How to cure Rheumatoid Arthritis | Symptoms, Causes & Treatment | Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

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namaskar rheumatoid arthritis is one of the prevalent condition of today's time more than 350 million people suffer from arthritic condition globally according to world health organization 2021 statistics up to 14 million people around the world have rheumatoid arthritis so let us begin by knowing what is arthritis arthritis does not refer to a particular disease rather it is an umbrella term referring to 100 types of joint pains or different pains in our body the most commonly known arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis both of these are different osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint conditions in which there is a degradation of cartilage between the joint bones rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune diseases in which the body's immune system instead of protecting the body from attacking bacterias and viruses attacked the synovial which is the lining of membrane that surrounds the joint this causes inflammation resulting in swelling and pain in and around the joint the inflammation thickens the synovium which can eventually destroy the cartilage and bones within the joints rheumatoid arthritis usually affects our joints of fingers hands and feet elbows knees and ankles the joint effect is usually symmetrical that is if one side is affected your other side also gets affected now understand what are the causes of rheumatoid arthritis the cause of hematite arthritis is not yet fully understood there can be varieties of factors that leads to this disease which includes first genetic predisposition which means genes can make you more susceptible to this disposition second infectious agent bacterias and viruses can trigger the development of disease third female hormone because 70 percent of female suffer from this arthritic condition fourth stress the body's response to stress physical stress or emotional stress can trigger the problem of rheumatoid arthritis fifth environmental factors they include exposure to cigarette smoke air pollution insecticides and so on sixth occupational exposure to things like mineral oil silica or asbestos seventh obesity obesity increases the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women's age 55 years and younger so now let's understand the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis there can be various signs and symptoms which will indicate that a person has rheumatoid arthritis joint pain tenderness swelling or stiffness which would last for 6 weeks or long morning stiffness for 30 minutes or long more than one joint is affected small joints such as wrist certain joints of hand and feet are affected first which may then progress to other joints like knees elbows hips and shoulder the same side of both joints are affected along with pain many people experience fatigue loss of appetite and a low grade fever so now let's understand the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis well presently there is no permanent cure for rheumatoid arthritis but treatment methods can help you to cope up with the condition much better way treatment is usually focused on stopping the inflammation relieving any symptom preventing joint and organ damage improving physical function and overall well-being reducing long-term complication splint may be used to avoid joint deformities in some cases joint replacement surgery is required which will help you to improve mobility and flexibility today i am going to share how yoga can help in management of this disease in a long term way what is yogic management yoga emphasizes in management of four main pillars of our life in order to overcome the root cause of any this is these pillars are that is the food we are that is rest recreation sleep and activities are our healthy timetable and routines and which are the process in which we use our mind thinking so let's begin with a heart right food can help you to manage this condition very efficiently having antioxidants such as vitamin a c and e and also selenium may help to reduce this inflammation eat a lot of fibers that will help you to rescue inflammatory responses which may decrease c reactive protein level strawberries and pineapples are quite beneficial food containing flavonoids can help to counter inflammation in the body such as berries broccoli and grapes it's also important to know which food will trigger this disease high protein food including non-vegetarian food beans also processed carbohydrate and food containing saturated fat and trans fat avoid intake of caffeine tea soda and chocolate also tobacco alcohol and other recreational drugs trigger food that increases inflammation in our body like fried food citrus white sugar and gluten should be avoided next comes we are or rest recreation activities which is a very important factor to achieve good health rest is very crucial when person suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and joint pains because rest will reduce inflammation and fatigue mind gets diverted into negative and depression when it dwells on pain so practice nishpandab as relaxation this will help you to focus on sound rather than pain in your body devote time to certain hobbies like singing dancing this would help a person to develop a feeling of happiness practice relaxation techniques such as savasana with deep breathing and guided visualization relaxes the muscles good deep sleep is very important to eliminate the toxins in our body and resulting in the optimal functioning of all our organs remember to spend quality time with friends and family they will provide you support and encouragement simple asanas like lying down yesterday castle bhadrasana partial hospital and sitting parvatasa are very good to be done very often in a day the third important pillar is achara achar or routine which plays crucial role in everyone's life while suffering from rheumatoid arthritis having medicines on specific time should be your sacred routine medicine doses should never be missed or skipped at all nor should you reduce doses on your own it can lead to side effects in an acute phase one should decide first resting after resting the pain reduces quite a bit and then person should become active again to give exercise to that joint do good amount of stretching of that joint person should develop sensitivity of that part of body which is stiff and sore the affected joint should be rested and the other joint should be exercised you just don't rest fully other joints need exercises and you should exercise person should give heat treatment that is using heating pads hot water bags and having a nice warm water bath that would definitely help in soothing the sore joints cold treatment also is there but it is best for acute pain it can numb painful area and reduce inflammation sometimes in acute pain person needs to have a warm fermentation and they're cold compressed and then again warm fermentation when you do such thing hot and cold it helps removing the pain practice asanas regularly to strengthen joints and muscles practice pranayamas also regularly unless you have some other conditions practice home chanting daily and practice strataka that to candle gazing here the mind would be taken away from your pain towards the candle towards the flame and that really helps in removing pain now we come to the last pillar and that is which are how you think how the thoughts come what type of thoughts are coming to your mind are they positive thoughts or negative thoughts are they relaxing thoughts or stressful thoughts you should become alert and aware about it emotional factors play a major role in your overall health and hence management of emotions is crucial for optimum recovery so to manage your emotions first accept the conditions as they are and work towards managing your condition by shifting towards positive angle of the situation learn to manage stress which will help to limit the potential triggers one always has a choice to be happy or unhappy in any given situation choose happy feelings to generate positivity and enhance this happy feeling hence practice prati paksha bhavana again develop a let go attitude to reduce stress you will have to develop faith in higher reality developing an attitude of gratitude will surely help in managing your stressful situation another point is practice reflection or anitya where you definitely remember that what is there now will not be there in the evening or what is there in the evening will not be there tomorrow all these things are transitory everything is change so why get affected because of those things which are going to change and without fail practice dharma how that is responsibility duty to take care of self and others working on these four pillars will result in a holistic approach in working towards all these problems ensure that in your day-to-day life you focus on these four pillars so now you know everything what you are supposed to know about rheumatoid arthritis what is this rheumatoid arthritis what are the causes what are the symptoms and what are the treatments most importantly you are aware of this yogic management techniques for dealing with this condition and living a very happy life and not allowing the pain and suffering to control you so follow these beneficial steps and train your mind so that you learn to understand problem learn to deal with the problems and learn to become stronger with the problem problems remain problems only till you are ignorant about it once you know why the problem and what to do about the problem you will be able to manage it very well and you will be able to become stronger and more capable to handle any other problems easily so try take charge of yourself and be healthy happy and cheerful namaste
Channel: The Yoga Institute
Views: 814,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Osteoarthritis, arthritis cure, arthritis treatment, autoimmune disease, hansaji yoga, healthy eating motivation, how to cure rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain relief, rheumatoid, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis causes, rheumatoid arthritis diet and exercise, rheumatoid arthritis diet foods to avoid, rheumatoid arthritis diet plan, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis treatment, the yoga institute, yoga for rheumatoid arthritis, yoga institute hansaji
Id: vo6-EINYeiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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