watch out when you go to the big box stores cuz nothing is in its right place and so if you grab it from the shelf that says it's just regular 5/16 nuts now beware cuz people move stuff and nobody at the store gives a damn okay that wraps up the track I believe I think that's going to work pretty well so I think that's probably enough for today tomorrow what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build the trolley that goes along here and design for that's in my head hopefully it turns out the way I envisioned it and then the fun part I gotta get this thing all the way up into the ceiling but I've got ideas on that but for now it's hot I'm sweaty I think it's time to call it a day so I spent the morning kind of finalizing the design of the trolley and cutting the pieces out so Harbor Freight does sell a fairly inexpensive trolley I thought about using one of those it wasn't quite exactly what I wanted and I thought I'd at least make a shot at building one myself now once again this is for relatively light duty stuff I think this should be plenty strong I'm what I've done is I've got several pieces of plywood to get the right width now these are just exactly the width of the track itself and then these which are slightly taller will stick up above this'll all get glued together with multiple screws so it essentially makes one really thick block of wood and then what I'm gonna do is I've got some roller skate bearings they're gonna go through here I'm gonna have eight on each side so it should spread the load really well small washer on the inside so the bearing doesn't press into the wood too deeply and then a large fender washer on the outside I'll give you a little closer look at this with the phone camera here so here you can see I've got various pieces of plywood it's a combination of 3/4 5/8 and there's a couple eight-inch pieces in there just to get the right width and then the this will get through drilled with the bearing there 4 on each side I think I said 88 you know each side I mean it'll be 8 total four on each side should spread the load nicely and this should fit on there really nicely and then later on I'll show you how this is going to attach to the to the hoist that's going to be doing the lifting ok well it's not pretty and it's got glue all over it because I'm very liberal with the blue and stuff like this but it's going to be strong essentially what I've made is a giant solid block of plywood which should be strong and I've just went ahead and inserted two of the bolts with the roller skate bearings for now fits on the track nice and snug almost a little snug in places I think I'm gonna have to polish the edges of the track just knock the edge off with the grinder I think it'll be perfect it's snug enough that it doesn't rack side to side which was one of my concerns cuz that's a fairly narrow bearing if it was to turn sideways you know of course there's a chance it could drop I certainly don't plan on standing under it like I said I'm not gonna carry anything too terribly heavy with this but you know even something 50 pounds on your heads gonna hurt so I don't have enough bearings with me but they're supposed to come in the mail today I've got some other stuff I'm gonna do but this afternoon but that'll give this time to for the glue to dry and I can go get my new bearings bolt this up and we'll see how it actually runs on the track all right well it's later the same day I gave the Blues some time to setup while I went out and took care of some other things which is why I've changed clothes I'd be shower and be presentable and all that stuff so I've got all eight of my bearings on here they all move nice and freely they should be nice and secure that used the good quality three-quarter inch birch plywood for that portion of it and it fits pretty nicely rolls along pretty well there was a couple of spots I ran it down the track earlier there's a couple spots where it does get hung up a little bit and I'm a little concerned so right in inside here if the edge of the angle iron is going to rub on that and I don't want that to wear down too much it'll you know letting it wear a little bit will be fine but I don't want to get to the point where it gets some slack this isn't gonna see extremely heavy use but I don't plan on ever replacing it either hopefully so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just take this my grinder with the abrasive flat disc here on it and I'm just gonna polish that edge which should take off some of the mill scale so it's not so rough and make it nice and slick so that it helped with the clearance issues and hopefully make it smooth so it doesn't wear that out over time okay I did a quick little polish with the grinder didn't really take my job just just enough to smooth it up so let's let's do a quick little test and see if it rolls all the way to the end on its own I think that'll work so the way I'm gonna mount these is I've got some of this track with holes in it the same thing you would hang garage doors with and I'm going to lag bolt it into the ceiling my first thought was I probably need something stronger in lag bolts but I did do a little research on this at little engineering and for a 5/16 lag bolt one inch of thread supposed to hold 200 pounds these are two and a half inch bolts with two inches of thread so that's 400 pounds per bolt I'm gonna do four for each one of these so that's 1,600 pounds per per bracket there's gonna be three across obviously one needs to be able to hold all of it for when the weights right under there so once again now the winch will only hold 400 pounds so I should be well within the range as good as the views might be on a video of me falling off the ladder we're gonna try to avoid that sorry to disappoint all right to hang from the brackets up top I just have more of the same material here and it is going to get through bolted through here so it's hung in double shear I'll have two 5/16 through bolts same thing I use to both the track on and then this will get just a single 3/8 bolt on each side to connect it to the upper track so basically everything's on that little bit of metal but so if it's gonna fail that's actually where it's going to fail so now the hard part that heavy beam needs to go 14 feet in the air which is a challenge by myself but I think I have a plan okay I won't be able to get it all the way up with this but this which I realize I can't really I don't really have a wide enough shop to show it right now is my been packed for post automotive lift it won't lift it quite high enough but I can get it a lot closer and hopefully get one end up on top of the office with this and if you're curious about the lift I did a video about assembling it about by the almost a year ago now I'll put a link to that up above if you are curious I think this is going to work that's backwards isn't it yes it is okay I kind of screwed up I put this up backwards this is the end I want it out there but at least it's up here like I said when I screw up I will show it even when it's a hot day and I'm up in the