How To Cut A Pineapple Fruit Display Easily In 6 min. by Rockin Robin

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I've been eating a lot of pineapple lately and the price has been good about three bucks for one pineapple and I've been cutting it up in different ways trying out different things and I found a way that I really really enjoy using because it's quick and easy faster than say cutting it up into cubes and I have a video for you if you want to see that I'll leave a link right over here and down below in the description and so this new way that I found just seems to be a lot faster a lot easier and it looks really nice when you're serving it up for guests so I'm rock and Robin and I'm going to show you how to do it right after [Music] this all right so let's get started and I'll show you what you need for our little pineapple display obviously you're going to need a pineapple right so when I go out and pick out my pineapples I always look for a nice yellow color near the bottom half of the pineapple this is where it's sweetest and and it's almost always really good when that part is nice and and yellow all right and we're going to need a couple of knives so you're going to need a nice big knife cuz we're going to cut this in half and then we'll also need a fillet knife something about 5 in long or so a pairing knife might be a little short but somewhere between four and 5 in Blade will work it gives you better control and you're less likely to hurt yourself with a knife and then uh of course you'll need a platter to display this on and it needs to be close to you know as long as the whole pineapple is cuz this is going to be part of our decoration or part of the pineapple when we put it out on the tray it's okay if it hangs over a little bit so that's all we need all right so we're going to start off by laying our pineapple down on a cutting board and we're just going to cut it right in half now be really careful here guys so just take your tip and point it in the middle and then slice down now I've only got half of it cut here so far so I turn it around the other way and I just put my knife back into that slice and just cut through the the rest of it right through that stem area you see that perfect this is a beautiful looking pineapple by the way our next step is to cut each half into half again all right so same thing I like to start down here and work my way through the stem area and that stem area C cuts through pretty easily at this point this is where we're going to change knives and use our fet knife or your pairing knife if that's what you're going to use you take your knife now my Blade's facing that direction all right so I'm going to start in a little bit and I'm going to cut and I'm going to make like a circle here all right see how I'm coming down and I'm going I'm just a little bit above the um shell of the pineapple all right so I'm just going to cut through you can see my blade is in you know probably a good inch and a half and I'm just above the little eyelids in the pineapple now here I'm cutting towards myself a little bit it's you want to be very very careful when you do that all right so now I'm going to curve up and you can actually come back in on the top here and meet that all right then flip it around and do the same thing you I've already got a start here you can see that all right so I'm going to cut around you want to make sure your blade goes through enough so that it will release the pineapple you make your curve right here all right so that piece should come free it's stuck a little bit right here so I'm going to go back in and try and release it okay now I got most of it off you could actually take this out and peel those off if you like just so that they're not there when you cut it the other direction most of the time I don't have a problem with this um but it just depends how deep you go with your knife obviously all right so I'm just going to place that back in there okay so now we have to cut the core of this piece out which is runs right down the center here and what we're going to do is we're going to make a v cut so that you know I'll cut half on this side and I'm going to cut at an angle on this side and that piece will just pop right out and you don't have to throw it away either you can save it and put it in your smoothies okay so here we go I'm using my bigger knife for this just cuz I like my big knife watch your fingers now so I'm cutting at a 45° angle and I'll just flip my pineapple around and cut the other side and hopefully that piece will pop right out oops there we go and that's how you get the core out the last thing we have have to do is just make our slices so I'm just going to take my big knife and I'm going to cut into uh the center here and make bite siiz almost bite-sized pieces it's a little bigger than bite size actually so I'm just slicing them they're about a half an inch thick now we get down to the end now what we do is you want to push through the pieces now that one got kind of messed up so I'm pushing every other piece over you see that and I'm kind of lining up the the ridge here on each piece hopefully you can see that so these two ridges line up then I push the other piece over and these line up you see that and we just keep alternating back and forth now that makes it easy and it looks decorative for your guests to grab a piece with a fork or their fingers or whatever and it looks nice so okay guys that's it um go ahead and arrange your pineapple on a on your platter you could even add some raspberry sprinkle them around the rest of the platter it kind of gives it a nice contrast and color and it's beautiful your guests will love it they'll think you've been slaving in the kitchen for hours doing this when you know it only I mean I can do a whole pineapple probably for sure in 5 minutes that's what I love about this it's just so simple right and of course you and I both know where the sweet part of the uh pineapple is and um that's that'll be our little secret so sweet so delicious once you try fresh pineapple you're not going back to the can thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed this tutorial try it out you know and next time you're certainly when you're entertaining give it a go let me know what you think about it okay all right if you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and click that button right up there and you'll be notified of new videos when they come out if you enjoyed this video please share it it really helps me out tell all your friends and your family let them do it too all right take care everybody we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Rockin Robin Cooks
Views: 410,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pineapple fruit display, pineapple, fruit, centerpiece, Food (TV Genre), Eating, how to cut up, fancy, instruction, diy, how to video, boat, Tips, cut, Rockin Robin, cookingmexicanrecipe, how to cut a pineapple, how to cut fruits easily
Id: 3o5TKzk-rcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 13 2015
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