How to Crochet Pudgy Penguin!

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hello and welcome to Mary makes I'm Mary and today I'm going to be showing you how to crochet these pudgy penguins look at how cute they are ah when I was designing this pattern for pudgy Penguins I wanted to stay as true as possible to the iconic penguin and so um you'll notice we have some cute little hair Tufts here which I'll show you how to do and the shaping on this penguin is just magnificent it took me a lot of tries and a lot of tests to get it just right but uh you're not gonna have to do anything um with these color changes but you will have to tidy up some of the color changes up here and I'll show you how to do that as well this video is sponsored by pudgy Penguins follow at pudgy Penguins official on YouTube and at fudgy Penguins on Instagram for your wholesome and relatable penguin content as always crocheting brings me a lot of joy and I want to share that Joy with all of you which is why I make all of my crochet patterns into these free video tutorials on YouTube um with that said I just want to put it in a quick plug for the paid PDF of this pattern if you would like to support my art um please purchase this pattern in my shop it has step-by-step pictures for all um all of the steps you need to be able to make your own pudgy penguin obviously it's in color I just printed it out in black and white um so yeah link is in the description okay let's do it this pudgy penguin pattern is a beginner to intermediate crochet pattern um I think it would be best if you already knew how to hold your yarn and form some basic stitches before going into this pattern um because we'll be doing a lot of color changing here and I'll walk you through how to do that we'll be crocheting each of the parts individually so the wings the beak the feet and sewing them onto the pudgy penguin and finally we'll be using the chain loop method to add this little tuft of hair here um and to finish it off we will be tidying up the color changes with some extra white yarn so um on this side like these this little like blue Speck poking through these aren't too bad but there will be um some spots along the what the widow's peak here that uh will want to tidy up and you can kind of see that here um but yeah let's get into what materials you need uh we're going to be using size 7 jumbo yarn to crochet this pudgy penguin so we're gonna need sweet snuggles um denial yarn you can also use parfait XL um you can tell it's a size seven jumbo yarn it's the yarn label says uh seven in this like yarn ball uh image um I'm using sweets knuckles in white and sky blue today because I think I'm gonna make another blue penguin if you want to make the pink penguin um purchase sweet snuggles in just pink and it's like the perfect color you'll also want some yellow yarn for the beak and feet oh and here's how much yarn you'll want for each of these colors with the blue yarn you're only going to need like 150 to 175 grams of yarn so one ball of this which is 250 grams is more than enough for white you're going to need about 50 to 70 grams of yarn so this ball will be more than enough here for me today and with yellow you don't need that much you only need like 10 grams of yellow yarn to make the feet and the beak next you'll want to use an appropriate size crochet hook this yarn does recommend an 11 and a half millimeter crochet hook but I go down to a 10 millimeter crochet hook just so that my stitches are Tighter and closer together so the stuffing doesn't fall out speaking of stuffing you're going to need stuffing as well I use polyester fiberfill stuffing you can pick that up at your local craft store you'll also need 20 millimeter safety eyes so here these are these are the eyes I use over here they have these like backs um that go with them where you'll put the eye on one side of the Penguin and then put the back on the other side of the eye to attach it there and I'll show you what I do to secure the eyes to the plushie better so optional if you want to use my method of securing the eyes you will need two little felt squares with a little hole cut in them as well as a lighter to melt the back post you'll also need a pair of scissors to cut your yarn you'll need a yarn needle to sew and thread your ends in and you'll you'll want a stitch marker so that way you won't lose your spot all of these items can be picked up at your local craft store some of them are available on my Amazon storefront if you make a purchase there I do earn a commission but that's all the materials you're going to need let's do it okay sorry I missed one um you'll want to use some acrylic yarn for the sewing I actually recommend using acrylic yarn when sewing on the wings and the feet because it's just more secure and because after you sew it on you like like I sewed this on with acrylic yarn but because the chenile yarn is so fluffy like you can't even tell so it's stronger and more secure so you know if you've got some kids tucking on the wings it'll do better um so I just used some scrap yarn it doesn't have to be a perfect match as long as it's a similar color you really won't see this yarn at all okay sweet now let's get into the body so first you're going to take your main color um I'm using blue today again and you're going to make a magic ring to form the magic ring you're going to take the dead end of the yarn in your hand and take the live end and form a loop you want the live end of your yarn to be on top take your crochet hook and facing it down to the floor uh insert it into the loop and grab your working yarn pull it through the loop and twist your hook so it's facing the ceiling now you're just going to yarn over and pull through with your uh that to form your magic ring at this point with chenile yarn you need to make sure that you are still able to adjust your magic ring if you're not able to adjust your magic ring at this point you're going to end up pulling your