How to Crochet a Triceratops Dinosaur || Amigurumi Pattern Tutorial

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to download a full printable PDF version of this pattern click the link on the screen now in the description below or by going to club crochet comm slash Triceratops hey there I'm Louie and in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to crochet this tiny Triceratops that I made okay so for this pattern you're going to need the following materials I'm using all worsted weight yarn but you can use any kind of yarn you'd like as long as the two colors are the same for me I'm using colors in purple or actually green and white white you'll definitely need and then you'll need a secondary color for the body because I'm using worsted weight yarn I'm using a size G crochet hook 4 millimeter you also need a pair of scissors a darning needle and a couple of safety bead eyes for me I think these are six millimeter they're pretty small yeah oh and you'll need some stuffing of course ok well let's get hook and we're going to start by making the horns here so the horns are pretty easy we're gonna use our white yarn here and we're just going to make a slipknot and we're going to chain two and you want that second chain for the second chain you want to pull it pretty tight that's gonna make it more of a pointy end now we're gonna work into the back loop of the chain so if I turn the chain around like that you can see that little back loop right there you want to get your crochet hook into that back loop you might need to use your nail for this unless you're using slightly larger a yarn now into that back loop we want to single crochet one so we're going to yarn over and pull through we're gonna yarn over again and pull through these two loops on the hook okay and you see how that makes this a little tiny horn now we can chain one and we can cut the yarn you don't need very much like that is more than enough actually just did it cut the yarn there and we could just pull it all the way through and pull that knot tight you're going to want to make three of these horns you could probably just make one also just for the nose but I like my Triceratops to have three you know they're called the Triceratops for a reason okay okay so now we want to work on our body and I'm making my body in green here and I'm gonna start with the Magic Loop method but you can also start with the chain two method by just you know changing - I'm gonna get my crochet hook under those first two loops there and pull that loop under and then I'm going to yarn over and chain one I have a whole video on how to do this Magic Loop method should be a link right here or in the description if you'd like to go to that ok so we enter this into the Magic Loop or into the second chain from the hook you want a single crochet six or four times so you can crochet four times into the Magic Loop or into the second chain from the hook I almost said six because normally with Miami groove me it's got six okay now I can go ahead and pull this Magic Loop tight I like pulling the end so that you can see where that top one is pulling it tighter and then pulling this tight okay all right now we're working in the round for this pattern meaning that you don't need to turn around for the entire piece in fact we're just gonna be working in a spiral all the way around so into that first single crochet we made if you count back one two three four into that one right here you get your crochet hook in there because this is so tiny I have to kind of like wiggle my crochet hook in there and I'm going to single crochet oops single crochet one into that first stitch right here okay so just one single crochet there into the next stitch right here we want to increase one meaning we do two single crochets into that stitch it's an increase one and two okay now into this next stitch right here we want to only work into the back loop meaning the loop furthest away from us so right here's the front loop so we want to work only in this back loop right there so get into that back loop and we're just gonna sink over single crochet one into that back okay and into this last stitch right here we want to do an increase we can work into both loop net loops now not just the back loop okay and that's gonna bring you up from four stitches to six stitches so now you should have six stitches around and that'll be the end of round two you can see because we worked into that back loop it kind of pulls it downwards a little bit more makes it more of a nose you can see that's gonna be the tip of the nose right there okay so now we're on to our next round round three for round three it's pretty simple we're just going to be doing an increase or two single crochets into each stitch all the way around so we're just gonna keep going and doing two single crochets into each stitch you're going to do that six times in a row and that's going to bring you up from six stitches around to twelve stitches around okay a couple more here one two and then right death this one's gonna be our last increase right there okay so now you should have 12 stitches around and that'll be the end of round 3 for round 4 we're doing a single crochet into the first three stitches so one single crochet two and three and then we're gonna do an increase into the next right here four and five and you're gonna repeat that three single crochets and then increase three times total so we did our first repeat let's do two more you want three single crochets one