How to cure damp in the bedroom.

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all right one is out uh today going to show you what to do if um you got a damp problem uh especially in your bedroom it's one of the main rooms that you tend to find damp occurring and if your windows are all misted up in the morning uh going to show you what uh is a popular cure for that problem so I'm going to go straight away and show you the problem we've got here just showing you this because um if your windows are doing this especially in the morning uh we just got up and you see they're all steamed up uh and we're in a bedroom here now um this is usually an indication that uh you know you need more air circulation in the room now you can do one or two things and that's either open the window um which is fine and dandy um or have another air vent put in a room now up in this bit of room here I'll just show you um can show you up there you can see that we've got damp coming in that corner now I've been outside and there is an air vent just about here um but it's been cemented over inside so I think the option here is to open the air vent back up so if you're getting damp in a corner like that uh and the windows are steaming up in the morning you're pretty much assured that you've not got enough air flow in the room so what we're going to do now is um put drill through here and um put an air vent back and I'm sure it will stop the situation for us and put it right so we're can to do that now okay well I'm now outside the property and looking for a solution to the problem and I find there is a vent in the wall here um but as I get up to it here and as I can show you um it's been filled in um and it's also been filled in inside so uh this has been taken away a long time ago and sealed up which is why we're getting damp in that corner of the room so this could be something to look for in your property if you're getting damp and why would this happen why do you think this is and I know I think I know why this has happened here because this particular house is um right on the um coast of England and as you can look around there at the view you can see that um we get a seagull problem so therefore I think it's been filled up um to stop the seagulls from making all the chatter in the mornings uh Springtime and and stop the noise but in doing so uh we've kind of you know blocked up our Airway um which is causing damp in the corner so what I'm going to do now is get a screwdriver and I'm going to clear this vent out one and then I'm going to drill through from the other side and put a map vent in and see if we can cure this damp problem so we'll move on now and clear this out okay so you can see there I've cleared the holes out um through the vent there cleared it was filled with mastic um cleared it out now so what I'm can do now is go indoors and drill some holes through from the inside now to line up with that vent uh and then put a map vent cover over and I'll show you how to do that next well here we go I've drwn a few holes through the wall um in line with the vent outside I've done two really big ones here and a few satellite ones at the top which I'm going to make a bit bigger make them the same size all around you can knock it right out if you want to but personally just a few holes through will do and I have Avent here I've got a hit and this one because I do want to be able to shut it over if it is too cold and too much drafts coming through uh with the Fly Catch cover we don't want any flies and we don't want any spiders to come through uh so in a minute I'm going to place it up there and show you how that goes you can see how it's going to go over the holes like so I've marked it with a pencil you can see it around there um so the next job now is um I'll show you how this vent goes over the hole and now it fixes up right right here's the back of our vent I've taken it away from the front um just literally layer up there nice and square marked up with where you've marked the hole okay you can see it there um and basically we're just going to Mark the slots there there there and there okay so put your two screws in there and it just slips over can see the holes they just Dro down like so so once they slipped in there um you can tighten these up give these a nip up all right and then you can aim to get your bottom to in we got them there cou the plugs in there in there so we'll put those in right and the last bit is a top vent cover okay the one we want to slide on now it does just slip Behind These two these four lugs so just slip it to the right of it there and SL if you can slide it in it should just slip in like that there we are Dole so there we have a complete nice and easy uh hdden mispent uh this is not for gas use by the way if you're thinking of putting one of these uh in a room where you have a gas fire or any gas Appliance uh you're not allowed to have a hit and miss one like this it will be a fixed open cover that you're not allowed to cover the fact I'm putting this in a bedroom we have no gas fires or that in here and this is purely for ventilation means that we can use this type which is called a hit and miss uh just so if there's too much air coming in at least we can shut it down and if the sea gos are too noisy we can shut it down uh so I just want to get that one clear that this is not the type of vent to fit on every uh case scenario if you have got it for gas fire uh in a room or a boiler indeed in a room you will want a fixed vent that has not got that okay U that's all just a little bit you know to get these things right don't anybody make any mistakes but basically this should take care now of our damp problem up here in the corner um and we've been noticing it getting gradually worse so hopefully this is going to cure um and I think it will uh add Dam Problem by putting in you haven't got to chop the hole out just few a few holes through there like I've shown you uh and uh away you go anyway that's about it thanks very much for watching everyone and uh you know where to go d 33 all my videos thanks very much for watching
Channel: dereton33
Views: 750,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: damp, bamp patch, ventalation, air flow, air bricks, vent, vents, hit and miss vents, Room, air, air vents, mould, Health (Industry)
Id: St3z3DW6N6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 05 2014
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