How To Create This Excel Expense Tracker With Mobile Receipt Upload From Scratch [Free Download]

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hello this is rainy with Excel for freelancers and welcome to the expense tracker in this video we're gonna be teaching you how to create an amazing expense tracker that is fully dynamic it's gonna allow you to automatically take pictures of receipts with your mobile phone and get them automatically uploaded in this expense tracker it is going to be an epic training we're gonna start from scratch a blank worksheet and create every step every line of code and every format and formula with you I can't wait so let's get started alright thanks so much for joining me today I really appreciate it if you have not done so yet please subscribe I create these videos each and every week for you and unique videos where I show you how to take excel to the next level creating real applications for the real world solving real issues so I hope you'll join us make sure you to click the notification icons bell at the bottom that's gonna help us out and make sure you get your trainings each and every Tuesday we launched them so I really appreciate you joining us in this episode we're gonna create an incredible and dynamic expense tracker it's gonna track all of your expenses and all you need to do is take a picture with your phone of the receipt that receipts gonna get automatically loaded into Excel all you need to do is add a few details and it's gonna save a full picture of their sheets gonna be displayed you're gonna be able to track all of your expenses by month by year it's gonna be an epic training and a beautiful application if you have not done so yet please check out our mentorship program if you love Excel and want to take it to the next level is fact especially in this day and age when working from home is so important you can do just that and I'll teach you exactly how you can earn amazing income with your Excel skills by creating applications that can be sold night and day all year around and I'm doing that in my mentorship program so you hope will join us for that in this last week of the mentorship program we created an amazing invoice application or we created a dynamic pop-up menu it's one you won't want to miss a menu like you've never seen before where users can create their own custom invoices I'm going to show you how to take that talent and bring it into your own application so you can create your own invoices and sell them on the marketplace so you can get yourself reoccurring them I hope you join us you can find us at my excel and learn all the details about this amazing program tons of students are really happy with the training they're getting and increasing their skills so that they can become independent and financially free alright let's get started on this training I've got a lot to cover so we're gonna try to get it all in in the amount of time so bear with me as I design this we're gonna take those first few columns columns a and B and we are going to make them for admin so we're gonna call them great because I want to make sure that will eventually hide those columns we're gonna put some things in there that we want anybody else to see the first thing what I want to do is I want to make sure that we have a title on this we're gonna call it its expense tracker and that's just gonna be the general name and let's go ahead and give it a nice larger font perhaps something like our Arial black and we'll increase the font something nice and then I'm gonna extend it over to probably all the way through J so I'm gonna merge and center those cells and give it a format so I'm gonna right click format and just give it some kind of a fill pattern maybe we're gonna go with this color right here and I'll do a fill effects so we do a fade down I've got a different format here on this one so give it a little bit of a light green color and the row below I'll do the same but just a little bit lighter that way we'll have a nice fade effect throughout there think and we'll go in fact we'll go all the way over to let's say calm and I want to extend this way a little bit we're gonna use a lot of that so we'll format those cells and then give this fill effects here just a little bit lighter using that medium color and then we'll do that okay great so I just want to fill that and that we can also unmerge these that I'm just gonna drag these cells over to extend all the way to let's just say yeah I've got a really amazing in this we're gonna show you how to get all the contents of a folder inside Excel you know listen we're gonna be that without VBA at least a portion of it without VBA and then we'll use VBA to refresh it so it's gonna be really a unique training something you have seen before and so I'm excited to show that part of you because that's brand-new we have never done that before I can bring in all the contents of the file folder okay so basically what I want to do is I want to bring in the logo now just kind of an expense tracker logo but I've got one saved here we're gonna cut we're going to do this really basic here I'm gonna insert a picture here and I've got a wallet here picture I'm just gonna go with that's something basic there I want to graph at the top of this will increase this one down there we go what I want to graph at the top of this something really nice and basic so let's create a background for that box so I'm gonna insert a shape here and I'm gonna use a rounded rectangle here and I'm gonna start let's say around D and go all the way to J probably down to about say 8 something like this I'm just want a very slight rounded corner here like this and then I don't want any borders on it so I'm going to say no outline and we're gonna give it a shape fill of white so that's good I'll put a little bit of a shadow behind it so it looks so it kind of Bray's out so I'm gonna put our graph behind that and I'm gonna duplicate that because I want a title and then I'm gonna shrink it up so I'm gonna put this title section up here and I'm gonna bring it up here and then I want to call this title section something like expense overview or not it's in white font now but I'm gonna change it and I'm gonna change it to black font so that obviously it's a actually I'll go ahead and change the background to degree and then it's gonna be there we go so that's good that's what I want to see but let's give it a title and something like a little bit of a capital probably a little bold so it stands out more so we can see it's gonna there we go and bold okay that's nice expenses overview make sure I spelled that right overview good alright so this is where I want our expenses to show up but I want to put a line graph over here so that it's kind of looks nice and clear so we can see an overview of our expenses and we'll get on to that graph sort shortly but now that I have that what I also want to some field I want to I want to know by year so I want to know I want to be able to select different year so we're gonna have different year so let's just say like 2020 or something like that and then this field we're gonna have different year so let's color that why cuz I want the user to be able to select different years from a drop-down list in fact we can just go ahead and build that right now the other data validation I'm gonna create a list here and I'm just gonna put in let's just say - 0 1 9 comma - 0 - 0 & 2 0 - 1 of course you can customize this I mean years you want but I'm just gonna put 3 years so now we could user can select between the drop-down list okay and then I also want some dates so I want to be able to use her in to receive so we're gonna put in a date here and then I want to type and then I want the receipt here also so the receipts gonna go in hatred so I want the total receipt here and then also I want to know the amount of course we have to know the amount of the expense and I want the category this way you can assign categories such as different types of expenses and stuff we'll create a small list for that all right so let's color these I'm gonna put these in in white here so we can see them clearly so we know the user is going to be filling those in so we're gonna go with a white font and then I want to put a border around them so I'm gonna right click format those cells and I'm gonna put something a little bit closer to the theme maybe a light here actually fill white and the border we're gonna go to the border something like a little bit light border just something really I'm gonna go with a very light theme here and kind of just not a dark color here so I don't put the dotted line on the left and then I'm gonna basically do the same thing here under the date here and then I'm gonna write justify these I should have left justified those also gonna format those cells to give it a nice look and feel this is where the user is going to be entering their data so that they can do it and will do a table down below - so that you can see that and then I'm gonna put the left border top and the bottom here okay so now we're getting to see our form and how these are gonna be the form slits I want this a little bit darker like because I want these five fields are gonna be our form so I'm gonna format those cells sorry it's off the screen right click format I'm gonna go with a little bit darker