two three and then an increase four and a five and then one more time there that's going to bring you up from 12 stitches to 15 stitches all right it's gonna be our last increase right here should have 15 stitches around now okay and that's going to be the end of Round four for round five we're going to take it up a notch we're gonna single crochet four stitches instead of 3 so 1 2 3 and 4 and then we're gonna increase into the next 5 and six and we're gonna repeat that process for single crochets and then increase three times again so that's going to bring you up from 15 stitches to 18 stitches so now we're working on our second repeat here and hey if you liked this video please go ahead and go down below on YouTube and hit that like button in that subscribe button it really helps out the channel a lot and if you really liked it you can hit that notification button and you'll get notified whenever I come out with full videos like this you can also join the club crochet membership but I'll explain that and a little bit okay so that's going to be the end of round five we should have 18 stitches around now now for Round six we're gonna be making our little thin thing so we're going to start by single crocheting six so one two three four five and six and now we're going to be working into the front loops for the rest of this round meaning the loops closest to you right here and get your crochet hook into those loops so into these loops all the way around you're going to do a single crochet in the first one okay and now you're going to do a repeat of a few repeats here we're gonna start this repeat by doing a half double crochet in the next again we're only working that front loop and I just realized I should have explained what a half double crochet is and I'll do that in just a second okay so you want to do one half double crochet then you want to do a mini peacott a mini peacott is I don't know the actual term here but it's what I call it and what you do is you chain two one and two you want to pull that second chain a little tighter and we're gonna work into that back loop of the first chain you made right there okay your crochet hook in there and we're gonna just do a slip stitch boom just like that that's gonna create little points okay now into the next stitch right here we're gonna do another half double Shayne this time I can show you actually instead of just powering through you yarn over go into the stitch yarn over again and pull one loop through and then yarn over and pull it through all the loops on the hook okay and that's gonna be half double crochet and you want to repeat that the half double crochet mini piquant and then a half double crochet five times total so we did one so let's do a few more here so you do a half double crochet in the first mini peacott chain two one two pull that second chain tight go into the back loop of the first chain you made and slip stitch and then another half double crochet that'll finish up our second repeat okay you want to do five of those so let's just keep going through that's gonna give you five little spikes on the top of his head or her head okay that's one two three try not to do these half double crochets in both loops and only in those front loops okay one two three four one more right here is our last repeat now chain two into that back loop slip stitch and then half double crochet one right here okay and into this last stitch or again we're working only in our front loop we're gonna just do a single crochet into that last one right there okay and that's going to be the end of Round six for round seven we're going to be just single it's pretty much a single crochets all the way around but we want to work in two special stitches there so we're gonna start by just single crocheting six and we're working into both loops now so one two three four five and six and now we want to work into the back loops of the stitches from round five so we see those little back loops there you want to work into those back loops and now it can be kind of confusing to find which one's the first one so the best way to do it actually I'm gonna go ahead and cut this little tail since it's getting in my way here there we go the best way to do it is to count backwards so because we know that one's the last one so if we count backwards there should be 12 of them so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and there's 12 we're gonna go into this stitch right there okay we're gonna just work a single crochet into each one of those back loops this is good Kersh a hook in the stitch that you pull it a little tighter now and we're just gonna do our single crochets into those back loops there and for this round there should be 18 stitches around and they're all single crochets so it's you know it's a little I think it's pretty easy you know okay this this pattern is pretty fun cuz you get to do a lot of different um either practice a lot of different stitches here I'm gonna do these mini P cards and that half double crochets pretty fun okay it's gonna be your last one alright that's going to be the end of round six or seven for round eight we're going to do a single crochet in the first stitch and it's kind of hard to tell which one's the first stitch but it's right here this is the end you see there's a half double crochet and there's our single crochet that's going to be the first stitch right here so we're going to go into that stitch we're gonna single crochet into the first stitch and now we're going to do a