chenile yarn and snapping it so see how my Loop is still very adjustable yeah that's what we want so for round number one you're just going to make eight single crochet in the magic ring so going in drop a loop yarn over pull through two that's one single crochet two three four five six seven and eight so there is eight single crochet in the magic ring and now you should be able to pull this shut and I can usually get this pretty tight without breaking the chenile yarn um if you do break it um here actually I'm just maybe going to break this on purpose to show you what to do oh say that happens to you and you break your yarn because the magic circle can be hard what you want to do is take a short length of that regular acrylic firsted weight yarn spread your yarn needle and you're just going to go into all of these stitches and I like to go around the um the stitches twice if this happens to me and like it's not a you thing some chenile yarn just works a little better than other Chanel yarn I I don't know I think it depends on the the factory and I don't know who who is working that day so once you thread your acrylic yarn through it and notice I'm on the back side of my magic ring you can pull it tight to make sure all your stitches stay together and tie a knot and then these two yarn ends will stay inside the plushie you don't have to worry about that at all but yeah just for demonstrative purposes that's how you form the magic loop with um chenile yarn after breaking it oh and this is going to happen a lot you're gonna get all these all this fluff everywhere You're Gonna Want like a lint roller afterwards so there's round one eight single crochet in the magic ring going on to round number two we're going to do eight increases an increase is just two single crochets in the same Stitch so here's my first increase one use my second increase two my third increase three fourth fifth mix seventh and eighth so there you should now have 16 stitches for round number two at this point go ahead and use your stitch marker to Mark the uh end of your round so you know where to end going on to round number three you're going to do one single crochet in the first Stitch followed by an increase in the next Stitch and you're going to repeat that eight times all the way around for a total of 24 stitches so one single crochet increase single crochet single crochet and pink and you'll know when to stop when we hit that little stitch marker we have right and here's my eighth single crochet and I'm going to take my stitch marker out and anything and put my stitch marker back in so there is the end of round number three you should have 24 stitches in this round going on to round number four we're going to repeat uh sort of the same pattern where we're increasing in eight different places around a circle you're going to form two single crochet one and two followed by an increase in the next Stitch you're going to repeat that eight times all the way around for a total of 32 stitches so one two and three two one last repeat here I'm going to take out my stitch marker two all right put your stitch marker back in there's the end of round number four you should have 32 stitches in this round going on to round number five this is where we're going to start our color changes um we're going to do this first row here with three stitches four stitches in the middle and then three stitches in white so just the top of that widow's peak for round number five start with 11 single crochets in color a or blue as I'm using so one two three four five seven eight nine and and before you finish the 11th Stitch you're going to or sorry when you're forming the 11th Stitch you're going to use your white yarn to finish it off so I just inserted my hook into the Stitch through up a loop now to complete the color change I'm going to take my new color right up here and that completes that Stitch now what I'm going to do before I go on is I'm just going to um buy my n y end here to the blue yarn to secure it together for this row we're going to um what's it called we're going to take our color with us as we crochet so with the white yarn ready in your hand to work with you're going to insert your hook into the next Stitch and make sure you have your blue yarn at the bottom here to grab because then your white yarn will go over it and Tuck the blue yarn in so now we're going to form three white stitches one two and three to form the color change now we're not going to finish off the third white Stitch with white yarn we're going to finish it off with the blue yarn so now you'll notice I just dropped my white yarn I'm going to yarn over with my blue yarn and pull it through so there now I've got blue on my hook and I'm ready to set up for the next part of this row which is four blue single crochet so again with my white yarn along the bottom there's one blue single crochet two three and four before I finish the last blue single crochet I'm going to drop the blue pick up my white again yarn over and pull through so that completes the four blue single crochet and we have a white loop on our hook now you're gonna do three white single crochet one two and three and we're going to finish it off with the blue yarn of course just like that at this point here I like to draw up my next blue loop because it it moves this working yarn to like the bottom of the Stitch and this is where I'll cut off my white yarn to tie it off with my blue yarn so I'm just going to tie a knot there and now to finish uh round number five we're just going to form 11 single crochet so there's one two three four five six seven eight nine and and eleven put my stitch marker back in so there is round number five completed you should still have 32 total stitches so what you're going to see is 11 blue three white four blue three white 11 blue going on now to round number six we're going to start with 10 blue single crochet so one two three four five six seven eight nine and drop a loop there's