How to create spikes, pits and holes in - Potholes, bulges and waterpits

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today I will show you just how easy it is to make spikes holes even water fill the holes and edit the terrain as you would like in Bemidji stick around to the end of the video I'll show you how to solve some problems that you might run into let's go okay let's start out by pressing f11 to open the world editor and don't be frightened by the world editor it can be quite scary at first but we are only going to use the train tools and located at the top and the round circle brush and this time we are using the raised height tool you can also adjust the size of the brush here in the menu and the pressure I like to keep the pressure low when you are working with the bulges and spikes and things like that to get it more even your terrain brush can be increased or decreased by pressing eight or nine a great tip if you want to save some time so let's start by creating our Birch we are going to start with a soft brush with the pressure of 7 and a good tip is also to start pretty high when you're doing this terrain stuff start by clicking and the Bulge appears when you do this there will be some uneven edges at the bottom of the spike or the Bulge you can fix that by using the really smooth tool and just evening out the transition so it makes it easier for your car to get up there if you don't do that the car would have will have some trouble getting on top of the bush now if you want to create something like a hole or a square hole or a water field hole we can do that pretty easy by using the lowering the lower height terrain tool now let's go with a square brush I think that looks better for a water filled hole or a hole and we can increase the pressure a little just hold that that creates a pretty perfect upside down pyramid Hull now if you want to fill this hole with water you can select the create objects option and water block and then just press one time in the middle of your hole now select the object selection tool and the water block and increase the height now you might run into some problems if your terrain is not even you see the water block is pretty huge you can fix that by scaling it by pressing three and grabbing the center node there and just scale it all the way down until it hits the hole and we can go back to the you see you have this one two three so let's selects the difference tools for uh moving scaling and rotating now we can lower the water block again you can do pretty much whatever you want to the water but I don't want the waves uh crazy ocean waves inside the water a bit so so I'm going to remove the Waves by setting the overall wave magnitude to zero now it's no waves in the hole you can change the overall Ripple magnitude to zero to have still water or a lot of waves you can also change the watercolor here if you wish okay let's make it green but to say it's not really green all the way that's because the water is too clear we can fix that going down to the water fog density and increasing that to maybe three also there's a water fog density offset we can set that to zero that will make the water green all the way to the top now the Ripple speed you can see the surface movement is way too high we can fix that by going to Ripples and expanding these three boxes and we can change the Ripple speed just lower that to like 20 maybe so there we have green water a problem that you might run into is this these decals and that actually run on top of the terrain with the asphalt 10th armac and stuff let's say you create the spike here and you want to go back to restore the terrain and do it over you press Ctrl set which leaves the decals hanging in the air and doesn't look good at all you fix that by selecting the smooth tool clicking once or twice and it flattens the decals they're pretty good and then it's all good again that's it for this video keep watching my channel and subscribing for more tips on BeamNG ere misleading
Channel: Beamng Tips and Guides
Views: 2,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng editor, beamng how to, bulge, guides, spikes, terrain brush, tutorials, water pits, Beamng how to, beamng tutorial, tutorials, beamng guide, beamng world editor,, how to guide, beamng mods, beamng car horsepower, beamng ui apps, beamng ui, how to move car in beamng, how to move cars beamng, beamng move car, teleport car beamng, spawn car beamng, how to guide beamng, beamng waterblock, beamng water settings
Id: Pl8nW5hkW6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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