How to deploy angular app to local iis server

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hey there everyone it's ravindra devrani and I have come back with another video on angular series I hope you are enjoying this series if you find this video helpful then please don't forget to hit that like button it is going to be last video on this series and here we will learn how to deploy our project into a local IIs server so let's get started and first we need to open control panel and program and features and click here turn Windows features on or off and you need to click here internet Information Services and you need to enable this feature and inside it you need to enable these two features also here you need to enable this IIs management con consoles and all other features that's it the main thing is you have to click here internet Information Services and click ok then you need to install extension which is URL rewrite and I will post the URL of this page into our description box so let's move to the code editor and now you need to write here and you build base h r e f Dash angular basic and enter now it will take a while so be patient okay it is done now and here inside the dist folder it has created a folder via T angular basic and here you will find all the published file of this project so click here review in File Explorer and right here we will add a web config file so click here web dot config and now copy this code and paste it and you can find all this code on a GitHub repository I will post that link in description box also so let's move forward okay right now it is saved in txt formats so click here save as and right here web dot config now delete this one here it is our web config file and change URL to and what was that it was angular basic you need to remember that syntax angular basic so save it and now we need to give some permission to this folder so click here on security edit and add Advanced find now I user okay okay and add one more thing which is IIs users and give some permission to it also apply and okay now let's move to the coded again so everything is fine till now click here and type inet manager inet MGR and it will open is manager here click on this default site and click right click here and click on ADD virtual directory and its name with Louis angular basic and this name and this name should be same please remember that thing this name and this name should be same so we need to copy this physical path and paste here click ok and right click here and browse it and here is your application that is deployed into a IIs web server so what you always have to do type here localhost slash angular basic okay okay guys that's it for today's section and for this series also I will continue to post videos on this channel so please don't forget to subscribe the channel okay see you soon
Channel: Ravindra Devrani
Views: 15,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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