my tenth one I'm going to finish the tenth blue single crochet with my white yarn again and then I'm going to do the same thing where I tie off my white yarn end here the white is attached I'm going to crochet over my blue yarn so making sure that the blue yarn is there just behind my work work five white single crochets one you two three four and then five now we're going to work two blue single crochets so in that fifth white one I just drew up my blue loop work two blue single crochets one and two and we're gonna finish it off now with your white yarn one uh there's the two finishing that off here's my first White Stitch one two three four and then five draw up my blue loop and then I'm just going to eye off my white yarn now so that I can secure it to the inside right excellent so now about this point you've already done 10 blue five white two blue five more white now we've got ten more blue so one two whoops got my pattern next to me three four five six seven eight nine and take out your stitch marker and put your stitch marker back in so there is round number six completed that was ten blue five white two blue five white followed by ten blue so only those two rows would I recommend um what's it called just like crocheting with both strands of colors I'm blanking on the name it's in tarja in knitting but I don't think we call it that in crochet oops um but going forward we're not going to be uh pulling our color changes through we're just going to do two like fully cut off color changes each time so now going on to round seven through nine we're going to do 10 single crochet in blue um uh 12 single crochet in white followed by 10 more single crochet in blue so I'll do row seven with you and then I'll let you go to do rows eight and nine so here's one two three four five [Music] six seven eight nine ten change color to white and I'm going to form a couple stitches one two white stitches completely High my yarn ends back here on the inside and cut off the blue now that we've worked uh 10 blue we're going to work 12 white so one two three four five five six seven eight nine ten eleven and 12. change color to Blue I'm going to crochet a couple blue single crochets and then tie off your white yarn back here and cut it off finishing off round seven one two we've got to have ten blue stitches so there's three four five six seven eight nine stitch marker out and ten put my stitch marker back in so you'll notice at this point you can already see even with our color changes we've got some blue poking through this is what I meant by coming back in at the end with just like some white yarn to cover this up um it really only happens up here on the uh what the the right side of the Widow's Peaks and um it doesn't happen on the left side over here like we don't need to do anything to tidy up these color changes um and then the color changes on the right side I think are are just fine the way they are so we leave those please but yeah color changing in crochet am I right anyways do rounds eight and nine which are still 10 blue 12 white followed by 10 blue and I'll meet you back here at the end of round number nine okay so I just finished rounds eight and round nine um and it looks like this now we've got more of the Penguins face done and um you'll notice if you haven't already um that since we've got so many color changes inside of our penguin there's gonna be a lot of this Shania fuzz just fluffing everywhere uh you'll want to get oh no a vacuum cleaner or a piece of tape or a lint roller later um a quick note before we go on when you're forming these color changes I recommend not tying your knots so tight that your stitches um like look like they're collapsed in if you pull your uh yarn ends too tight as you're tying the dead knot you'll see even more color poke through than you do already so just a note there continuing on to round number ten we're going to start with a decrease a decrease is when we turn two stitches into one stitch we're going to do an invisible decrease which is where we insert our hook into the front Loop of our next Stitch and then into the next front loop after that grab our working yarn drop a loop yarn over and pull through two so there is our first decrease now you're going to do three single crochet one two and three and you're going to repeat that pattern again so decrease three single crochet there we go decrease one two and three now you're going to do a color change so I didn't finish my third blue Stitch and I'm already drawing up my white yarn here with your white now you're going to form a decrease and before we go on I'm just going to tie off this color change here again don't tie it too tight or else you'll see your stitches like collapse in so with white you'll do one decrease three single crochet one two three a decrease three more single crochet one two and three and one final decrease so insert your Loop hook drop a loop and then your high note uh draw your new color through your blue color finish off that Stitch on this side now instead of doing the decrease first followed by the three single crochets now we're going to do three single crochet one two three followed by that decrease and I'm going to pause here just to tie off my color change and you're going to repeat this three single crochet decrease one more time so one two and three let me remove my stitch marker the crease and put my stitch marker back in uh you should see now that the next Stitch you're working into is a decrease you can tell because you can see these like front Loops kind of being drawn up um just like a way to check because that's where we started here's where we're ending so yeah that was round number ten you should have 25 stitches in this round um going on to round number 11. in in all of these decreases we're now going to put increases so in the first Stitch which was a decrease last round put an increase in here so two single crochet into that Stitch now we're going to work three single