color on here I'm gonna put in an outline the idea is that I want these form to be into the user I don't have some buttons up here let's create those buttons we're gonna do a very basic button let's zoom in here make this look nice I want these rounded edges the same so we can do that notice when we shrunk it up we we want the rounded edges so I want those the same let's bring this out a little bit there we want them matching the top looks nice and all the way to the left okay good so we get a nice view now what I want to do is I want to create some buttons so again I'm gonna insert shapes here and I'm gonna use the rounded rectangle and then this time I'm just gonna use it really we're not gonna use icons today we're just gonna use something really really basic something really nice and that it looks good and we'll go with an orange because I want to really I want to stand out in this case and then no outline and then what I want there I want to push put ad expense so many's a + ad expense this one we're gonna keep it really really simple give it that kind of a flat design it's gonna kind of look cool you know something a little bit different and then we'll write just fight and then I'll make it a little bit bigger and then bold in fact let me make those that's a little bit too big but I'm gonna go I'm gonna shrink it up and I'm gonna make them capitals cuz I want to so we'll make it a little bit smaller I want it that big alright that looks pretty good and bring it down okay I also want to do the same thing I want to check for receipts I want to know if we're gonna be having receipts so there's gonna be receipts stored in the folder and we need to know are there any receipts check for receipts in fact let's not do this let's make a dynamic but even better I'm gonna make this green what if we have a button that has different text based on whether there's receipts or not so let's do that we're gonna have this is gonna be dynamic text but we'll just keep this temporarily but I'm gonna show you how to create a dynamic text because if there are receipts in the folder that need to be brought I'm gonna say I want this to say there are six receipts or review six receipts or something like that so we'll put that in so it's just temporary but it's looking good so far we're gonna put a graph up here let's start to build out our table now I want an expenses table here so I'm gonna put this house are expensive so I'm gonna merge and center this and then create expenses and I want all the expenses here so we'll have this a date amount type category and then receipt location and then I'll want to probably a picture I want a picture of the receipt right here so we'll have this all stored in the table down below let's zoom out a little bit so we can see that okay so we've got that so let's Center that and I'll give it a bit of a format so I'm gonna format those cells I'm just right clicking it's a little bit off the screen but all I'm doing is right-clicking and going to format cells you know how that is so I'm gonna give it a fill a fill effects of a lighter color basically the same thing what we've done using the same theme that we have going from the medium to the very light and on the top one I'm gonna go just a little bit darker so on this top one I'm gonna do it a little bit darker format the cells also keep in mind that there's a free download just with the links down in the description every once in a while there are some issues you know maybe I missed something in these live videos or something you never know and so but of course I always make sure there's a corrected version available to download and it's a free download just check the links in the description whether you're on Facebook or YouTube format the cells again we're gonna go over the border and so there'll always be a downloaded version for you I make sure to get that to you each and every week okay give it a just a basic border there we go so this gives you a nice and now we can color this just something basic so I'll go with a white background and I want to go with a border form the scroll absolutely let's go up here and then we're gonna format those cells just something basic so that we can get by and then what I'll do is I'm gonna put a thick border on here and then I want the top and the bottom here like that something like that there we go that's nice so we can really stand out we can really see it I'm gonna bring this down here alright so we've got our basic covered now we've got everything pretty much covered now we can start to build out the formulas and the formats and the named ranges we also have to add a lot of named ranges because I want to make sure that all the expenses get tracked and to make sure that everything is going to be synced completely and we have gonna be a really great formula that we're gonna show you how to bring those names or receipts into the formula okay so just add no fill on that okay so now everything's consistent so we're starting to build out let's see what we want to put inside this hidden admin area first I want to know if it's a fall to receive we're going to be loading so you can basically add expenses whether they're with or without a receipts but I need to know that because I need to know whether we're gonna have a link so I'm just gonna put folder receipt and it's gonna be just a true or false true or false something like that we need to know we also need to know if it's a new expense so let's just put new receipt and that's gonna be boolean true or false also also I want to know how many receipts to review how many do we need to read this is gonna help us build out our body text do we have four receipts in the folder that we need to resume do we have 20 and we have none I need to know that I'm we're gonna use a formula on that okay I need to know the button text that's in button text this is gonna be our dynamic text let's call this button text so what I want to know is I'll go through that formula shortly but then also I need to know the selected row when we select a row from this table I need to know so for example let's say it's 21 now you put you need to know that we're gonna highlight it based on that I also want some months we're gonna be tracking how much per month so we need to know the month so let's just put months here and with months here and the amount per month I'm just gonna use short names on these we don't have a lot of space so all you need to do is use a short name is just scroll down January all the way to December here and then I want a total here well I told all of the total amount here so it's gonna be basically equals the sum of whatever all these months are and then we'll add in those formulas once we get some amounts okay great so we want the sum of all of that so it's starting to come together now and let's color these so we know we can decipher exactly what what they are and then give us some borders and the same thing for here just so we can color it and borders then I'm gonna left justify this so we can see it all right it's coming together now we're gonna start out with some formulas and D but we really need some data to start with I've got some data actually I'm gonna put it right here I've got some data right here I'm gonna copy that data just some basic data I'm gonna put it right in here and I'm gonna paste it in here and then of course we do needs formats don't we so we need these date formats so I'm gonna format this as a short date and I'm gonna format this as an amount okay good it's starting to look nice together we're getting an idea and let's make this bolt so it stands out a little bit more control B will get us there let's add some types and categories we need some lists and we also need some named ranges too let's create a dynamic named range for our expense date table so let's do that let's just highlight some cells go into the name range go to the formulas here name manager here and go new and I'll want to create a using offset so we'll just call this expense date and then tab down and we'll start it out with offset and we're going to include the header but we don't want to include it in case there's no data we want to make sure there's no errors including the headers going to help us but we also have to go one row down and then comma comma count hey I want to count all the text I also want to include the headers - I'm one included but I'm Adam make sure we exclude it we're including the headers because when there's no data there's no air but we also have to let's just use a highroad 999 and then what I want to do is I want to subtract one from here so we're gonna count a and then minus 1 and then comma 1 that's just the column tab out tab back in make sure the dancing ants cover all of our data that lets us know that our formula is correct it is correct so let's do that now let's do another one for a mount so new and then we'll just call this a mount let's call it expense amount and then we're gonna tab over and what data we want will we want again equals offset and I want to start out in the header but then I want to go one row down comma comma count hey what are we counting we're counting all of the data including the header but subtracting 1 again 9 9 9 and then close parentheses minus 1 because we're gonna take one out from the header comma 1 and then any print sees tab out tab in make sure