How To Deep Clean Your Computer

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the saga continues and you're probably stuck at home going oh man I'm bored I wish I had something to do with my computer you probably looking at it going what can I do was a couple things you can do how about we start by cleaning it now is a better time than ever to spring clean your computer today we're gonna show you how if you can't tell I like boats right now well you've got probably a lot of extra free time on your hands why don't you start playing with boats too with world warships you can command a massive naval fleet featuring some of history's most iconic war vessels including the kms Bismarck recently wool warships went through a complete graphical overhaul making it look even more realistic than it did before and with hyper accurate realistic looking models based off the actual blueprints and 3d scans of the real ships there is lifelike as they could possibly be now new players that sign up using my link in the description below are gonna get a pretty awesome starter pack you'll get seven hundred two blooms 1 million credits seven days of premium time the Japanese ship ishizuchi and the USS Charleston now with that pack you'll get off to a pretty good start but not good enough to take me on you're welcome to try I'll find you out there I promise so this is our file server this is where all of our files and all of our things reside and we hope we backed it up properly before we haven't plugged everything and whatever so it's been running for I don't know at least six months maybe longer non-stop 24/7 sitting on the floor in our office which is super dusty because this is a warehouse in an environment in the desert we're twin d and to get it clean there's some things you're gonna need we're gonna start with of course tools if you need tools to take apart your computer then look no farther than I fix it I fix it has everything you need to fix your stuff link in the description below but in all seriousness ly I'd like small medium and large kits magnetic pads custom bits nut will cut some specialty bits to take apart not only your computers but any small electronics and they obviously fight the good fight for right to repair so if you guys want to learn more about the iFixit kits that are available check the link in the description below but we don't actually need tools to take this system apart because this is the fractal design r6 we do have all the filters on here actually I don't normally leave yeah they are on there I don't really leave filters on systems but we knew this one was gonna be running 24/7 and yeah it's a white top because I stole the gray top for that Camaro themed zl1 bill they did a while back and it's actually not that dusty because this is an exhaust so oh that was from the inside yeah anyway so if we look at the top you can already see how dusty it is on the top as exhaust it's like flying around everywhere this is gonna get kind of gross because one of the first tools that I would really use for this is like a computer back there they're they're vacuums that you can get that have special anti static static anti-static bristles on them so that as you're like brushing and doing your thing you're not creating static electricity and then getting potential ESD destroying some of your stuff so I don't have that I have the opposite this is my comp view cleaner calm which I don't even think they that's the brand anymore it's just I got off eBay and this has a low and a high speed setting for blowing air disclaimer if you take the the disclaimer II if you've got cut on the thing if you take the path of blowing the dust out you're just moving it to somewhere else so you're probably gonna have to do a full dusting or cleaning of your desk in your room or what ever is it flying around in my face to get rid of the dust that's why the vacuum which I don't have a native the bio would be the better option because it will suck up the dust keep it filtered inside the little bag and then you clean it out afterwards this on the other hand as you can see will cause dust to fly everywhere so we're in a giant warehouse so that's not so bad for us but if you're in your house doing this you're just gonna see it land everywhere else so let's go and take the side panel off and take a look inside like it doesn't look that bad but I guess it depends on what the drives look like oh look at the side right here though so all the air comes all the air comes in from the side right there and we've got this wall of hard drives these are our 10 terabyte iron wolf Pro drives which is just so bad because not the dries but the dust so let's see at the bottom looks like - I don't need bottom fans on here but so you can see where the power supply was spiderwebs even ah see what looks like if I take this off well doesn't look so bad from behind I forgot how well i cabled managed this because I was like we need to be able to easily replace drives if they go bad that pretty that Wow I really need to step up my game these days so what I typically do when I spring clean a computer is I take off all of the panels that are not essential to the structure of the case so for the r6 I've taken off the front cover the glass panel obviously the top filter the bottom filter and I'm