How to Create Hotel Management Systems in Excel Using VBA - Full Tutorial

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hi guys and welcome to 12 money when system developed in Excel using VBA alright so let me show you guys how these works now if we search we can select capital and angle remember and then we get the attention to the room enter the customers unless a name and we forever more okay impressiveness male 5 3 house k3 the postcode telephone number and citizen of the city medians within now she won't tell me who number where they have that and how long is she staying for this is can we talk about the outdated baby she was born 107 of the 4098 national insurance and all any other form of identification driving license click on okay she's gonna be there for five days and you can both be salty endlessly the cuddly let's applaud for the way you intend to add of them or you can convert it so she hit a comedian citrine which is called maybe five hundred Canadian dollars or maybe five hundred thirty dollars converted to Canadian they will get okay so what I will do now is to take you guys straight into Excel development environment football this together and welcome to tell management system developed in Excel the first place we need this URL user side I'm already in the side other URL if you guys need is to write down those other lines of code that would need in their codes right day okay from here down the instructions are there if you still write down you can always click in here and download the file so I've already downloaded if I let me show you guys the file and right here does downloaded fine I will now consider farm right-click and cracked they have the extracted file so then double-click on the instructed file this is how the extracted file looks like what I don't need any of the content here you can always click and you'll delete everything oh go to enable let's come straight to the developer come right here now why inside the developer I like to save the verifier here you can just click on import file export file data file I intend to export I'm gonna export is bright in here save does it done at now close this very file a because I don't need it anymore ok so I'm going to close that include this as well don't write in here I have the extracted file or exported file now going to import this file into my application Simon start by clicking on Excel start all over now I have my own warble copy 52.5 try that again file save pause now now save it into my own walk space right here somewhere let's just give it a name put the folder wait copy to toe day and this the hotel system okay now drop this down the light and Abel macro say hey that's my fire sale the next thing is you go into the developer tab if you don't have the Developer tab go to file and options right inside options go to customize ribbon inside customize ribbon make sure the developer checkbox is checked click on OK so commune here select Visual Basic now that you are inside the development area you right-click and select import if there's the file double ones taking the form and imported straight onto your system now that is the file double click on it there we go to file this right day okay I'm gonna close this you can always run this file and that's what you get but that is not what I need this file because I click on it ok to get the data and the file is updated all right what I need is farfel is my hotel management system so what I'll do first is to define the size of the form so in here let's come into the form and change the width and change with you let's go for will go for about 1020 that is my with riderless you guys considered then the height will be does 600 first day okay since I'm running and this is how the whole interface looks like if I click on any of these what would happen is if you just edged with the system that is how these climbed a design you see that okay what let's double click on the form or any of those buttons here are the lines of code that you guys you'll find right inside the lines of code that you can always copy on the website that I showed you those are the lines of codes okay you made some but I don't need it all alright that's in here I will now select all of these movies very calendar on the label that's just in self level is called help label does write it select it all and just leave it aside for now just for now pending when I'm redesign the whole interface okay the next now like to do is select a label because it I do need a common birthing only button there a label as a label there and this little asterisk available I'm going to now change border style of that label to border style single for the baddest one let's change the font size to something a little bit more pronounced make them worth maybe 14 for now on the weight of the content in there okay movies download with a little coffee because I'm I'll need about three of those for now so the very first one is a let's change the name of that to LVL codes did and the second one is going to be known as lb l ranks great and this is the last instant leonardo detail total date total number of vigil numbers good okay and this is going to be known us let's just call it big and total it right and let's just in turn may be totaled it in okay the first now like two days and I don't clip and this will go straight to the forum initialize and write it in here right on then the circle DL current eight dots caption equals four what does should it be the current day so you marching here and running okay the current dates right in there now what I want to do is when I click on any of these are like how many days the customer will like to stay in detail to be displayed year plan number of dates will appear in the Select to that you get the name of date and lighting here copy that of copy the name of the third one and here is your bills but we do have to have their own names the career named a teacher D 3 and so on and give value they are they supposed to be right inside a des spreadsheet is go oh we have discretion so if I run it I still have a spreadsheet open some more if you're couponing this you should be able to see the ads appear on the spreadsheet that'll be right there okay but that's not what I want what I want here don't click on the form load itself which job list button with us save the value to displace sheet I'm going to play face with the name of my checks so left but I doubt it little those I don't include a house value as method no I can we change out the