How to cut, split and remove parts of video| Easy methods | VSDC free video editor tutorials

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hello everyone this is saf again today i will show you how to cut split and remove the unwanted parts from the video first of all let's add the video now first thing i will show you how to do the cut in the video and how to remove the parts of the video using this razor button you move your cursor wherever you want to do the cut then first and most important thing is you have to make sure your video is selected because i have seen many people raising question and vsdc group on facebook that the razer button is grey it's not clickable they cannot do the cut this is because you haven't selected the video let me show you right now video selected and you can see the razer button is clickable but if i unselect the video although it's showing here in the preview window but you can see all the buttons are gray you cannot click them this is because you haven't selected the video so first we will select the video then you will click the razer button wherever you want to do the cut so for example i want to make the cut from here move your cursor there and then do the cut there is a shortcut key to make the cut is ctrl k now you can see the second cut [Music] all right this is how you do the cut in the video and using the same method of cutting with the razor you can remove the unwanted part let me show you uh let's undo these cuts to do undo you can click this green arrow or you can press ctrl z now you can see this video is back in one part now to remove the unwanted part of the video you have to make two cuts one for example here then make the cut again now the middle we have to delete and again you can see whole video is selected so we have to unselect this we only want the middle one to remove select middle one you can right click and press delete or you can simply click the delete button on your keyboard now that part has removed you can move these two different parts together like this or you can use this button to make them together for this you have to select both video parts and simply click this set blocks order if you that they will come together now i will show you how to remove the unwanted part of the video previously i showed you you have to make two cards and remove the part but i will show you now without making two different cards you can that one click remove the part i will separate them okay for example this is the video from this video i want to remove specific part from here to here we will use these points with work area we will use the work area so if unwanted part is here you will move the start of the work area you click this one work area starting point has been moved now this ending of the work area you can move to the end of the scene and that you want to remove [Music] you can do manually or you can simply play and you want for example here up to this point you want to remove then you can click this set the end work area by cursor position you will select now this is our work area from this point to this point you can remove the part of the video without cutting the video into three different parts with simply one click so now you have selected your area you will go here on this user you can simply click on the seizure that is mean cut out fragment that is cut out frank man or you can press ctrl delete button from the keyboard that is the shortcut key so let's click on the cedar now you see let me move my pointer now you can see this point this is the point from where they remove the see now you can see see so that is the shortcut to remove the part of the video now i will show you how to remove the starting of the video or the ending of the video with simple one click sometime on your recording video the start of the video you want to remove because not good so for that select the video move the cursor at the point from where you want to remove the beginning of the video you see i don't want the uh i want the video to start from five second so i can click here it's like five second so now my pointer is at five second i want to remove the previous part of the video before five second you simply have to go here where you see the scissor right next to the scissor click on arrow and you can see trim start you can simply click here or you can use the shortcut key control shift and the bracket so you click and you can see the start of the video has been removed same process you can do if you want to remove the ending of the video you move at the end of the video for example from here on after this pointer you don't want this part of the video move the pointer here go here again and trim and or you can click ctrl shift closing bracket and you can see the ending of the video has been removed so if you want to remove whole part of the video simply you can delete or if you want to remove the whole layer in this layer we have two parts you can simply click on layer and delete see or you can select all of them like this and you can click delete so this is how you can do cutting splitting and removing unwanted parts of the video i hope you like it so that's it for today thank you
Channel: VSDC Edits by Saif
Views: 19,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tHFwEKpMrh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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