stitch called the bobble stitch I like using the bobble stitch a lot for legs and stuff like that so for a bobble stitch you're going to yarn over go into the next stitch go and pull through a loop then we're going to yarn over again and pull through two loops on the hook okay it's kind of like a double crochet start of a double crochet and you're going to repeat that four times total so let's do it again you're yarn over go into the stitch and pull a loop through then we yarn over again and pull a loop through two stitches like that okay so that's our second repeat let's do our third now okay yarn over and pull through two you want to keep this kind of tight now we yarn over this is our last repeat go into the same stitch pull a loop through then we yarn over and pull through two one of those got a little funky but that's alright now we gonna finish up this bobble stitch by yarning over and pulling through all the loops on the hook and I don't make a little like kind of like a popcorn thing all right that's gonna be a bobble stitch now we're going to work two single crochets one and two and we're going to do another bobble stitch so I'm gonna do this one kind of quick one two three and four and you want to do four repeats and we yarn over and pull through all those loops okay and for the rest of this round for the next 13 stitches we want a single crochet into each stitch one two and there should be 13 we'll go all the way around here okay and also if you uh if you're making this right now please share a photo with me I love to see if other people actually make my stuff not a lot of people share the photos with me and I just really like it so you can tag me I'm I'm at Louise loops or you can't act tag Club crochet on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook actually click crochets not on Twitter only Louise loops is on Twitter yeah but tag us or or just do hashtag Club crochet we'll find it I love to see it though okay and that's going to be the end of that round you can see our Triceratops is really really cooking now okay so we want to pull our loop out a little bit because we're going to add our eyes and our horns so I'm gonna start by grabbing my other one that's finished so you can see kind of where the eyes go and let's grab our eyes this is what the eyes look like you can also use bullion knots here in place of instead of these little plastic D eyes okay so the first eye is going to go into in the increase from I think that's round one to three from round three into the center of an of that increase so if you follow that right spike all the way down to that increase you can see there's two single crochets in that stitch right there that's an increase we're going to take our I they're just gonna place it in there okay that's where the first eye is going to go and the other eye you can see it's gonna go to the to the right of the other increase and if you again if you follow that last spike down you can see where it's gonna be so if we go we follow this last spike down to that increase it's actually actually this increase right here let me do it to the right one it's gonna be right there okay put it in there before we so lock it in we want to make sure it looks good I think that looks pretty good we can lock in the ends by just placing these locking mechanism plastic thing in Bob's on there one and I can hard to get that second one on there there we go - okay now his eyes are locked into place now let's add our horns so the first one is pretty easy it's going to go right in the center and you can see these horns have kind of a curve to them so this is the top and this is the bottom so we want to start by threading the bottom of the horn there and that's gonna go this end is gonna go straight through the middle straight through the center right there okay and you want to pull it enough so this little knot comes through the center it can be kind of hard to do actually get as close to that not so you can see it popping right through there okay and then the second half when a yarn over or thread this top of the horn here and the second one you want to go above that front loop so remember that front loop that we made in round 2 let me go above that okay and again you want you want these ends to poke through that's what we prefer is when it really pops through like that I think I made this Center a little too tight it's kind of hard to get that knot through there you go gotta be careful not to pull too tight also because it could break the yarn which would be a real bummer okay we'd have to remake the horn and that's no fun alright so I double knotted it there and now we can cut the two little ends okay I'm gonna poke it on out there you go and there we go we have our first horn on now we want two more horns one right there and right there so we go ahead and thread our ends here and I'm gonna start by threading the bottom one okay and now let's look at exactly where it's gonna be where the other horns are gonna be if you follow the eye straight up it'll be right above that like not one stitch but two stitches up above it so if you follow this eye not one stitch but two stitches above it right here okay that's where the bottom is gonna be and I could see the see they not just come and pop popping through there you want to thread the top of the horn okay and you're just gonna go straight up so make it a vertical horn like that okay I'm gonna straight up into this stitch right above it and we're again we're pulling through so that knot