crochet one two and three and we're going to repeat that the increase three single crochet again so here's the increase one two [Music] three change colors to White and now with white we're going to increase in this first Stitch and tie off your color jeans yep now work three white single crochet one two three followed by another increase [Music] three more single crochet and one last increase and change colors back to Blue now on this side we're going to do three single crochet followed by an increase and we're going to do that twice so one three in Greece tie off this color change last repeat here I'm just going to remove my stitch marker two three in and put your stitch marker back in so there you have round number 10 because we put uh increases in each of sorry that was round 11 completed because we put increases in each of these stitches that were previously decreases we've just gone from you know 32 stitches in the round down to 25 for round number 10 and now we're back up to 32 stitches in the round going on to round number 12 we're going to be increasing again in this round we're going to go from we have 32 stitches right now we're going to have 40 stitches by the end of this round what you're going to do first is you're going to start with an increase and then four single crochet four and you're going to repeat that again so increase one you two three and four change colors to White for the white it's a little bit different uh start with one increase in your white yarn and let me tie off this white color change all right so in white you'll do increase three single crochet one two three now you're going to do an increase followed by two single crochet two followed by another increase followed by three single crochet one two and three and one final increase now we're going to change colors here and back to your blue yarn we're going to work three single crochet followed by an or sorry four single crochet followed by an increase twice so there's my four single crochet and one increase and I'm just going to tie off this color change again wow I'm getting all tongue-tied tonight okay repeat that again so one you two three four and increase in the last Stitch crease all right put it back in your stitch marker and there it is that is round number 12 completed you should have 40 stitches in this round so I'm going to make my working Loop big at this point we're going to pause to place the eyes and um secure the backs of the eyes so with the eyes you want to place them between rows seven and eight about five to six stitches apart so if you're just looking at your penguin this is round one two three four five six seven and eight so we wanna stay in this line here and um I just kind of aim for somewhere and see if I like it I mean at this point I feel like I'm just kind of going to into this row but like two and a half Stitch like I kind of go into that Stitch where the eyes are this is where you'll want to take the um felt backs to put onto your eye backs or sorry your eye posts before attaching your eye backs onto the eye there it snaps and what I find is that this belt not only keeps the eye from spinning and rotating but because it's so big the eye is not going to come outward do that to the other eye here and then the next thing we do as a precaution to keep the eye from falling out is we're going to take our lighter and we're just going to melt down this back post so that it's flat and so that this back post will never come out I'm just taking my lighter covering it over my plastic obviously be careful you don't really need to do this for that long and then take the side of your lighter to squish that plastic down flat like that and I think I need to melt that a little bit more oh yeah there we go so now that eye back is never coming out so the eye like this this is Totally Secure it's not coming out and I'm going to do that to the other eye as well all right there we go oh nice Buzz everywhere I'll vacuum after this so now with your eyes secured we're going to go on to rounds 13 through 15. so for Rounds 13 14 and 15 they're all the same you're going to work 12 blue single crochet 16 white single crochet and another 12 blue single crochet go ahead and do that for Rounds 13 14 and 15 and I'll meet you back here at the end of round number 15. all right I have just completed rounds 13 14 and 15 and here is how your penguin should look now um it's got that I don't know head neck and belly forming going on to round number 16. you're going to start with 12 single crochet in your blue yarn so thank you I just came across a factory knot so with a factory knot what I usually do is I just form an overhand knot like away from the factory knot so that this is tucked away in the plushie I hate those one two three four there we go and I've worked around that factory knot there four [Music] five six seven eight nine and eleven and twelve finishing off the 12th blue Stitch with your white yarn now we're going to decrease a little bit you're going to do one decrease with your white yarn and then pause to finish off this uh color change here all right now you're gonna work uh 12 single crochet one two me or four five six seven nine and eleven and well finally you're going to work a decrease in your last two white stitches and finish off with your blue yarn and in your blue now you're just going to work 12 uh blue single crochets I'm gonna pause here to finish up that color change that was four blue five and then nine eleven and twelve my stitch marker back in so that was round number 16 because we did these two decreases in White on either side of the belly you should now have 38 stitches in this round going on to round number 17 we're going to start with uh we're not going to do any decreases this round so it's just going to be 12 blue 14 white followed by 12 blue again so I'll do it with you one two three four five nine and eleven and well now we're going to change colors to White now we're going to do 14 white so