How to create Phasing Animations using Twinmotion - An amazing presentation tool!

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let's learn how to do these lovely phasing style animations using swim motion right so let's start in SketchUp and what we've got is a big ground plane which will act as our backdrop and something for let me just explore it again there we go I'm potentially something for objects that come through from underneath as well saves us a section box now the thing that we need to do in sketch of first is to ensure that things are exploded and grouped correctly so we can select things in Twin motion a little more easily so what I mean by that a good example of the doors look at all the different objects and all that sort of stuff now that's great for for model and cleanliness but not for the purpose of this exercise so we need to jump in it and then explode and then if I just select again there's another just until explode goes gray so we've got the video when it's set but what you want is you want objects to be in one kind of Master group let's forget about the child for eign in swim motion and see like this kitchen here I'll just explode them first you want it all explode so we can just grab the kitchen in one hit in swim motion so leave it with me let me just let me just get the model organized and then we'll import into twin motion thank you so we're in swim motion let's just delete all those little bits and import the SketchUp file and then the key thing here is to keep the hierarchy it recognizes the changing materials which is very handy but if we collapse it by material it won't be grouped in the way that we we want it to be for the purpose of this this little animation so keep hierarchy and import now that is the reason we've also exploded certain things because the keep hierarchy would have kept like all the door handles separate so there's a quick little uh run through let me just now we just apply some material just going to go with the basic ones onto the box I'm going to use any Mega scan stuff and by the way just while I'm doing this we're not saying sorry we're keeping this quite simple the um the animation you know like the actual end result will give it a fairly simple just using the ground floor of this uh this housing project we could we could do the whole street I wasn't even tempted to maybe model some of the foundations and stuff like that but I'll leave that to your imagination What I'm trying to get across here is the the principle of using the animation tools like the actual animation tools into emotion they are absolutely the ward on the doors is quite nice that title do that's just let's just play with some of these and if we just just select something yeah okay see we have to work here that's really good I think we've got our materials done let's then just drop in some again just some basic objects just so we can [Music] do love the decorations motion so I'm still a little just a little play with it it's not the biggest house in the world I do know that I'll do for the little bit of decoration let's just pop in a h very very quick table there okay so that'll do us we've got our Textures in the scene's populated has broken down correctly okay so what we then want to use these little things called tools animators places right and the first thing you want to do is just decide what what things are going to be kind of animated at once so it's going to be all the doors the old the doors will be separate and all that sort of stuff so let's just say we want well of course we want our external wall to go first so select the translator and hit object link and then we hit that and then look at that it's so good um now that's set on a loop you can have it bouncing like that which is a bit weird or you have it set to once um and what that's doing is that's letting you know the the it says play actually if you own ticket it reverses it so that's a very useful thing to know and what that's saying is that's the when you hit play that's the result now in order to get in the right position you want the distance to be you know what whatever I'm going for three meters and that's coming from underneath so then I want you you sorry with play selected you let it play so if I just turn that off see it goes the other way so with play selected it shows you the end results and then obviously that's where you want the final position to be if I then unselect play you'll then see it it'll just need on the ground for us if we change that to 3.2 play that should then just fly past there you go let's just drop that back in and then the speed let's do one and then that's what that's what will happen during the video if then you want other objects to come in at the same time and in the same manner you then simply add the link the object link so what I want to do is bring in another one and I want to link in all the furniture I haven't put it in the bathroom you get the idea is it all the air the diamond still fall out there we go now you might want apologies now what I've done wrong here is I needed to rotate so let me just let me just break the link I needed to rotate the translator first let me just delete that all right so we still like so I'll I will leave that in the video because it's important to see I think the little things that can go wrong so let's just drop that back in so what I should have done was tools animated transluces I should have rotated this face so 180 degrees okay right then link the objects there we are so now they're falling okay nice good and the papers of doing that is I then want them so if I let that play go on once so I just let it finish speed one I then want that to let me just set it to like five just so it's definitely out the pitching you can see just so [Music] I understand it in just for the purpose of demonstration it could be more accurate with obviously the distance it's traveling okay so that'll do so then if I turn that off that's the that's the start and position now we're gonna take a view from up here right obviously they'll be on show that's a little bit of a a bit of a spoiler so what you can do is drag in these amazing section cubes like so and then what it's doing is it's catching that furniture before it's entering the scene so if I just do that you just want to scale that box there we are so if I then select that see the way they appear no way essentially and the position of that section box will dictate when they appeared on screen as well as well you might even want to do a little bit of a delay so I do like the speed Let's do let's do that quicker speed but the delay might want to be one second just to allow the other one too finish first and what we'll do is we will take a little test render just to see how it's all finishing and then we'll make tweaks afterwards so that translator has got all the furniture and then basically what we then want to do is just keep dragging sorry drag that in and then we want to link let's link the doors not the section View so let's just hide that section Cube okay let's do the doors and windows let's just do that let's do two [Music] you can see the purpose of exploding now as well okay and then you've got the option here for different axes as well you know which is good so let's just let's just let them slide from the right hand side a bit away with mentality so that's the M position and then just let a finish sorry once let's do one as well nice and then just drag that over