pulls through and then we can double knot these two ends we cut the end right here and now let's add our last one we're gonna thread the bottom first okay and again we're following straight up one two right there and then we're gonna throw the top right through right above it okay just need to double knot these guys okay there we go now we can cut the ends pretty close there we go now we have our horns and our eyes on there and we can get back to the pattern now look it's looking pretty good I really like the green that I went with here okay so we're gonna put our crochet in there pull it tight now into our next let's see three rounds rounds nine ten and eleven we just want to single crochet into each stitch all the way around so we're just gonna thread and we're just gonna single crochet all the way around it there should be 18 stitches per round and there's three rounds of repeats now and if you have any questions about this pattern or any suggestions for future patterns let me know in the comments down below and if you don't know what to comment let me know what your favorite dinosaur is maybe I'll do a pattern showing how to crochet it in fact this pattern is actually one of two patterns on Club crochet cloak crochet is the subscription service for crochet you get new patterns and projects every single month kits mailed directly to your door and every pattern comes with a free printable version a full pdf version so you can save it to your phone it's in full color with pictures and a full video every single pattern I come out with comes with a full video just like this subscriptions start at only $5 a month and you get access to all the past months worth of patterns so I've done things like a queen bee in the past I've done an anatomical human heart yeah and this month's pattern I add new patterns every single month and this month's pattern and kit are for a big brontosaurus yeah so I have a full video it took me a really long time to record but the full video including all the instructions for how to make this and then go crochet pro members which is a $20 a month fee they get the kit for this brontosaurus mailed to their door so yeah that's the kit for this month I'm pretty happy with club crochet I really like it a lot the site is that I mean the website is pretty cool I I don't know I'm just really happy with it it's really fun and I'm soon going to be coming out with a new series showing instead of how to crochet specific patterns how to design your own amigurumi including like little instructions like how to make this type of arm or that type of nose and how to go about actually thinking about your designs before you go and crochet it I've got a few of them written down now and I'm pretty excited for it actually so that should be coming out relatively soon and that's going to be for club crochet Members Only so gotta be subscribed to get that that content and that's gonna be new content coming out every month so instead of patterns is gonna be more of tutorials alright so that's my spiel there you can also buy that pattern on my on the website as well and if you don't want to become a member okay so that's going to be the end of our three rounds of repeats we've just finished up around eleven there so for around twelve we're gonna be adding our other feet so we're going to start by single crocheting two one and two now we're gonna do a bobble stitch into the next right here again so we're doing that bobble stitch don't forget you want to do this four repeats here it's the same way we did our first feet you know pretty pretty simple pretty straightforward so one two three and four I like doing bobble stitches I think they're pretty fun okay pull through and we're going to do three single crochets we're doing one more than before so one two three and the reason we do three instead of two is because we want the back legs to be spread out just a little bit more than the front legs easier for him to stand up now we're going to do another bobble stitch into this stitch right here I actually made a version of these guys as a finger puppet as well a long time ago but it was really hard to explain so I never wrote it down okay now we want to single crochet into the rest of the stitches there should be 11 more stitches in this round so there should be 11 more single crochets you didn't miss any stitches and that will finish up our 12th round we're coming up to the end now which is pretty nice I like this pattern because you can finish it relatively quick I mean I've only been working on this for about half an hour and you know they're kind of fun they're cute and simple to make you can add a little bell in it make it into a cat toy no no you make it with bigger yarn okay so that's going to be the end of round 12 for round 13 we're just doing a single crochet and to each stitch around so that's just gonna be 18 single crochets all the way around working into those bobble stitches and yeah yeah but I've been thinking about different ways that could use this I like that they are big enough where a kid can't really swallow it the kind of fun toys they're soft not like hard Legos so I mean I don't have any kids but if I did they would have a lot of crocheted toys I'll tell you that one day one day I will all right and they are gonna be spoiled with crocheted objects I'm surprised I haven't put catnip in one of these for my cat I should go I should do that okay that's going to be the end our 13th round here for round 14 we are going to start decreasing down