that encompasses all I ever dated great ok now that we have our data now that we have our formulas we can start to build out our graph here so let's do that let's start with some months I want to know how much in January we want a formula actually that's gonna total all these mounts but only in the month of January so how do we do that well let's keep it start we know what do we know I know this month one right now I know it's on Row one so how do we get that so what is the formula we're gonna be as renew sunnites equals some ifs yeah that's right we can use some this could be multiple criteria but what is this some range the some range is of course our expense amount expense amount that's what we just created an image and what is the first criteria it's gonna be based on the date so it expense date is what we're gonna be focused on and what is that it's going to be the first criteria of that it's gonna be greater than or equal to the first of the month or January in this case for this row and what is that the date of what January if we want the year we've got the year here f4 to make sure it's absolute comma now what is the month well the monthly r is january we can't use the word january we can use 1 which is the first month of the year so how do we get 1 we know it's row 11 so how do we go from 11 to 1 well we just subtract 10 so row which is 11 minus 10 is going to get us one now we have the month what about the day that's gonna be 1 alright great so that is our first criteria what about our second our second criteria is going to be we want that to be less than or equal to the end of the month so how do we write that well first of all the criteria in this case of course is the same which is expensed date we have that and what about the criteria for that quotation less than or equal to and the end of the month reviews eeo month for that again the start date in this case would be date what is the year same year and we're gonna use that make sure we're going to f4 to automatically absolute comma what is the month say month as before as we did in this case it gets gonna be row minus 10 that's gonna get us 1 and it's gonna allow us to drag it down comma what is the day 1 okay so we get the end of that month and in this case we wanted to meet number of months would be 0 so I'm gonna close that out now we have the end of month and now we're gonna close out our summits so we hit enter we see it's 25 which is exactly what we want if we were to change this to 115 we see that it changes to 37 which is exactly what we want okay great so we have our formula work and if we made sure we have absolute on what we need to which is e 10 to keep that consistent now all we need to do is drag that formula down to all of our months and it's gonna automatically appear excellent it looks looking really good we don't have any data for May which is correct no data in fact we can just change this to five five so we can get data in May and we have a total here excellent all right let's now since we have our data we can build out our graph our little graph here or a little line chart it's gonna be really nice let's go ahead and insert that let's highlight all the data here not including the totals yet and we're gonna insert and I'm gonna just gonna go for a basic column something really simple like this but I want to change the look and feel I don't really want it to look exactly like this we're gonna update it because I want to keep it very simple so to do that let's get rid of this series we don't need that'll just click the lead on that I also want to change the color of this so I'm gonna right click and go to format the data series and I'll just gonna go to the fill I want a solid fill maybe just something consistent like this green here would be perfect I want a green consistent okay now I don't also don't want this border around here so we can right click and then go to again format the chart area go to border and this click no line there we go now we got something very nice now I also want the total I also want the total what is the total of this so let's create some something to link this total I want to know the total so insert I'm gonna insert in this case a text box and I'm gonna link that text box to the total so I'm gonna put it right here and I'm a safe equals what do I want it equals the total and this is going to be this one b23 so now we have it now all we need to do is format B 23 as it occurence e because I want to format as currency nice and we can get rid of the borders here shave fill will do no fill on this and will do no outline on this one but I need to know what that is also let's increase the font a little bit make it bold so we can clearly see it stretch it out a little bit and what is this let's add another text box here so we know what it is just call this annual total annual total okay that looks nice and then we can Center this just so we get an idea of how it's coming I'm gonna also Center this one so they're both centered and then make this a little bit bold here okay now they're both bold and we just get rid of the border on this one I don't need a border on this very good now we got our format all filled out and we got our design really pretty set up we can add some more firm moves in here looking really good now let's see how do we get this I also want another button here I also want to duplicate this and just put save expense so something like save expense and we can actually add a check mark into here just like we do if we did it let's add a space we can do insert you know sometimes we have logos but this time let's just do a symbol something keep it simple let's add this symbol right here so we don't have to add logos okay good we stretch the button out a little bit save expense well it looks kind of nice all right and let's add title to this as we do save expense button and then we'll just call this one add expense button add expenses okay so we've clearly label our and then we'll have this called check receipt but okay good so we've got all our buttons labels so we know when we're gonna say them and now we'll just we're gonna only gonna show the save and the Attucks not at the same time so we can put them over on the top of each other I also want to remove this and format the gridlines so we don't want any good we don't need any gridlines just have a nice clean look excellent now it's looking nice and I'm gonna group these all of these together to graph everything together so we can move them all together it's gonna be very nice that way we can shrink them down and we'll shrink them a little bit and what I also want to do is I want to list out all the files now I've got a folder here of all the receipts let's take a look at this I've got a bunch of receipts here and I've also got an archive folder so what I want to do is I want to link this folder so to do that I'm gonna show you how to link the folder and all the recipients on how to load that so I'm gonna copy this folder and then we're gonna go down in to put that file folder in a specific file and I'm gonna put that probably in over here and let's just say l2 here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna also I want every single file in that folder so to get that I'm gonna use a special formula I'm gonna use the backslash and then I'm going to use the asterisks which is gonna do note every single file how do I list the files I'm gonna list of all the files in that folder I don't put them right here nin so how do I get that well the first thing we do is we have our file path right here in l2 so how do we get all the files well we can use the named range for that plus a formula I'll show you how to do that so into the formulas name manager we're gonna create a brand new one we're gonna call it list files and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to give it a refers to what is it it's going to be equals files what are the files it's going to be the files of l2 all the files of l2 then we're gonna use index to pull those and extract those out so click OK and click close so now that we've created the name now all we need to do is create an index equals index what are we indexing we're conditioning the lists files that system only created and what is the raw number we'll the row number is the index number right move the files go from 1 2 3 4 so we just simply need to number those the same as the row number to do that we just type in row and then open a closed parenthesis and then close the parenthesis a that's gonna get us our first look receipt 16 that is the same exact file here receive 16 so when we drag it drown it's gonna show 17 12 and 13 right below it so all I need to do is copy the formula and bring it all the way down here and paste the formula excellent except I don't like this ref so how do we do that we'll just wrap that in if air so if air and then we'll just go to the end comma and then just leave it blank or we can put it to 0 I guess and that's it so then we can close the parentheses so now when we drag it down or copy it paste the formula down we won't show that hair paste front look great so now we have a list of our files perfect so now we can take that combined with this and create our receipt image and put it in here so now how do we do that how do we show the picture well I'm going to show you how to do that with just a little VBA