into position again I'm gonna eyeball it in oh I can get that up there it's not too bad let me just go to that translator right and I just need to grab it's not too bad okay select it again template off easy start position here [Music] you could even use the section queue with a translator to peel bits of the model away as well which is good I'll probably do a little separate one on that what we do want to use is another section Cube here just so these don't appear too early as well so if I then just [Music] that once that wants to cover that [Music] okay and you can see them Landing here this isn't going to be here fact to be honest just just have up haven't looked it could have done a bit more thought on you know how how the doors are maybe maybe coming in from the sides and all that sort of stuff but I think it's giving it and then let's do these little floor separates and then we'll do the kitchen and stairs as another and then let's just render it off see what's looking like it's annoyingly it doesn't give you the preview in the video section of the media so what I'm looking for tools let's link that to the floor let them do that let's rotate and then link to the floor six meters once [Music] and we want the results to be like so okay and then same again last one we want to select the stairs on the kitchen you can see there the way it's giving me the option so if I just don't undo if I just hit six there that's how you do it more accurately I've been eyeballing it but that's how you do it properly right so oh is that in let me just link I didn't see that the little cover and a little entry light as well okay right so nice little thing to do is let's create two scenes and between the two scenes we'll just we'll just change the camera angle of touch and change the light angle the lighting angle the touch easy for me to say the reason I'm saying that is just just by virtue of having a video now um created it will render those um translators you don't need like a start and finish scene to capture those things let's increase the focal length quite a bit we want to feel like a pixel you got a bit too much it's got a little bit a bit janky right so there we go that'll do us maybe go a touch higher something like that let's say I encourage you to really expand on this because the opportunities are endless this is the way you can do like you can animate like a construction site like a steel frame going through the floor or Landing from above and you know wrapping the envelope and all I know from from the side it's you know this is It's endless what you can do with this you can see you can spend days waking it up that's um we're not going to use the path chaser if you wanted to make this more realistic you turn that on but we're just just trying to speed really for this one [Music] obviously we don't want any weather but you could animate um between seasons and all that sort of stuff that would be amazing and let's take some of these sides off with let's just do let's just do exactly what will no we haven't got we haven't got like a true ISO here a little bit of vignetting and let's let's pick like a Havens or something so we've got a little bit of something in the bathroom I'll do again something nice could be to maybe even show a bit of garden maybe even the houses adjacent to it or whatever I think actually that paved a bit too let's just go for something a bit more genetic that's quite nice okay now I just want to move the camera slightly to the right trash and I'm going to move it over like and then just create an let's see like 15 seconds for the Hotel and then on the second one [Music] let's just let's just do something like that let's just drop the sun angle a touch I've gone back in time there that's why so let's try to move it forward so really what we want is we want the first one to be that let's hit refresh and then we want that one to be the 11. that should then go in the right yeah there we go so the reason it looked a bit funny then was it was cycling through an entire day there you go a little bit of a little bit of camera movement a little bit of some movement just just to explain how you can utilize the few scenes what we haven't done as well is save our project phasing animation I'll give I'll give us a little preview they have to save them anyway let's export it shouldn't take so let's add that which can take on this all with the benefits of oven [Music] so then what we've got is something that looks like that now notice how it's done isn't it old it's done and dusted and the video is still moving along so I think what we can do is we can delay things because I don't mind the direction the speed the things are landing isn't too bad the shelving looks a bit touchy and so I think I think we can delay things so we can make use of the 10 seconds a bit better so let's quit the median mode and we 100 want the external walls to go in first but the furniture wants to go last so the delay I think wants to be let's say five seconds the delay of this say four seconds that one three and let's do the floor as as one okay let's then go back to the video in sorry let's expose it again and that showed me a bit more sense just just using the delays [Music] we haven't done the interior walls but actually it doesn't feel like the delays of weight either maybe just not the speed down let's just vary the speed as well foreign that's been helping save let me just this one wants to wanna what needs figuring out the law is gonna be delayed one second foreign [Music] let's just do one more animator translator foreign just chatting with all set to play Focus the section cubes are on it's a good way of getting a bit of a preview active hitting save now that wasn't too bad there's there's a bit more finesse to be had but that I think that'll do is just given that preview there so export we can see the bottom of the doors it's not it's not bad though I don't I don't mind it you can see probably doesn't need to be the 10 seconds either but you can see a use case for it can't you I hope let me just get the section box nail down the one that's coming from the left you can just see the bits of doors and the one above ah look the way it's tanned off in the in the scenes there's let me just turn that on hit refresh go to that one turn that on hit refresh that should do a job quick Media Mobile right let's not want to think is right and then this one just wants to just be a fraction low without cutting the floor out right see if we've cracked them almost almost the flaws just appearing out of nowhere is it a bit too much I think you get the idea anyway um using those translators on Section cubes and obviously grouping your model properly you can end up with an absolutely amazing little animation like that so I hope that's been useful thanks for tuning in I'll see in the next one
Channel: ArchAdemia
Views: 10,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twinmotion 2023, twinmotion tutorial, unreal engine 5 twinmotion texture uv, unreal engine 5 twinmotion, what is twinmotion, why does my twinmotion crash my system, how to make ultra realestic render in twinmotion, twinmotion 2020, twinmotion render, twinmotion 2022, twinmotion, twinmotion animation, Architecture, architecture student, architecture school, architecture tutorial, sketchup tutorial, sketchup3d, sketchup lessons
Id: 7nedjRC9gJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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