so what we want to do is we want to single crochet into the first stitch and then we're going to do a stitch called the invisible decrease for the invisible decrease we're gonna take our crochet hook we're going to go into the front loops of the next two stitches so we go into that front loop and then into that front loop see how I like kind of looped it over I'll show you again when we get to our next one now we want to do a single crochet into these two front loops we yarn over pull through the two front loops yarn over again and pull through two we won't want to repeat that a single crochet than invisible decrease six times total so let's do it again single crochet and then an invisible decrease okay single crochet let me show you that invisible decrease a little closer here see watch my crochet hook here I like to go like down and up to make sure I get only into that front loop sometimes use my finger to make sure it's over and then I go loop around and up to get into that second one and we yarn over and just pull through make sure to do that scoop it's the best way to get under both of those loops you know scoop it under like that okay this is gonna be our last repeat right here so single crochet and an invisible decrease there we go okay now we want to stuff it just a little bit just slightly stuffy so we're gonna grab some of our stuffing just because it's easier to stuff it now a little bit and then stuff it all the way after this next round then it is to just wait till the next round of stuff at all aren't you using a few different kinds of stuffing here which is kind of funny okay all right so now on to our next round round 15 so if we round 15 we're gonna do an invisible decrease first so we're gonna go into those two front loops okay now we wanted to do two single crochets one two then we want to do four invisible decreases in a row so we're going to do four visible decrease and this can be a little tough especially because it's getting a little small now you can't really fit your finger in it you've got to kind of hold it sideways but we're creating a like just the tiniest little tail now and these 4d invisible decreases are going to be the end of round here I believe yep this is the last invisible decrease right here you should have seven stitches by the end of this round you should enough seven stitches now okay now we want to pull our loop out just a little bit so we can stuff it just a little bit more here and you can't really fit your finger in there so what I like to use if you have a pencil handy that's that's probably the best way I have a little chopstick here that I'm gonna use the wood really grips on to the stuffing it helps you stuff it closed okay okay just a little bit more you don't want it to stuff but you want it dense you know you don't want it to be loosey-goosey enough to squish but not enough to like keep its position when you squish it alright get our crochet hook in there alright so for our final round around 16 we're gonna do an invisible decrease into the first stitch then a single crochet into the next stitch then another invisible decrease and watch how I pull my loop out it gives me more mobility with my crochet hook and then I can get into those two front loops and then I can yarn over and pull through and then I can pull all the loop tight there and then for our next stitch we do just a single crochet and we finish up by doing a slip stitch into the last stitch right here okay that's going to be the end of that now we can cut the loose pull that loop through and we're just gonna sew it together now I'll show you how to do that it's pretty pretty simple and again if you haven't yet please like and subscribe down below I'd really appreciate it one two three really helped out the channel if you like what I'm making so I counted three over and went through and then I'm gonna count I'm gonna go one over to the right of where I went in and I'm just kind of I'm making kind of an asterisk and we're gonna finish up by going into that last stitch right here we're gonna go down through the bottom there's belly there tie it we could pinch that little tail let's like curve it up a little bit maybe okay and then we can cut this yarn close there there we go that's how you're gonna make a little tiny triceratop thank you again for watching again if you haven't yet please like and subscribe down below and you can click that little notifications button to get notified of new patterns Co crochet is also on Facebook and Instagram just look up Club crochet there and you should look for that little logo wherever it is and if you want more dinosaur patterns go to club crochet calm Dino and that'll you to where you can find both these patterns there thanks again for watching pasta alla pizza and happy hooking let's have them like charge into the screen
Channel: Club Crochet
Views: 3,084,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crochet, crocheting, crocheted, knit, knitting, crafts, how to, diy, pattern, patterns, hook, hooker, amigurumi, stuffed, keychain, earings, worker, doll, toy, cute, mini, miniature, baby mobile, club crochet, clubcrochet, louiesloops, louies loops, club, crochetclub, crochet club, how to crochet, simple, kawaii, kawai, dino, dinosaur, triceratops, trex, t rex, jurassic park, how to crochet a dinosaur, stegasaurus, brontosaurus, apteosaurus, childrens toy, kid, cat toy, cat
Id: FghEYGlfe9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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