there's like the first three finish off the color change so much color changing how much fluff everywhere three four five six seven nine eleven wow 13 and 14. so there you go there's the white part finished change colors back to the blue and work uh 12 blue single crochet I just worked a couple blue stitches I'm just tying off my color change here again [Music] eleven and twelve there's the end of round 17 you should still have um 38 stitches in this round going on to round 18 we're going to be doing some more decreases um six decreases to be exact so we'll have 32 total stitches in this next round starting uh with the this side of the blue we're going to do one decrease and decrease followed by four single crochet one you two three four and you're going to do that again so another decrease oh my gosh another Factory knot who made this ball of yarn at least with amigurumi all of that gets tucked in and tucked away inside so there's my decrease to and one two [Music] three and four change colors to White now we're going to do a decrease for our first White Stitch just like that I'm going to pause to tie off this color we have a decrease now we're going to work 10 single crochet one two three four five six seven nine and ten finally we're going to work our last decrease here and finish off that decrease with your color change and this is our last color change for this penguin so whew made it that really was like a lot of color changes so once you finish off this color change cut off your white yarn you can set that aside now now in your blue yarn you're going to do the opposite of what we did on this side so on this side it was decrease four single crochet now we're doing four single crochet followed by a decrease and we're doing that twice so one two three four decrease and one two three four and decrease and that ends round number ninth or sorry 18. you should have 32 stitches in round number 18. I'm going on to round number 19 now we're just working with our blue yarn and we're just going to be doing decreases or not just decreases you're going to do two single crochet followed by a decrease and you're going to repeat that eight times all the way around so that you have a total of 24 stitches in this round one two one two three and three two [Music] one and finally last repeat one two and decrease so there is round uh 19 completed you should have do 24 stitches in this round so at this point I would recommend beginning to stuff so take your stuffing and you wanna when you're stuffing like plushies like this my biggest tip when stuffing is on the inside of your plushie take your hand and like starfish your hands spread it out so that you almost make like a flat layer I find that stuffing my big plushies or my jumbo Chanel plushies like this where I try to get to the stuffing to lay against the uh what's it called the yarn it makes it just like a smoother stuffing so that's like this is like the motion that I'm doing inside of the penguin plushie is just separating my stuffing like that stuff and smooth it out smooth it out um I find that I end up using like um anywhere from like 12 to 14 ounces of stuffing almost a pound actually maybe a little less than that I think this penguin weighs like just under a pound and I like my Penguins a little firm so you know if you want yours squishier put in less stuffing if you want it firmer like I do put in more stuffing and if you have any of your scrap yarn stuff it in there too okay I'm not gonna stuff this all the way because I I'm gonna work one more round and then I'll stuff it a little bit more and then finally finish off so going on to round number 20 what we're going to do is we're going to do one single crochet followed by a decrease and you're going to repeat that eight times all the way around and you'll end with 16 stitches in this round two so one single crochet [Music] one single crochet I hope this project is going pretty fast for you um it's really fun I think working with jumbo yarn um it like it works up obviously a lot faster it makes a bigger plushie it's there there's just like more uh immediate gratification when making bigger things I think and then also I designed this pattern to be like kind of simple well really simple so that you could make Penguins relatively fast all right so now that I've done some decreases I'm going to put some more stuffing in this penguin's belly oh and you all probably know I have my own uh shop where I sell my plushies and I go through stuffing so freaking fast that I just carry around like the 10 pound uh bag of stuffing I used to crochet more smaller plushies um to sell and stuff and I I would take my 10 pound bags then and like divide it into a bunch of smaller bags you know but now now I just go through the 10 pound bag so fast making big Plushies that I just I just carry that 10 pound bag around to the living room to the couch and TV room back to the craft room okay so I'm still not spreading out the stuffing I'm using one hand on the outside of my plushie to make sure it's like Smooth I don't feel any lumpy spots and one hand on the inside to evenly distribute as much as possible okay so here's our final row uh don't worry you're still going to be able to add more stuffing but for round number 21 we're just gonna work eight decreases so one you two three oh my gosh I find that the last rows are always tricky so take your time when you're doing this is my fourth decrease this next oh you'll also notice that whenever I get to this part I usually change my crochet hook grip from pencil grip to knife grip or caveman grip um just so I have a little more uh Leverage and here's my last decrease and now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to cut off leaving a bit of a tail for sewing and I'm just going to pull this through there we go I'm I've still got a little hole here so this is your last chance to add any more stuffing that you want to add to your penguin [Music] all right I'm thinking my penguin