How to Create Your Own Website with Squarespace (Version 7.1)

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hey guys welcome back in today's video I wanted to show you how to create your own website I'm going to show you how to do this using the tools Squarespace Squarespace is hands-down my number one favorite tool for creating a stunning professional website and you can create your own website even if you've never done it before okay so before we dive into the training two quick things first if you use the code sidekick ten at checkout you can save 10% off any annual plan and second if you click the link in the description below you'll see that I have a free Squarespace roadmap for you it's going to lay out all the steps and it's going to really help you in creating your own website so make sure that you click that link and go grab that now alright so let's talk about your website it's super important to have a home base for your business where people can come see what you're all about and also purchase your product or service your website is one of those core things that you need so I'm really excited that you're here and taking action on creating your own website so 7.1 is the latest version of Squarespace and they've actually made some fantastic improvements to the platform to make it even quicker and easier for you to create a gorgeous website alright so let's dive into this tutorial I'm going to walk you through the basics of creating your website in Squarespace so the first thing you're going to do is go to and you're going to sign up for a free 14-day trial so all you have to do is click get started okay then they will ask you a few questions about your business but I'm just going to skip these for now okay great and then you'll see a collection of gorgeous professional website templates that you can choose from so for these you really just want to think of them as a starting point everything about them can be customized for your brand so don't worry about that and also a big difference from the previous version of Squarespace it matters a lot less now what template you select on previous versions of Squarespace the templates had different functionalities so the template decision is really important now these are all actually one master template so all of them have the exact same underlying functionality so just pick the design that you like the look of most okay so I really like this one up here so I'm just going to hover over this one and then click start with null okay great so then you'll need to create an account you can do this with Google Apple or just your email okay so I'm going to do email and type in my information and create a password okay awesome so this is what you're going to see so you're just going to title the name of your site click continue and then they're going to give you a few instructions but don't worry we will cover all this in this training so I'm just gonna go through and click get started okay awesome so this is what the back end of Squarespace looks like and as you can see we're on our free trial right now okay so first we're going to click on pages so pages is where you control the links that appear across the top here so as you can see we have main navigation which is what this top section is called and then we also have a not linked section so any page that you don't want to have come across the top in this section here you're actually going to put under not linked okay so as you can see it says demo so it's going to start you off with a demo page but you can actually come over here click Edit and you can use the demo page as a base and you can just fill it in with your content so for example let's say I wanted to change this text I'm going to come over here double click on it and then I can change it to my text so welcome text here okay so this applies for any text that is on the site okay then if it's ever something different to a text you can just hover over it and you'll see this little pencil icon click on that and you'll see the editing options for that specific element okay so for example with this button I can change this instead of book a consultation you know I could say get started and I can add the new link in here okay then I'm gonna click apply and with Squarespace I will say always on these little pop-ups always scroll down it's not necessarily obvious but there's a good chance that there's more editing options below it so just put your mouse on the side right here and then scroll down and you may see some other options okay great so I'm going to click apply so Squarespace works in both page sections and blocks so I'm going to explain all of those so for example you'll see these blue plus signs if you click on that it's going to bring up all these different pre-made page sections for you that you can use on your website so this just makes it the quickest way to build your website ever so for example let's say that I like this section here I can click on that and it's going to insert it info with all those blocks all ready for me and if you ever want to remove a section simply come over here and click on the trashcan and then remove so again the blue plus sign is going to give you all these different page layouts that you can add to your website okay and if you come over here this was just our headline section so if I click on list I'm gonna see different lists galleries images so yeah this is what I meant when I said that they've made it a lot faster for us this is a big part of that okay so let's hit close so not only do we have those pre-built page sections but we also have blocks so at any point on your website you can hover towards the top of one of these blue boxes so see how within this page section there's this blue box here and then you'll see this little teardrop icon appear you can click on that and this is going to bring up all these different content types that you can add to your website so for example I could add a quote image video audio file I could add a newsletter block a form so this is really why Squarespace is so powerful because it's all built in and it allows you to add all these different types of content without you ever needing to know how to code so for example let's say I wanted to add a video I can click on the video block there this is going to