code now that we have the file now that we have all the files we can go through these files and bring these into our application and then show their seats and then enter the information so let's soup how are we going to do that well the first thing I want to do is bring those pictures in with just a little bit of VBA code let's go into the VBA code and show you exactly how we're going to do that so inside the VBA code here we did we're gonna create a module so insert a module and I'll just call this expense macro so in the properties we're gonna name this call this cost expense the macros not put all the macros right here make it easier so we can see them all I want to show the pictures and enlarge and I also want to show them down here under the table here in fact we don't in fact here in the patient location I'm gonna create a nice picture for us we don't we can change this actually to the grey font and show that and then format we don't need that let's put the picture in here so we'll remove the borders here and then we'll show the nine we'll show a nice making out of the left border here and then a right border and then the bottom so we can show the picture when we select on it it's gonna be great but if we need to get rid of this bleed so that's the end so we can just use the space and that's gonna do it drag that space down here so it clears it now we have room so when I select I want to show a nice picture here when I'm working on something I want to show a larger picture here so what we need to do is we need to get this information when we check for the receipt I need to bring this file before gonna start at the end we'll start at the bottom and work our way up bring this file into the receipt and display the picture really need to know how many receipts that we're gonna bring in I want to know what this button to say six receives or something like that how many receipts I wanted to display a dynamic contents of this button to let me know how many receipts that I need to review so how do we do that when we have a dynamic content that we want words on a button we can use this link it to a cell so how do we do we can use count a count the text so equals count a what are we counting we'll do counting all the list files what's that gonna get us for that's exactly what I want perfect so for so now we know this is for but if there's no list files I need to also count if it's zero number these are zeros so it could be zero so how do we know if it's not zero we should count those two just in case to make sure it's not zero well to keep out all the non zeros but I really want to do is once this gets down to zero it's still gonna count zero so we want to make sure that we're not kind so how can we do that I want to count make sure that we're if we're counting all the non-zero so equals if count if in this case just to make sure let's include the range what is the range here I want to make sure that we include the full range starting at n 1 all the way down or however long we want to go and then in this case we are going to use common in this case would be does not equal 0 so does not equal 0 then only then do we want to count this false otherwise just put 0 ok add the parentheses here comma okay good well I want to check how many receipts that we need to review so let's put in a 4 million here ok so what is the formula that we want to put in here I want to put in a dynamic text so basically if there's no receipts I want to put check for receipts if there are receipts I want to list how many receipts there need to be checked so we can use a formula based on the value what's in b6 so what is that formula let's type that in equals if and then b6 equals 0 if it's 0 then we're gonna put in check for receipts what if it's not zero if it's not zero then I want to list how many receipts so then in that case b6 and quotation space receipts to review so that way we've got a dynamic text now all we need to do is link this button with whatever's in b7 we can do that with a formula equals and then just click b7 and that's going to link it automatically so now it shows that we have four receipts to view so all we need to do is just make that font right again and bold and there now we have four receipts review so it's perfect so we know now that as soon as this changed when all of these get reviewed it's gonna go to 0 and this text is gonna change perfect so now we're ready to go in and add some DBA so we can get this working just right alright so let's get on that inside your VBA we've created of course macro I've just have one you'll hear no problem and we're ready to start out let's add some code to save him variables that we're gonna use to route all the macros expense row as long receipt row as long and then of course we're when you picture in picture path as string and receipt folder as string so we're gonna use those throughout all the macro so it's better to do bench them what's the first one I want to check and review receipt so sub check and review receipts okay so what this is gonna do is gonna check so the first thing we want to do is to make sure with sheet one that's all focused on so for this training and I want to enable calculations but that's gonna do is automatically calculate that formula that index for it's only gonna get calculated when we do something in VBA otherwise it will so lets dot enable enable calculation equals false and then make it true again that's gonna force the calculation of the sheet dot enable calculation and then equals true and then calculate that's gonna force it dot calculate okay let me show you why that is let's move one of these into the archive okay so now we only have three but if you take a look here in our sheet it doesn't update I need this to update let's take a look at this let's bring these let's bring it down here so you can see everything on the screen notice it didn't update even when I calculate the sheet formulas calculate or calculate now it doesn't update so how do we get VBA will help us update it so watch as soon as I bring this down and run this macro we're gonna see that it calculates so I'll bring this down for you shrink it up a little bit and as soon as we run this it's gonna calculate you see how those receipts automatically change to just three now so this codes gonna help us calculate it keeps track of the trim it keeps track of all of their seats that we need alright so we understand that so that's why we have to add that part of the code so let's continue on with the receipt code and we know why we're adding it now next up I want to check is b6 I want to know if there's receipts that need to be added is b6 zero or not that's gonna tell us whether we need to add receipts if be six that value is greater than zero then we know we need to add receipts so right so let's just put receipts to add next up what do we want to do I'm gonna run a macro of course to add a new receipt so let's just put it add new receipt and I want to make sure that we create a macro at the same name so I'm gonna copy that and go below this and just put in sub add new receipts so that's gonna create a sudden we don't have any code there but I want to make sure that we run that I also want to know the receipt row what row or we on the receipt I'm gonna track that we defined it up there or you see PT row equals what's it gonna call it's gonna equal whatever is in b6 dot range b6y b6 cuz b6 is going to tell us as we selected b6 is always going to tell us the last row the last row always because we know it's number three so as we reduce it remember this was four but we just moved one so b3 is always going to tell us what row as we added we're gonna add from the bottom on up as we each Adam we're gonna move it to the archive and as we move it to the archive it's gonna be one less so that's gonna really help us so we're gonna start out there and then we'll use this as the last row so we're gonna add them from the bottom up so we need that to add it so we need that row that's important because I need to bring in all the name I need to bring the name in that full file path I need to put it in right here so we're gonna do that with this trendy b6 okay so we're gonna call that the receipt row next up what do I want to do not want to make sure that we have our entire final path I want to add this whole path I want to we know the folder right we know it's this is the folder and we know the picture name here so how do we combine those well I can combine this along with that but I need to make sure that we don't include this pastures here it's important for our formulas we need it for here but we don't need it inside our large file name so let's get rid of that and combine them and get rid of the Astro so we can do that with some code so the first thing I want to do is I'm going to say dot range I twelve that's what we're putting it I twelve dot value equals why I twelve this is I twelve I'm gonna put it in this cell right here okay so I twelve equals what is it can equal it's gonna equal basically whatever is in l2 l2 because that's our long folder but not just dot range l2 but remember we have to remove that asterisk so I have to replace something so I'm gonna replace it it's gonna be equals replace and what are we replacing we're replacing the asterisk so comma and then the answer is here what are we replacing with nothing okay