How to debone a chicken leg - Now You're Cookin' with Manitoba Chicken

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now you're cooking with Manitoba chicken and Karen Armstrong this video is for all of you dark meat lovers out there I'm going to show you how to do a boneless chicken leg roast I'm starting with a bone-in chicken leg the whole leg you got the drumstick the thigh this one has got the back attached so to start I'm going to flip it over and I've got this extra piece of skin here I'm going to pull it open and just check to see that there's no extra fat that I might want to remove this one's pretty good there's nothing really to be to be trimmed here so let's go to the next step and that is to remove the backbone and you can see I've got there's a triangle-shaped bone that I can feel with my fingers and I'm going to take my knife and I'm actually going to slide it under and start to cut away this triangle-shaped bone from the meat underneath I'm going to pull it open so you can see scrape a little bit more and now I'm actually going to cut all the way through like that so that removes part of the backbone I'm going to stand it up and cut down to remove the rest of the backbone I just want to make sure that I'm not cutting through the bone itself which it looks like I've got alright I'm just going to sometimes it helps to actually just break it there you can see where it's come loose from the bone and then take your knife and cut through so that's the backbone removed sometimes you'll see a little extra bone right here and just make sure sometimes it'll come off with the backbone sometimes it's separate all right so that's the backbone now I'm going to start with the drumstick to do that I'm going to pick the drumstick up and I'm going to run my knife right along the end of the drumstick and making sure they've cut all the way through so if you need to use a little bit of a sawing action that's all I'm going to take the tip and make sure that all the little connectors are actually cut through because that's what's holding the bone in place now this is the fun part I'm going to pick up the piece in both hands and I'm actually going to bend it and to do that I'm going to I can hear that the drumstick bone has come out of its socket now I'm going to hold the drumstick bone in one hand and I'm actually going to twist this and the drumstick bone comes out just like that you can trim the little connector pieces here now I am ready to work on the thigh bone there is one other little bone in the drumstick I can feel it with my finger little sharp pointed bone that's going to be the last piece that's going to come off so now I'm going to feel with my finger where the thigh bone is so it's running from the head here I can feel it all the way to the joint area I'm going to take my knife and I'm going to run it along one side of the bone up to the head of the bone then I'm going to take my knife on the other side do the same thing now I'm going to take my knife and I'm going to actually go under the bone so you can see how the knife has gone under and cut all the way up to free up the drumstick bone take the blade of my knife and I'm going to scrape the meat all the way down and that you can see the thighbone has come completely loose but I still got the end of the drumstick joint in here and I need to get rid of that so I'm going to use my knife and I'm going to cut around free out that joint and make sure you get through all the connectors and I can feel there's that little bone that I was talking about earlier and let's just scrape that because if you're really lucky it's going to come out right with the rest of the with the thigh bone there we go scrape that there that's that little narrow bone that little pointy one and then I can just cut through and get rid of there's the thigh bone and that extra little pointy one let's see what we end up with flip this back over so there you go there's the drumstick so it's got a nice little pocket perfect for stuffing with a bread stuffing or fruit vegetables anything that you'd like to use and then there is a nice flap that we're going to use for folding over one thing I like to do is on this piece right here I'm just going to turn this so that you can see I like to separate this from the skin here so that I can fold this piece of the thigh in and I've got this extra flap of skin to use to cover it so I'm going to do that and then I'm going to fold this over like that take the other flap fold it over as well and there it is that is a boneless leg roast the only thing that I need to do now is tie this so I'm starting with a piece of string and you want to use a good length of string because there's nothing worse than getting partway through and discovering that you don't have enough string I'm going to turn this around so that you can see what I'm doing I like to start at the narrow end and take the string underneath you notice that I'm also leaving doing this with the app and up and that's just so that I can make sure that I've got it completely covered by the skin just make a little knot and then I'm going to run the string underneath and pull that tight there and then underneath again you want to do this know through at least I like to do four four times to hold it together and if you've got it stuffed with a really nice stuffing you might even want to do the string a little bit closer like so if you need to tighten it up you can use the the end and then we got room for one more let's do one final one just to hold everything together snug that up there and I'm going to finish off just tie this you're not going to leave the string on when you serve it so it really doesn't matter if you end up with a great big huge long piece of string you can trim it or you can just leave it the way it is now let's do this one more time make sure that this is properly tied so it doesn't come completely undone while it's roasting so there you go that is ready to go on to a baking sheet and you pop that in the oven and roast it it's going to be delicious and here's the finished boneless chicken leg roast a way to take an everyday cut and make it extraordinary for recipes tips and how to's explore Manitoba chicken CA
Channel: manitobachicken
Views: 1,037,311
Rating: 4.7348261 out of 5
Keywords: Food Cooking Chicken Manitoba, Manitoba chicken, deboned chicken legs, stuffed chicken legs
Id: 3xYzS8NsZ-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2012
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