How to design a simple slider mechanism in Autodesk Fusion 360

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hello everyone welcome back to mad about designs in this tutorial I am going to be showing you how to design this simple slider mechanism using Autodesk fusion 360 in this mechanism I have used two links for transferring this rotary motion into this linear motion this assembly is consisting of this slider these two links and the base here are the dimensions of the components and the tools and commands you are going to use in this tutorial if you are new to this channel do subscribe to us and turn on the Bell notifications so that you won't miss any of our new videos if you guys have any sessions and recommendations please let me know in the comment section now without wasting time let's get into it first create a new design by going to files select new design the unit is going to use in this tutorial is centimeter create a new component and give it a name base keep it active and click OK create a new sketch on this front plane [Music] go to two-point rectangle select the first corner as the origin and give it a dimension of 8 by 12 centimeter square [Music] draw another rectangle from this point with the dimension of five by forty two centimeter square finish sketch go to extrude select these two profiles Direction symmetric and give it a distance of three centimeter click OK click on this face and create a new sketch on it go to two-point rectangle select the first point on this edge and give it a dimension of one by two centimeter square draw another two point rectangle from this corner with a dimension of one by one centimeter square repeat the same on the opposite side as follows [Music] uncheck the show dimension option to view or profile clearly finished sketch now go to extrude command select this profile extrude it up to 42 centimeter operation joint click OK now turn on the visibility of previous sketch by going here go to extrude again select these two remaining profiles but here you can see we can't directly select our profiles so by keeping our cursor on the profile click and hold the left mouse button a pop-up menu appear from here select profile it will automatically select the profile select this one too now we're gonna select this face so our profile will be extruded up to this phase operation cut click OK hide the previous sketch now go to fellate select all these edges and fill it them up to a radius of 0.5 centimeter press click on this face and create a new sketch on it go to center point circle and draw a circle here and give it a diameter of 1 point 5 centimeter under create go to sketch dimension select the center and this corner and give a horizontal distance of 6 centimeter repeat the same and give a vertical distance of 4 centimeter finished sketch go to extrude select this profile extrude it outward up to one centimeter operation join click ok here is our base ready now go back to our main assembly create a new component and give it a name link one keep it active and click OK create a new sketch on these face of our base under create go to project or you can directly press P to project selection filter specified entities and turn on projection link select this circle and click OK go to to point rectangle and change it to 3 point select the first point anywhere here same point here and third point here now under create go to sketch dimension and start assigning dimensions to this rectangle as follows select this edge and the center and give it a distance of 1 point 5 centimeter again select the center and research and give a distance of 1 point 5 centimeter select this edge and give it a width of 3 centimeter 40 said give a length of 16 centimeter now go to center point circle and draw a circle from here of diameter 1 point 5 centimeter press D to go to sketch dimension select the center and this edge and give a distance between them as 1 point 5 centimeter repeat the same for this edge finish sketch go to extrude command select these two profiles extrude it outward up to a distance of 1 centimeter operation new body click OK turn on the visibility of previous sketch by going here go to extrude command select this profile and give a extra distance of 2 centimeter operation joint click OK hide the previous sketch now under modify go to fellate select these edges and fellate them up to a radius of 1 point 5 centimeter here is our link 1 ready go back to our main assembly create a new component and give it a name link to press Enter create a new sketch on this face of our link 1 press P to directly go to project command select this circle turn on projection link and click OK go to two-point rectangle select the first point here and give it a dimension of three by 30 centimeter square press D to go to sketch dimension command select this edge and the center and assign a distance between them as 1 point 5 centimeter repeat the same for this edge finish sketch go to extrude command select all these profiles extrude it outward up to a distance of 1 centimeter click OK [Music] now go to fellate command select all these edges and Filat them up to a radius of 1 point 5 centimeter now we have to create a hole on this face so under create go to hole here it is specify the diameter as 1 point 5 centimeter old type simple hole tab type simple and drill point flat extent all so hole will be created throughout the whole body and for the reference select this arc so the hole will be placed at the center of this arc click OK here is our link to ready go back to our main assembly and it is the time for creating the slider create another component and give it a name slider keep it active and click OK select this face and create a new sketch on it press P to go to project select this face and click OK here the profile has been projected on our current sketch go to to point rectangle select the first point as the intersecting of these two point and give it a dimension of 5 by 4 centimeter square you can see here the edge has been fellated but not here we will fill it it later go to extrude command select this profile extrude it backward up to a distance of minus 8 centimeter press ENTER go to fellate select these three edges for selecting this one we may have to turn off the visibility of base one fill it it up to a radius of 0.5 centimeter now create a new sketch on this face go to center turn circle select the center as the geometric midpoint of these two edges as follows and give it a diameter of 1 point 5 centimeter finished sketch go to extrude select this profile drag it outward up to 3 centimeter operation join click OK turn on the visibility of base and go back to our main assembly here all the components are ready but they are not joined together revert to the original position before assigning any joins we need to ground this base so right-click on it and click on ground so it won't move from its original position where is the other components can be easily moved here you can see now we need to fill 8 this edge so go to fellate click on this edge and fill it it up to 0.5 centimeter revert to the original position now under assembly go to s build joint for component 1 to select this link and for component 2 select the base motion type revolute and for the position select this circular face the link is rotating right direction so click OK right click and repeat as build joint select these two links motion revolute and for the position select this circular face the link is rotating in right order so click OK here you can see now go to joint capture position for component 1 select the cylindrical face of all link and for component 2 select this circular face of our slider motion revolute and rotate exists set animate the model it is rotating in right order so click OK you can see our slider has been moved from its original position and that's okay move out history marker a single step in left direction now we are going to provide the sliding mechanism between the slider and the base so under assembly click on S build joint for component 1 the slider and for component 2 the base motion type slider and for position select these axes it is sliding properly so click OK now move our history marker to the extreme right here it is our slider is ready to slide if we rotate our linked one it is sliding properly we go to joint turn of the visibility right click on revolve on and animate model our slider mechanism is working properly it's time to assign some colors revert to the original position press a to go to appearance I'm going to apply this paint metallic white yellow and black color on them here or slider mechanism is ready thank you guys for watching this video if you like this one hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe to our Channel see you in the next tutorial till then keep designing and design whatever you love bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MAD' About Designs
Views: 17,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Fusion 360, 3D, Designing, Rendering, Mechanical, Engineering, Learning, How to, AutoCad, Beginners, Fusion 360 Tutorial, solidworks, mechanisms, slider
Id: iQ5TulmMzpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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