so now we have the folder path so and what and the filename we know it's in N n dot range and and what and in the receipt row we know the remember let's string this up so you can see it a little bit I'm not gonna need that we can bring it down here we're not gonna need that much so and and the receipt row we know the receipt Road in this case is three and receipt row alright great so we know that that so I twelve the file path is going to be again basically it's going to be this entire l2 whatever's an l2 not including the asterisk plus this that will build out our it's gonna put it right here a full file path I want to display the picture here in 2k and I want to get ready to put in the date the type the amount in the category okay so to do that we can just continue building out so now we're done with that we've built it out and we can say before I want to set the full two receipt to to I want to know that the receipt is coming from the folder so I'm gonna set a setting here folder seat beat form must be true so let's go change that so we know dot range b4 equals [Music] equals true set folder receipt to true we know that's gonna help us because we need to know where that receipt came from it came from our seed folder okay next up I wanted to run a macro that actually displays now we have the file now we can display the macro but I want to run that use that a macro for that so we're gonna remember called display main picture let's build out that macro so we can see it I'm gonna copy that again and we're gonna add it to here sub paste it display main picture so we'll add that in as well what else do we need to do okay so what if b6 what if there are no receipts to add then we need to add an else else in case there are no receipts no receipts to add then what do I want to do in that case I wanna hide I want to hide these rules I only want to show these rows if there's receipts to add and I want to hide 12 through 14 so I'm gonna hide that maybe even 11 through 14 we don't need that we don't need the too much spaces so let's hide those rows if there's no I don't want I just I wanted to look like this nice and clean right I don't want to show any more maybe 11 through maybe one other one so I want it to look like this I'm nice and even and make sure that we also size these buttons accordingly we don't want them to size with the cells so I'm gonna right click everything and then go into the properties and make sure that we set the properties to move but don't size with cells okay so I want to hide 11 through 14 so how do we do that we can just do that with one line of VBA code right here else dot range 11 and and what in the colon right and then quotation marks can't 14 and then of course entire row hit equals true dot entire row dot hidden equals true it's gonna hide them all hi rose for receipt entry we only want to show those more actually entering or seat next up I just want to put a little message box there are no receipts to enter or to relook input review to review let the user know there's no and then of course I want to set the full to receive default dot range b4 value equals false so why are we doing that while I was sitting at b4 to false because I want to make sure that we know that there's no folder receipts that are coming in well that'll help us later on we know what because we're gonna display receipts based on whether they're selected here or whether they're select them display them here and here lots of receipts display just so we can see them very easily all right next up what else do we have to do we're done with that little Macker so let's create some more I wanna what about when we add a new receipt we started that let's continue that right now when we add a new receipt we just need to clear some fields so with sheet 1 what are we going to do we're gonna basically I want to make sure that we show rows 11 through 14 we need to make sure 11 through 14 are not hidden we want to give the user the ability to add in these fields so we need to make sure that 11 through 14 are not hidden we can do that just simply by I'm hiding them and in this case it would be false so all we need to do is copy this paste it here and put in false unhide rows now that we've done that what else we need to do I need to make sure that we've checked to see if b6 value is greater than 1 then we want to show the saving next I'm gonna have the user the ability to save and next so let's duplicate this button and I want to give them also ability to go save and this one's not gonna be linked so let's not link that this one we use are going to be able to enter the text so call this save and next and then just give them a little air save it next this way they can continue to move through the receipts so we'll give them that ability great all right what is next next up I want to show that button I want to show that button let's get that button a name so we can clearly know we'll call the save next button if not range b6 not values greater than zero then what do we want to do then dot shapes save next button dot visible equals Emma so true equals visible else of course it's not visible right we don't want to show it if there's no receipts that are gonna be else make that invisible hide that shape but there's no receipts equals and is so false okay so we're just gonna basically I'm so right in to show or hide review receipts but and basically that buttons just gonna simply save the receipt and move on so now we're gonna show it now that we do it now we just gonna clear some fields right when we're adding a new receipt I want to make sure that these fields are all clear so let's do that right now let's clear those from what fields are they dot range e twelve I guess we have let's move this over so we can see what we're looking at here bring it down here and then we can bring this up here e 12 we have e 12 we have G 12 I'll go through these in a second efore teen we have G 14 and we have AI 12 let's just go through this and we're gonna clear the contents about clear contents clear fields let's review that double check we have e 12 we have B 14 we have G 12 G 14 and we have I 12 those five fields we want to clear what else do we want to do well I want to make sure that we're showing some buttons and hiding other buttons so let's take a look at these buttons I want to save this button here and I want to hide this buttons show in hide shapes accordingly dot shapes save expense button dot visible equals msot true right I want to display the Save button and I want to hide the add new dot shapes add new button or I was what was the name of that I don't remember let's just take a look also in the file we can store the files we called it add expense button so we want to make sure the add expense button is hidden expense button dot dot visible equals M so false so we're hiding false hi add new button make sure we comment out and then show save button that's gonna be Fred new and then I want to just select let the user know we're gonna select let's say e twelve select e 12 so we'll can write some code for that now it'll be at dot range e twelve and then select gives the user the ability so let's take a look at that let's run that code and see if there's any issues with that save our file first before running our code run that all right take a look all right that looks good all the fields are cleared out our save and next just showed up our we have three receipts to view save expenses so let's move this over and add that macro assign the macro and now this is called add and your receipt so we click that button it's been add expense alright now that it's working perfectly so it's ready to add new expenses now let's assign the macro to the three receipts to review so right click assign the macro and we'll call this check and review receipt so click on that and we'll click on that and it's nice now we have the full file path the correct file path here where you want to and we're ready to enter a new alright we'll click check and review and we'll take a look at that alright now we have save expense save and next three receipts to review we've already added the macro right click assign the macro recheck and review that's gonna get a sign there everything is looking very good we are ready to move on what I want to do is I want to display the picture I want to display it right here so let's write some code to display we now have the full file name so let's go back into macro and write the code so we can display that picture so let's write some code we'll scroll down here let's create some code to display that sub display main picture there's gonna be one on the table to that I want to display so we make sure to differentiate between those two with sheet one if there is already a picture I want to delete it so we need to check that on air resume next so just in case there is no picture what does that picture dot shapes and we'll call it receipt pic and then I want to make sure that's deleted anytime we add a picture I want to make sure that any existing one is deleted so we can do that and then on air zero that's gonna check as if there is no picture it would cause an error so next up we're ready to go I want to make sure if we're gonna display a picture we need to make sure that I twelve was not empty so that's the first thing we want to check if range I twelve dot value equals empty