corruption let's see if it doesn't work then you might end up using something else but less customers select it all and press less control page or you can just go to edit and replace and paste that in there dot caption right so I'm going to place it all it is 42 of those that is correct as you can see is replaced and you see unload me I'm going to get rid of all the unload me unload me great 800 I don't need us we're all of the unload me on daily climb de button is all deleted now if I run my program ran select any updates you can say tell me June so the customer here your shin with the string from the from and 11th of June and up to technique of journey okay now what I need to do is to be able to walk out I mean there's the customized thing in here so we double click on this just walk it out double click right in here enter as follows lvl total number of days dot function equals bit different yes egg - 8 + comma P date open a bracket LDL current 8 dots function and close that then enter a comma and subtract the follow the odd day they'll be lvl total I think it's alright Dave's dot caption so what is happening is a full one or let's see what have we done over one more bracket is closer if if we run the program now and that is today's date and supposing the customer and came to still up to be 29 okay that is the day to day we can always work out how many days a customized game okay okay and the whole idea that now let's redesign our own our interface and make it look more presentable so what I'll do is when you speed up the design of the whole interface okay now so here as enter couple of letters here on this there you go that would be this is how many days and cancel converting him call this and changes to it maybe a current data current it can't rollerskate of the whole design of these interviews and I will get back to you guys very very shortly because that might take some time the design of the interface is completed so I'm going to run the system for you guys to see how it all looks like this is how it all looks like we are calculating gear not dimension right now currency converter and this really beat that we want to gain okay for the date and so on and here we have cut my details nationality and so on or the other thing isn't trained may be the nationality we should just change out to combo box remember combo box and I should change this the combo box as well so you come back in here now get rid of all of this and just change them to nationality combobox less coming in there's a combo you just drop one of those here right and room number what they will do that telephone number so this would be window box or make the telephone number should be based on the room number or room number should be can be exchanged for extension okay number all right okay so we can even come back up to the label okay that would become a little cocky later on today alright now what else can we use a combo box for all about gender gender male or female okay now Google box as well what moon time we may still have to rearrange some of these because I talk identity time you're right okay what else come back here assume that may be a foolish one engineering Seattle which this is how is looking now okay all right so let's start with the coding Walter we have to we design us whole torn on getting some lines of code so let's do that now okay we'll start with the exits s double click on the entry and we enter our souls very good look at the lines of codes what if I run it now and click on the average so this is the Moxie to confine you wanna eat or not alright so that is the education TS now back into the system okay the next thing I like to do is maybe declare some variable for days calculator on to be right underneath option explicit right here with yourself okay right on the day we declare the following variables that is for my calculator and I'll be using these for my currency converter okay all right so let's climb right in here it is calculate to like a say dinner or maybe commented out calculator variables and here the next one is currency converter variables [Music] currency converter variables all right so let's come back in now for each of these buttons when you double click on let's start with number set double click on that if th they display that x equals 0 10 PX + + XS and it and then says THC display because number seven else CFCs take equal to HD display plus seven [Music] so that is the very first line of code for the capital taking clip just we're not copy dad's have a good look at it but it's exactly the same thing for number its paste that in there and changes to paste the fire running this is what you guys you see a contains our second and optimal so in today's India so close that strong in a double click for nine has got in there repeat exactly the same thing for now so I will now speed it all up for just the numbers on the capital okay that is completed for all the numbers the only one that is left now let's take care of the clear but interest so that would be for claim and now let's take it all follow this double click on there like the N caucus so go for test number equals T SAT stay just X now let's clear the THC display [Music] so that means whatever this on tht display is stored in P and then the total 8 oh the force plus they have the first one I'm going to copy that now coming a double click on subtract and change the operator to subtract repeat the same thing for modification to change operator to multiplication and [Music] right here division located same thing if the reason why we have a travel area is shouldn't a the sales assistant money need to add of that reading okay all that is left now is to Demeter than the total electrical phenomena it was 3 X 3 display dot okay II is over Tory pours the plus sign [Music] then I believe that mouth and self-focused coal results come back lie down there copy down go back to field hose again double click to make the end result equals 10 member just work [Music] and seriously display [Music] DuckTales equals resort and that takes care of the workforce 110 days so all I can do now is just a yellow base okay else if else is a subtraction and subtract as follows copy that so that will be for multiplication division and that is care of the calculator so if we're running [Music] when I precise include that Claire [Music] then we'll calculate or is taking tables so let's see the lines of code 4 equals L dough now let's take care of this y1 demo click on this we need to know the name of this component