is pretty close to good I felt a soft spot there a little bit of soft spot there hey and once you're happy with like the swish of your penguin just like I don't know squish them down yeah I like that level of swish ER okay so once you're happy now we're going to close this up take your yarn end thread your needle all you have to do to thread it take your end use the needle to press it push it down and then use your two fingers just maneuver it through the eye of the needle close this shut take your needle and grab the front Loop of the first of each Stitch going around all eight stitches so that was three stitches four five thanks six seven and eight and now it acts as a drawstring pull that closed and don't pull it so tight that you snap this yarn or else again you'll have to take your acrylic worsted weight yarn and manually close it up what I like to do before I close it up though is I like to just thread my needle through a couple more just uh I don't know I think it gives me like peace of mind or something just to secure it a little bit more and now at this point I'm going to tie a knot like right here-ish not like directly uh next to the plushie but just close enough to the edge here and I'll make it kind of a big knot so that when I dig my yarn needle back into the blush this knot is going to go inside oh just like so and now that knot should not be able to go through all of those Loops we just threaded the yarn through and then you can just very this tail into the bushy woohoo so there is the penguin body completed oh wow okay so next we're going to make the beak pick your yellow yarn form the magic ring and in the magic ring you're just gonna work four single crochet two three and four go ahead and pull it cut the magic ring and to close this off you're just going to work a slip stitch work a slip stitch insert your hook into the next Stitch draw up a loop and then just pull that Loop immediately through and then I just like pull on the yarn to tighten it and then cut off leaving a bit of a tail for sewing you don't need very much maybe about I don't know six to eight inches and then pull this yarn through you're going to want to pop your beak out like this so that this um this is the outside of your beak while we're here let's go ahead and sew the beak on so you have two ends the end that we use to close the magic circle shut and then the end that we were just crocheting with take the end that was just used to sew the magic or to pull the magic circle shut and what we're and thread your needle what we're going to do is we're going to use this to help position our yarn for sorry our beak we want to place our beak in the middle of these two blue stitches but down like here's the two blue stitches here's two white stitches in between those two white stitches is the top of our beak so since this where my needle is is going to be the top I'm going to put this yellow yarn in one row below that and just let it come out somewhere else this is just to help me fold the beak where I want it while I sew it on since the beak has four uh stitches on it we're going to need four holes that we can work in um the hole that's between the two white stitches is our first one this one over here is one of the next Stitches the one on the opposite side is one of the next stitches we'll work into and then the one here on the bottom so I'm going to start on the bottom and I'm just going to draw oh sorry pull my needle through from the bottom to the next Stitch and like it kind of forms a square you know and then I'm going to use my needle to grab the first Stitch of the beak oh all this fluff and pull that I then I'm gonna do it the same going up now grab the next Stitch one more here third Stitch and finally back down to the bottom Stitch grabbing the last Stitch of the beak um and then I usually just like to come out the next Stitch just to double check everything looks good once you like it I like to just go back into the beak and then out the hole where the other yellow yarn end is because now we're going to um tie these two together to secure them and Tuck these two ends inside so I just use like the back of my yarn needle to like shove the yarn end into the plushie all right so there is the beak attached now let's go on to the wings I did already crochet One Wing here and I'll show you how to crochet the second wing uh there's my blue yarn taking your blue yarn make the magic ring again can't get away from the magic ring it's everywhere for round number one of the Ring go ahead and make four single crochet one you two three and four go ahead and pull this right you should have four single crochet in round number one going on to round number two you're gonna work one single crochet followed by an increase and you're going to do that twice there was my first one her first increase here's my second one one single crochet and increase so now you should have six stitches in round number two go ahead and pop this out for round number three you're going to do one single crochet increase three times so that you get a total of nine stitches if it helps you go ahead and place your stitch marker in this Stitch now so one single crochet increase that's our first time here's our second time one single crochet increase and then here's our third repeat one single crochet and here we are back at the stitch marker in wreath so now you have nine single crochets um in this round going on the round numbers uh sorry round number four and round number five you're just gonna put one single crochet in each Stitch all the way around so I put my stitch marker back in here we're just going to make nine single crochet one two four five six seven eight and then nine and now we're going to do that one more time I'm going to skip using the stitch marker because I'm I'm just counting it one two three four five six seven eight and nine so there is round number um five completed so if you need to count two you can see here's the bottom where you