How to Create Virtual Assistant Using Python | Creating Virtual Assistant Using Python | Simplilearn

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foreign welcome to the simply learn YouTube channel in this session we will create a virtual assistant using Python and name him Jarvis he will be capable of telling us the current date and time playing any video on YouTube and searching information through Wikipedia and do many more tasks but before we begin if you love watching Tech videos subscribe to our Channel and hit the Bell icon to now miss an update before starting let us have a simple question to pressure upon our knowledge and please answer in the comment section below and we'll update the correct answer in the paint comment so our first question is which is one of the most popular python library for WhatsApp and YouTube Automation and the options are buy vote kit tensorflow by torch or open ceiling you can pause the video give it a thought and answer in the comment section so let us start with our virtual assistant for that first we'll create a folder and name it as creating virtual assistant and inside we will open the python editor you can use any editor I am using the virtual Studio code for our project for that I will be opening the command prompt and writing the command code space period and press enter this will open the visual studio code and here we will create a file and name it as Jarvis Dot py and now we can start our code before starting let's have a basic understanding of our virtual assistant the basic function of the virtual assistant is to listen and respond to our instructions for that we will install three simple python packages we will open the Chrome browser and search for the first package that would be speech recognition you could see that this is the website for the speech recognition package we will copy the command and open a command prompt and we'll paste the command here and press enter to install it as you can see that it states the requirement is already satisfied as I have already installed the speech recognition package and you can also write this command in your ideally in the terminal there also you can install that so our first package is installed now we will move to our second package there could be text to speech Python and that is the version 3. and this is the website for that we will copy the command and again move back to our Command Prompt and paste a command and press enter as you can see that the requirement is already satisfied I have already installed this module also and our last module would be Pi audio so this is the website for pi audio package we'll copy the command and move back to our Command Prompt foreign and press enter as you can see I have already installed all the packages and if you face any issues while installing just comment down in the comment section and we will get back to you so let's start with a code and first we'll import our packages for the virtual assistant to understand us we will import speech recognition module and give it a name as AA for that we'll write the command import speech underscore recognition and name it as a now we'll create a listener and this listener will hold a recognizer which will recognize our voice for that we will write the command oh sorry because the name just okay now we'll create a lesson for that we'll write the command list now equal to a dot recognizer now we will place a try block it will be a question if a microphone doesn't work but if we Face any other app for that we will introduce the try block spray and an accept block and just write a command pass here so this means that python will do nothing if an exception occurs and inside the try block we'll use the microphone for that we will type the command and give it a name as origin which will be the origin of our audio for that we'll write the command with a a DOT microphone as origin now we will create a new variable and name it as speech and add a listener to listen to this origin for that we'll write the command now we'll create a variable instruction and recognize the origin voice and using Google API we'll convert it to text for that we'll write the command instruction equal to listener don't recognize underscore using the Google API for that we'll write Google and inside will pass the speech now we'll print the instruction given by us the instruction is what we are speaking to our assistant so we will print that and now we will write a command print listening so that it would show our assistant is ready to hear to us when we will run the command or we will run our whole project so it will take some time to process all the code and then it would print the statement listening after that we could speak so that our assistant could listen to us and respond to us for that we'll write a command print listening so if there is an indentation mistake now we will check whether a code is working or not so this part of code first we'll save it and click on the Run button okay so we got an error okay so there's an indentation error okay now we'll save it and run it again yeah we can see that uh our assistant responded as listening so our code is working as it can listen to us but it can't respond to a size we have not imported the text to speech module so we'll work on that now we'll write a command to detect the word Jarvis in the instruction as we are giving the instruction and storing in in the variable instruction so as we are naming our assistant as job is let us detect the word Jarvis in it for that we'll use a conditional statement first we will make a pole instruction in lower case so that we won't get any error and we can detect it easily now we have made it to lower case and now we will use a conditional statement to detect the word Jarvis so for that we'll use the conditional statement if Jarvis is present in an instruction then we'll print the instruction simply so now if we give any instruction that would be H always how is you so it would detect the word Jarvis in it and it would print the instruction and if it doesn't contain the word Jarvis it won't respond to an instruction it would just listen to it and ignore that now to respond back we will import another package that would be python text to speech so this is the package with the use of this package our assistant can respond to us now we'll create a variable and name it as machine and initialize with our python text to speech module for that we'll write okay there's a small mistake now now we have initialized a python text to speech audio now we will Define a function and name it as stock and we'll pass some parameter that we want to hear for that Define the function and inside to pass the parameter as text and write the command machine dot C is the function that would pass the parameter and repeat it repeat it mean it would could it would give the output so machine don't run and wait so every time we call the talk function it will say the parameter will pass now we will Define the function input instruction it will manage all that we say as an instruction to Jarvis so and we'll keep this drive block inside the function only now we'll Define I mean we keep all this inside this function now we'll create another function for Jarvis to include all the functionalities the functionalities that would be to play any video on YouTube to talk back to respond us back the date and time for that we will create another function and name it as please have this play underscore Jarvis now inside this we'll create a variable and name it as instruction and we'll get it then other function that is input instruction in it now we will print this instruction and make the instruction AS Global variable now we will add