here so when we click on me the one place to become that disabled it was force so if I run it now click on it it becomes force cannot condemn work on these are ones and this will be a sequence I click on that very exit button there you to put out a little bit double click on this a great and the name of the other component itself just a the main game that in the name copy that let's go back to the basics make it clear that in this visible equals true so that would feel steps now get down so does the details apart from the combat itself now we need a news of this converter right here you will want ok let's come writing and get the name that gave the name polka dot and double click on the form itself more then enter the Foley so right underneath here one the phone to initialize dots are item so the technology to Arabic countries so let's say of country should I start with maybe Kenya [Music] close ones so which means when I want clean out the right day okay to that connector so that means we need to take care Kenya currency so let's be there for okay valid currency okay to your thing I need to do now is right in here have nationality so we can just get the main nationality cook again and go back into the form initialize so the nationality can be as follows as well so this way we have Scottie belt and just change it to enter nationality [Music] both of you nationality there [Music] good question just kick with nationality and the next thing is maybe copy all of these and just make them the nationality this world you can always start now - it didn't just change at the end okay all that you've done we also have one for rutile okay let's come back in you and I double clicked on one or cocktail click on the initialize to learn so you can there's a selection including you can close there [Music] right so in their own time you spent with three different types of dots are the clientele or single [Music] this [Music] you have double and we have family day okay we also have gentle so then just eggs I'll make the selection so we try not to make a selection okay selection right so in the case of gender male or female [Music] both odd going to be located she Belfort [Music] no mail [Music] good [Music] right so these are what will happen all these will be initialized to the program including the previous codes that we have from the program and my time is dead if you have a look be falling each line and to see right down here so if you're right this is what wait okay last single or whatever you want country for the gym and salon and she gender Dale or female we need to change the fonts idle okay what about ID type I'd attacking me possible to anything special about angles take care of that so as we need an identification for our customer right in jail ID totally [Music] passport then the other one can be driving nonsense okay driving Lansing's [Music] over pilot license [Music] okay what about let's say my number right so those are different types of identity to use please you know someone ability all right if we run it so with our hand entity and so on okay hey tej acknowledge entire database all right now this attempt is taking shape now let's take care of the currency exchange rate so else it first and you can write in here assume of this aside a little bit let's go straight into the converter itself right in here we can't are as follows so we enter the following lines of codes have a good look at it there is a car D or does the local variable okay and add a textbox whatever you internet vertex boxes then convert it then this exchange rate are wrong the comment has changed weight according to my research shows 400 clothes and that of Kenya as well thing about this one well you guys can always correct it anyway okay so let's take it down to that you see the rest of the code ready converter or currency converter a bit talk to you okay until at the end a great day all right let's write on you see what I'm talking about so supposing we select a country let's go for Kenya one commercially because that all right so let's fix that for all you guys see what's going on deck so drag this back to Kaaba I imagine you see you man each what so we run it they click on it close click the legs in gear there okay that is fine now before I continue I should just improve the size of those just selecting and increase the smoothness of the stream system [Music] no Doug Flutie [Music] sleep - great already in this room as well watson river okay okay now my god it'll be all right okay all right that is fun the next thing we need to do now is okay let's try and generate reference number for our customer great so let's double click on the form load as well so that we can take care the reference so right underneath here maybe right below dead dog caption equals let's evaluate and that will be the codes the Paraclete and let's go for 0 1 comma let's do for a so the random number is generated within 0 0 1 & 9 million closed okay let's go you can see let's see what happen so it does should be this will be random damage and alignment between [Music] okay I should do it they will do that that's great so that's oil sands number okay okay so now we know how to get that salted now the next nail should do is all of this just because not in sugar on details in the anyway right so the inside would be a little bit too small way less increase all of this font size you selected all come right in here and make that protein bold so that is five all of this okay good about days you can the other hand they only need to be renamed anyway so I'm just going to speed that up get back to you guys as people all the proper name okay let's take care of the reception they all have name now double-click on the estate and what we happen it because I have a lot of text box I'm going to declare a variable let's call dot txt [Music] controlled now so in case of these control menus for each 16 that is the name of my projects called klenda I just type out of calendar from [Music] don't controls so they say we've type name [Music] equal to AXT twisty SVG force text box [Music] my doing [Music] see x3 dot value [Music] was just played and he okay so that should claim the text box for me I see okay all right there's an arrow there somewhere always supposed to make fit to come back as one Commissioner should be [Music] Nestea that's ready to give the toy [Music] there okay and what about these text box laid out for me let's see what this one included a typical it for the front side was not changed okay let's