top part of the building where all the heat rises too but it's not as honest yesterday so I can't complain too much my daily job I sit at a desk all day so this is pretty good exercise for me okay the weights on the bolt you get a washer in here gonna get the nut on here get it finger tight just so it is in place and now that will take the weight and I can get the other bolt in okay well it still just loosely bolted on the other end and I don't have the center bolts and the center support but even already this is feeling nice and rigid I have come up with a plan though while in theory this is strong enough it still makes me a little leery I plan on living in this this house and having this shop for the rest of my life I don't want to ever replace this so what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come out wider with a an angled support that will keep it even though it seems like it's pretty solid left to right it'll prevent any movement left to right and you know I back up to this just in case something does fail to spread the load out a little bit better but I'll have to go to the hardware store to get something for that for today I'm gonna finish up bolting this and got at least try it alright I'm just about to wrap it up or at least wrap it up for today I am I've got everything tightened up but I do want to see about Legos mentioning I'm gonna do some angled braces coming off the track but it's pretty solid as it is so hopefully this is gonna work so now it's a matter of mounting the winch so we've got the trolley that you saw me build earlier one thing I didn't mention is these notches in it so the the center part is three boards wide but then the it's based out so that it's wide enough for the top here that is for mounting the winter of the hoist itself which is out I haven't shown this yet so this is just the the small hoist that Harbor Freight sells it's rated for 220 pounds for single line or you can double it through a pulley and do 440 pounds I did have to modify the mounting brackets a little bit these were sort of a hoop shape that was designed to go like with a pipe through it or something to mount it on here I had to cut those off but I'm going to be doing a through bolt that goes through both of these and through the trolleys of the we'll be in double shares so that should be plenty strong so now it's just matter bolting this up and hooking it on to the track and trying it out okay hopefully you can see this even with the poor lighting up here but all right I'm gonna mount this on the track there we go now luckily my out my lights are hooked up to just normal outlets here so I have a good place to plug it in I'm realizing already one problem is I'm going to need to extend the cord and oh this is ridiculous okay something else that I hadn't realized that I'm noticing now is this is about 14 feet off the ground I was hoping for this to reach the ground and that's that's ridiculous so so far on the Harbor Freight winch or hoist it's gonna lose some marks for the ridiculously short remote on it so I'm gonna have to extend those but at least I can come up here I can run the hoist from up here and I'll probably need to extend this by I'm gonna actually swing it out over hey success safety shutoff even works all right let's lift something up one other thing I'm gonna do is put a chain or something on it so if it's out towards the end I can pull it back and I have to get a ladder to reach it well I was gonna wrap up the video there but so it's a couple days later now and I've finished up the bracing I think I've got it much more secure to the ceiling I'm pretty sure it would have been fine before but always good to be paranoid with these sorts of things and make it stronger than it needs to be I've been looking around the shop and finding things I just want to get out of the way I'm gonna start with this little bandsaw I don't really use it much and until I get my woodworking area set up it's just in the way so up it goes okay first test bandsaw probably 40 50 pounds I don't know like a dream alright test number two the door to the Datsun I don't know maybe 75 pounds it's heavier than that that bandsaw was not even straining all right let's get serious Dotson transmission 100 over hundred pounds I figure they're not horribly heavy just a little small car for four-speed transmission but I sure as hell am NOT carrying it up with on the ladder the old-fashioned way up it goes not even straining all right we need to give him more of a challenge let's try something heavy volkswagen beetle motor I believe there they're over 200 pounds I know so the Harbor Freight winch comes with sorry choice not winch it comes with an extra pulley if you can put on it loop the cable back around to the moist itself and double half the speed double the lifting power so it's supposed to be able to lift 440 pounds with this certainly my tracks good enough for that putt this will be the test all right I am gonna get all the way for this one well that wasn't the challenge at all track works well with weight on it hi I'm very happy with that that hardly seemed like enough of a challenge let's throw something else at it I think it's heavier Datsun l20 motor her just the block it's the bottom end I should say I think it's heavier we'll find out well I know it's heavier than the Volkswagen I doubt it's over 400 pounds in fact I'm positive it isn't so in theory we should be able to lift it if I can rig it we can lift it okay I think I'm happy with my rigging I'm gonna get out of the way for this one cable doesn't always go on real smoothly but other than that it has no trouble lifting it I'm not hearing any noise from my track or the trolley still rolls pretty well on those roller skate bearings I think this is gonna work just wonderfully well I think that's pretty productive weekend or actually longer than weekend's fourth of July week I took a couple days off last week so I did took care of this stuff and think 'red with the other things but yeah I think this is gonna really be helpful helps me make use of this space up here and had no trouble lifting anything I threw at it and honestly this is I don't think I'm gonna be lifting anything heavier than this I'm not gonna be doing you know big iron v8 engines up here or anything if I've got any of those all I'll keep those downstairs so that'll wrap this up if you like what you see appreciate you subscribing I do some workshop projects automotive stuff and you know leave some comments if there's something else you're interested in seeing me doing till then got your garage do something interesting
Channel: Chappy's Garage
Views: 106,854
Rating: 4.7994099 out of 5
Keywords: harbor freight, hoist, automotive, garage, workshop, harbor frieght, winch, lifting heavy items, how to lift heavy, Buffalo EHOISTUL, 62767, 60346, 440 Lb. Electric Hoist With Remote Control, gantry, how to, shop project, diy shop project, gantry hoist, diy crane, lift, garage lift, shop organization
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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