then exit so can't do anything if there's no picture next up picture path is equal to of course I twelve so we can copy that we just wrote it here remember we defined picture path as a string up at the top here we remember it's all the way up here picture path here so we've already defined that as a string so that is going to be the picture path next up what I want to do is I want to make run another check to make sure that that's accurate it's an accurate path otherwise it'll create an error so we can do if directory of picture path dot VB directory that's the directory equals nothing or empty in this case double quotes then exits up because we not only do we need a path we need accurate path sub exit on incorrect file name okay file name okay so now that we know it's correct now we're ready with what are we entering we're inserting a picture dot pictures dot insert picture path we're gonna insert that picture path and then of course with the shape range we need to do a few things I want to lock the ratio right so we can do that with lock aspect ratio equals MSO true lock that aspect ratio what else don't want to height and maybe around 350 equals 350 and then of course that I want to set the name name name is going to be equal to receipt page always a specific name okay so now we have it now we've set the name and everything now we can work with it once we've set now we can close out these two and widths and focus on our picture in itself so with dot shapes the one we just created you see hey what are we going to do with it we're gonna do a few things we're gonna place it where do I want to place it dot left I want to place it right around sheet one range K for a K for dot left and also want me the same thing with the top top sheet one range k for dot-com okay so that's gonna place it now we've set the size in the place and then then I want to put just in case there's an error bear always good on error go to no pic just in case there's an air to avoid some air so we can go down here just put no pic okay so we can close up that we're pretty much done with that we can run our code check for errors and see if our pictures display if we already have the file path so we can shrink this up and then run this code and then we already added macro for this one here we don't need that okay so and then run it here and then we just have dot left and we forgot the equals increment doesn't use equals but top left and top top does does use equals okay there we go now our receipt is nicely so now when we load our receipt it's gonna display this nice receipt that's exactly what I want now what all I needs you so the receipts display the user can see the receipt now all they need to do is enter the values and then save the value right so to put in there type will want to type and we need a category let's add some types in there let's just take this type here you can just put in three types let's add a list here somewhere on here it can be we can put it anywhere really and actually we can we can bring these out a little bit and put it in all this I'll put in our types here and I'm just gonna paste in the values here just some anywhere we can paste those values in okay so I'm gonna call these types and then we're gonna a so I also want categories two categories here so we can shrink this up and put it some categories I'll put them in here categories and I'll just copy and paste them and then reduce the duplicates so you can do those and then paste them in here all right so we have professional fees entertainment and then business okay perfect that's enough for now you get the idea we can delete these duplicates here so we have categories too let's add this categories and of course you can add your own and now that we have this I'm going to add some data validation here data validation list here and call this categories and then this would be type data data validation and then list now we have our types equals types okay so we have our type and we have our categories here and we have our mouth now what do I need to do now I need to save it and we need to save it we can also format this as us all right looking very good now all we need to do is write the macro save it so let's write the macro and save this now I want to use the same macro for both save expenses and save and next so it's actually gonna be the same macro that runs both of those so keep that in mind as we build out this macro back into the VBA code let's expand this you can see you can see more of the screen and we'll add some additional scroll up we got review we've got add new and down here we will put in a new macro and we're gonna call this save expensive sub save expenses and we're gonna of course we're with sheet 1 we're focused on sheet 1 we want to make sure that we have some required information we got it makes least make sure that there's a date here that date is very important and we also need to make sure that there's an amount so we need to make sure that at least e 12 and 14 have value so that's the first thing we're going to do just to check if dot range e 12 died value equals empty or of course 'if 14 equals empty if either one of those are empty and we need to let the user know so e 14 equals empty then what and mess box please fill in the required date this is cowboy date and amount fields exits up ok so at least they can at least they know they must add those because those are too important also I'll need to know is this a new expense or it's an existing or if they click here it's going to load the expenses so I need to know is it is it a brand new one or is it existing we knew that using we will know that using what is in B 555 is true well know that it's a new expense because we need to know the road the rule is either gonna be here the 21 or it's gonna be the first available row in this case 24 so knowing whether it's a new receipt or an existing one that we may have loaded above it's gonna help us so b5 is gonna tell us just that if dot range b5 dot value equals true then it's a new then it's a new receipt else else existing and if okay so now we need some so now that we know we just need the expense row is equal to remember expense rows been defined up here expense row as long evils if it's a new one we're just gonna find the first available so that would be dot range and we'll use D and then just use a large value 9 9 9 and then end Excel up dot Rho plus 1 dot end exhale up up not down dot Rho plus 1 dot row will get us the last row of the value plus one will be the first available row ok so we have the expense row if it's a new receipt but what about if it's an existing well if it is existing it's gonna be located in BA expense row equals dot range b8 Valley ba it's always gonna keep track of art and I'll show you how we're gonna do that existing Roah basically what's gonna happen is it's very simple if the user selects on here this is gonna change we can write that right now make it very easy let's add some additional formatting so I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna highlight these cells and we're going to home conditional formatting manage rules I want to know what row they're selected new rule use a formula equals B eight equals row that's probably easier bro so when that happens what I want I want to show something very distinct I'm going to set a distinct fill color fill effects I'm gonna do the same theme using these two colors as a little bit letter darker and then I'm also gonna change the font to light and to bold so it'll show up okay great so now when you use a selects on I wanna we'll add some code when they select on now we know the roads very very clear okay so let's continue with the save and then we'll load do the load after that so we'll continue with this so we can finish so now we define the expense row whether it's new or existing now everything else is the same right everything else in the Mac is the same so all I essentially want to do we won't use data mapping there's only a four or five fields here so basically what I want to do is we're saving I want to bring this the date down to whatever the row is I want to bring the amount down to whatever the row and you know the type in the category and the receipt so all five of those basically need to be saved out to whatever row whether it's an existing or new broke so new roads gonna be saved right here so how do we do that well just very simple we could just write some code dot range D of course that's the date and the expense row dot value what does it equal equals dot range e 12 and that's the date now let's take a look at a DNA expensive equals D 12 D in the expense row equals D 12 perfect so now what we need to do is write similar code we can copy and paste this for the remaining four to five fields I think it's a five total date so we have date E but of course that would be amount what's next the next one will be type next one will be category and then I'm gonna write in another one for of course we need the Racine e'en but I'm gonna write in there that would be the file path for the receipt because I'm gonna say that too so let's update our this would be e F G and H can I skip the rope purposely so now we just need to update these system be4 teen e 14 g 12 g 12 and then we have g 14 so that's gonna map like a map it's actually instead of mapping we're typing it out in this case