calm lighting here and take care of the labels individually although we can repeat the same thing for the labor let's say a copy all updates available and you see what was happened that is my vision for now using the method for label unchanged this wants to be and you see what I'm talking about okay this is for the labels I just want to demonstrate to you that is not it's now wise repeating the same metal for play-doh so if I run it okay and I click on this alien thousand a triangle and so unfair click on label does click on the research as you are often all the content and labels disappears so that is one now using the same method for label so I'm going to delete that and just go for lvl where's the tracks that option equals flare so that's how I'm going to take care labels so let's go for lvl soft at all there Calvillo guilt on today so let's pick them up okay that is how it looks now but I mean in the case of this reference reference number think I should change that to reference really so if I want let me run it on you see what I'm talking about you are not click on restate that goes so let's come into the form initialize weight is 3 as the reference you can just copy objects and come back in here double click on that I'll kill that right into index so they'll just generate a new reference for me so let's try it out the game reset your f and generated for new customer okay dot it's fine just be before I forget I need to change the font size of this you think inside a make that so thing right that's fine okay the next we're gonna need to do this the paint all the room size room number row type let's see where this will time yeah that is one number no they should be won't talk okay one a chalice changes to through time and now generally you know we actually need room number and roll type so we missing out we need one more component there okay umma number and bloom time so here are the comes yeah we'll divide that into two okay so if we [Music] if you run its let's say we number and we type now I think we should just enter another one there remove the nationality down I might as well do that with nationality without to join maybe somewhere here right we okay there we to design so I'm just gonna spit I hope I will now come in here and change one entertain all right so this will come up here or darling all right yes okay this is how the interface students now but now enough I will type here but I now need to look hotter to report later on so we'll double click on that now come right down here so instead of this becoming that I'm going to change it to Google time equals as follows this copy days of the world time to be select a room and this is select room green number [Music] okay and room numbers will be as follows there's one no less - okay there is one we will do it - to redo a play okay just four words are lost for you guys can always populated as you like everyone not there five plus four and five spray so fun okay then now but blood which a Muslim the room type was not something less gender the double-pointed double and family [Music] family room [Music] okay now the next thing we want to do is if we sell a room number I like that to automatically diversely extension to the room okay so that is extension of our misschien extension so double-click on this and come by down in a vision and a statement if ol number dot txt it was the one going with the traction it was a sadist tension is 1 1 0 2 1 3 else Oh Steve [Music] both if it is a and expansion becomes days and so on if so you should be 3 and this is 3 that's 4 five [Music] so that's for the other room extension number so the three ones now our customer props in the ones that one good number happens to be that attention that the extension number so all that you stored in D on the spreadsheet okay so that is fine bit of Batum song okay ID type right Edwige okay now let's try do the calculation double-click from this form and right here right underneath here a global variable also known as option explicit I will declare as false being single can go home where they asked double [Music] okay now then double room [Music] I'll double and the family table as well so all of these three variables that are declared readable variables I will then have a value to them in here let's come right inside total here so right there [Music] so five value escaped to the bed and that is equals I say 55 times 40 and this one is [Music] seven to six 20 and finally of course ninety-five point a Newton coming the LSU subtotal facade subtotal the function equals the second a single x tell me wrong okay the name of that was funny okay nobody's home [Music] [Music] good point [Music] don't option there future that's just to try it like things let's say we have room tonight single and who selected a date and everything else click and that is me positive for 18 days now say that is funny now imagine yourself a statement in there so women to do is AJ and use a new type of egg dot text equals single then this is what I want the system to do I want all this calculation to take place and now we also need the engine for the total we need one for sub two it also four times that is for just single then this is less changes when to total and suppose and right mm controls item double right I can't equals as go for [Music] 0.85 so in here multiply all of that [Music] multiplied by I toss and then divide by 100 okay will declare another variable the tweet with the people scatter and here is just tough let's just toss this and do and due to a lot [Music] okay that is for symbol let's run it and see who selects one time remember and like are they check that out that is what they get okay guys now I'm gonna a trick come right in here selected cool now let's use elseif if you double [Music] ten for all happiness this will be double as well shows is again it's family [Music] and these will family year's World Sports three which will be able to tidy it all okay Emily [Music] and this we don't Oh yes okay we also need to form a daze let's swim out - let's try - absolutely okay to start it the double room and move number four for how many days each other out yay okay that is fine now let's convert a lot Easter pants were here and right underneath here subtotal for clear [Music] that's what oil tone and soft water [Music] okay so we're taking care of the calculation there inside to tell us everything inside toto [Music] okay now use me to do something in sight auto or light to be able to add keep the record of every day's transaction