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okay so I posted a Tik Tok um just of me cutting my hair how I basically cutting like my face Framing and loads and loads of people were asking me for like a more detailed step-by-step tutorial of how I actually do the video from start to finish so um yeah I thought I would just do that so this is the Tik Tok for those of you who haven't seen it I'll [Music] just [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] um obviously I've washed my hair it's wet that's really important you don't want to ever try to cut dry hair because it just feels 10 times thicker and you're not going to have as much control over the haircut okay so the first thing that you want to do is part your hair down the middle so yeah once you've put your hair in the middle parting that you're happy with you want to take a little triangle which is going to form the front section of your hair um so however thick you want that like however thick you want these sections of hair will be determined by the size of the triangle that you cut in initially so I'm just going to go in with a sort of like medium medium length medium size sorry Little Triangle here like I might need to play around with it to get it exactly even that's too much um so I'm just going to click these bits of hair out the way and then I'm going to take the hair and brush it forward ws and I'm just going to cut this to the length that I want the shortest piece to be so I want it to be sort of just at my my lip I feel like that's a good length cuz when it dries it's going to bounce up a little bit and I don't want it to be super short it's not going to be a proper Daisy Fringe so yeah that's what I'm going to do going to brush it all down to about my lip and then I'm going to cut okay so now we've got these two pieces um if you want it's completely up to you you can point cut that just like this if you're worried about it being too harsh um that will save you a job later because afterwards I go back through and I like point cut everything to really blend everything out and soften any sharp lines that might be there um so yeah that's completely up to you you can do that now or you can do that later it's really your choice so now I'm going to work on the next [Music] section okay and now I've taken a section just effectively just one section back in the same angle of the triangle that I took first of all and then what I'm going to do is so where this angle of my parting is I'm going to pull the hair forwards in that exact angle and I'm going to bring it all the way down and here I can see the guide underneath from the hair that I cut last time um I'm not sure if you'll be able to see that on camera but you'll be able to see it in the mirror so then following that angle and that's really important because this making sure that you're parallel with this angle is going to make sure that it's symmetrical on both sides because you're following a structure rather than just freestyling it you might pull one like too high and one too low and then it's not going to match so let that be your guide and of course also the middle section is going to obviously be your guide and that's going to be like the starting off point so I pull this down and I start at this point here but okay so where I pulled it forwards last time it's a straight cut now because I'm coming diagonally across with this one I'm going to go to the shortest Point here but naturally it's going to start to get longer and longer because I'm diagonal now so then I'm just going to cut this part here down okay and now we're starting to get like a bit of that diagonal Vibe going on and then I'm just going to take my next section and then the next step is similar but this time again I'm going to be following the angle of my parting and brushing it forwards and I'm still looking for my guide which I can see is here but this time when it comes to cutting it I'm going to come on top of my fingers and I'm going to exaggerate the angle so I'm not just following the guide again because it will just be too short I'm now starting the process of blending it into the lengths of my hair um so what I do is I go I see my guide I'm going to go slightly lower than my guide if you can't see your guide don't cut the hair like that's really crucial so now I'm starting at the guide going to come in on top and I'm going to exaggerate the the I'm going to exaggerate it and if it falls out like that doesn't doesn't matter just go back in okay and now you know it's getting very very angular we're not having any harsh lines at the moment um and then I'm going to start bringing in more hair see that I'll split this Len to though I won't do these two parts together but I will just keep them out just so that I can get a feel for the angle that I'm putting the hair to a bit thin naturally I don't know why they're kind of like my baby hairs I guess I'm not sure maybe they just damaged no another section now I brush all of my hair forward and then now I'm just cutting these bottom [Music] Parts um you can even just kind of look at it now I know it needs to be sort of like a diagonal so like you can just kind of start to take off anything that isn't matching the diagonal angle that you need so we've got this and now I'm just going to brush my hair down and have a little look at like which parts need to be included in it now to make the rest of it blend in um I'm a bit low yeah and then so for the end part just going to like have a little look and I feel like I can just see so if you brush your hair forwards right you will sort of see a shape and anything that doesn't fit within that that angle that you've created there needs to go okay so like I'll just brush it forwards I'm going to look from the inside yeah and so from here this is where my guide ends again it's time to just go [Music] mhm and then yeah now I've just got like a nice gradient of hair that when I blow dry it it's going to be really really well Blended um but it's going to give me a lot of choppy layers here at the front um yeah