How To Design A Quality Poster | Poster Designing Tips

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do you want to create an awesome poster design well today we're looking at how to design a quality poster with my tips on poster designing what is up people welcome back to Satori graphics the home of graphic design content right here on YouTube so I've made a poll Instagram asking you guys what today's video should be either a logo design or poster designing tips it was a pretty close contest but poster design tips won in the end but yeah if you guys don't already follow me Instagram give me a follow because you're gonna get to interact with me I'm a Content such as that poll before we start I do want to say that I have other poster design videos on this channel but those are more relating to the technical aspects of poster design such as how to set up a poster layout in Adobe Illustrator an Adobe InDesign today's video I'm gonna have seven tips on poster designing which are more target together style the poster and also the process you want to go through when designing a poster the very first thing you want to do when designing your poster is to establish a concept now this concept needs to be very solid and it needs to be established way before you even make a single click in your daily software you want to think about what exactly you want your poster designed to say and how you gonna say it often a good concept has relevancy in social trends and society in general at a specific time this easily allows your viewer to engage in your poster design using humor is always a winner when it comes to choosing a concept for your poster and also shock value is one that you might want to consider however you need to keep in mind your target audience who's going to be viewing your poster design because this will help you establish your concept and a direction that you want to take so once you better understand the audience and the people viewing your poster design the better you're going to understand the concept but concept is really really important when it comes to poster design so leading on from concept that the next tip in designing a quality poster design is theme by theme I mean like a running style throughout the entire design you can think of this much like branding or logo design you want to evoke a certain feeling in the audience were certain emotion by the style of the poster so you want to take an account things such as typography color choices and the imagery and the graphics and how will this interacts together as one design a good poster design has a running theme throughout this ensures visual harmony and also leaves the audience not confused and allows them to engage with your design a lot easier so yeah theme and concept my first two tips leading on from there it's reading from a distance this is pretty self-explanatory you want people to engage in your poster designer and find a visually appealing but you also want to absorb the information as presented on the design itself so when it comes to poster design you can think of it as having three layers firstly the headline this is the main attention grab when it comes to the typography and this is going to be the most important key word the bold is the most prominent part of the design from there you want the details so when where how and why you can answer the question of the main headline were the forms of large text in the detail section the detail section should be around of a half the size of the headline as a general rule of thumb but you can go a little bit smaller a little bit bigger depending on the design of course the fine print is a smaller section of typography this is only going to be read for people who have really been drawn into your poster design and are expending a lot of interest in information itself you commonly see this in poster designs that are advertising movies but yeah you and your poster to be visually appealing from a fire but there when people come into it they can obtain the information that they need in a very easy and concise manner so there is nothing more off-putting or a turn-off to a viewer or your audience in a poster design then it being cluttered you don't want to confuse or turnoff your viewer so you want to allow your design to breathe and have space utilizing negative space doesn't only allow your viewer to obtain information in an easily and concise manner but it also makes to design visually appealing and contemporary for you guys have followed my work in this channel you know that I ready to love minimal design and impose the designing minimal and contemporary design works wonders so think of the negative space as just important as a main content if not more less really is more when it comes to using space on a poster design select with a logo designing and most areas of design for that matter typography can really make or break a design depending on how it's used if it's done correctly typography can really elevate your poster design to quality status basically just keep in mind the general rules of typography such as not using too many fonts on your design so I would keep the funks to around 2 or 3 at maximum don't clutter your design with many many different fonts as it becomes confusing allow your typography to breathe like we mentioned we using negative space before use the correct spacing between lines and lettering on your typography design and also keep in mind hierarchy I think hierarchy is really really important and poster design typography because you want to grab attention using a specific part of the design if you search in YouTube satori graphics typography design you're going to find videos that explain these points in more depth but also I've considered layout you want your typography to be laid out in a very very articulate and visually appealing manner typography is an art form that can take a lot of time to master but if you follow these rules be opposed to design you've set yourself up for having a solid foundation for a quality poster so the next tip for designing a quality poster is contrast to attract someone's attention with your poster design you and you really have one or two glances at the most so using high contrast you can really really up your chances of having that person be drawn into your poster design a lot more poster design it's all about attention seeking and a great way to do that is to use bold colors bright colors and also bold typography use typography that if it was a person you'd be known as a narcissist it needs to be attention seeking but it needs to be a certain way and is still visually appealing so make sure to keep your design attractive and stylish whilst having a high contrast overall so now my seventh and last point on poster designing is keep it simple I can't stress enough that keeping a poster design simple is a surefire way to create a quality poster design pick one concept and execute it as minimal elements as possible without losing the integrity of your idea which leads back to the concept make sure your concept is easily conveyed to the viewer in one or two glances and you shouldn't have to explain your idea or concept to anyone you feel that the design speak for itself I love simplicity and design as I've said before and poster design in general is one of the biggest advocates for minimal simple design there's also something very attractive and peaceful about simple design this is only going to help to translate and carve a positive connotations to the viewer so keep it simple and have fun with there so there are my seven tips on designing our quality poster design let me know in the comment section below if you found this video useful and I hope you guys better understand how to make a quality poster design after seeing the video if you want to see more content for myself just like this video today go ahead and give me a subscribe if you have done already and if you have turn on the implication so you never miss an upload drop a like and maybe share this video on social media so somebody else can see it I'm going to be back on Monday with more graphic design content I'm probably gonna upload that logo design tutorial because it was so evenly contested on Instagram but have a great weekend everyone and until next time design your future today peace
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 637,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to design a quality poster, poster design top tips, tips designing a poster, how to design a poster, poster design tips, poster design ideas, poster design, poster design tutorial, quality poster design, tips for poster design, satori graphics, satorigraphics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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