probably gonna take out the graphics card too which is perfect opportunity to stab myself in the stomach with my eye fix it so this is actually a Titan X Pascal big P this is the first Titan not the second Titan and I'm taking this card out because of the fact that I want to clean out the blower cooler in it because this is the type of card that takes the air and pushes it through it that means it's also taking all the dust and pushing it through it and considering the amount of dust that's sitting on the card I don't even want to know how much dust is sitting in the card this also gives me an opportunity to blow off any dust that might be forming on our raid card there is dust sitting here on our 10g network card you see all the dust down there I think a lot of the dust quite honestly is stopped by the radiator and the hard drives because you can see there's a lot of resistance here in term it's just like a big chunk of drives and then the rest of the system and any air flow is actually cooling the drives which is kind of nice let's go ahead and see you can see really not that bad the amount of dust that's sitting on the back plate if you've got any pets or you smoke or you vape near your computer it probably be a lot worse because nicotine and vape vapor and all that stuff can kind of create a sticky residue that will work its way into your computer and then the dust will stick to that if that ends up being the case and you need to clean that sort of thing use alcohol wipes yes alcohol is pretty bad for plastic but so is water and moisture when it to electronics now if you got this wet it wouldn't hurt the system as all this powered off and all the capacitors are discharged which you can do by just pushing the power button with it unplugged but as long as you wet this down with like alcohol wipes or whatever and then you immediately wipe it dry it's not kind of discolor or make the plastic look bad in any way what will happen is the plastic will start to look white that'll kind of like not stain it but classic and alcohol depending on type of plastic have different reactions but if you use alcohol wipes to clean it you'll get all the sticky residue from the vape juice and the nicotine and whatever else could be causing it like even burning incense will do the same thing in your computer so if you're dealing with that then yeah I would highly recommend those Clorox anti distant or the disinfectant wipes and stuff because that'll get a lot of that residue off I wouldn't necessarily go wiping PCB boards and stuff with it not because it will damage the board but because you have a chance of knocking off an SMD any time you're wiping and anything like that and if you take a look at our raid card and our network card and our motherboard there are all sorts of surface mounted devices all over the place so you don't want to take an extra chance of knocking that any of that off what you could do to clean those is just use once again an electronics cleaning brush not a vacuum but an electronics cleaning brush it looks an awful lot like a paint brush but again they're special bristles that are designed to not generate ESD or electronic static discharge so you would just gently remove and loosen a lot of the dust and then you could get in there and blow it out and then deal with you know the dust that lands elsewhere anytime you move remove a component it's an opportunity for damage and or something to just not work right again for instance I would prefer to take the memory out and then you know make sure the memory modules themselves are cleaned and blown off I have no problems taking the memory out and putting it back in but if you're new to this and you're let's say you have a prebuilt you didn't build your computer and you're watching this video because you're like how do I clean my computer chances are you're not a power user so take a picture and mark which Ram modules went where and such because even though you may have four identical DIMM slots or dims sticks if you put them back in a different order because they each have a different address like associated with them then your computer has to go in and basically retrain the memory if you're running any sort of a factory overclock or you're running some sort of a custom BIOS setting and you rearrange those your BIOS can revert and I've seen some people that have had some hard times getting their systems back up and running for basic things if you're not a power user comfortable enough to go into your BIOS and reset things like for instance if I move the memory around and the bios goes your configuration has changed you're set up a default or boot back to factory default push f1 to enter setup you're like okay f1 then you save and exit and you're running a water-cooler like this that's not plugged into a CPU header you might see potentially an error that's like error CPU fan not detected you're like now what do I do well you have to know to go into your BIOS and reset the ignore CPU fan not turning kind of a thing so just something to keep in mind if you start unplugging things and you cause your BIOS to have to reset now I'm gonna go ahead and do it because I'm a risk taker if you guys haven't noticed you guys haven't seen my Titan r-tx card fixed video that Lewis rossmann was a huge huge fan of