you can I just kind of have a look at it and just think like is it all where I want it um again I think in the Tik Tok that I did I did point cut the whole cut I can't remember I can't remember if I point cuted it before or after for that video but it basically doesn't make a difference like it's the same thing um you can point cart you you cannot I will go back in and point cut once I dry my hair though like it's not an optional step it's just like it's up to you when you do it so yeah like that's going to just be like really really nice and layered now it's going to give me a lot of volume and bounce and then I'll just do I'll try to do the exact same thing again but I'll show you what the differences are because it's obviously I'm I'm left-handed so for me that's my easiest side because I've got the scissors in my left hand and I just when it comes to doing this side I'm not quite as confident with my mying shape my guide I'm cut that guide so yeah then when it comes to pulling this over now it's not as easy for me to just extend my fingers and go like this backwards on myself that's obviously going to be a bit of a struggle so then for this section here you can clearly see the guide underneath right for this section here what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring it over but then I'm going to just kind of come in upside down I know that I now want to start to exaggerate this to blend it into my length so I'm just going to go like this and I will kind of do a bit more of a point cut this time and I'll come up oopsie and I'm just going to make sure that I am meeting my guide there little bit baby hair in which like there aren't loads again I just kind of do the same thing so I'm just matching the length of the longest part of the previous cut and just kind of blending it down now you can't do that the whole way cuz your hair it just isn't going to work okay what I'm going to do for this section is oopsie I'm going to brush it to where I want it then I'm going to twist the comb around and pinch it and now I can find my guide pull my fingers slightly lower than my guide and just go in backwards so if you were right-handed you would need to do this on the other side um but yeah like this that what I just did it takes a bit of confidence to be honest like I wouldn't be shocked if people were like nervous to try that on themselves but I just practice and I can see there that I'm not really completely satisfied with that blend am I actually I am am I it's hard to tell I think there like that corner there could come off but yeah like a lot of it is just kind of like eyeballing it yeah I can see that that corner definitely needs to come off there um so I just come in slightly slightly shorter just right there I'm happy with the blend of the rest of it so now just like similar to I did last time I just want to see like which part of that naturally kind of I can't explain it I just look at it and I'm like yeah that part needs to come off now then just twist the comb around pinch the hair come down and then I can see that it's just like there's no gradient there at the end anymore it's just kind of like a blun c um so I'm just going to come in remove that corner and blend that all the way down to the bottom length Okay and then that's literally it um yeah so now I'm going to blow dry it I'm going to dry it like nice and bouncy however I want it and then after it's dry I'm going to go in and like cut upwards into it okay so now we we've got this which obviously looks completely mad um and I'm just going to start kind of like raking it out with my [Music] fingers okay and then I'll just show you how I will remove a little bit of the weight from the hair um so I'm going to go back through like section by section that's the angle you see how that is a a line there I'm not sure if you can tell but then yeah I'm just going to start chopping into that [Music] line the next section so this what I'm doing here is I'm I'm slowly um closing the scissors as I kind of drag down so I'm just taking like small pieces [Music] I'm going to brush it but yeah if I brush it in then you can really see how the layers are going to sit now and um but obviously I like them I want them to kind of sit into a degree but I also like them to kind of like flick backwards a little bit like I I basically just want them to kind of do their own thing after a while but yeah that's that um and then I'll just do exactly the same thing to the other side so I'll just show you it now all brushed in cuz I think that looks quite cool my God this is literally going to Blind me so this is the haircut now all brush in so yeah like you can see it's all like very even all the way down um and these front bits are just going to sit here nice like little Daisy fringes and then of course like it it won't look like this the whole time like once you've kind of given it a bit of a shake then yeah like it's just going to look like this so yeah so like in this particular video I didn't go into like the layers that I do around the back of my head those are actually a bit harder and I'd recommend just asking your hairdresser to do them I will make a video showing how I layer the back of my head as well it's just it's just harder basically I even find it really hard and I my hairdresser um but yeah that is how I do this haircut um that's literally everything that I do if you want to see how I blowj it I did also film The vog I'm going to upload that in a separate video I really hope that this was helpful and yeah if you did make it all the way to the end of the video and you found this helpful in anyway I would really appreciate it if you would like and subscribe um I'm quite new to YouTube this is literally only my third video so it really would help me out a lot if you would subscribe to my [Music] channel [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel McKeown
Views: 1,266,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D-rChiH1w8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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