did round number one round number two on top of that three four and five the last round of the wing is round number six and we're gonna do one single crochet followed by a decrease and you're gonna do that three times so here's the second time one single crochet decrease and here's the third time one single crochet and decrease finally we're going to just finish off with a slip stitch fasten it off and I wouldn't leave a long tail here I'm actually just gonna cut like I don't know one inch tail and I'm just going to tuck this inside because with the wing like I said at the beginning of this video we want to be using our acrylic yarn to sew this to the body instead of how we did the beak the beak is just so small you know with only four stitches that it really just is easier to sew the beak on using the um Chanel jumbo yarn but with the wings we we can use the acrylic all right so make your two wings and um let's sew them together take a length of your acrylic yarn here I'm being pretty generous I think I gave myself like 15 inches of yarn oh way more than that I gave myself like two we probably don't need that much but that's okay thread your yarn needle the wings are placed on either side of the body um between rounds 11 and 12. so you can sit here and count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve and um or you know my shortcut is I just remember the eyes were placed between rounds seven and eight so seven eight nine ten eleven and twelve and I just know to um sew the wings here there are six stitches in the wing so we just need to find six holes that we want to work into but since this is my round 11 and 12 this this these three holes here and then these three holes here are the three that I want to work in um it's just one blue Stitch away from the white and then just like the grid of six I'm just going to thread my needle into the first Stitch grab one of my wing stitches and then go to the next do it again so there's the top three of your six stitches and now going to the bottom three here's how I sew the wing on that Okay so there it is go ahead and tug on your acrylic yarn gently or sorry your regular worsted weight yarn [Music] if you and then when you tie it uh you'll like you you probably just saw it like frightened by a second knot or a dead knot and then I just tucked these yarn ends right into the penguin so go back down the hole you're coming out of come out somewhere else and uh breathe the end in there go ahead and do the same with the other Wing I'll leave you to it and I'll meet you back here for the feet all right I just sewed on my second wing and here's how it's looking with your feet take your yellow yarn and go ahead and make your magic ring again for round one of the feet you're gonna do uh five single crochet into the magic ring three four and five for the magic range for round number two we're going to do five increases for a total of ten single crochets in this round so increase second increase third increase or and fifth so there's round number two going on to round number three you're going to work four single crochet one two three and four followed by a decrease and then four more single crochet one two three and four so there's round number three complete go ahead and slip stitch and fasten off no need to leave a tail for sewing because we're going to be using regular size four yarn to be sewing the feet on go ahead and make two of these little feet I've already got my two feet made here so now instead of using blue yarn I'm actually going to use white yarn to sew the feet on since it's going to be partially on the body like before put yourself two lengths of white yarn two feet will be more than enough to work with probably only need like I don't know a foot you thread your yarn needle and then the feet are placed on the two bottom corners of the white we just go right on top of it um it is between round 16 and 20. so using the eyes seven eight nine ten seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 17 18. um yeah 18. I miscounted that because this was around 21 sorry 21. 20 19 18. yeah it is 18. so between rounds 16 and 18 you're going to sew the feet on here you I just take my yarn here pull it through a little bit leaving myself a tail I'll grab one of the stitches on my foot and then go out the next row up uh just keep in mind that you have nine stitches to sew so I just aim to make like kind of like a nine square like three up here down the side over to the other side like just nine stitches in a circle two yeah up one more and then you'll just want to pull your yarn tight periodically as you sew your foot onto your penguin all right and now I'm back to the last bowl where my yarn was coming up and my last Stitch go ahead and pull on the yarn ends just to make sure it is tightly secured to your plushie I'm just going to thread my yarn in one more time and come out the same hole as my beginning tail I'm going to tie a knot here and then secure it now I'm going to tuck these yarn ends in I'll go ahead and stay on camera while I sew on the second foot with you but let me just get this yarn and all tucked in there boom there we go now on to the second foot where's your yarn needle just like this side I'm just on this bottom blue row I'm just going to thread my yarn through like that I'm going to come out through the stitch in my foot and I'm just going to work in the rest of a circular uh pattern as possible to keep the foot symmetrical with the other foot you may want to use um pins to help you pin down exactly where you want to place your foot I think I'm okay with just eyeballing it and I've made like so many penguins that I have a really good idea of where I want the foot to go now right so there's the second what attached pull your yarn type so that you can feel it uh wow that was redundant go ahead and get your yarn ends together so that you can secure a knot and tuck in your yarn ends into the blushy so there is the penguin body with all of