.NET Core 7.o Web API deployment in IIS Server | Hosting angular in IIS Server | Nihira Techiees

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Hello friends welcome to my Channel hiratakis today I am going to explain how to deploy our Dartmouth core by baby application in IES server for doing this deployment already I'm having one created application the application version is.net 7.0 so it is having different punctuality such as credit actions image upload logging minimal API and the JWT token generation okay so once we completed the deployment we can verify this functionalities also the steps are very simple first we have to publish our solution from the visual studio in order to we can get the Builder file and next we have to install one package that is is runtime support So if you already installed the hosting bundle no need to install okay and finally we have to create one new set in our IAS server there we have to do some basic configuration changes finally we have to map our build file into our site okay so this is all about the steps now we can start our deployment first let me create the Builder file so in our application right click and publish so I am having already created one profile so anyway let me create a new profile so if you are doing the first time you will get a screen like this so here let me choose this folder so inside the deployment we can create one new folder okay and let me click this finish see it is creating one new published profile so we can close this one and then click show all settings and here just click delete all existing files prior to publish because so if you are doing the publish the first time it is fine so the second time obviously we have to overwrite the files okay so that's what we are clicking this option now let me click this save and other items are fine this configuration release Target Frameworks 1.0 the deployment mode and the target runtime so if you want change based on your requirement you have to change accordingly okay now let me click this save now let me trigger our publish so basically it will take some time and it will generate the build file so meanwhile we can go to our IES server so in this IAS server in the site section just right click and add website first we have to provide our site name so let me provide my APA and then physical path we have to choose our deployment path here so here we can choose this Lan APA and in this binding set I am using this HTTP only so then this port the default value it is showing I believe it is working in some other sites so let me change this into adcs and finally we can click ok so once it is done just go to this application Folds so there we can see our newly created application full my APA and right click basic settings so there this darknet CLR version since this is the dot net core application change this into no managed code so if you are using any version of dot net core this is the common SharePoint line you don't choose this dotnet CLR version so we have to choose this no managed code okay now let me click ok the publish also completed we can see this text okay now let me check our deployment path so inside this lineup we have all the files okay next in our IES server we can refresh this one and also I am just restarting we can browse this URL okay we got a response like this okay we are getting this 4 naught for error so let me duplicate this page so instead of this Swagger I'm going to use our minimal AP URL see this returning the response okay so that means we successfully completed our deployment but the never Swagger is not working so the reason is when we created the application we have the default configuration for our Swagger okay so if you checked in our program.cs file so they enabled this Swagger for only the development okay now we are hosted in the EA server so there the environment may be different so that we can check later so before that we can completely enable this Swagger okay for that let me comment this section let me publish once again just right click on the publish so already we have these profiles then no need to create once again so just to click this publish now it is not going to take much time okay the publish is completed now let me go back to our is server I'm just refreshing this one and we can stop and start one second now let me refresh this one see now it is working so 86 is our base URL and after that if you provide Swagger it will redirect into Swagger slash index.html page so there we can see all of our methods okay first we can start from this basic methods okay there is no large Quin world so this is simply returning the string value that is fine and we can pass some parameters okay this one also working fine and now trying to fetch the customer okay we are getting this 500 internal server error but actually this function worked fine in our local okay for getting more details we can check our log file for the log file we can get from our log path so that actually we have defined in our app.s settings so it is available in this path online so this is my log path let me open this one okay see we got error like cannot open our database the requested by logging the login is failed okay so in our application we used this Windows authentication okay but it is working fine in our local through the IAS server it is not having enough permission so that's what we got an error so let me change this Windows authentication to SQL authentication okay just to go to our IES server first stop this one and then right click and Explorer so it is redirecting into our deployment path so they are in this app settings.json just to open this one so instead of this tested connection tool provide your username and password okay so once it is done just to close the file and again back to our IAS server and start once again so before that if you refreshed that also fine now go back to our browser side we can execute the same function it is working fine okay so now our database connection also fine and we verified the log and we have verified some of the basic methods okay so now I am trying to generate one token so we are able to generate the token also and the finally very important thing is upload functionality so we can go back to our product here I am trying to upload the single file maybe I can provide the product code is zero zero one I'm choosing this one this bar so let me execute this one so we got the 200 response so next we can get the same image providing the same product code so we got our image URL see now it is working fine okay and similarly we can verify the download from Schulte also see we are able to download the same file and finally we can remove this one zero zero one so once it is downloaded again I am trying to click this get image I am getting the format for error because it's already removed okay similarly we can check the multiple file upload 0 0 2 I am provided as the product code I am uploading This Bat and also this pad so let me execute one second and this gets Multi Image zero zero two so we are getting this two image URLs the first one is for bat and the second one is for the ball so bad is working fine and also our ball is working fine okay weight is not working let me verify it's not on bar actually a pad okay so the upload functionality also working fine and the final one is Excel export so downloaded the Excel file okay the Excel file also working fine okay great we have successfully completed our deployment still if you have any doubts or clarification please post in the comment box and also please don't forget to subscribe my channel thank you thanks for watching
Channel: Nihira Techiees
Views: 755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deployment in iis server, dot net core deployment in iis server, dot net core hosting in iis server, how to deploy .net 7 application in iis server, hosting .net 7 api in iis server, dot net core deployment, dot net core hosting, .NET Core api deployment and testing with swagger
Id: 0XR3quuqth0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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