the functionalities and the function play Javas for that we will use the conditional statements and for that we'll write if is present in our instruction we will add some functionality to it let me show instruction okay so if play is mentioned in an instruction or the speech we give to our assistant it would do some functionalities mostly like it would play the videos on YouTube for that first we'll import the package that would be pivot kit that makes the automation of YouTube and WhatsApp easily I have already installed this packet so you just need to enter the command paper installed pivotkit in your terminal or in the command Pro you can easily get it installed and then you can import it now we will add the functionality and that would be to talk back the song name and it could say that it was playing this song so for that we'll call The Talk function and inside you can pass the word playing and plus the instruction given by us you can store it in the variable song okay so that will create the variable song and side we will get our instruction and if we don't want to just get it written or print the song name so that will reduce the replace function how does it work I will show you that so it would just replace the keyword play and write all the other words that is if I say Play Maroon 5 so it would just print the Maroon 5 and won't print the wordplay and instead of play it would just print an empty string now we have imported the pivot kit package so we'll use it here we will play on YouTube and inside will pass the instruction that is the song and now to check this first where Kohler function that is playing it underscore Jarvis okay here and return the instruction as the function is called in talk Jarvis also that is Page always and we're painting instruction two times okay and get that over time okay yeah and now we will add other functionalities okay now we will add more functionalities to our assistant it's real ID now to add more functionalities let's start with the command LF and the next functionality we could add is to get current date and time from an assistant so for that first we need to import the package date and time as I am already installed it you need to get it installed so that you can use the command pip space install space date time indoor terminal or in your command prompt so here we will add the functionality that is LF time so if time is present in our instruction or the speech we are giving to our assistant so it will just give us the current time so for that we'll write the command instruction and now time equal to date time Dot date time dot now dot strf time foreign which format we wanted we will write that that would be percent I sent um same p no spaces in between yeah and we want to talk back our assistant so for that better call The Talk function and inside we will ask him to talk back that would be current time Plus what would be the current time okay so we have added the functionality for the time and we will check it before we will add the date also so we should get the today's date also for that we'll write the command else if if date is present in our instruction so update Android date time to indeed time dot now let's try and in which format you want it that would be question d percent M that would be the month and at last would get it here yeah that's where I read the functionality and we won't as tend to talk back to us and what it would say that would be today's date that's a good talk back that it to us from now we'll add more functionalities option after that we will check whether it's working or not or if we have any other error you will get it sorted after that so we could just add more functionality that would be the basic grid what are the suggests Trend could do to us or make to respond to how are you for that we will write LF and if he listens how are you in an instruction so it would talk back to us and we're going to be saying is that I am fine and we would ask us also like how about you so I am fine how about you foreign like what's your name and his name is Java so he should respond to that so for that we'll write another command that would be as if and if what is your name is present in our instruction it would talk back foreign yeah and if there is an error move if somewhat Jarvis doesn't hear or we doesn't include Jarvis in our instruction so he would say something to us to please repeat the instruction or something so for that we'll write the command and it would talk back to us please repeat these are the functionalities [Music] yeah okay we are left with the Wikipedia we like search information through Wikipedia so for that we will import Wikipedia and for that you need to install the Wikipedia package for that you can search on the Chrome Wikipedia Python and copy the command from there and you can paste it in your terminal or command prompt and install it and then import it so for that write the command else if and what should it look like who is or what is so when I put OS and instruction and that people you know that human equal to instruction Dot replace first we are replacing who is from the instruction like it shouldn't be printed so for that we are replacing it and instead we'll just get a string that is empty string information Wikipedia dots somebody and inside will pass the human only and then we will print time for you will get all the information printed about that command and ask the assistant to talk back all that information okay School okay we are calling the function here okay yeah and if we don't want Jarvis to be included in our statement so you could write the command that would be instruction equal to instruction dot replace and what it should replace Jarvis from the instruction it shouldn't print the instruction like it should print that section but not the Jarvis in it and instead of that it will print just an empty string now we'll save the file and run a project Jarvis what's the date today so you can see that uh the date function is working fine so we can check all the other functions and we can check it one by one Jarvis what's the time now current time is 11 37 am Jarvis play simply learn playing simple learn Javas play Coldplay plain cold Jarvis who is Mahatma Gandhi mohandis Karim John Gandhi Gandhi October 2nd 1869 to January 30 1948 was an Indian lawyer anti-colonial Nationalist and political ethicist who employed non-violent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule and to later Inspire movements for civil rights and freedom across the world so guys you can see that all the functionalities are working with a virtual assistant that is Jarvis so with that we have come to the end of this session and I hope it was interesting and informative if you liked it please let us know in the comment section below also do subscribe to our Channel hit the Bell icon for more updates thank you hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn YouTube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn it up and get certified click here thank you
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 63,452
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Keywords: how to create virtual assistant using python, creating virtual assistant using python, how to create your virtual assistant with python in 2021, create virtual assistant with python, virtual assistant using python, virtual assistant using python project, virtual assistant python project, python virtual assistant, python virtual assistant tutorial, how to make virtual assistant with python, how to make virtual assistant using python, simplilearn
Id: PyDn2gU9DJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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