and he said J my god you got a job here anytime you want one with your soldering techniques he was like dude that was so smart I'll probably start doing that to protect a lot of the repairs that we do Louis you're welcome now because this is running under aid one thing I'm not disconnecting just because I don't want to have a deal with an issue is our is our license key loop key thing so with underaged you actually need a USB key in there it's legitimately a key because it has our license and all that stuff on there if this isn't in there then our own raid won't work so I'm leaving that in there so with all that said why don't we help go ahead and do a ridiculous slow-motion montage of dust flying just to completely piss off the germophobes that are watching this [Music] all right there it is not as dirty as we thought it was gonna be but pretty simple one thing we want to point out if you're gonna be wiping things down like this use a microfiber towel a good-quality one the one ii leave fibers everywhere because if you do this with like any sort of regular rag and you start getting a little lint fibers everywhere you're just trading one mess for another so the glass is always the hardest to get clean and that i had to use a mixture of googan Windex and isopropyl alcohol reason being is we still had some residue on there from the sticker that was like on there like the tempered glass sticker and then just the backing material left a little bit of residue we finally clean that off for the first time so that was collecting dust the whole time and then you saw me like kind of wiping down the exterior with the isopropyl alcohol this is gonna get like I said any of the sticky stuff off fingerprints came off just fine you can see it didn't cause any sort of weird discoloration so that isopropyl alcohol is pretty cheap you can get this at any drugstore at least in the US I don't know what it is for other countries and then I had the sneeze oh this one's dust in the air right now see it like I said if you're gonna blow it out and not use a vacuum it's just gonna blow it everywhere else and that's where your bedroom and it's a small bedroom or even even a large bedroom this is gonna land everywhere else your bed your desk your walls take it outside yeah another thing I would not suggest some of you might be watching this going oh well I got a compressor in the garage I'm gonna clean this like a man I'm gonna crank that thing up and just let me tell you I have first-hand experience with a family member of mine that did that very same thing because he's diesel mechanic you know who I'm talking about you you know who you are out there you turned on the compressor and was blowing off his fans and spun it to the point to where all the blades to Swit and flew off the fan and one stabbed this motherboard and killed it so do yourself a favor use stuff that's not super high pressure like this may be moving a lot of air but it's not super pressurized it's kind of a Conal type shape whereas air compressors and nozzles are very focused if you're gonna do that put it low like maybe 30 psi or something just enough to get the dust loosed you don't want to literally blow it and your system apart the other thing with air compressors too is one of the byproducts of compression is moisture so you might actually be blowing moisture into your cyst if you don't have a line dryer if you're not doing painting with your air compressor and using a paint gun with it you probably don't have a line dryer so just don't use air compressors that's the way I kind of clean my computers around here I need to get a vacuum I need to get a proper dust vac for computers that way it's got the bristles on there and if I put a link to one I find on Amazon that I think would be a good buy or whichever one I plan on buying so if you want to know which one I'm going to purchase that will show up who knows when I'll put that link down below so that's how we clean this system and believe it or not this was the dirtiest one we had around here and I think the reason for that is we don't keep systems super long if that makes sense both Phil and I just had workstation upgrades that are only a month or two old so they're not that dirty no because we're a tech channel we have to try this stuff no we know it's not a first-world problem it's a business problem there was a running joke for a while in my household that when the car needed tires it was time for a new car so anyway we did that when we were poor - it wasn't even like it was just time for a new car we had long enough tires rolled so anyway guys there you go if you have some cleaning techniques that you think are worth mentioning the do me a favor put them in the comments below and let me know what your best hack is or life hack for cleaning your computer quickly and effectively thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see you in the next one - I'm trippin
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 799,230
Rating: 4.8925214 out of 5
Keywords: how to clean a computer, how to deep clean a computer, how to, how to clean a pc, how to deep clean a pc, how to clean a gaming pc, how to clean a gaming computer
Id: Y51yZE18qus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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