the Wings and feet attached yay we're almost done just two more things we gotta do the first thing is going to be the hair so now to work the hair you're going to take your blue chanile yarn leave yourself maybe like I don't know five inches of yarn buy a slip knot just a regular Old Slip Knot put it on your hook where you have these two blue stitches in between the widow's peak you're going to go up to where you have the four stitches of the windows Peak and in the center these two you're going to go into this hole and out this hole with your yarn hook with your hook and you're going to grab your yarn like this and pull it through so now you have two loops on your hook and then take that first Loop and pull it through the first the other loop so now we've just attached the yarn to the penguin forehead with the slip stitch method now we're gonna make some chain Loops you're just going to work three chains so one two three and now we're gonna do that again where we're going to go up a row insert your hook draw up a loop and then slip stitch that Loop through your existing one and then I like to do this like oh no pull the yarn right so that it feels more um snug to the Head go ahead and now work three more single crochet or sorry three more chains one two three and then now we're gonna do the slip stitch into the head one more time insert your hook grab your yarn pull it through the penguin head and pull it through your uh the loop that was on your hook now I'm going to cut off leaving a bit of a tail and I'm just going to chain this shut so I'm just going to uh sorry I'm just going to yarn over and pull it through to end the hair and that secures it to the forehead with your yarn ends I just take the front one I tuck it in to the hole it's coming out of and come out to the other hole with the other end and I just you know tie another knot with this one and then we're going to tuck this knot inside of the Penguin's head oh so just like that with one end get the other end in there as well okay and there we have the penguin hair okay wow there's your Penguin at this point all of the crocheting is done all the sewing is done we've even added the hair this last bit is just stylistic um so what you're going to want to do is take your white yarn and cut yourself a length I don't know doesn't have to be too long I only need like what's this 15 inches of yarn thread your yarn needle all we're going to do is we're going to tidy up this flaring color change here to make sure that's all showing as white and a little bit over here as well but everything else about our color changes is pretty tidy so we don't have to fix those the Tidy Up the foreheads of The Penguins of widow's peak I come in here to the three white stitches first and I thread my needle through two and a half of those stitches just like that so that I'm coming out through the center of that Stitch this way my white yarn is here to cover up the blue part the key to keeping your penguin looking natural is to keep your yarn underneath the stitches so now there's like this white front Loop here that I'm going to go underneath and then now I'm going to go underneath this next white Stitch uh the V part of the Stitch then you might have to maneuver your yarn over so it covers up that blue better just like that there's one more White Front Loop here tuck under oh all this fluff fluff everywhere and I'll yarn am I right and now I'm just gonna go across here across those two so now we have no more blue showing through here we very subtly just like I call it just tidying up your color changes we're going to do this again for this side and I'm just threading my yarn through I'm going to come out this Stitch here oh maybe I should have left myself a longer tail okay I don't need too much yarn but actually maybe give yourself two feet and again I'm gonna work underneath this white yarn just so that this stays under there and then finally I'm coming out underneath those three stitches okay and there we go normally I would take this yarn end and weave it back to this end and tie it off and tuck it in but I didn't leave myself a long enough end so I'm actually going to take this tail and navigate it to the other end every time you thread your yarn needle love everywhere okay there we go now with my two white yarn ends together all I'm going to do is tie a knot and tuck it inside there we go all right clean up the excess fluff that's everywhere that is your pudgy penguin look at how cute this is look at those little things look at these little feet ah this is definitely just in my opinion the best penguin pattern out there it does involve a lot more sewing I know there's like a lot of no-sew Penguins where the body just like is a bubble or you didn't do that many color changes but I I really think I I contributed a piece to crochet literature I hope so I hope you think so let me know in the comments if you enjoyed making this uh penguin um and we'd love to see your pudgy Penguins on Instagram tag me mary.merrymix and tag pudgy Penguins on Instagram [Music] if you made it this far in the video congratulations on a job well done thank you so much for following on this crochet along remember to like And subscribe for more crochet tutorials and to follow pudgy Penguins on YouTube and Instagram for the wholesome penguin content thank you so much for crocheting with me and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: MerryMakes
Views: 354,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crochet tutorial, crochet pattern, crochet, how to crochet, pudgy, penguin, pudgey, pudgypenguin, crochet penguin, jumbo chenille yarn, size 7 yarn, size 7, jumbo, jumbo yarn, plushie, crochet plushie, cute penguin, cute penguin crochet, free crochet, free crochet pattern, pengy, pengu, how to
Id: fQ0QoSlVqFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 40sec (5080 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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