keep it inside the spreadsheet so if you can talk a name Davis is called boring address [Music] don't we and I 19 email address Jeannie dot-com another mother [Music] nationality let's say cheering and one type family will do five and so on and out here for 13 days and came 1,000 plus 30 proof of ID date of death [Music] right okay if I want I can convert this to my let's say I have this I like to get it converted to go Canadian don't do everything one of the feelings when I click on total fear I would like you to display everything on the spreadsheet or maybe we just create another button animal you like me okay hello stabilize an imperative but one thing if I click on this you see the content of today I should be able to credit or let's take a document this is just mostly tried in the obsession animal totally calm down and what will the name then you will know the names credit option copy dot filter to me and Claire then there's a text box there as well yeah ok it was clear what about it Google Docs Google Docs in the floss place let's change that to text this company should be able to tell select I'll select an item that's what it came both box you see so that it's funny so call that again [Music] to take care of the spreadsheet and in here okay because I'd like to display all of these information and the spreadsheet let's do this first get it spreadsheet out there we go that is fresh it and from here so right here I'll have my reference number I would customers reference followed by first name so name [Music] dress go smooth [Music] customer over the moon I'm just gonna speed up okay this is how it looks now entered all of the data in here let's select it all and just make it hold they'll go online so minimize that I'll come down here let's run the program and see how this one chick first inside total double-click on total and right down here I've also entered our souls from here down those are the lines of codes these lines of crucially add all the data on to the spreadsheet okay except maybe we should put it on a different come on bottom I don't know for now let's try it out the state name a salary sorry joint and a choice [Music] making money Kings with London and postcode KK 98 email address slowly and 412 mobile number nationality and okay single one number number for how long as you say for general female date of death my chain say 53 okay ID number Shania and combine that with all the information will come from so it's very pretty all of this information of pathology but now let's check out our spreadsheet with all this information and there okay let's drop this aside there were those Silas information added that opposes chains falling through someone else repeated itself rocks and undress twelve [Music] lucky London Road box London Road maybe changes all right fine send the telephone number and changes to something as NJ and Nationality at this time maybe is making a Canadian okay driving license all right and yeah let's go for mine zero one two thousand thirty two thousand single one but a maybe double remember okay so this guy will lie to me yeah and now calculate this will be dancer areas country if I heat that the total day okay guys I think it's good but not already taught always have everything supposing you have to I think it's alright yeah okay I think I'm going straight to for this alive eighties I can always create one more button yeah just a bit to open up this spreadsheet maybe we should do that okay the first thing I'll do is near hard one what's in here let's come in here nod and reduce the font of this mr. two three team okay at this point embracement say that's 24 those copies one there will be known look at this would be known as open D including that will open the spreadsheet and Clinton tonight oh my we said and open okay well that is fine now you want to open the spreadsheet if we double click on that so right in here we can always say application without the visible let's make dance to posture right there against a mean dog tied day in fuel burning now as they make sure what a vessel say open there we go so let's minimize these who try it again we run the program again okay make sure the other one is minimized with it okay I will click on open there you go all right and maybe we need another poor thing to return back to to the program cells were able to add a button somewhere okay so what we need to do is just come in here now then you know how to add coming to inflate without a model here I do and let's declare as follows so right here face Bob I'm gonna call it w5 and just the application the visible equals force the right here it's mean to be the name of my fault without show here we go all right now for this to work we have to add the button to the spreadsheet here let's come right down here and just look for the thing that's about them here and put them back in here another both of them called is hidding motto say okay day so if i click the open block there you go guys you see how that works that is brilliant yes this is mattress buried outlaws all right brilliant so let's do back in the end you'll see that opening okay back in a let's give it a proper name okay to make them click edit text so i don't know what colleges call it back to tell that snippet down there so if I work now that brings me back me and then in turn our custom articles in yella say maybe Tom Tom story not whatever more on addresses [Music] good what number ping pongs Road post would JJ email G note [Music] uber number nationality let's say Filipinos you today and to roam the art email database 18 590 okay now enter nationals right so they need to do is now that we have all of those all of those information click on that and that is the cause of your 12 so let's see it and a spreadsheet there we go right see how that you can guys that is brilliant but the youto tell back to the YouTube so we got guys on a call the end of this tutorial I suppose you guys enjoy and you please subscribe you all have a nice day now bye for now
Channel: DJ Oamen
Views: 61,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Create Hotel Management Systems in Excel Using VBA, Create Hotel Management Systems in Excel Using VBA, Hotel Management Systems in Excel Using VBA, Hotel Management Systems in Excel, How to Create Hotel Management Systems in Excel, Hotel Management Systems
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 4sec (4684 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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