Excel Budget Template | Automate your budget in 15 minutes

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hey everyone thanks for watching in this video I'll teach you how to make a budget template that will automate based on what you enter in the tracker show you how much money you have left in each category and will change based on what month you select in the drop-down list and the best part is you can do it in less than 15 minutes so let's get started I am going to ask you to take 7 seconds to hit subscribe and the bail notification if you do that you'll be the first to get notified when I put a new video out there which is at least once a week also feel free to hit that like button and in the comment section let me know how you found my channel thanks alright so the first thing we need to do is create a table that will be entering transactions into so adding headers is the first part I'd like to have these headings but you could probably do whatever you want to I add month the date the description of the transaction the category of the transaction belongs to a column for income values a column for debit values and then the running balance now I'll turn this into a table with alternating rows I'll do that by highlighting the columns I want to turn into a table and then select format as table from the home ribbon bar green with the alternating color seems to make sense for a budget but pick whatever color you want once you get the pop-up ensure that the my table has headers option is checked then stretch the columns to a size that satisfies you the next step is to add the necessary formulas and number formatting to the table to get it to do the most work for us I'm going to add the starting date so that we can build one of our formulas off of that I'm going to make the date format something that I like by highlighting column B and right clicking and selecting cell format here I can change the date format by clicking date on the number tab now I'm going to set up a formula and column a to pull only the month number from the cell and column B I can do that by typing equals month opening parenthesis then clicking on cell b2 then closing parentheses and hit enter the formula should autofill for the rest of the column since it is part of a table now when it entered a new date it will autofill the month for that date we'll use this later the next thing I'll do is add drop-down lists in column D this will allow me to pick what category expenses are in to do that I'm going to highlight all of column D but then hold down the control key and unselected the header now from the data table I'm going to select data validation from the ribbon when you see the pop-up choose a list from the allow drop-down list in the source type the categories you want with a comma in between each I'm going to add income mortgage utilities grocery and gas and entertainment the next step is the format column II through G as currency that's simple highlight the columns and then click on the dollar sign from the ribbon in the Home tab the next step is to add a formula to get a running balance before that I'm going to add a bunch of transactions to the list so you can see how this works in the simplest form give me two seconds all right so now that I have a bunch of expenses and some income added we can work on the formula to get a running balance it's simple actually I'm going to do this in two steps I'm going to type the actual starting balance and cell g2 now in the next cell I'm going to put equals sum then opening parentheses then take the balance in the previous cell and then add income and subtract expenses on this row closing parenthesis and hit enter you'll get an option over here to hit autofill we aren't going to do that for this part because it would replace what we have in g2 for the starting balance instead we are going to copy what we have in g3 and select all of column G then while holding the ctrl key down unselect the header cell and the starting balance cell now hit ctrl V to paste the formula and the remainder of the column there's a running balance you can see now that if I add expenses or income the running balance changes now we are ready to start adding the progress bars which will show us how much income we still need to make and how much we can still spend in each of our categories I'll start that process by adding all of the categories we want to track column I then I'll add a total column in J then I'll add a month I want to focus on and sell i1 now I'm ready to start the some ifs formula if you need more direction on how to complete the some ifs of formulas you can watch my video which is in the card at the top of this video or in the description below let's do an income first I'll type equals sum ifs then opening parenthesis then I'll select the income column as my sum range then the month column is my first criteria range and I 1 as the first criteria then I'll add the category column as my next criteria range an income as my second criteria now I can close it with a parenthesis and hit enter this formula will sum the total income in January now let's work on the expenses I'll type equals sum ifs opening parenthesis then select the debits column as my sum range the month column as my first criteria range the month as the criteria the category column as my next criteria range and then gas groceries as my criteria closing parentheses and hit enter now I should be able to just drag the formula down oops that didn't work because I forgot to change the months number to absolute I'll click on that inside the formula and press f4 to ensure it always has I to selected for the month now I can drag it down for some reason utilities isn't pulling anything I think it's because I have it spelled incorrectly yep that works now just change this to currency now I'm ready to start adding my progress bars which will show me how much of an income I still need to make and how much money I have available yet to spend in each category let's start with income first I'll click on the cell with the value in it from the Home tab I'll press conditional formatting and select data bars I'm going to choose green for income I'm also going to stretch the column to make it longer now when I'm still on that cell I'm going to click on conditional formatting and then on manage rules from there I'll double click on my rule now I'm going to change the minimum and maximum two numbers I'll leave the minimum at zero and since I expect to make about four thousand dollars in a month I'm going to change the maximum to four thousand then I can click OK apply and ok you can see then since I've tracked two thousand worth of income so far in January then I'm about halfway there you can also see that if I change the values of the income and the tracker the progress bar will update now I'll do the same for expenses but I'll do them in red you a budget 400 for gas and groceries you a budget $100 for entertainment I'll budget 225 for utilities and I'll budget exactly one thousand $23.80 for mortgage since it's auto pay and it's the same amount every month now I'll just clean this up and make it pretty by centering the month adding some sub orders and adding an outside border the coolest thing about this is sets every month you can see that if I add expenses for February and then change the month to two the progress bars will start over you and that's how you make a simple automate budget in under 15 minutes thanks for watching everybody hey guys how you doing if you learn something from this video you're gonna want to do a couple things first you're gonna want to hit that subscribe button and the Bell notification if you do that you're gonna be the first one to get notified when I post a new video which is about once a week I'd also ask that you hit that like button and the share button and then tell me what you learned in the comment section if you do all those things this video is actually going to get out there for more people to see and to learn from thanks guys I'll see you next time
Channel: Work Smarter Not Harder
Views: 695,645
Rating: 4.9570236 out of 5
Keywords: Excel Budget Template, Excel Tutorial, Excel Budget, SUMIF, Conditional Formatting, budget spreadsheet, budgeting spreadsheet, personal finance excel, budgeting for beginners, monthly expenses excel
Id: UAM1Ia5ZIp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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