but i want to only want to add a receipt from the archive if the receipt from the folder moved to the archive folder right not only do i need to take this receipt i want to put it into the archive folder right because i it's already been i want to i don't want to track them in this folder anymore these are only for receipts that we have not recorded yet that's how we can keep track when you still have an archive our folders here but i want to make sure so the first thing i want to do is i want to see if before is true if before how do we know before before it is going to tell us if it's a folder if it's a folder from the receipt remember that so we can check for that i want to know that so if not range b4 equals true that means it's a receipt from the receipt folder then it's a receipt if we could just put in a little note here receipt from folder then we can add it because if there's no receipt from folder we need we don't need to do anything there so in that case what do we want to do well neck is what i really want to do is i want to move it to the archive folder first we're gonna define the receipt folder is where is it located and the receipt folder we've defined that up here the receipt folder here all the way up here I'm gonna just double check on our you see copy that just to make sure I get the name right and I think I had it right already maybe folder equals what the receipt folder again is in l2 of course without the Astra's so we're gonna replace what are we replacing we're gonna place dot range L 2 dot value we're gonna get rid of this to get rid of that asterisk because that's gonna we don't need that inside the folder path and we're gonna replace that with nothing okay so that's gonna get us our received full so now once we have the receive folder let's move this down here we're gonna define this here so I wanted to find it let's get rid of this so what does 8h of course is course is the receipt folder re plus it's more it's also the archive folder right plus and so and to the archive let's put that in the archive and also the file name and what is the file name how do we know the file name so basically what I'm gonna build the link I'm gonna build this link right here this link right here so I want the original folder I want the archive name and I want the name how do I get the name well I know the receipt row remember it's in b6 so if I know that receipt row all I need to do is get the name from here in this case n 3 N and the receipt row in case n 3 that's going to get us our receipt name so we can add that name and so dot range and and the receipt row will just define that receipt roast off to do that receipt row so let's do that of course we have to do it before what is the receipt road receipt row is equal to very simply dot range b6 bro okay so we have the receipt route here right and b6 we know that that's our cero that's gonna help us get the name we need to extract the name and put that full file path down here into the archive so we've done that now we know the receipt row we know that's gonna put our full file path in column H that's exactly what I want I also need to make sure that the archive folder actually exists and we can do that with VBA if it doesn't exist we can create it let's cheat let's run some code to make sure that that archive folder actually exists if directory of what is that the receipt receipt folder and we can just copy this right here actually dot VB directory the same tell us whether it exists or not does not equal empty then we need to make it then make it directory and what are we gonna make we just need to make it right here just copy this and we can make the directory simply making that folder we'll do right here then make directory if it doesn't exist so make directory we'll do just like that then we don't need the backslash there make directory so that line is gonna make our folder create our folder if it doesn't exist so now that we know this it's created now what I want to do is I want to take this file that's in our folder I want to take it and I want to move it into our archives right I don't take the file so we can do that with just one line of code we can use named ass so in this case name and what are we naming I'm gonna do sheet one I want to make sure that you she was very important in this case the range I 12 remember that's the path that's the path the current path I twelve dot value ass right we're naming that that's the curve as what our new path which is inside the archive so that it's the original path then the destination path naming as will actually move it so we can do that how do we do that we could just say again it's the receipt folder and this time we're gonna include archive right archive and backslash and of course the filename and we have it already right here so we don't need to do it we just need to copy that and that's gonna move the file move receipt to archive like a folder all right so that's gonna move it over so now it's moved over and if we got the end of so all of this were only doing if of course there is actually receipt from the folder so these lines are just from their seat folder so now we can continue on with our code so what would I want to do is I want to check for additional receipts check for additional receipts so the best thing to do is to check again is to enable the calculations just as we did up here so let's copy and paste that code up here this one right here and then just gonna bring it down because I'm gonna check for additional receipts remember as we move the folder if we run this code enable calculation it's gonna update this right here this list right here is gonna be updated as we move the file out of the folder this list will update it and of course once this is updated this will change to 2 and 1 and then 0 eventually so we're running that code is gonna update that now we can do that if dot range b6 dot value does not equal 0 that means there's still receipts in that folder then receipts still in both folder to be reviewed and if and then else okay so what do we want to do if there's still receipts in the folder in that case what I want to do is I want to run the macro called add new receipt I want to run that and remember we're ready to add a new receipt we've already created that macro all the way up here right here add new you know I want to run that Macker again so the first thing I wanna do is add that macro what I want to do after that I want to set the receipt row you see row it's equal to of course it's be 6 equals dot range be six that's gonna be our receipt row always because it's our last row receipt row what next next up what I want to do is again I want to display the picture from our next receipt why don't do it I want it when I get ready I want to display the picture so the user knows automatically what is the next receipt they can see it they know what to do so I want to get ready so one again in I twelve on a place I'm gonna build that link again and we can do that I'm building that link and displaying that picture so we can do that right here dot range I twelve dot value equals again again we're gonna do that for a place we've already done it up here so we can just copy and paste the code the same thing right here it's the same as this code right here copy that and bring that down so there's no difference though so we're gonna create that link one more time and we can also then display the picture now that we have it I also want to set B for two truths dot range b4 that's gonna tell us whether it's received from the folder value equals true receipt from the folder okay what do I want to be open to display the main picture again display main picture I'm gonna run that macro one more time just to make sure that I got the name right I'm gonna make this small P and as soon as it changes to big I know that the okay so now it's correct that means I know that I've got the macro name correct cuz it changed automatically for me so then we're gonna display the macro that's that shows that picture but what do I want to do if there are no more receipts well then I want to basically write some code because there's no no new receipts in that case I want to get ready so dot range b4 is gonna go to false because there's no receipts be for not value equals false set folder or seat to false also what I want to do it I want to hide the save and Next button dot so we can we've already copied our buttons here so we can just update the save expense and add expense buttons and save and next these buttons here save and Next button that's going to be not visible so we can copy that here dot shapes visible right hide save and next cuz there's no more seats on it save next button we don't need that anymore what else do we want to do I want to make sure that we're copying these buttons here I don't like copy those down here so we're finished with those so the save expense button I want to make sure that it's visible and the add expense button in this case what we're gonna do is we're going to the save we're gonna make that hidden we're done with the receipts so we're going to hide the Save button and we're gonna show the add new button get it already show the add new button and this would be M SOC true show the add new button and then the last thing I want to do is I'm gonna hide these roads once we're done entering receipts I'm gonna hide