insert a video for me and then all I have to do is paste in the URL from YouTube ok great so at any point hover over it and click on the red trash can to delete it and then hit yes so you can go through the demo site and you can customize this for your own business so let me show you something really cool whenever you see an image you can hover over it then come over here to the pencil icon click on that then click background and you can delete this image here and then you can click search images so we're going to click on that and as you can see they automatically have all of these beautiful stock photos that you can use on your website so let's say that you have a yoga business and you want to create a website you're going to come up here to the search bar and just type in yoga and there's going to be literally hundreds and hundreds I bet you even more of beautiful images that you can use on your website so you're going to find one that you like hover over it click select and then you're going to click Add to site awesome so already that looks amazing and again these are 100% free and you can use them on your website and I just want to reiterate that everything about your website is customizable so all the images the colors the fonts everything about it can be changed so let's click done and then save that's how you save any changes that you've made and another positive about Squarespace is that it's mobile responsive so if you come up here and click on this little mobile icon it's going to show you exactly what your mobile site looks like so as you can see it's all automatically responsive which means it's resized for your mobile view and yeah looks fantastic and professional okay great so click on it again to go back to desktop view now let's talk about colors and fonts so I'm gonna click back on home and then I'm going to click design and here is where I control my fonts colors spacing buttons any sort of aesthetic design changes happen here so I'm gonna first go into fonts now this is a new addition to 7.1 and that is pre designed font pairings so Squarespace has gone ahead and created professional font pairings for us and you can come and you can choose okay so we can do saw and Sarah serif and mixed and so for example let's go here and let's say we really like this one we're just going to click on that and it is going to change all the text across your website to this font pairing so that is so quick before you would have had to make font changes individually by different headings but now it's all done in one click so I love that go between these different categories and find a font pairing that you like okay so now let's talk about color so we're going to click back on design and then colors and again Squarespace has created professional palettes for you so you can click Edit and then click on this little drop-down arrow right here then click designer palettes and you'll see all these different palettes that you can choose from so for example if I click on this one it's going to add that palette to my entire website so as you can see all about the one-click full easy changes now just because they have simplified some things doesn't mean that you can't customize it in full if we click on the little arrow here you'll see we can also select colors from an image from a specific color or we go to custom colors and we can set our color palette here so don't worry about that there's lots more you can do here okay awesome so now you know how to add page layouts how to add specific elements and how to update your fonts and your colors now let's say you want to publish your website how do you do that first thing you're going to want to do is hit subscribe and you do need to upgrade to a plan in order for it to go public so you'll see here we have annual or monthly options annual definitely is a better deal and if you are an entrepreneur I would recommend that you are on the business plan or higher because there are certain features that you are going to want to have and if you do sign up annually you'll actually get a free custom domain included and you'll get one year of professional mail through G Suites so that's how you get that professional-looking custom email address and you can get that for a year free when you do the annual plan so this is the one here that I would recommend on annual and just remember to type in the code sidekick 10:00 at checkout for 10% off okay so once you upgrade there you will need to connect your domain or purchase that domain so you're going to go to settings and then domains and you'll be able to click get a domain and follow the instructions here to purchase a domain so all I need to do is click get a domain and then I could type in whatever domain it is that I want so this is what follows the dot-com so let's say I want YouTube demo okay so obviously that is taken but you get the idea okay so once you have selected that domain then you're going to come back to settings you're going to go to site availability and change this to public so once you do that you'll be able to go to your domain and you'll see your brand-new professional website at that link so of course there is so much more to share with you and so much more that you can do with Squarespace so don't forget to click the link in the description below to grab that free roadmap alright guys that's it for this video I hope that you found it helpful don't forget to click the link in the description below to go and grab your free Squarespace roadmap thank you so much for watching if you think others will benefit from this video please share it with them and I'll see you tomorrow with another video [Music] you
Channel: Louise Henry
Views: 61,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #goingremote, squarespace version 7.1, how to create your own website with squarespace, squarespace 7.1, squarespace 7.1 training, how to use squarespace 7.1, get started with squarespace, create your own website, how to use squarespace, squarespace 7.1 tutorial, beginner squarespace 7.1 tutorial, create a website for your business, how to get started with squarespace, squarespace tutorial for beginners, how to setup squarespace, Create a squarespace website
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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