rows 11 through 14 and I want to hide already hitting this button right the save next button we've already hidden it here save next false so I just want to hide those rows so we can do that we've already created them let's just copy those to make it a little bit quicker than me typing in it these rows hide rows I just want to copy that and hide them back again okay so hide rows we don't need those rows so we can now hide them and if there's any pictures here I want to delete them because there's no more receipts so on air go to next and then dot shapes receipt pic because there's no we're getting it we're getting it ready for the next one so we want them to leave any pictures that my dot delete and then on air and go to 0 ok on air goes there perfect so that's gonna hide any pictures we are done with that code let's go ahead and look it over it's a little bit of a code save expenses and I'm going to save this of course we're almost saved before running code and then I'm gonna copy this we don't need to copy it actually we can just go in and take these two buttons right remember we're gonna hold the ship these two buttons are both going to get the same macro so I'm gonna sign the macro and that's gonna be save expensive we don't know if we have a lot of macros and we'd like to copy and paste in macros okay so let's click it save and next and then we just need to finish this rtcp noe on there continue that check for any again I've got a noe I got a ribbon my variable numbers alright and let's check this replace folder this should be equals obviously equals if it equals zero then make directory okay not this not equal alright that looks good now we are done now we've showed the picture we showed the next picture and you see we've got one less so let's see how this works so what I'm going to do is I'm going to enter a date one to enter a type and enter the amount and the category and then I'm gonna do save and next perfect that went right ok nice I like that a little bit more code we're almost done here it's looking really good displayed the next one now it's so it showed one more receipt to review what I want to do is when I select her I want to show that so let's write some code for that back into the VBA and let's go into the on sheet code selection change so basically here worksheet selection changed if the user makes a selection anywhere from let's say D eighteen all the way through H and down if not selection D 18 all the way through what was that let's just go with H nine nine nine and I'll make sure there's a value D and range D and the target dot Rho dot value does not equal empty then what then I just basically want to range b8 dot value equals the target dot row what that's what let's just take a look at that and see how that's working nice okay one other thing I want to display a smaller picture here so we can see what it is let's let's add a small macro for that so I can display that smaller picture here so I know what the receipt is here let's move on let's write some code for that here back in the expenses and well basically it's going to be almost the same as this so let's just copy this and then I'm going to modify it call this display main picture and I'm going to scroll down here and we will call this display table picture because we can differentiate between the two bleh picture I'm gonna paste that in okay and then in this case we're gonna call this a little bit different call this table we want to make sure we want to give it different names and then gable table pictures so we can table receipt table pic okay so good and then of course of course the location is going to be different in this case I want to put it into I 18 so let's write some code I 18 update I 18 and now of course I'm gonna move it over a little bit not gonna keep it in the locations gonna come in this case the picture path is little bit different so let's write some code to do that first of all I need the row right we need to know what row we selected our rosy and it come from b8 that's very important so we can write some code let's write the expense row first of all if b8 is empty we can't continue on so let's write some code for that well change this to be a b8 because we need an expense wrote exempt e'en it said expense row is equal to bh BPA's our expense row that's gonna help tell us more file path is equals be a expense row that's when we selected now the picture path is slightly different it's in H and the expense room H and the expense room so that's our picture path so now we're pretty much the same so now we then of course the size are gonna be too big we can't make it that big to hunt let's just say 200 receipt table pick it will give it a name and then I don't want it exactly so let's increment a little bit dot increment left a little bit to the right so this would be let's just say 5 and increment top that's gonna put it down a little bit from the top and commit top all right and then what I want to do is I want to run this macro when we select right when we select something I want to run the macro and display the picture here if it's available so let's add it to our expenses here right into the target row right after I'm going to click paste that America called display table picture so now when we select it we'll check our code we'll expense again fix that spelling on that okay so continue on with that all right no more errors so now we have an expense route but let's we have too many pictures here let's just delete this one that's an old one we don't need that and this is an old one okay so now if we have pictures okay and we also have to fix this table I'll update that to table picture so now it should move over quarterly perfect it's a little bit when I move it over a little bit to the right let's add it's too far increment left let's make it a lot lot lot bigger there now we can put it in the center there all right that looks very nice now we can see a picture now we can save it let's continue going on let's add and more down here let's put one in July 4 5 7 10 and then the type business for the next receipt a mountain let's say 45 category give it a category saving next and we have one more receipt to go let's take a look one more all right let's take a look I think our formula only made it down to let's say I firmly made it down to 23 so let's update that well our firm only made it down to 23 so let's change this instead of 32 let's make this 23 now it's blank check for receipts and we just need to hide this button we want to make sure when we have never seats we want to make sure there's never seen so we're gonna copy this one make sure that's hidden if there's no receipt so back into the code and when we update the macro called check and review no receipts want to make sure that that's hidden dot shapes save and Next button dot visible equals gonna so false no more receipts hide that button no need to show that button check for receipts no receipts to show perfect ok great well that looks really good now I want to add in a brand new picture from my phone I want to take a picture from my phone and add it in so to show you that ok so I've got my Dropbox and here's my phone my live phone I'm using a power mirror to show you this and what I'm gonna do is on my phone here I'm going to basically take a picture using this thing plus in the lower right I'm gonna click that plus and then I'm gonna click scan document and I've got a receipt here that we're gonna show so it's on my desk here so I'm going to just scan it and I look at it just kind of point it's really good gonna click that picture once the picture is taken it'll process it and then what I want to do is I'm gonna select when you go next it looks right that's about as good as it's gonna get and then I'm gonna select JPEG I want JPEG so I'm gonna select that option keep the name the same click the check in the upper right corner now it's creating a JPEG and next thing I'm gonna do is save it as ok and save to receipts already there now it's uploading and now we'll check my Dropbox folder go into the Dropbox folder here and here's the receipt that just came in it's automatically here now all we need to do again click on the check for receipts now automatically it's here in my thing and all I need to do is add in the date that receipt that I just took it's automatically in here very cool I'm glad I got to show you this expense tracker it's been a really fantastic training make sure you download the application if you like it and also do a head go ahead and check out some of the applications that we have and also I've got 100 applications for just $37 thanks so much for this training and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Excel For Freelancers
Views: 138,248
Rating: 4.9128013 out of 5
Keywords: Excel Expense Tracker, Free Expense Tracker, Excel Free Expense Tracker, Track Expenses With Excel, Mobile Expense Tracker, Tracking Expenses in Excel, Excel Receipt & Expense Tracker, Track Excel Expenses, Annual Expenses in Excel, Excel Expense Application, Expense Tracking Application, Expense Accounting Softwarwe, Track Expenses In Excel, Excel Expense software application, Free Excel Expenses
Id: oCb8q55hpEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 14sec (4574 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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